H iGHTSTOWN GAZE^rTE. VOLUME LXXXIX HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1937 NUMBER 3 Peddie Woman’s Windsor School PRE-SCHOOL EXERCISES TROOPER IMPROVES Vacation School Local Firemen to Seventeen children were presented State Trooper Lee Wilgus is reported Club Committees Commencement with certificates at the closing exer­ as improving at St. Francis hospital, cises of the WPA pre-school held in Trenton, where he has been a patient Opens in Baptist Compete in State Chosen for Year the fire house Tuesday morning. The tor the past two weeks. He was for­ Tuesday Evening children will enter the primary school merly stationed at the Hightstown state Church July 6th Field Day Events Will Pl»<* Portrmil of Late Mabel Mc- Eleven Boys end Girls Will Receive next September. police barracks. He was stricken with Attendance certificates were given to “Y” LeAder* Organizing Softball Leagna Costly Prizes soul Trophies Will Be Carae* io Longetroet Library—Plant Diplomse in Windsor Methodiel pleurisy while on duty at the Wood- -—Auto Trip Friday to Inspect Mac­ 27 children. The presentation was made bridge headquarters of the state police. Awertlfed to Various Compsuiie*— Tree in Memory of Mrt. Sauvaige. Church. Ruth Deley end Florence Gregor’s Arctic Ship, Fireworks Display At Night Welter Are Honor Students. by the Rev. Walter T. Nickless. The While returning from a southern trip The last meeting of the Peddie Wo­ affair was attended by the relatives and some months ago, he was taken ill and Vacations from school and warm Local volunteer firemen headed by man’s Club for the dub year took the Six girls and five boys will be pre­ friends of the little boys and girls. had to undergo an operation for ap­ w ith e r mark the beginning of the Chief Thomas B. Malone, are to appear form of a memorial service for Mrs, sented with xiiplomas at the annual com­ Songs and games were features of the pendicitis. He recovered and returned Hightstown Y, M, C. A. summer activ­ in force at the New Jersey State Fire­ Elsie Peddie Sauvage and Miss Mabel mencement exercises of the Windsor entertainment. An abundance of ice to his duties only to be forced to go to ities altout which preliminary announce­ men’s Field Day at the Fair Grounds, F. McCarnes, held at Kalomathia public school next Tuesday evening in cream, lemonade, cake and candies were the hospital when he developed severe ment is made concerning the softball Trenton, all day and evening, Saturday, House Wednesday June 2nd. the Windsor Methodist Church, Ruth served. pains in his side. league and the vacation church schools. July 3rd. The Hightstown company is Precediag the bu.siness ae.ssion re­ Daley and Florence W alter are the Enrollment cards for the church always in the forefront in events of this freshments were served in the dining honor studeats. schools will be given to the public character, and they confidently predict room by the hostesses — Mrs. Waite, The graduates are: Pauline Acker Promotion Day Robbinsville school children who desire to know that they will bring home more than Mrs. Sprout and Mrs. Hutchinson, man, Ernest Cordes, Ruth Daley, W il­ more about these summer sessions. For their share of the prize moneys and Mrs. W. E. Saunders, president, was liam Everett, Theresa Harjung, Anna Exercises for Commencement the benefit of the parents, the following trophies which are being awarded to in charge of the meeting. During the Janecek, Carlton Mount, John Paris, resume is given: Ages of pupils in each the various companies participating ia business hour the annual reports were Mary Pellett, Clifford Pullen and Flor­ Lower School Next Wednesday department are 4-, 5-, and fi-ycar’olds the parades, reviews and contests. given and Mrs. Saunders expressed her ence Walter. in the Beginner’s; 7-8-9 in the Primary, Alonzo V. Pierson, of Hightstown, is gratitude to the committees for the Following the address of welcome by Saturday Morning m Ayer — Thirteen Student. Will Receive Dip­ and 10-11-12 in the Junior Department; one of the members of the executive work done during the year and then Charles Rue, the pageant, entitled, Headmaster Saunders Will Present loma. — ExercUe. Will Be Held in older students may be enrolled in a committee in charge of this affair, and announcement of the new committees “When Geography Comes to Life,” will Promotsoa Certificates and Award Schoolhonui, junior high school class if numbers war­ he reports that interest throughout the for next' year was made. They are as be presented by the school children. Prises. rant or may serve as teachers in train­ state in this Field Day is unusually ac­ Among those who will take part are The annual commencement exercises ing in the other departments. The tive and states that participating fire follows: The promotion day exercises for the of