Af-Am Your VOICE Your COMMUNITY POINT OF VIEW Your POINT OF VIEW www.afampov.com Our Community News Magazine january 1, 2016 SPRINGFIELD NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES, INC.: 37 YEARS OF SERVICE “Well as you can see, Springfield NHS can work with Happy New Year 2016 anyone along the continuum of not being credit worthy to those that are credit worthy, whether the client is a potential first time home buyer, an existing homeowner, a tenant or someone just interested in establishing or re- pairing their credit. Springfield NHS is also a Licensed DR. MARK KEROACK Lender and Broker….Its products consist of mortgages for potential homebuyers, refinancing, 203K rehab The New Kid in Town loans, and Veteran Loans.” By SNHS – 5 By Frederick A. Hurst MINORITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP ou wouldn’t know much sume certainly would have IS GROWING about the human side of played a considerable role in his “Hispanic owned firms increased by 46.3 percent from YDr. Mark Keroack by hiring but so wouldn’t, I imagine, 2.4 million to 3.3 million. The number of Native Hawai- reading his resume. It’s a very the humility that shows through ian and other Pacific Islander firms rose 45.3 percent… when you meet him. Black or African-American-owned firms rose from 1.9 technical resume written in a million to 2.6 million, and the number of Asian-owned unique style that conveys much I first met Dr. Keroack at firms climbed from 1.5 million to 1.9 million.” about his professional accom- the retirement ceremony for Commerce Department – 10 plishments but little about him as Peter Straley, former President a person unless you read between and Chief Executive Officer of NEW YEAR, NEW VOICES Health New England, which is a “I must constantly find the humility and patience to the lines. It is not only well writ- for profit health insurance arm of learn to see the world through the eyes of young people. ten but the list of his writings at- Baystate Health. We were intro- I must make sure they understand that I want to know tached to it is longer than my arm how they truly feel and not imply by inference, or oth- duced to Dr. Keroack by Baystate and as impressive as are all of his erwise, that they should tell me what they think I want Health’s Vice President for Mar- other significant accomplish- to hear. keting & Public Affairs, Suzanne By Magdalena Gómez – 16 ments in the field of medicine. Hendery. She took the time to But if you were among those BECOMING THE WOMAN WITH give the editor and me a brief bi- THE TORCH who interviewed him for his cur- ography of Dr. Keroack includ- Dr. Mark Keroack Inclusive leadership is not always easy. It can be hard rent position as President and ing the fact that his equally to include those that others perceive as “different” or a President and Chief Executive Officer of Chief Executive Officer of “threat”. Inclusive leadership relies on leaders that can Baystate Health Systems, Inc. Baystate Health Systems, his re- continues to page 22 bring out our “better angels” when the task is difficult.” By Lora Wondolowski – 17 An Open Letter to our An Open Letter about MAKING COLLEGE MORE AFFORDABLE “I also support a bill that provides full tuition, after fi- Presidential Candidates Donald Trump nancial aid and gift aid, for all residents who attend community college in Massachusetts…” By Gianna Allentuck By Bishop Talbert W. Swan, II By Sen. Eric P. Lesser – 17 nough is enough. I don’t want to hear you talk December 1, 2015 about Black Lives Matter, NRA, Muslims, guns, HAPPY NEW YEAR Christians, Atheists, Activists, amendments, Dear Friends, “For those who are not yet believers, Point of View is E rights, etc. I want you to hear us talk about children with not going away. It has not been easy to provide a con- n a recent article regarding the presidential candidacy tinuous flow of news to our readers but thanks to our PTSD or anxiety or detachment or mood disorder who of Donald Trump, Kirsten West Savali wrote: “If a solid base of loyal contributors and our dedicated staff, don’t know how to react peacefully when another stu- mad scientist locked himself in a laboratory and we have not faltered in our 12 years of existence and dents bumps them in line. Instead, they push or shove or I we don’t expect 2016 to be any different.” threw racism, sexism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, impe- punch to make their discomfort known. Do they want to By Frederick A. Hurst – 24 rialism, classism, elitism and delusions of grandeur into shove? Most likely, no. Do they know any other a boiling cauldron, the result would be Donald John BE INTENTIONAL! way? Perhaps not. Can we help them? Yes. “Now it seems that we as a people are too lazy or too Trump.” As accurate as Savali’s assessment is, we’d have scared to do something. We sit back and wait for