CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE v CONTRIBUTORS ix INDEX TO VOLUMES 1—46 xiii CALENDARS. By Julius H. Greenstone 1 Calendar for 5706 by Months 4 Time of Sunrise and Sunset in Six Northern Latitudes 18 Jewish Holy Days, Festivals and Feasts 21 Calendar for Fifty Years, 1910-1960 28 SPECIAL ARTICLES Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Jewish Crisis. By Edward N. Saveth 37 Henrietta Szold, 1860-1945. By Lotta Levensohn 51 French Jewry Under Nazi Occupation. By Jacob Kaplan 71 Jewish Community Life in Latin America. By Louis H. Sobel. 119 The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations in American Universities. By Abram L. Sachar 141 Jewish War Records of World War II. By S. C. Kohs 153 Jewish Chaplains in World War II. By Philip S. Bernstein 173 Simon Miller. By Edwin H. Schloss 201 REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5705 (1944-45) INTRODUCTION. By the Editors 209 PART ONE: THE UNITED STATES Religious Activities. By Joshua Trachtenberg 215 Educational and Cultural Activities. By Uriah Z. Engelman 228 Jewish Social Welfare. By H. L. Lurie 254 Jews in the Armed Forces. By Louis Kraft 263 Anti-Jewish Manifestations. By Ellen H. Posner 268 Combating Anti-Semitism. By Geraldine Rosenneld 279 Interfaith Activities. By Louis Minsky 285 Reaction to Events Overseas. By Augusta Cohen 291 Overseas Relief and Rehabilitation. By Geraldine Rosenneld. 304 Immigration and Refugee Aid. By Joseph M. Bernstein . 316 Zionist and Pro-Palestine Activities. Bv Samuel Dinin 325 xii , CONTENTS PAGE PART TWO: FOREIGN COUNTRIES I. British Commonwealth Great Britain. By William Frankel 340 Canada. By David Rome 354 South Africa. By Edgar Bernstein 366 Australia. By Augusta Cohen 373 II. Central and Western Europe. By Alexander S. Kohanski.. 375 III. Eastern Europe. By Raphael Mahler 391 IV. Southern Europe. By Eugene Hevesi 423 V. Palestine. By Abraham Revusky 445 VI. Latin America. By Louis Shub 472 VII. International Events. By Sydney H. Zebel 483 SUPPLEMENTS TO THE REVIEW OF THE YEAR Anniversaries, Honors, Gifts, Necrology. By Rose G. Stein.. 501 Anniversaries and Other Celebrations 501 Appointments, Honors and Elections 504 Special Bequests and Gifts 513 Necrology 517 War Service of Jews of the United States and Allied Nations. Editorial Note 544 American Jewish Bibliography. By Iva Cohen 545 DIRECTORIES AND LISTS •Jewish National Organizations United States 559 Canada 611 Jewish Periodicals United States 615 Canada 625 Jews in American Public Service 627 STATISTICS OF JEWS A. Jewish Population of the World* 635 B. The Jewish Population of the United States. By H. S. Linfield 641 C. Immigration of Jews to the United States* 650 D. Jewish Immigration to Other American Countries* 654 E. Jewish Immigration to Palestine* 657 THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH COM- MITTEE, 1945 659 FIFTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 1944^15 733 •Prepared by the Editors. INDEX TO SPECIAL ARTICLES AND FEATURES IN VOLUMES 1-46 KEY TO VOLUME NUMBERS* [l]- 5660- -1899/1900 24 — 5683 --1922/1923 [2]- 5661- -1900/1901 25 —5684- -1923/1924 13]- 5662- -1901/1902 26 — 5685 --1924/1925 [4]- 5663- - 1902/1903 27 — 5686 --1925/1926 15]- 5664- -1903/1904 28 —5687- • 1926/1927 [6]- 5665- -1904/1905 