the Robbinsville public school will Board of Directors — Mrs. W, E. June Drake, Richard Meeker, Helen junior department of the Peddie School school -will be held in the Baptist companies from all over New Jersey Gurdak, Shirley Mount, George Neigh­ be held at the schoolhouse Wednesday Church and will start July 6, continu­ and several counties in Pennsylvania Saunders, chairman; Mrs. A. M. Lang­ will be held Saturday morning at 11 evening, June 16. The program will ford, Mrs, W. S. Litterick, Mrs. H. R. bor, Lois Hill, Leon Weiner, Alice o’clock in Ayer Chapel. ing for three weeks. Mrs. Alvan Al­ and Long Island are going to compete. open with an exhibition dance. An in­ len has been elected to supervise the One of the interesting features -will Homberger, Mrs. Hood, Mrs. D. I. Jane Mount, Billy Glackia, Ruth Frank- The principal address will be deliv­ en, Clifford Brown, Evelyn Totten, teresting feature will be the presen­ school and the faculty will include de­ be an exhibition of the firefighting Messier, Mrs. Hertzog and Miss Janet ered by Harold M. Smith, dean of the tation of the •'laylet entitled, “The Griffith, . Stanley Tantum, William Rue, Salva­ partmental superintendents who are methods employed by Col. Leonidas Bordentown Military Institute. The Magic Sword,” directed by Miss Ethel trained public school teachers and ac­ Coyle, state fire marshal. Col. Coyle is Program Committee — Mrs. L. l. dor Ciaccio, Norman Pullen, Jean W al­ speakers will be Bruce H. Zeiser, vale­ J, (iraham. The dances will be under Sprout, chairman; Mrs. G. G. ter, Sarah Totten, Phyllis Mount, Ruth tive church workers, assisted by volun­ bringing to the Field Day one of the dictorian of Form A; Walter Heyman, the direction of Katherine E. Robinson. teer teachers experienced in regular airplanes used to locate and control Mrs William Hawley, Mrs, R. J. Rue, Harry Bastedo, Theresa Harjung, valedictorian of Form D; Benjamin L. Hester M. Johnson and Helen Yard will Waite, Mrs. S. K. Paige and Miss Jan­ Pauline Ackerman, Ruth Daley, Regina church school work. The curriculum is forest fires from the air, and also sev­ Cnie, Jr., valedictorian of Form C; have charge of the costumes, and Ruth non-secterian and will include as for­ eral radio cars and trucks which work et Griffith. - . nr Courtney and Mary Pellett. Robert Selvin, valedictorian of Form B, Maahsen and Alice Sobko the scenery. School Reception Committee — Mrs. The second part of the program will merly, instruction in cooperation, suit­ in conjunction with the observer plane George F. Hamer will render a piano The cast includes Deane VanHom as able Bible study, play and worship. through radio control. Evans Hicks, chairman; Mrs. H. R. be as follows: solo and there will be selections by “Jumping Jack” ; Clifton Yard as “Fairy Homberger, Mrs. W. Hawley. Mrs. Invocation, Rev. Parsells; address of Plans for the colored vacation church 'i'he methods employed by the most the Peddie sextette. Clifford E. Tim­ Prince,” and Kathryn Maahsen as school will be announced later. up-to-date metropolitan fire depart­ Strohmier, Miss I. Hoecker, Miss Eva welcome; music, “A Saviour of Modern mons will announce the promotions and ‘'Rosaline the Doll.” The children who Townsend, Mrs. W. S. Littenck, Mrs. Civilization," Ruth Daley; “The Man Soft Ball ments are to be shown in the spectacu­ Headmaster Wilbour E. Saunders will will participate in the dances: School­ lar “Fighting the Flames” demonstra­ Cavalier, Mrs. R. H. Stevens, Mrs D, Without a Country" (Edward Everett present the certificates and award the days Taps, Alice Keaton, Evelyn Representatives of last year's soft- 1 Messier, Mrs. P. H. Norton, Mrs. Hale) Pauline Ackerman; address, “To ball teams and any new aggregations tion by the Trenton fire department prizes. Combs, Alice Sobko, Ruth Maahsen, A large amount of cash prizes is to B. L. Cruce and Mrs. Hutchinson. Thine Own Self Be True,” Carlton Promoted to the upper school—Rob­ Helen Steward, Mary Sadovy and Irene are invited to contact A1 Allen, Leroy Social Committee—Mrs. E. C. Mac- Mount; piano solo, “Miserere” from “H Pullen or Kenneth G. Stults during the be awarded as well as valuable tropries. ert J. Ackerman, Ralph F. Alloway, Sorvath; Soldier Dance, Betty Buckley, The day is to be closed by a spectacu­ Arthur, chairman; Mrs. Weimer Hicks, Trovatore” (Verdi) Ruth Daley; mon­ Gordon Coventry, James H, Davidson, Edith Davidson, Roslyn Cohen and next few days. Already three new, out- Mrs. A. M. Langford, Miss Julia Gro­ ologue, “Being Beautified” ((5anter) of-town teams have applied for admis­ lar fireworks presentation which is cli- ' Barney M. Gardner, Donald C. God­ Doris Reed; Bunny Dance, Mary Ers- maxed by the latest developments of ver, Miss Marion English and Mrs.
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