FOIPA COVER SHEET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: BARKER/KARPIS GANG BREMER KIDNAPPING FILE NUMBER: 7-576 SECTION : 102 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. i subJK@ % F115 numE>¬R __Lz@__i___&#39;$ - i 5éCt5iOI&#39;1numE>eR___z£_______&#39; I 5@P,i!>_1_5 174/ - 52¢: , <?5OZ§792L pA§es__mL_____ . 1JA§¬5 R692_eA5e¢» ysb .1 pAge5 UJ92©DD¬LO 5| L exemp@ion s! U5EO > j I/H. I ;~~l~- M _/def ~;k&#39;¥;-.----- 5&#39;-. CZ»:.&#39;~------» v v - I! I -"rw .... -.| @- ,, ~--1:.,____ ,7. ". _..."-- 1... _. l!_;.._.-Q 6 V 1-"£1: surzzau INVESTcnco u-2a-as 2-1s PM MWC 3 T..§{;}&#39;f.&#39;.:f &#39; ; I"er____..&#39;1 ~-....... _ - : ,A 1. DIRECTOR Wm ~~ : | E BREKID92 REFERENCE TELETYPEMY YESTERDAYCONCERNING INFORMATION"~ fl- __»¢ FURNISHED1NroRmANlINQUIRY BY DISCREETou9292I-uwpw _ n1sc1.os£sPM EUGENE/FRANZENBENSENVILLE, OF ILLINOISPRESENTLY HEADOF BLDING MATERIAL COMPANY AND CONNECTED WITH STATE BANK, BOTH OF BENSENVILLE, AS TYPE OF PERSON WHO WOULD APPEAR FOR DEFENSE AS CHARACTER AND ALIBI WITNESS AND IS IN ALL PROBABILITY THE PARTY MENTIONED BY HELEN " FARMEREUGENE FRANZENPRESENTLY BENSENVILLE. IN AND PRESENT ONLY JUDGE IN BENSENVILLE CONSIDERED ONE WHO WOULD NOT APPEAR FOR LI; DEFENSE. SEVERAL JUSTICES OF PEACE IN BENSENVILLE AND INFORMATION r~ ,_. SECURED ONETHAT NAMED*5ORTHAUER OR ONENAMED GEORGEA}GILES MIGHT / PARTY REFERREDAS JUDGE TO BY HELENLFARMER.CONNELLEY ST AND PAUL VF ADVISED OF THIS INFORMATION -r PURVIS CC ST PAUL - ,_ END _ C; 1» .- 23 BE 92. 4v L oxrm Goran ~37_.f&#39;i!__ M 5j_J"[ n Dam H.D£F.AL E, -YI . I 92 92. A JT Ii ~"UN 5 ,.i.&#39;.-F U s.D.L_. I.~_-,_,u. £~1_:"&#39;_>E_,_.. ; MAY 2 was Q MI &#39;T §~ 92 &#39;I - _ .4 ~ _.. _ - _.., _. _e .._...-....m.- mu-. - MA-4.~ ~---e -ma.-1! &#39;-snare-~~ ~_*;**»¢1. .1» ye lg-H A _ _ _,_ _ _ O 11 !" r. ToEson___,,.,. JOHN EDGAR noovzn .Eacv.us ...... .. DIIICTDI .5: cyhman .;T_ .. V mt Clerk.... I-1AT=<=I>W Erhrral Eurvau nf Zlnnragatinn .C!eSYS.-... i . C;/.&#39;:=y I-_f,_ -__ 11.5. Drpartmrnt nf Iusrr . Ehwarcs .. ~7" Mr .Er?n ,,._- liiasljingtnu, B. CE. &#39;*-&#39;.H&#39;__&#39;1JO .... .. Krfh 92 .--it April 29, 1925 ;I-I;.Le.-er V ll-I; .C_ . .n &#39;1; .1 * . E._. ..dG&#39; .517.-1h ._.. Tamm ....... .. 4 Mr . Tr.:aCy _... _l g-:.=.:oPn1nnu Re: Bremer FQR Case. mgngascroa A p MxssCar.dy jiiiiiiiiifjiififjij..... .. s Ii 1&#39;" l_&#39; I! Hr. Brantley telephoned from the Oklahoma City Office and advised 92 that a few minutes ago he had received a telephone call from Agent Paul Han- ,. Q sen at Tulsa, Oklahoma, who this morning had a conversation with Mark Whin- nery, a brother-in-law of Yiynona Burdette. Whinnery informs that last night he was up at a little town by the name of Purley, Oklahoma, visiting at the home of the Joneses, Mr. Jones having married a sister of__V.ynona.,Burdette. E?