EHE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, JUNE 9, 1903. COUNTY ACT INTERESTING STATISTICS OF ALL THE RACES WHICH HAVE BISHOP SCO., BANKERS EVER BEEN SAILED FOR THE HISTORIC AMERICA'S CUP ESTABLISHED UN 1858. ow ARGUED ankln2; Department. DATS. Start-a.a- u R1XI I TOXHAGX. COCXX- - ifinish" p. m Klapaedtime correo. time Won bj Transact business In all departmxt ttsun ft. m a h. h w . a m. a. m. a. ial August 22- - of banking. America . 10 from (.owes around tale 01 Wight 10 a BIT 6 to 37 o 10 87 0 id v Anrnrn. IT. Le f A urorm Collections carefully attended 1570 . Mercbni I aecona). I 0 8 55 0 13 650 t 65 " Anuri 8 Magic Franklin Osgood . - New Y0rk Yacht. CInb course. 2ft o T Exchange t. Agfa It SUM I S 58 28.3 59 12 bought and sold. 1871 Cambria J. burr- - 227 5 26 0 57 14lit57 4 S7 SS 9 October 14 . i olumbia rm.nk.lii lata Hew York, TacMCTcb course. TO 0 0 4 57 42 7 2 9 41 f7 4 Livonia 0ooL.- 6 Judgc Gear Takes October Uu !J. AnDanr- 10 4 6 23 u 6 4S 6 tf 5 Commercial and Travelers' Lettem cj Franklin Oszood. 20 pO miles to windward o3 Bandy Hook 12 5 S6 7 IS J3 7 10 3SH (Livonia . t 4l J. Ash burJ 81 Ligbuhipand-rtnrn- 12 S 2uU 3 0 IO SSi6 S 18 Credit Issued on the Bank of California October IX-Oeto- AfJi bt: ie uU Uvoal S Uiew York Yatn Club course (Col-- 1 "5 O 6 1S S S S 5 4 3 IS 10 and N. M. Rothschild & Sons, . folumfela, . 1 i .5 Londsa. Krank n (Wood. 22 mniwnin uioi 2 0 J JM 4 12 S3 4 55 Correspondents: Matter a.. Sappho YL. fv Donel&a S10 '20milesto The Bank of Callfor Under windward oitSand? Hookj O 4 2t a S3 5 S3 7 53 Z Livonia J. A sb bqry...... VK) till S nia, Commercial Banking Co. of 8ys October 23.. Sappiio w. uouiupuarenira. 1 2 SI7S 4 33 6 a 23' r. uouaiaa. 0 Sew York Yacht Club course. IJ 2t s t h 4 M ft 4 W ll 25 23 ney, Ltd., London. J. ASIi bUX. 3-- 0 0 S5 4 5 43 I It 44 Advisement. Madeline.. J t, Dickercon . Sew Vcik Yacbt Club coarse. IItll15 SI 4 412S S2a: 1059 CoantefcacJ DufferinJ Major C Gifford. 1177 8 4 Bt &tttt Drafts and cable transfers on CkL.a August 2 - t i4 M SSSfiA . J. a- mcKerron. t.- - 2tttnIIesamintlwaTl off Sandy Book! 13 17 94 7 S3 7 i9 t) l 4 S7 14 and Japan through the Hongkong aa Coanteiaoi Duflerln Hajor--C Gilford. November Mischief- JSSrtO 11 17 59 S 5S IM O 2 9 O Shanghai Banking Corporation aa4 l3i 9. - Hue. 33.21 rKfcMr Yviifcscbt Clulcanrse. 1114 50 1U 4 17 9 4 11 23 tQH A4lants Alex Cuthbert H 15 4 4 3 4 43 Chartered Bank of India, Australia am Kaxember .IMlscMel 1 fl tiX 10 . J. ft. Bosk Simile from Ba 19 S oS 11M11 4 53 13 4 M 63 4 83 64 China. of . Evidence Hackmen's (AUiant. Alex. CnU)bert S4 .aanuErziiHjaana. 6A 5 Sft & 55 13S5 September reinrn is 47 5Ul i2 334? Pnrltao. J. Malcolm. Forbes 140 pieim Yurie Yachi Club cocrsc 10 24 0 4 t ft 6 6 ft 8 IB 11 Genes ta . Richard Sutton. Bart rO 1 10 54 6a ft S3 4 Interest allowed on term deposits at 8eptembej " License Provision Puritan. J Maleolm i'oroes. MO- kirnfie tq leewsril eft Sandy laotj U ft 1 4 ft 1 5 3 14 I 13 the following rates per annum, vis: lOenest Kicbard Sutton. Bart. 4 1W B ft 20 6 4 53 ISaEr-Septe- - It l' Seven days' notice, 2 per ft Mayflower.. Geo. C.J. Paine Sew- York Yacht S 41 at cnt nu CUibcoatae. 1166 14 4 22 54 24 5 28 41 l 2 S ilialatea.. Lieut. Henn. R. H 172. 4 10 66 4 o 53 21 S 4 Three months, at per cent. Irregularity. 4 It 5 39 Si September Mayflower. 17R-- E Geo. C J. V&iue leeward oS Sandy (look It 22 4 6 11 4t ft 49 ft 43 O '9 9 Six months, at thi per cent. i loaiatea. Lieut. Henn. R. N 171.14 tigDuiiiipuna V4 10 7 49 18S7 reuirn. U (ttotl 18 7 IS 9 Twelve months, 4 per cent. September '23 . Volunteer Gen. C J. Paine Sew York Yacht Club coarse. 12 84 58! 5 4 5 4 S 19 at - - & Ubi I It 23K Thistle James Bell J53I 12:3 ft i 6 45f2) 5 ft 12 AIM Department. , 1iiVi September Volunteer .. Gen. C. J. 20 miles to windward off 10 (V? ft Trust Does County Government Ter- . Paine. 