MVLIC SHIER***; %£STf1EU3,N,'l.. p-ylJI .«#• Town Council Meets Tuesday THEWESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 I'M. THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 13 Every Thursday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1970 Wcstflelil, .N. J. 28 Pages—10 Cents To Begin Sex Ed. Racial Balance Aim Local Democrats Win Two Course Monday of School Officials More Town Council Seats Fami.y living-sex education programs will begin Monday in all but Proposals to achieve a black student enrollment of less Uvan 25 per ihrceWestfie.d elementary school. <,ent in any one school are being studied by members of (lie Westfieid enlL'J IhfLL' st'jls on !fiLi Westfieid lhis announcement was on an agenda scheduled to be approved at school staff, George A. Plenty, vice president, was scheduled to announce Town Council when it reorganizes last nights meeting of the Board of Education. The Leader went to press at a meeting of the Board of Education last night. The Leader was in- prior to the session, but items on the board's printed agenda generally in Jumiury. lioih soulliside wards : formed of the announcement just prior to press time yesterday. elected Dtmuci us in Tuesday's are acted upon favorably by [he Westfieid and 22 other New Jer- board. elcclion, the third ward casting a sey communities remain under the plurality of 5:I:I w.vs for Cliarlos The three schools exempted from jurisdiction of the State Education Monday's starting dale are the Elm Harris ar.d the fourlh ward, in a Department in its efforts to achieve closer contest, viiiin;; in Jo-hn ,1. Street, Washington and Jefferson Shoplifting - a Major racial balance pending staff visita- Schools, where the program report- Tucker by 123 talk's. Losing the tion and evaluation. contests were t«u Republicans, also edly will begin Nov. 30. In his statement last night, Mr. 1 The proposed initiation of a cur- newcomers to tin local polilie;'! Problem In Westfieid Plenty was expected to emphasize scene, Wayne G. [lanscn 'Ward 3) riculum modified by the board since that the school board does not coa and David K. (,'tllins (Ward 4>. its original introduction two years Citing an "alarming increase in realize," he said, "is that the 'expe- sider any changes in school buiW- ago has been the subject of contro- n In a closer I ten normal vote, tho the incidents of shoplifting among rience' multiplied by the number of i 2 population during the current incumbent Republican first, ward versy here. Introduction of State young people," the Retail Division youngsters who visit the stores in school year, and thai the board is councilman, Dona A. Snyder, won legislation banning sex education in 0( the Weslfield Area "Chamber of Westfieid could well put a small "strongly oriented to the concept of a 2,000 lead over Democratic hope- elementary schools has been prom- Commerce this week urged parents merchant out of business" neighborhood schools." ful Robert B. Berenson, to become Bed by a stats senator and a local to educate ttieir children about the According to a recent Chamber Mr. Plenty's announcement says: 1 mayor-elect. He will take over from Concerned Parents organization penaltics lhey face. survey, many Westfieid merchants "I would like to submit a sum- Mayor James C. Moran in January. has threatened court action agains. t -Many peop.--,--ie,." said Robert Siegel=-,, have retained the services of private mary report on racial balance in Harris and Tucker will fill the ne the resumption of a family livin" g chairman of the Retail Division, security agencies who assign plain- ' Westfieid public school system, seals now held by Ht'publican Coun- The curriculum here. "have the misconception that shop- clothes policemen to "shop" their " question of racial imbal- cilmen Robert Ferguson and Morris anee came U last DONN A. SNYDER ALEXANDER S. WILLIAMS JAY KOCIIL1N Also expected to be approved at lifting is a 'harmless activity' of establishments for shoplifters. Others P ^^V y®** ^^ Kaniler, both of whom declined to last night's meeting was a Jan. 15young people that they experience have instituted a "reward" system newspaper stories listed 90 New date for the beginning of instruction run for new terms on council. as part of growing up." for information leading to the ap_ Jersey communities, including Uar.geKL piurai«!y in l|be local on the state-mandated drug educa- 'What this minority of poorly- Westfieid, which the Office of Equal elaclion was won l>y incumbent tion for grades 7-12, and a winter in.formcd adults does'n..t seem to (Continued on page 4) Opportunity (a division of the state Drug Roundup Councilman Alexander S. Williams, sports schedule. — department of education) said did who defeated his Democratic oppon- On (he agenda also were the res- not have racial balance in their Nets 5 Here ent, Ernest Daman, in a vote of ignations of Mrs. Katherine S. Whit- schools. 