CITY OF GLENDALE 5909 North Milwaukee River Parkway Glendale, Wisconsin 53209 This meeting is in person, but will be broadcast over Zoom to accommodate residents with COVID concerns. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87539879704 Meeting ID: 875 3987 9704 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) AGENDA—COMMON COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 28, 2021 6:00 p.m. 1. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Public Comment. Glendale residents, business owners and property owners are invited to speak to the Council on items that are not on the agenda and are within the City's ability to regulate or control. 3. The Common Council will convene in Closed Session per Wis. Stats. §19.85(1)(e) for Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (North Shore Library Agreement). 4. Reconvene to Open Session and Regular Order of Business. 5. Consent Agenda: a) Adoption of Minutes of Meeting held on June 10, 2021. b) Approval of Monthly Reports. c) Approval of 2021 Used Vehicle Dealer’s and Secondhand/Pawnbroker’s License Applications. d) Payment 2 to Mid City Corporation for work completed on the 2021 Watermain Replacement Project. e) Payment 1 to Stark Pavement Corporation for work completed on the 2021 Roadway Resurfacing Project. 6. New Business: (The public may speak to the Council prior to the beginning of deliberations on these items, provided they have notified their respective Alderperson or the Mayor in advance of this meeting). a) Recommendation from the Legislative, Judiciary, and Finance Committee - Renewal Alcohol Beverage License Applications for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. b) Ordinance to Rezone 555 West Estabrook Boulevard from PD-Planned Unit Development District – Forrer Business Interiors Office and Warehouse to PD- Planned Unit Development District – Maglio Food Processing Juice. c) Review and approval of Marketing Firm Contract per the Library Review Committee recommendation for an education campaign. Agenda Common Council June 28, 2021 d) Consideration of cost participation with the City of Milwaukee for the relocation and upgrade of fixtures for the lighting in the median island on West Good Hope Road between the railroad crossing and West Range Line Road e) Initial Review of 2022-2026 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. f) Initial Review of Stormwater Management Plan. 7. Commission, Committee, Board Reports: (This is an Opportunity for Council Members to Report on their Respective Committees, Commissions, Boards of which they serve as a Member.) 8. Adjournment. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities. 5A–5E 6/28/2021 CONSENT AGENDA 5A / 6-28-2021 CITY OF GLENDALE COMMON COUNCIL Meeting Minutes June 14, 2021 Regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Glendale held in City Hall, 5909 North Milwaukee River Parkway, Glendale, Wisconsin. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kennedy at 6:00 p.m. Roll Call: Present: Mayor Bryan Kennedy, Ald. Tomika Vukovic, Jim Daugherty, John Gelhard, Richard Wiese, Steve Schmelzling, and JoAnn Shaw. Absent: None. Other Officials Present: Rachel Safstrom, City Administrator; John Fuchs, City Attorney; Mark Ferguson, Police Chief; Todd Stuebe, Community Development & Planning Director; Mustafa Emir, City Engineer; Charlie Imig, Director of Public Works; and Megan Humitz, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The members of the Common Council, City staff, and all those present pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. OPEN MEETING NOTICE. Administrator Safstrom advised that in accordance with the Open Meeting Law, the local news media was advised on Thursday, June 10, 2021, of the date of this meeting; that the Agenda was posted on the official bulletin board of City Hall, the Glendale Police Department, and the North Shore Library; that copies of the Agenda were made available to the general public in the Municipal Building and the Police Department; and those persons who requested, were sent copies of the Agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT. No public comment. CONSENT AGENDA. I. File No. Adoption of Minutes of Meeting held on May 24, 2021, Review and Approval of Accounts Payable, and Compliance Maintenance Annual Report and Glendale Resolution authorizing the filing of the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Motion by Ald. Daugherty, seconded by Ald. Shaw, to adopt the minutes of the meeting held on May 24, 2021, approve Accounts Payable, and Compliance Maintenance Annual Report and Glendale Resolution authorizing the filing of the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Ayes: Ald. Vukovic, Daugherty, Gelhard, Wiese, Schmelzling, and Shaw. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Motion carried. 