CITY OF GLOUCESTER North Warehouse The Docks Gloucester GL1 2EP Wednesday, 19 November 2008 TO EACH MEMBER OF GLOUCESTER CITY COUNCIL Dear Councillor You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING OF THE COUNCIL of the CITY OF GLOUCESTER to be held at the Council Chamber, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester on Thursday, 27th November 2008 at 19:30 hours for the purpose of transacting the following business: 1. PRAYERS 2. APOLOGIES 3. MINUTES (Pages 1 - 36) To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 18 September 2008. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members and Officers are reminded that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interest in any matter to be considered, and also during the meeting if it becomes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being discussed. 5. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) The opportunity is given to members of the public to put questions to Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs provided that a question does not relate to: • Applications for grant aid • Matters relating to an employee or former employee of the Council 6. PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS (10 MINUTES) A period not exceeding 3 minutes is allowed for the presentation of a petition or deputation provided that no such petition is in relation to: • The setting of the annual budget • Applications for Grant Aid 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS (COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 2(VII)) To receive announcements from: a) The Mayor b) Leader of the Council c) Members of the Cabinet d) Scrutiny Committee Chairs e) Chief Executive 8. QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS (COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 12) a) Leader and Cabinet Members’ Question Time (45 minutes) Any member of the Council may ask the Leader of the Council or any Cabinet Member any question without prior notice, upon: • Any matter relating to the Council’s administration • Any matter relating to any report of the Cabinet appearing on the Council’s summons • A matter coming within their portfolio of responsibilities Only one supplementary question is allowed per question. b) Written questions to the Cabinet Members Written questions and answers. Only one supplementary question is allowed per question. 9. CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL AND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS AND SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT FOR PROPOSED DENMARK ROAD CONSERVATION AREA (Pages 37 - 90) Recommendation by the Planning Policy Sub-Committee, 13 November 2008 (the minutes of the Sub-Committee accompany this document and also for the following item of business.) Report by Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture. 10. HEIGHTS OF BUILDINGS SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT (Pages 91 - 158) Recommendation by the Planning Policy Sub-Committee, 13 November 2008 (the minutes of the Sub-Committee have accompanied consideration of the previous item.) 2 Report by Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Culture. 11. SUSPENSION OF COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES To waive Council Procedure Rules to allow officers, as appropriate, to address the Council in respect of item 12 on the agenda. 12. CITY COUNCIL RESTRUCTURING - PROPOSALS FOR PHASE 2A (Pages 159 - 178) Joint report by the Corporate Director of Resources and the Corporate Director of Services and Neighbourhoods. (The Organisational Development Committee meeting, 12 November 2008, approved the recommendations in the report.) NOTICES OF MOTION (a) To be moved by Councillor Gravells: “This Council notes that the Supporting People budget is vital to protecting and supporting the most vulnerable people in Gloucestershire, from people with mental health problems, to ex-offenders, to women fleeing domestic violence, and people in the greatest housing need, to highlight just a few. This Council further notes that the deepening recession will only increase the pressure on these services and on the vulnerable people that depend on them. This Council notes that in 2003, the budget from Government for Supporting People in Gloucestershire was £28m and that this year it will be just £23m. County Council officers calculate that the grant will fall by a further 5% per annum, adjusted for inflation a real term reduction of some 8-10% next year, resulting in the grant reducing to a figure of £14m over the next 10 years. We now call on the Government to abandon its plans to reduce the S P grant for Gloucestershire. This Council resolves to write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, asking her to look again at the cuts to the Supporting People budget in Gloucestershire and to review the situation in the light of the economic crisis.” (b) To be moved by Councillor Hilton: "That this Council notes:- 1. That Gloucester City Football Club remains homeless 18 months after their ground at Meadow Park was flooded to 2.5m and became uninsurable. 3 2. That Gloucester City Football Club is this season playing their home matches in Cirencester. 