2,160 lo 1,003 in the first ward. •aker, Roosevelt English teacher, UF Campaign at $146,487, " Itiacial balance, " according to Republican Jay Rodilin (.R-Ward effective Dee. I; Mrs. Bari Gordon, Five suspects were rounded up in a January memorandum from the Westfieid Friday afternoon as part 2) with 1,848 votes, won an easy Edison English teacher, date to be county superintendent of schools, victory in Ward 2 over Alan From- determined; Joseph G. Maher, Roo- of a three-town drug raid led by Plans "Fund-In" Tuesday should reflect in each school build- Union County Prosecutor Karl Asch mer, defeating him tjy 783 votes. sevelt English teacher, effective ing the over-all percentage of black Rochlin will replace veteran Coun- Nov. 16; and Mrs. Katherine Chris- A mammoth "Fund-In" will be campaign." with the cooperation of Westfield students in the school district.-. police. Five other arrests were made cilman Walter Perry, who also de- opoulos, Roosevelt Spanish teacher, held beginning at 8 p.m. Tuesday Admitting that some areas are "Tiie status of equal educational clined to seek reelection. effective Nov. 18. in Clark and Linden. „. at the Municipal Building offices of lacking a full complement of car.- oppopportuniiiegnunliles wawa5 s reviewerevlcweq d uby y „,th„e Snyder's strength came from thf Anticipated also was approval of the United Fund of WesCfield. This vassers, Mr. May urged residents board and we have met wilh sev- Taken into custody here in three locations in Westfieid by Lt. Richard northside traditionally Republican Mrs. Jose M. Duva.ll as a long-term is the night that John Y. May, cam- who have not been caScd upon by eraJ communjty groups, wards, where lie gained a 2,213 lead Sell, Sgt. Richard Shoviin, Dstoctive substitute for December for Allen paign chairman for the United Fund Tuesday to -mail their donations to ..At t]ie jujy pUijlic meeting, it lo offset his 203 loss lo Berenson in Sgts. Nicholas Bettelli and William Lambert, Edison history teacher, at of Weslfield, and other Fund of- United Fund headquarters in the was announced that the board fe!t the 'two southside wards. In the Muth and Detective Wesley Moore, a monthly salary of $500. ficials have selected for volunteer • Westfieid Municipal Building, or de- Westfieid schools are meeting cur- third and fourth wards, Ihc Demo- Expeckid to be added to the sub- solicitors to turn in their com- posit them in a special box in the rent slate requirements to provide Jchn 'Bunvham and Robert Kenney, cratic aspirant carried seven of stitute teachers list were Mrs. Lily pleted * pledge Cards -^ and hope- WesWield Police 'Headquarters. "Or racial balance and equal educa- the suspects were arrested in front the 11 districts, winning the first, Angelton, Mrs. Lydia Bredlau, Miss fully, a record amount of contribu- come to our Fund-In Tuesday night opportunities demanded by of the railroad station and in Roger second and fifth districts of the Geraldine Churik, David H. DeVoe, Hens' toward the Unjfcafl [Fund's or volunteer to give us a hand," he a(,ate" legislation" and Summit Aves. CHARLES A. HARRIS JOHN J. TUCKER fourlh and the first, third, and Mrs. Neale Feigley and Mrs. Nancy 1S70 goal of $282,8J1. added. "It was ^^ 'out |j,en that the Dwight Ellis, 25, of the Plninfield fifth and sixth districts of the third. e drlv L. Morrow. _ Returns :fe"v&r havo reached a ™ e "> Jneet Westfleld s fair ^j^ was worikjng closely with the VMCA, charged witih possession of He failed lo carry any of the north- shar the Additional details on last night's total mof $145,487, according to Mr. e °* budgets oif 15 social mQ^^ e of Equal Edu<:at[onal Ofjp0r. herom and: conspiracy to sell, is be- side districts, as did his running meeting will appear in next week's May'. Of ills only "$ra"5M"hns" been service agencies' is only mid-way tunjjy aiid~wa7 following desegrega- ing held in Union County Jail, Eliz- moles for (he Town Council. l Leadcr. .- contributed from residential areas, » a successful conclusion, and Mr. tion guideiill€s approved by the state abeth, in default of $10,000 bail. Vote By Wards In Westfieid Ma has In council races in the third and and $43,351 in advanced gifts, $34,- y "*&<* residents "to *g a department of education and had in- Edward Lang Jr. 22, of 122 Roger Wnr.H Wiii'iltf War.I .'! Wind 1 Toll.I fourth wards, Harris dominated ail Early School 535 in major gifts and the remainder Wtle deeper" to put this year's /We., accused of conspiracy to sell, Public Questions but the fourth district of the third •/-..
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