29 — 5688 -• 1927/1928 [7]- 5666- -1905/1906 30 —5689- • 1928/1929 [«]- 5667- -1906/1907 31 —5690- -1929/1930 [9]- 5668- -1907/1908 32 — 5691 - -1930/1931 [10]- 5669- -1908/1909 33 —5692- • 1931/1932 [11]- 5670- -1909/1910 34 — 5693 -• 1932/1933 [12]- 5671- -1910/1911 35 — 5694 - • 1933/1934 [13]- 5672- -1911/1912 36 — 5695 - • 1934/1935 [14]- 5673- -1912/1913 37 — 5696 - • 1935/1936 [15]- 5674- -1913/1914 38 —5697- - 1936/1937 [16]- 5675- -1914/1915 39 — 5698 --1937/1938 [17]- 5676- -1915/1916 40 — 5699 - -1938/1939 [18]- 5677- -1916/1917 41 —5700- • 1939/1940 [19]- 5678- -1917/1918 42 — 5701 - -1940/1941 [20]- 5679- -1918/1919 43 —5702- -1941/1942 -1919/1920 21 - 5680- 44 —5703- - 1942/1943 -1920/1921 22 - 5681- 45 —5704- -1943/1944 1921/1922 23 — 56856822- — 46 — 5705 --1944/1945 *The numbers n square brackets indicate that volumes 1 to 20 are un- numbered. INDEX TO SPECIAL ARTICLES AND FEATURES IN VOLUMES 1-46 ABRAHAMS, ISRAEL AGRICULTURE Obituary. Herbert Loewe. 28: Agricultural Activities of the Jews 219-34 in America. L. G. Robinson. Portrait. 28:facing p. 219 [14]:21-ll5 Abramowitz, Herman. Samuel Wil- Jews in Agriculture in the United liam Jacobs. 41:95-110 States. Gabriel Davidson. 37: ABYSSINIA, see FALASHAS 99-134 Adler Cyrus. Preliminary List of AHAD HA-AM, see GINZBERG, ASHER Jewish Soldiers and Sailors Who Alcalay, I. The Jews of Serbia. Served in the Spanish-American [20]:75-87 War. [2]:525-622; The Voice of ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE America on Kishineff; Additions Report of activities. Jacques and Corrections. [6]:378-80; Bigart. [2]:45-65 Solomon Schechter. [18]:25-67; A LSACE-LORRAINE Jacob Henry Schiff. 23:21-64; Jews of Alsace-Lorraine (1870- Benzion Halper. 26:459-71; 1920). Sylvain Halff. 22:53-79 Oscar S. Straus. 29:145-55; AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE Louis Marshall. 32:21-55; Max Review of History of Committee. Leopold Margolis. 35:139-44; [18]-.324-51 The Jewish Welfare Board — Collection of Jewish War Statis- Twenty Years Old. 39:149-77; tics. Julian Leavitt. [20]:103-12 Felix M. Warburg. 40:23-40 American Jews in the World War. ADLER, CYRUS Julian Leavitt. 21:141-55 Obituary. A. A. Neuman. 42:23- Second Report of the Office of 144 Jewish War Records. Julian Portrait. 42:frontispiece Leavitt. 22:433^7 Cyrus Adler and the Bible Statement of Withdrawal from the Translation. David Philipson. American Jewish Conference. 42:693-97 46:583-87 Cyrus Adler and the Publication Memorandum on the 1939 White Committee. Solomon Solis- Paper on Palestine. 46:588-95 Cohen. 42:698-99 See also Annual Reports, vols. Cyrus Adler and the Hebrew 1O46 Press. Simon Miller. 42:700-1 AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE Cyrus Adler and the American Statement of Withdrawal by the Jewish Year Book. Harry American Jewish Committee Schneiderman. 42:702-6 from the American Jewish Con- Memorial Address. M. D. ference. 46:583-87 Waldman. 43:728-35 AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBU- ADLER, LIEBMAN TION COMMITTEE, see JOINT DIS- Portrait. [15]:facing p. 36 TRIBUTION COMMITTEE Adler, Michael. The Story of Brit- AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK ish Jewry in the War. 21:98-119 Cyrus Adler and the American AFRICA, SOUTH, see UNION OF Jewish Year Book. Harry SOUTH AFRICA Schneiderman. 