3i08 Scotland 40 4 23 47 ft 4i MJi 4 56W 11 in Thistle James Bell. J63.S4 Lightshipand return H 40 2J 4 35.13 0 &54 55 . Act as trustees under mortgages. l$2 October 7.. (Vigilant C. 3-- ! Oliver Itelinetai 14417 15 miles to wiodward off Scotland 11 ;5 O 0 41 4 5 4 4 ft 41 ft 43 Manage estates, real and personal. Valkvrie II Lord Dun raven . 10.53 Ligbtsbip nd return. 11 25 0 38 J 4 IS 4 11 ": ritories Imply All That It October 9 Vigilant C. ' ,. :i ti Collect rents Oliver lseun - l4.?l New York Yacht Club course equi- U254 3501 I S 24 I 10 33 and dividends. Valkyrie 11 Lord Ducfaveo 108 55 lateral triangle 30 miles 11 25 0 3 7 2 tti8 37 2 85 Valuable papers, wills, bonds, St October Vigilant 15 Si Does in States? l C. Oliver Isehn eial. .. 144 .71 miles to windward off Scctlaod 12 27 0 3 51 8a ft 2 89 1 24 3 0 40 received for keeping. Valkyrie II- -. Lord Dunrivpo. Lignunip and return. 12 27 3 S 25 1 safs 1435 l65 0 3 53 52 24 52 September?. t8-.- ueienaer.. C. Oliver Iselln et al 15 miles to windward off Scotland 12 25) ft 21 14 ft 0 24 4 69 B5 Accountant Department. Valkyrie III Lord Dunraven. iigniamp ana return 12 20 4 1 30 5 8 4 lit September 10 W5 529 t Ml us Defender C. Oliver Isehn ta446 New York Yacht Cluo course cqui-- ! 11 1 7 S 55 Argument in the County Act man-dam- Valkyrie etal 15 2 43 56 2i 3 04 MT. Auditors for corporations and prt III Lord Dunravcn lateral triUBl-3- 0 miles 11 0 13 12 55 23 3 5ft 3 56 9 rate firms. 'September 13 ueienaer.... C Oliver Iselin t-t85- 45 15 miles to 11 I case was concluded at 3:20 Valkyrie etal windward nd recur 20 24 4 4 34 t 44 12 4 43 41 .... III Lord Dunraven.. irom Sandy Hook Ligbtship. II 21 59 Books examined and reports mn. x October i Columbia.. IseliR-- organ Syndicate t-- 15 miles to windwara frnm $aniir! II t S 3 54 SJ 4 68 t3 4 53 51 10 8 Statements of affairs prepared. Judge .. I yesterday afternoon. Gear took Shamrock. SirThoroas Lipton 18 M Hook Liebtsnm and return II ! 4 JO ; S 4 1 Iaeiin-Monca- u 13 i Trustees on bankrupt or lnsolrsaf October 17 Columbia Syndicate fS9 6 (Equilateral trianple n n miles to hI 87 17 J54787 0 J 87 0 . II OH i the several distinct questions raised Shamrock Sir Tnomas Lipton. leg. trom bandy Hotik 0 15 II tates. Iselin-Morea- Lghtbi. II October 2a Columbia . - n Syndicate 'IM S miles to leew ard from Suody Uookl 11 I 33 2 40 0 3 88 25 3J 8 6 34 Office, 924 Bethel street under advisement. They Include the Shamr.ick Sir Thomas Lipton 98 Ligbtsbip und return. II 0 : 34 2 45 17 3 44 43 3 44 43 I Savings Department. constitutionality of the Act, Its legal English tonnage. t Loadwater line. Disqualified for iouliug Dcieuder. 5 Withdrew on crushing the Vine. Withdrew copmast carried away Deposits received and Interest allow passage by the Legislature and, rela- sd at 4Vs per cent per annum, la a tee. In this bill there were Senate official all of the powers formerly held but suggested that when the Organic to the latter, competency of cordance with rules and regulatioaaj ted the amendments. House amendments, con by the Marshal, but this Act abolish-- ! Act gave Hawaii the power to create copies of which mar b obtains tm . VERYANNOYING the evidence on legislative-proceedings- ference amendments even the title ed the office. county government it meant that we application. Speaker Beckley and Clerk Meheuia was changed the alterations made it "Modlfiication does not mean extin- were to have counties with a republic- Insurance Department, of the House of Representatives gave practically a new bill. They certain- guishment," he declared in answer to an form of government. The authori- This Hardly Expresses What Agents for FIRE, MARINE, LITIS. ly considered the title important when a remark from the court. ties were overwhelming in holding that ACCIDENT and EMPLOYERS' LIA evidence, amidst a running battle over Say BILITT INSURANCE COMPANIES. they amended It. The original Senate Judge Gear said an official might be ( local government was an inherent Honolulu People admissibility, the substance of Insurance office, 924 Bethel street Its bill had one title and this one had relieved of some of his functions.
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