
,. II SOUTHEASTERN NORTIWUf TEBRI!ORt - --~.......... ---- .... _........ __ I • I \ 3Jd lUl:1, 19S9 . ' ..... D!IIZiiAZmll mm rJJmmxr~ fGIJ SW~~ ·D ~l.lfQm:&, mulU'Sil By P. G. Searle . 31\\ Jall', 1959. None ot t..l).• localJ.tles vldt.d Jb.owed axw s.na1ca.tiona ot the 1>8~ of IIOW¥1 ~·· All the loou.U.t!.ee are ~ to be Maide of the a,rteef.an. baaia. The. ~- knoam anfndM water ie on A11dado StaUon 'Wluift a reoent b-. o'bta:$.ned water tl<tW at appr=.atelT 1,;00 teets the nponed novaae •t• belne 300,000 gallons pe:r da¥• .. 'the reported oil ·~ a.t r:t.na oould be 4\le 't;C) ext.~ up ti~e 1n the tl~~ Pe~ · Mtsoaoie rook of the area or that tM prE~ sent level of eroa:t.on baa naohl4 = oil ea.tutoa~ horiaon in ~ tla~ ~~ but u.r.ldel" little tO 110 ~ C~T. Ma41pn during aa udal. reeoru:w.1...ance ot the S:ltapeon Detert (1929) repol'ted the J».118Mnoe ot two areas ot bluiab ~ lJ.ke b.Uls one e.rea -..- ot the Sale River a.!ld the other wellt of the Todd !U:rer.. It ' . vas tnlapeoted that thq coul4 be mound pgr~1 and that .,.- Also, N.c. Bel.J. s. Jretired M:bdua wtQ.'Clen. ot tht Noztthew terrltOJ? in 'f'l.rio'lle pe:rsonal oomaJDloations , toM., Mrt.wbf between~ to S4!tp'be1Dber, 1949 ~epo~ the pre~ ot <lark ~s a$8oc1atei with ~ in t• F!bke a.t1t1 Rodlnga ~&-. B.U aleo reported the UN b7 ~~ Dorm.s statiou pe:oeonrael of 11\l.t. t:roa cl.qpane near Mt, E'be:ruusel' tor the P"•J:I'V&Uon ot meat • ... In.,._, 1959 an in'ves1t:l.pt1on ws oanie4 out on the" anas to a~ll.l tho rea.-on £~ the ftpone4 phenouna. The t'Wo &J"eet.a ~ed by !tldip.n Wel'e vild.Ud.J \U P'Jalra area :reported by Bell was also ri.st.W. lfo1l 4Ul0\1Ill w--.ti® OD tht vbaftf.lbcnd;a or tbe ~paned l!leepage at RodJ.nga was available and ~~ WOl'IVltion in reprd to M\. EbeDezer haviD8 oorae to hand theN two area~ were i'10b viid.te4 bt the writer. Th11 looa.UtT Aa reported as oontaS.nS.ng low 1110\U'lCl­ like b:Uls b7 lbdigan f.rODJ .hls ae~ial tlf).J!fl$'3' ot the Siup_. Desert. W~ writer could not tlnd a:rq h.Ul.a !A tha e.rea as Ml"'kud on the 1J2,ooo,ooo '• .. ~- . -3- ~. T~'bol:7 top~ld.o map• but ten ailes to the south thtre VGN low tol'flleu hUla. Thea hUla aze oompo.a ot • tdJJ.oeO\ts (bill¥) capping over a white to blld.....,~te &mdstone also a1UcUled on old •xpo•ecl surtaoe•• On top ot the adetone irl tJOa places there iEI aaen a COQ'M ·to pitty -.nd.t;oue b.Rt thit ooul.d be a se~ f'ozat1Qn f"ol.Wd. just priolr to or dlll'ina ~ foraation ot tta• ~ou• capping., Tbe ~ oappins la "'"'~'~' utenei'ft -.nd cml¥ in tnrb GJ.'eek •.m<J~~ta are there found &1\Y vn.aiJJ.GUW atUdfbo:nea, al.fO ~ awnd• ot rabbit wan:ena on tM ~ ri"ft'.r flats. The mad.to~ appeara, ti'Oilita outOl'OJ) pe.tte4'Jl and. occa.cd.ODI:iJ. VG'f.7 ~te 'bedd1ni pl.a.aes, to be tla~ with a possible ~».tle dip to the eo~.t. TM JM\IJ'ton$ le pr$~4 tv it• Jt:ructure ar.ad type to be Pel"Jk)ot.MJJaoaoto. The WJ.e ~ inwr.,-eoted bT nuaaerous ~eka on a deridritio ~tterc which can b(, c~tad to the f'oalesa natt&l'e ot the DUdston.es. 'the h:Uls a.'l"G not high• the western onea be1nti; not Z'l10l"$ tmo.n 100 te&t above the g$:n.e:ral pla1n level and iD 111m.1 soo.a soh low~. Ncn.•bhwelt alollg the m:.le Rl'"r from these hUl• there are three vate:r bores, all o'bta.ia ~ood drinldng vatel" •• at. shallow depth. No artesiAn water bores, however, are known within many miles of this locality, the nearest being on Anda.do Station to the south. Low mound-like bl\lisb hUl s were reported b7 Hldigan west ot the lower reaches or the Todd River. No hills were seen on aerial photographs 1n the locality .,. shown on the 1J2.ooo,ooo Northern Territo17 topogra~ map, bllt to th& a>uth a.pproxi.mate]¥ 15 miles low mo1mdl~ ... hUls are seen"' These hUls are onJ.T a southwesterly' extension of the hills investi.ga.ted on the east bank of the Hale River. Ten aile e north of the locality marked there are low moundli.ke hills partly buried in sand-dunes. It can be seen from aerJ,al photographs that they are ~ts ot a.n old eroded strike acarp which is now almost inundated by 8AM. Fifteen miles further to the noi"th at the entrance of the Todd River into the Simpaon