42:702-6 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK AMERICANIZATION Cyrus Adler and the Bible Trans- Jewish Americanization Agencies. lation. David Philipson. 42: C. S. Bernheimer. 23:84^-111 693-97 Yiddish Press — An Americaniz- BIBLIOGRAPHY ing Agency. Mordecai Soltes. Hundred Best Available Books 26:165-372 in English on Jewish Subjects. AMRAM, DAVID WERNER Joseph Jacobs. [6]-.309-17 Obituary. L. E. Levinthal. 43: One Hundred Available Books in 375-80 English on Palestine. William Portrait. 43:facing p. 375 Popper. [7]:153-62 Angell, Pauline K. Julius Rosen- List of Available Stories of Jewish wald. 34:141-76 Interest in English. I. G. ARCHITECTURE Dobsevage. [81:130-^2 Architecture of the Synagogue. Classified List of Standard BookF W. G. Tachau. 28:155-92 in English on Jewish Subjects. [16 plates] I. G. Dobsevage. 25:204-55 ARMY AND NAVY, see SPANISH- Hundred Best Available Books in AMERICAN WAR; WORLD WAR English on Jewish Subjects. ART 27:260-73 Portraits of Early American Jews. Nazi-Germany and the Jews; Hannah R. London. 25:147-62 An Annotated Bibliography. Joshua Bloch. 38:135-74 BALKANS Jewish Fiction in English 1900- Balkan Wars and the Jews. 1940. Fanny Goldstein. 43: [15]:188-2O6 499-518 Levantine Jews in the United Bigart, Jacques. The Alliance States. D. de Sola Pool. Israelite Universelle. [2]:45-65 [15]:207-20 BIOGRAPHY See also SERBIA Jews of Prominence in the United Barnett, George E. The Jewish States. I. G. Dobsevage. 24: Population of Maryland. [4]:46- 109-218 62 Jews Who Have Received the BEILIS, MENDEL Nobel Prize. Benjamin Har- Beilis Affair. [16]:19-89 row. 25:195-203 BERKOWITZ, HENRY Obituary. William Rosenau. 26: See also under names of individuals 448-58 BLOCH, CHARLES E. Portrait. 26:facing p. 448 Obituary. S. S. Wise. 43:381-84 Berkowitz, Henry J. Ben Selling. Portrait. 43:facing p. 381 33:155-63 Bloch, Joshua. Nazi-Germany and Bernheim, Franz. Petition to the the Jews; An Annotated Bibliog- League of Nations. 35:74-101 raphy. 38:135-74 Bernheimer, Charles S. Jewish BLOOD ACCUSATION, see RITUAL Americanization Agencies. 23:84- MURDER 111 BLUMENTHAL, HART Bernstein, John L. The Migration Obituary. J. H. Hagedorn. 43: of Jews in Recent Years. 38:116- 385-90 34 Portrait. 43:facing p. 385 BIALYSTOK, see RUSSIA B'NAI B'RITH BIBLE B'nai B'rith. A Century of New English Translation of the Service. Bernard Postal. 45: Bible. [19]:161-93 97-116 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-46 BOOK COLLECTIONS, see LIBRARIES the United States. Rebekah BOOKS, see BIBLIOGRAPHY Kohut. 33:165-201 BRANDEIS, LOUIS DEMBITZ Synagogue and Jewish Communal Obituary. L. E. Levinthal. 44: Activities. Horace Stern. 35: 37-52 157-70 Portrait. 44: frontispiece Jewish Community Organization Bureau of Jewish Social Research. in the United States. M. J. Professional Tendencies among Karpf. 39:47-148 Jewish Students in Colleges, See also STATISTICS Universities, and Professional Cone, G. Herbert. Simon Wolfe Schools. 22:383-86 Rosendale. 39:25-28 CONGREGATIONS CANADA Jewish Congregations in the Jews of Canada. Martin Wolff. United States. H. S. Linfield. 27:154-229 30:199-201 CARDOZO, BENJAMIN NATHAN See also COMMUNAL ORGANIZA- Obituary.
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