-5*-&#39;33¢. 92 While he was at the Joneses, a car drove up to the house, honked, and in a Harry3Campbe1.].. few Campbellminutes a man came into told the the house. people This who man, accordingwere in the house to Whinnery, there that washe -.... £3 was j st passing through; that he regretted extremely that Wynona had gotten la 92,i into some trouble; that he knew that he was responsible for her getting into 4 trouble, and ranted some one of them to go somewhere place not stated! to see what they could do for her; that he would finance the proposition, etc. 5. 4 __ At this point in the conversation by Campbell, another car drove up to the house and honked, but no one came in. Campbell went out to the car, and in a few minutes returned and stated that he had to leave at once; that, ,:>__. hov:ever,_h3 was returning on Wednesday, and in the meantime,_they should think it over and decide what they wouldjdo about his proposal. Whinnery does not know whether Campbell will in fact return, and, Y? of course, Hr. Hansen does not know whether the information is authentic; however, Hr. Brantley assured me that evegJ jamLmd 6l8_1_&#39;X_§_1@p is b§__i_r_1g,tal:en to cover the _place startingfoonight, __or_tomorrpw night. I cautioned Mr. Brantley to make a cautious survey of the situation, and to have enough men present to handle any situation that may arise. r Y&a-4 -_ Mr. Brantley assured me that he would do this, and also stated that 924_. he would promptly advise the Bureau of any developments. ... Q &#39;l "I-I7:/-F..&#39;.&#39;F_f. Respectfully,.1 ,,_&#39; _&#39;.:_1fD °&#39;_:" " " " _ __ l- F _-.,&#39; [f5&#39;.{&#39;:fb&#39; --._ 3. 1- .. ~._ I, E. A. mm APh 30 $935 U &#39;,&#39; RI-&#39;~92&#39;92I 92,| 1- lyi: - _ -./ . _ _ , ___&#39;_ __ APR30 ?9a5 If Q" ..I - - W » l.» ~ p- -;~ -»-&#39;-- _, -~--._-~ --, -v--<_._...___.__ .v .__. _._.~ _-- .... _... __..___ _- r - .. __ 1* _ ,, . _...».A__._.._._..ri __-.--..._-.A - .l.-_.--_>--~11»-~-4_.~ _~.__.._ .- .. 04 4%," /K J1-P:F.S:.TIYD X: L I II . v".» a-;-~&#39;- ,__ a &#39;"1 . _ 1 I &#39;* 4 - &#39; . £1;- _ , " ->:- P , = 2 ¢- » I - , ,. ,- - _ 7&#39;-1.:. 92- --. 1.. 9. 112711 IQ, .1; _»&#39;f;ltY v I -7 _ - . Ir _ - . ,_ , c , &#39;5 . -&#39;,~= I92 w Q . ~ ; &#39; . ._ 1 4 . 4 ._&#39; Q. " x &#39;_ -_ x 92iF-_ .. ._I -.v 1- &#39; » &#39; &#39;~ &#39;. 1- .. -1-;- /_ ~ - 1 5 I V a U _~___ 92&#39; I-» &#39; &#39;.- , , Q . -., "., Ix w ur Bvwill lent in Churn. i- _ ~ ~ . -.-7» Ieshingtcn, D. C.&#39; 92_ I ~ O w L" ¢.."- er »_ _, . &#39;- A ~¥&#39; Re: Alvin tarpiaowithaliases; - 1 _ D1. Po Hfnll,$0 1138, 92 T &#39; &#39; .- , etal.; twericcrge enerv c ~" " v1nis,nampii;. o . , . _. Deal-Sir: A ~ * , " ~ I-s ~_:.- -e,---- ~_ * "-415 &#39; .3- Reference Viamde to a letter eddresaed to the Bureau y A - .4_, .. _.