FPfE PUBLIC LIBRARY iUMMH, NEW »f'•'•'* 1889,1964 1889-1964 Seventy-Five Years Seventy-Five Years Of Continous Of Continous Public Service Public Service «VM. Summit Record 76th Year No. 11 Cntara* u ••oonl CUM llutir at lha POM Offloa at Bommlt. N. J. iim. Dadar tHa ACT •( Hank a, lift CRestview 3-4000 SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1964 0*coDd ClaM PoiUx* Paid at Summit. N. J. $6 a y..r IS CLMTS Varied Activities Keep City Free of TB Summer Playground Participants On Go Deaths Last Year, Pet fairs, crazy hair-do's, lollipop hunts, shoe throws I and trying to whistle while eating crackers, were among! the several kinds of activities that kept participants busy First Since 1956 last week at the city's five summer playgrounds. Memorial Field For the first time since 19SS no deaths from tuber- Highlight of Friday morning culosis were recorded in the city last yetr, a Board of was a stuffed animal show. Best Health report disclosed this week. Summit Trust New Law Suit The number of tuberculosis cases for the year num- in show was awarded to Debby bered three, the same as in 1962; but during that year Sperco's gigantic lion, Leo. one death wai reported. Other priies went to the follow- Filed Against In 19M, when no deaths were ling people: Susan Hall-most And Elizabeth reported, there were 14 cases of elegant; Sara Hess-biggest ears; Births Beat the disease in the dry. Angelo DiOnno-cutest;- Ginny The report also indicated that Bank Merging Master Plan venereal disease in the city, Sperco-best cared for; Doug particularly syphilis, is "on the A taxpayer suit to recover a Hall-coolest cat; David Dumais- Plans for the merging of two Deaths Here increase." The Board of Health 120,300 fee allegedly paid by the most sophisticated; Debby Ro-'ot Union County's oldest banks, reported that syphilis has be- city to its Master Plan consul- bison-most original; Barbara the Summit Trust Co. and thej come a "greater problem than tant was filed last week by a and Carol Graef-best twins;: Elizabethport Banking Co. of By 4-1 Margin ever," especially since the pri- Kent Place Boulevard couple, Elizabeth were vate physician, termed "a most Carol Bidding-smartest; Leslie ' announced this! Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Coch- Births outnumbered deaths by important man," has exhibited Bidding-prettiest lamb; Lois week j ran, and their attorney. Joseph 4 to 1 in Summit during 1963, efforts to protect what the re- Lindsay-littlest; Theresa Maul-i The proposed new bank would Ginsberg. a Board of Health report dis- port said were "nice people by beck-sweetest; and Mary Maul- be known as the Summit and The Cochrans live at 249 Kent closed this week. not reporting to the State De- beck-happiest. Mention and Elizabeth Trust Co. and the new Place Boulevard and Ginsberg With last year's ratio at 8 topartment of Health a case of points were given to the other institution would be the second! at 245 Kent Place Boulevard. I in favor of births, it is the first venereal disease." Toe report participants: Susie Robison, largest state-chartered bank in: Named defendants in the suit "me in eight years that there cited such action as "not good Cathy flabby. Ginger O'Mahon- the county with resources of are the City of Summiit hass beebwnn aa decreas decreasee iinn th thee city'city'ss medical practice." ey.Lawrie Winnart, Debby Voet- more than $113 million and de-, SHADES OF THE "VILLAGE" - The Public Library took on Charles K. Agle of Princeton, birth rate and an increase in The increase in syphilis cases sch, Ginger Garrett, Maureen posits of more than $100 mil- the atmosphere of a Greenwich Village coffee house last we->k the consultant for the Master the rate of death. in the city last year was 100 par Clabby, Carolyn flabby, Debby ion. ! when the children's department had its first hootenany tinier Schools Undergo Plan and for zoning revisions. Births for the year totalled cent, with eight cam reported, Winnert, Julianne O'Mahoney.j The county's largest state- Annual Chamber the supervision of Mrs. Marian Ferguson, children's librarian. The suit claims that Agle fail- 2,304, a decrease of M from the as against none toe prerioa 2,400 reported during 1962. CJail Mitchell, Chris O'Mahoney, chartered institution is Union Shown above with guitar as they entertained 224 area boys and year. There were also sewn Gen O'Mahoney, Brian O'Ma- county Trust Co., which since Outing Planned girls are, left to right. Elizabeth Good, Kii Fagan and dlliy Annual Summer of gonorrhea, Geiger. Not shown in the picture is the fourth member of tie pared with six, the honey, Peggy O'Mahoney, Chris-'iu merger some years agowith; CAr TLJ- I folk quartet, Sally Pirtle. All arc Summit High students. year. tine, Susie, and Sally Magrath, the old Citizens Trust Co of> FOl I IlIS Fixup, Cleanup and Mike Maulbeck. Summit now has offices in Sum-! (Wolin Photo* Snektag, Narcotics Cited The 23rd annual Summit Area Major repairs are currently Points were given to Mem-mit and in Berkeley Heights, . ,. , ... .... , he made with the city on June As part of its program of pub- residents. Of the total 2U orials' girls champions in the v , Chamber of Commerce all-day taking place in three of thel.