1 NEW BUSINESS. II. File No. Resolution Honoring Bruce Cole for His Decades of Service to the City of Glendale. Mayor Kennedy stated Bruce Cole has been an active member of the School District, served as an Alderman, has been on several committees, worked as an Election Day Poll Worker, and has also been active in several volunteer organizations for nearly four decades. The Common Council would like to honor Bruce Cole for his overall volunteerism and service to the community, the schools, and the City. Motion by Ald. Shaw, seconded by Ald. Wiese, to approve the Resolution Honoring Bruce Cole for His Decades of Service to the City of Glendale. Ayes: Ald. Vukovic, Daugherty, Gelhard, Wiese, Schmelzling, and Shaw. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Motion carried. III. File No. Resolution Recognizing June 2021 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the City of Glendale. Mayor Kennedy stated the City of Glendale is recognizing June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, in order to acknowledge the inclusion and acceptance of all people in the community. The resolution appreciates the cultural, civic, and economic contributions of LGBTQ+ members of the community; as well as reaffirms a commitment to standing in solidarity and celebrating authenticity, acceptance, and love. Motion by Ald. Vukovic, seconded by Ald. Gelhard, to approve the Resolution Recognizing June 2021 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month in the City of Glendale. Ayes: Ald. Vukovic, Daugherty, Gelhard, Wiese, Schmelzling, and Shaw. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Motion carried. IV. File No. Schedule Public Hearing for Monday, July 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for a Request to Rezone 6076 and 6100 North Port Washington Road (Tax Key Parcels 163-8993-000 and 163- 8992-000) from B-1, F2 District to B-1, F1 District. Administrator Safstrom stated the applicant, Keyhan Sheikholeslami, owner of Ogden Cleaners, has been informed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that they will need to relocate due to the construction of I-43 and expansion of Port Washington Road. They wish to continue their business in the City of Glendale at 6076 N. Port Washington Road. Currently, the zoning of the property does not allow for this use. At the same time, 6100 N. Port Washington Road (Valvoline) is a legal non-conforming use. Rezoning both properties will allow for full compliance for both businesses. It will also alleviate concerns of “spot zoning” in the City. Staff has reviewed the location and feels the Ogden Cleaners at 6076 N. Port Washington Road location will be a good fit. The Plan Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on July 6, 2021. Due to time restraints, the Common Council is requested to schedule their public hearing for Monday, July 12, 2021. The current scheduled closing date is July 20, 2021, and there is a need to vacate the old building by the end of August. 2 Ald. Wiese questioned if the businesses will retain their individual status. Administrator Safstrom confirmed this to be the case, and clarified the 6100 N. Port Washington Road property will become a legal conforming use. Motion by Ald. Shaw, seconded by Ald. Schmelzling, to Schedule the Public Hearing for Monday, July 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for a Request to Rezone 6076 and 6100 North Port Washington Road (Tax Key Parcels 163-8993-000 and 163-8992-000) from B- 1, F2 District to B-1, F1 District. Ayes: Ald. Vukovic, Daugherty, Gelhard, Wiese, Schmelzling, and Shaw. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Motion carried. V. File No. Recommendation from the Library Review Committee to commence marketing and education on the City of Glendale decision to exit the North Shore Library Agreement. Administrator Safstrom stated at the direction of Common Council and the establishment of the Library Committee, the Library Committee hired a consultant to develop a community survey to assess resident opinions and the feasibility of the future of library services in Glendale. The City received 719 survey responses, and of those, 96.8% of respondents reported that they lived in Glendale. A full recommendation for the committee is still being formulated, and is anticipated by the end of Summer 2021. Upon initial review and discussion, it became apparent that there is a need for public education. Due to the timeliness of that need, a separate recommendation to the Common Council is necessary. The Library Review Committee is recommending a provision of immediate public education regarding the circumstances by which the City of Glendale left the North Shore Library, the status of the future of library services within Glendale and initial results from the survey. This would include approving community tables and outreach efforts at community events, as well as reaching out to key community partners and potentially proving speaking opportunities at events to engage the public on this topic; seeking support from all Alderpersons in this community engagement effort within their respective wards; and approval of funding to initiate an RFP for a public relations/marketing firm to assist in developing a PR/Marketing strategy pertaining to the future of library services within the City.
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