¢ Major General James S. Ictinley, the Adjutant General, la-2 Ilspartlent, - ~ - Iashington, D. C., dated October 16, 1934, in which it is stated that ?f3§¬{%~ the ngerprints or Dr. Ioseph P. Io:-en, alias Igsophl. end Jfqegj. 5 vuenn, contained on Identication Order nzaa, Septunber 14, lea, ha! - been found to be identical with those on tile in the pttice e1 the ,1. v,<__i4 ;feo,r:*,».=r-Adjutant General for Joseph P. 50:-an who was snitted on lay 15, 1911 - to the first Reserve Officers Training Camp at Leon springs, Tens, as - . ,,._,, a civilian candidate for a corzmissicn. > _ _ , __ - - - .~ ;. ,-_:&#39;.. ;-.-.,. -. -{YA .-» ~ _ 92.. ,- ~ This letter slso states that a ecmmnieetion was received ti-on Lieutenant tic:-an consisting oi en application for adjusted &#39;, _-. -. _ 1 _ compensation which ens dated August 10, 1932. It is suggested that » inasmuch as requests have been transmitted to the Laboratory for henb ,,- Jv; l ii, - writing comparisons of various specimens with the writing of Joseph Q, ---u Koran, pnotostatic copies or any available locuaents bearing the henl- &#39;&#39; writing of Box-an and on file in the office of the Adjutant. &#39;g... V obtainedend to tile iiuiicm 4- la-&#39;12.. c o n w *-=: rmE», 1» r~ &#39; 1 re-as - v J . ,- » 1,. " fL.1 ~. &#39; ..-1~ ~- A,_§ ~.1 a.. .7 .:__,!0 . &#39;..,. __v_~ _ " &#39; 1&#39; L &#39; 5 "- - - . -. ,;-;.>,J- 5 4 &#39; I vi 5 L _ Iohn&#39; 165:3, -- "Z ___!_e_:.__r.-*" ".~------.o ,&#39;__3._.&#39;_.______;._ACE n,l:iwr4_i ...- &#39;_5 92 . - » _ ,V e_;____1-.1 £3}: H.._3 _-_|A J - ;.. "".-.:" ~-d0; +1-___i._* |- - _~~_ cc - Ir.st. PaulIt -T.Conaelley_ __.._.____ . 4"» /t; -&#39;Gincinnai1&<F92-3_::;,:3_ V - .. I-;~_f&#39;_»_-T92&#39;_- _. 1* , -3&#39;. _.-_-_-.. _ ,,,;1:__:.nar.:&#39;...--~ ~I . V &#39; 1 Fu.:~;-uavizb ss_<;r92c%92&#39;W92 92 _: ; »&#39;_-7f _¢ &#39;L W U9 3_-92&#39;_&#39;~[:_-~ § {it Arm";-$1225_ ii I to _: N W == 4 uwrn ~ "v~ ~.>:_.~:"- ~~_ --»~-7 &#39; Q1 aha J ___.. .. __. - .a___~-.-.._ .._ A-_-.-._.-~--~ a ~-_&#39;_ _ A __ C s O 5* ~-Q,__ I Zfrhrral Eurvaunf llnuratigatinn H. E. Brpartznrni nf Iustirr I 1 . ..~ 1448 Standard Building Cleveland, Ohio 9! 11, April 29, 1935. vb &#39; &#39;-Le Director, a; . FederalBureau Investigation, of »_ Y - ~ fa U. S. Department of Justice, F ////, Washington,Pennsylvania Ave.D. C. at 9th St., NI, 1 B ,, O "$4 Re: ALVIN KARPIS, with aliases - FUGITIVE, I. O. 1218, at al EDWARD CEORGE3BREMER - Victim a ._&#39;;,~__ Kidnaping - Harboring - Obstruction wiatw of Justice - National Firearms Act wsaq _q.5*-_",_&#39;.:,,Dear Sir: Today Special Agent C. E. Smith who is at Toledo, Ohio received information from a confidential source to the effect e a.
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