Desert • low rounded hUls cover an area of appro:Jti:matel;r tivo miles square. They are conglomerates 1D vhioh recognha.ble boulders or Beo.v,ytrae Quartaite and BittAr Springs Dolomite occur. There are other types there but \m.l.'ecognizable as to source. _,_ I~o indica:tions of salt m.ounds were seen in the a.rea.li BeU reported a dark seepage and claypan 1n the Finke area but he did not know· its e.ct lccat1on. After eD.qllirT it was learnt that the people at New Crown Stat!Qn eoutheaat of Finke .might know its whereabouts. An aborigine was obta1ned trom New C1"CM1 as a. guide a.nd he showed the writer the area (eeet plate lfo. 3) in which the reported seepa.se occurred... He did not "-' remember the eaot outcrop at which the seepage occurred but was convinced he was vitbin bal.£' a .llile or it. The cla.rpan reported by Bell vas only the marker ot the locality and. is no dUterent in a.ppeuance from. others in the area. The area in which the seepage occurs is in tlat-13in8 Perao-14esozoic interbedded sUtetones aDd mwistonea. The mudstones and sUtatones Qf'ten $lthib1t a blue-green-grey ool(.ru.l"9.tion, :the sandstones bei»g usuaJ.lT white where unsta:Lned by •coMa.l7 irOn formation. The £!6&page vas not seen although ma.DJ' ot the low-lying • outcrops were investigated. The guide ~eons:idered that it could have been covered by sand-dunes since h1a last vi$it to the area ma.nt years previoualy. As the ' . ea.nd hills in this locality are mcmlng it is quite feasible tha.t this has ocCurred. it$ describes the seepage as a 0 grease" d.ark colOUl"ed and tloving free]¥ in S\1lll1D&l' a.nd $lCR~ly in winter. Tbe reason for its presence iu these fla~ Permo-~sozoic series is hard to eXplain. Possible reasons could be - ( 1) that the present level of er<:»sion ha.s reached an oU saturated horison in aeries under little to no· ~aulic pressureJ (.2) that there is alight extl'"lldeJlOe or oil up . small f1s$Ures in the f'la.t-l.,ying aeriee "'· coming from an unknown depth •. Dark seepage associated with clrqpatul were reported by Bell from Mt., Ebenezer. After enquir.y it was found at Mt. Ebenezer the pl"$sent ovners of the property did not know of any dark seepages associated with cJ.aypans and the only mound....J.ike torma.tion associated with a. o~ commorll..;r kncswn as "M:Lllee . Counti'Y'" bad been drilled tor water a.n.d a bore irs nov operating there, givil.lg good w.te1~ trom a fairlT sballw depth. The report on seepage and ol.qpans in regard to Rod1nga '• was not backed by 41\Y' precise description o£ the area -7- in which it occurs, although the rumor in Alice Springs still exists that it is there. No work was done in this area. R.EF$ENOES Mciver 1 F 1 1959 ... Mound Springs. Central Australia.. C.Z.P. fUee. Madigan, C.T ., 1929 - "An Aerial Reconnaissance into the Southeastern Portion of Central Australia." J Broc. Roy. Geog. Soc. Aust., s. Aust. Branch, Session 1928-1929. C~T .• , 1945 - "The Simpson Desert Expedition, 19.39 - Scientif'ic Reports: Introduction, Narrative, P:tijrsiog:ra.ph,y and Meteorology"; Trans. Roy. Soc. s. Aust., Vol. 69 (1); 1945. X27/1007 Localities of Reported M:>und Springs, j Northern Territor,y X27/1109 Geological Reconnaissance Map, Lower Todd and Ha.le Rivers, Northern Territor,y X27/1110 ~P Showing Area of Reported "Grease" Seepage, Finke, Northern Territory .- \ ' • ----------.., 0 C\1 r<'l ----\ \ I ~ Rcoorled low lulls 0 0 \ c C' /Mud;yo/1 192.9' \ SIMPSON DESERT 10 20 30 50 r ~ cAU: IN MilEs Enterprise EKplorotion Co. Pty. Ltd. I I LOCALITIES OF REPORTED MOUND SPRif>JGS NORTHERN TERRITORY P.G.Saorle 2SO NORTHERN TERRITORY Plan No.X27/1007 --- ------------------ July 1959 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ·~-------- Plate Two GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE MAP LOWER TODD AND HALE RIVERS N.T. 1 oLl ~I :'\\ . ~-1 ...... ' .. '-.I '1 \ I \, l . ~I \ ,,~ -' I I , ...... -- -, ~ --;;:1.._ / ( {_ PermtJ-Mesozoic mesas of sandstono. \ , ,, ) muds/one and siltstone. Scattered ochre mines. -~~, ' ,-,.._ . ( I I ,.,, \ I \ \ .. " Sandhi/Is ...' _ ,...
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