US 20060080709A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0080709 A1 KWOn et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 13, 2006 (54) METHOD FOR REGISTERING AND Publication Classification DISPLAYING DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA BROADCASTING CHANNELS IN A MOBILE (51) Int. Cl. TERMINAL WITH A FUNCTION FOR H04N 5/445 (2006.01) RECEIVING DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA G06F 3/00 (2006.01) BROADCASTING G06F 3/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 725/46; 725/39; 725/44 (75) Inventors: Seong-Geun Kwon, Suseong-gu (KR): Dong-Han Kang, Dalseo-gu (KR) (57) ABSTRACT A method is provided for registering and displaying digital Correspondence Address: multimedia broadcasting (DMB) channels in a mobile ter DILWORTH & BARRESE, LLP minal capable of receiving DMB. A selection of DMB mode 333 EARLE OVINGTON BLVD. is detected and electronic program guide (EPG) information UNIONDALE, NY 11553 (US) is received. The received EPG information is analyzed and the analyzed received EPG information is divided into fixed (73) Assignee: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., program channel information and dynamic program channel LTD., Suwon-si (KR) information. The fixed program channel information is matched with a genre in which a fixed program channel has (21) Appl. No.: 11/248,055 been registered, and a result of the matching is displayed. The dynamic program channel information is matched with (22) Filed: Oct. 11, 2005 a genre in which a dynamic program channel has been (30) Foreign Application Priority Data registered and a genre of a program currently being broad cast on the dynamic program channel, and a result of the Oct. 11, 2004 (KR)....................................... 80910/2004 matching is displayed. 501 Y. 10:30y AM THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 OMB CHANNEL INFORMATION O) SPORTS CHO1 - SBS SPORTS (SOCCER: KOREA VS. JAPAN) CH02 - MBC SPORTS (BASEBALL: NEW YORK YANKEESVS. BOSTON RED SOX) ZZZZZZ727.7% %CH06. DONGAHTVCHAMPIONSHIES)2 (ATHLETICS. WORLD 512 CHO3 – KBS DRAMA (BEAUTIFUL DAYS) CH04 - MBC MBC DRAMA (NONSTOP 3) 22 540 % CH 07 - Comedy TV (AUTUMNTALE 3-513 MOVIE CH05 - OCN THE GOD FATHER 511 SYNTHETIC CH06-DONGAHTVCHAMPIONSHIPS) (ATHLETICs: WORLD-514 - L CH07 - Comedy TV (AUTUMNTALE) -515 Patent Application Publication Apr. 13, 2006 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2006/0080709 A1 EPG (100) BIT (101) SDT (103) EIT (105) TOT (107) U O FIG.1 (PRIOR ART) Patent Application Publication Apr. 13, 2006 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2006/0080709 A1 ONOOBS )\HOWNEW 07 (HETTIOHINOO–8|\S) Z'{DIH 97 ET][\CJOWENOHd (HETTOHINOONIWW) ET[\OOWGWO Patent Application Publication Apr. 13, 2006 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2006/0080709 A1 DLE STATE 301 303 DMB CHANNEL SETUP2 YES DISPLAY PROGRAM GENRE LIST YES DISPLAY SELECTED CHANNEL N SELECTED PROGRAM GENRE 315 REGISTRATION? YES REGISTER SELECTED CHANNEL INSELECTED PROGRAM GENRE 317 FIG.3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 13, 2006 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2006/0080709 A1 MULTIMEDIA MODULE (40) PHONE MODULE (10) DETECT SELECTED OMB MODE 401 NITALIZATION 403 4. 05 GPDATECYCLENNO 407 PG CHANNE INFORMATION PRESENT IN MEMORY? RECEIVE EPG INFORMATION |DISCRIMINALEELEMENTSEPG INFORMATION OF-4. 413 FIXED NO SERVICE CHANNEL 417 MATCH CHANNEL INFORMATION WITH CATEGORY OF INESh SYNTHETIC GENRE AND CATEGORY OF FIXED GENRE ARE SEF BEING BROADCAST GENERATE EPG - 419 CHANNEL INFORMATION TRANSMIT EPG CHANNEL 421 INFORMATION TO PHONE MODULE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K GENERATE OMB CHANNEL GUIDE 423 DISPLAY DMB CHANNEL GUIDE 425 FIG.4 ONFIRST DISPLAY MODULE Patent Application Publication Apr. 13, 2006 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2006/0080709 A1 10:30r. or AM THURSDAYno vot-nt-in SEPTEMBER 23 DMB CHANNEL INFORMATION O) SPORTS CHO1 - SBS SPORTS (SOCCER: KOREA VS. JAPAN) CHO2 - MBC SPORTS (BASEBALL: NEW YORK YANKEESVS. BOSTON RED SOX) ZZZZZ7272/72277/7ZZZZZZZZZ ECH06.&CHAMPIONSHIES)3 DONGAHTV (ATHLETICS. WORLD 512 CHO3 - KBS DRAMA (BEAUTIFUL DAYS) CHO4 - MBC MBC DRAMA (NONSTOP 3) Z 540 --- % CH07Zzz - Comedy TV (AUTUMNTALE) 3-513 2% 2 MOVIE CH05 - OCN THE GOD FATHER 511 SYNTHETIC CH06-DONGAHTVCHAMPIONSHIPS) (ATHLETICS. WORLD-514 ICH 07 - Comedy TV (AUTUMNTALE) -515 L w FIG.5 US 2006/0080709 A1 Apr. 13, 2006 METHOD FOR REGISTERING AND DISPLAYING indicating if a channel is recordable. The SDT 103 uses a DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA BROADCASTING service ID to identify different SDTs. CHANNELS IN A MOBILE TERMINAL WITH A 0009. The EIT 105 indicates genre information of each FUNCTION FOR RECEIVING DIGITAL program. Through the EIT 105, a program name, program MULTIMEDIA BROADCASTING URL information, a program start time, information of a period of time required for broadcasting a program, parental PRIORITY rating information and program genre information are trans 0001. This application claims priority to an