the continues to page 8 continues to page 15 next great leader to move “our people” forward. What Please visit, follow, subscribe, comment, like, tweet, read or explore on our website at: www.afampointofview.com or www.afampov.com if you are the next great leader…?” www.facebook.com/AfAmPointofView https://plus.google.com/+PointofViewSpringfield www.twitter.com/AfAmPointofView By Zaida Govan – 28 afam point of view page two january 1, 2016 afam point of view page three january 1, 2016 BUSINESS & FINANCE AN AFRICAN AMERICAN Point of View Celebrating Entrepreneurs: Commerce Dept. Data ..................10 688 Boston Road, Springfield, MA 01119 Phone: (413) 796-1500 ● Fax: (413) 796-6100 Home Modification Loan Program ...........................................11 CONT E-mail: [email protected] ● Website: www.afampointofview.com CLASSIFIED..............................................................................36 www.facebook.com/ https://plus.google.com/ www.twitter.com/ COMMUNITY AfAmPointofView +PointofViewSpringfield AfAmPointofView Community Focus .....................................................................18 Point of View is a monthly news journal with an African American orientation. It is distributed Community Information............................................................14 free to select locations in Hampden and Hampshire counties and in Connecticut. Letters, articles and comments appearing in the newspaper reflect the opinions of the contributors Community Perspectives (continues from cover) .....................15 and do not constitute an endorsement by POV and are subject to editing. POV assumes no Congratulations Corner .............................................................33 responsibility for photos, articles, letters, press releases or unsolicited materials. Decisions Events....................................................................................... 37 as to the editing and publishing of material are based on space availability and the discretion of the publisher and editor. Distribution locations are listed on our web site. POV assumes Food for Thought ..................................................................... 28 no financial responsibility for failure to publish an advertisement, incorrect placement or ty- Good News............................................................................... 33 pographical errors in its publication. Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of Latin@ Groove .........................................................................16 their advertising and claims and offers contained within their advertising. POV reserves the Leadership Pioneer Valley.........................................................17 right to refuse advertising for any reason. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission. Political Happenings .................................................................17 PUBLISHER: Frederick A. Hurst EDITOR: Marjorie J. Hurst EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: THIS ISSUE AF-AM Newsbits ........................................................................4 Artist in Residence Renée Flowers Mama’s Boyz Jerry Craft From the Publisher’s Desk ........................................................24 Children’s Book Corner Terri Schlichenmeyer Op-Ed George Phillies Letters to the Publisher..............................................................25 Community Perspectives Bishop Talbert W. Swan II Parents & Community Patricia Spradley Op Ed by George Phillies, Chair MA Libertarian Party ..........24 Early Education & Care Nicole Blais & EDUCATION Education & Hope Gianna Allentuck Pen & Ink Brenda’s Child Entertainment Review Moyah Smith Juanita Torrence-Thompson Early Education & Care ..............................................................9 Features SNHS Political Happenings Sen. Eric P. Lesser Education & Hope (continues from cover) .................................8 Wesley United Methodist Church Reading to Succeed Sally Fuller Parents & Community.................................................................7 (email submission) Mary Shurn Religious Point of View Rev. Dr. Atu White, Editor Reading to Succeed.....................................................................7 Food for Thought Zaida Govan School Committee Happenings...................................................6 E Good News School Comm. Happenings Denise M. Hurst Jay Griffin The Supt.’s Corner Supt. Daniel Warwick The Superintendent’s Corner.......................................................6 Health Matters Doris Harris, Editor Youth Premier Soccer David Kelley FEATURES Latin@ Groove Magdalena Gómez Springfield Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. Celebrates....5 Artistic/Multimedia
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