3. That Gloucester City Football Club needs a new permanent home in the city in order that it may survive and thrive. This Council resolves to do all it can to help Gloucester City Football Club find a new home within Gloucester. This Council establishes an all party working group with representatives from the Football Club to achieve this objective." (c) To be moved by Councillor Hobbs: “This Council fully supports the Gloucester City Football Club in it’s return to this city and will actively help them find a suitable location for the new home ground.” 13. ISSUE DEBATE (CONSERVATIVE GROUP) (COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULE 17) To be moved by Councillor James: “The Council notes the current economic conditions, but remains committed to its objectives of delivering a strong and thriving 21 century city with cohesive communities, and of making Gloucester a locally, nationally and internationally respected city. The Council resolves to do all it can to support its residents and businesses through the current situation and calls on all its partners to work to the same ends.” MINUTES OF MEETINGS 14. PLANNING COMMITTEE (Pages 179 - 188) To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee of 7 October and 4 November 2008. 15. LICENSING AND ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE (Pages 189 - 190) To receive the minutes of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee of 14 October 2008. 16. OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (Pages 191 - 194) To consider the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee of 6 October and 10 November 2008 and to pass such resolutions as the Council sees fit. 17. SCRUTINY COMMITTEE FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (Pages 195 - 200) To consider the minutes of the Scrutiny Committee for the Built Environment meeting 4 of 25 September 2008 and pass such resolutions as the Council sees fit. 18. SCRUTINY COMMITTEE NO. 2 To consider the minutes of the Scrutiny Committee No. 2 meeting of 16 October 2008 and pass such resolutions as the Council sees fit. 19. STANDARDS COMMITTEE (Pages 201 - 206) To consider the minutes of the Standards Committee of 23 September 2008 and to pass such resolutions as the Council sees fit. 20. AUDIT COMMITTEE (Pages 207 - 212) To consider the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting of 23 September 2008 and to pass such resolutions as the Council sees fit. 21. ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (Pages 213 - 218) To consider the minutes of the Organisational Development Committee meeting of 23 July and 13 October 2008 and to pass such resolutions as the Council sees fit. 22. ANY OTHER BUSINESS WHICH MAY OR MUST BE TRANSACTED Yours sincerely Corporate Director of Strategy and Development 5 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3 COUNCIL MEETING : Thursday, 18th September 2008 PRESENT : Cllrs. Ravenhill (Mayor), Hanman (Sheriff & Deputy Mayor), James, Gravells, Llewellyn, Morgan, White, Hilton, Hobbs, Durrant, P. McLellan, Smith, Gillespie, Noakes, Witts, Crawford, Lewis, Wilson, Heath, Gill, Jones, Whittaker, Field, Haigh, Dee, Porter and Taylor APOLOGIES : Cllrs. Williams, Tracey, Lawlor, Lugg, Bhaimia, Emerton, Brown, J. McLellan and Pandor 47. PRAYERS Prayers were offered by the Reverend Les Mather, the Mayor’s Chaplain. A minutes silence was observed in respect of Daryl Matthews, the Council’s Housing Options Officer and Deputy Mayor of Dursley, who died recently. 48. MINUTES RESOLVED The minutes of the meeting held on 24 July 2008 were taken as read and signed by the Chair. 49. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors Gravells, Hilton, McLellan, Gillespie and Hanman declared personal interests in matters relating to the County Council as Members of the County Council. Councillors Smith, Durrant and Field declared personal interests in matters relating to Gloucester City Homes as members of the Board. 1 Page 2 COUNCIL 18.09.08 Councillors James, Gravells and Smith declared personal interests in matters relating to the GHURC. Councillors Hilton and White declared personal interests in matters relating to Gloucestershire Airport. Councillor Haigh declared a personal and prejudicial interest in matters relating to the Leisure Trust as a member of the Board. 50. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) Before asking a question of the Cabinet Member for Heritage and Leisure, Terry Haines, of The Triangle, noted that at his last attendance at Council he had asked for modest repairs and modifications to be carried out at the Blackbridge Athletics Track from existing funds and he expressed disappointment that nothing seemed to have been done. He then asked “What level of support is the City Council prepared to commit itself to as regards support for the eight lane track project? I am shortly to meet with officers of UK Athletics to discuss this proposal. The long held opinion in UK Athletics is that Gloucester has an appalling record of support of athletics.” Cabinet Member’s response “In response to the first item that Terry mentioned, in fact the amount of money that he mentioned was still in his view available to be spent had in actual fact been spent on the track sometime ago.
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