application ferred. The EIT 105 uses an event ID to identify different entitled METHOD FORREGISTERING AND DISPLAY events from each other. ING DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA BROADCASTING CHAN 0010) The TOT 107 includes current time information NELS IN A MOBILE TERMINAL WITH A FUNCTION and is used to determine which program is being broadcast, FOR RECEIVING DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA BROAD or to display the current time. The user can identify various CASTING”, filed in the Korean Intellectual Property Office DMB channel information using the EPG information in real on Oct. 11, 2004 and assigned Ser. No. 2004-80910, the time. Because DMB channel information is displayed in a contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. DMB channel guide in order of channel numbers, the user is inconvenienced to determine which channel a particular BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION program is on. 0002) 1. Field of the Invention 0011. The DMB includes programs of various genres that are broadcast according to a schedule. To watch a desired 0003. The present invention relates generally to a termi genre program, like drama, on channels that provide pro nal for receiving digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB), grams of various genres, the user must retrieve programs and more particularly to a method for displaying a channel currently being broadcast on the channel one by one to find guide in a mobile terminal with a function for receiving the drama shows. DMB. 0004 2. Description of the Related Art SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0012. Accordingly, the present invention has been 0005 Digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB) is a broad designed to solve the above and other problems occurring in casting service for providing various multimedia broadcast the prior art. Therefore, it is an aspect of the present ing content such as video, audio and data. Subscribers can invention to provide a method that can display a channel view or listen to the broadcasting content through a personal guide in the form of a phone book and dynamically display portable receiver or a vehicle receiver equipped with an information of a channel for providing programs of various antenna. When watching the DMB through a mobile termi genres in the channel guide, in a mobile terminal with a nal, users can view various broadcasting channel guides function for receiving digital multimedia broadcasting. displayed on a screen to select a desired broadcasting channel. Hereinafter, the term “channel information' indi 0013 The above and other aspects of the present inven cates, for example, “Channel 11 or “MBC, and the term tion can be achieved by a method for displaying digital “program' is a generic term including a specific program multimedia broadcasting (DMB) channels in a mobile ter such as "9 O'clock News' or a commercial film (CF), etc. minal capable of receiving DMB. The method includes The term “channel guide' indicates a list of channel infor detecting a selection of DMB mode and receiving electronic mation and programs that a user can select on channels. program guide (EPG) information; analyzing the received EPG information and dividing the analyzed received EPG 0006 Mobile terminals with DMB reception receive information into fixed program channel information and code division multiplexing (CDM) channel information dynamic program channel information; matching the fixed associated with the DMB service from a satellite. The program channel information with a genre in which a fixed received channel information includes electronic program program channel has been registered, and displaying a result guide (EPG) information. Because table information of the of the matching; and matching the dynamic program channel EPG is re-transmitted periodically, the user can receive the information with a genre in which a dynamic program EPG information through the DMB service at any time. channel has been registered and a genre of a program FIG. 1 illustrates the format of a conventional EPG. currently being broadcast on the dynamic program channel, 0007 Referring to FIG. 1, EPG information tables and displaying a result of the matching. include a broadcaster information table (BIT) 101, a service BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS description table (SDT) 103, an event information table (EIT) 105, and a time offset table (TOT) 107. The BIT 101 0014. The above and other aspects and advantages of the is used to transfer broadcaster information. That is, the BIT present invention will be more clearly understood from the 101 is used to transfer a notification, a broadcaster name, and following detailed description taken in conjunction with the a current channel list. The BIT 101 uses a broadcast iden accompanying drawings, in which: tification (ID) to identify different BITs. 0.015 FIG. 1 illustrates the format of a conventional 0008. The SDT 103 is used to transfer information
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