£ ^ lic health education, the Board Th countv !ar(!es bank as born here with another 46 born putin is slaled for Monday at Father's Concern Over city's public schools, while all, Rle's completed Master Plan of Health has at tiroes submitted Playground Olympics: Peggy O'-!far aS^""ete and bran?hes is 8 A ! tuildings are undergoing articles to the Summit Herald Mahoney. Liz Sleele, Jenny Lov- concerned is Natif)na| gtate of Forsgate Country Club, James- 2,304 were born at Overlook to ett and Betsy Beard. Elizabeth, a nationally-chartered burg. Knife Leads City to Actgeneral summer clean-up and complete with detailed maps on dnntta smoking awl «ar- xmtic drugs. The report contendt On Friday afternoon the fea- institution with branches in eigheightt ;j Thee annuanul aeven t -will include A father's concern over the i Police sai_ d. suchiknives should' housekeeping, Walter S. Eddy, and charts and required mi ! ! that (he Board lias s "major ture event was a cracker and municipalities The Sum- E°lf. fishing or just plain relaxa- easy purchase by his son of a not ba considered a toy. business manager, disclosed this than 15 months to complete. county The court has been asked to 176 occurred within city limits, responsibility" to prepare edu- whistle contest. Girls' winners mit offjce of National state js'tion, all of which will be topped hunting knile has lead the city. Police Chief John B. Sayre w(£k (Continued on Page 7) while 49 residents died outside cational material on the rela- were: Peggy O'Mahoney, Barb ,heforme r First Naliona) Bankloif with a roast beef dinner to request merchants not to sell said the only knive: which are, . 1 nt I!l drt mw om on al Summit. tionship of cigarette addiction Van Winkle, Robin Moore, and & Trust Co 0[ Summit at 7 p.m. such potential weapons indis- illegal to buy or use are switch- I"" B S 1 lll e Junlor Hl n Seht)o1 Frank Infant deaths for the year and ill health. Debby Voetsch. Following the ThThe e EElizabethpor|jzabethnr>rtt banbankk wawass "Again up for grabs will be the criminately to any youngster blades and gravity knives. A 8 ' " 1 Village Green numbered 40, an increase of 13 At the same time, the health contest, a sand modeling con- estab|isned in ,m and no ha, Summit Herald golf trophy who asks for them. switchblade is one where a but- lin and Roosevelt schools. In est was held. Winner was Deb- . which any number of players: At a recent meeting of Com- ton is pushed to release the:commenting on repair work, over 1963. Ten of those occurred report raised the question as to to Summit residents, as opposed whether or not the use of nar- by Robison. In second place olllces, two in Elizabeth -mayTepresent an organization, moh Council Harold E. Coombs,blade, while a gravity knife canjMr. Eddy indicated that while Band Concert iind one in to nine the previous year. The cotics was a crime or disease. were Debby Mikolite and Robin Elizahethport. Sum- bllt eacn must be a bonafide of 1 Cottage lane displayed a j be put into use with a downward! cognizance was given to the Lay Moore; Holly Ilenschell was in mit Trust was chartered in 1891 member of the organization re-12-inch hunting knife he said;thrust, that causes the blade to Committee report and several majority of infant deaths, 23, While not answering the ques- third place and fourth place an(' has complete hanking of-1 presented as of last June I. Golf | he confiscated from his son. He - slip out of its metal casing. letters to the editor of the Her- Set for Tonight {occurred before the child was tion, the report suggested that went to Eileen Gannon, Ginger fices nere and in New Provi-: fees are payable to Col. Norman told Council the boy purchased aid on conditions at Roosevelt j Arthur E. Ostrander of ,24 hours old, while the balance health officials must help solve Garrett, and Joyce Jennings, .dence and a separate loan of- ^ Barnett, Chamber executive sec- the knife at a local store, and srhool.
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