Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1965 Daily Egyptian 1965 6-30-1965 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1965 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1965 Volume 46, Issue 172 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 30, 1965." (Jun 1965). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1965 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1965 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Morris AsW to Give Active Role to Student Group The, Carbondale Student Davis~ Carbondale cam he past year underwrite the recognized. However. it is Council has asked that the student body vice presi ent d and importance of the hoped by the Carbondale Cam- proposed Commission on Stu- and temporary chairman of y to be made by this pus Student Council tbat tbe dent Rights and Responsibili- University Student Council. rJ)up (the Student Rights and forthcoming commission will ties be permitted ,an acti~e In the letter Davis noted e<>ponsibilities Com- function with the capability to rather than a passive role In that the "events which oc- Ission)." make recommendations be- University affairs. ,curred on the Carbon The letter continued: yond principle alone. in ~reas Tbe request, was made In campus With regard to T- e '.relevance of a na- where it is felt. by the com- a letter to Presldent Delyte W. ticular sentiments on tbe p " Hy oriented study on stu- mission, that such recom- Morris. Signed by John Paul of that student body dui, glt:. t--university relations is mendations would be con- structive to broadening and , improving relations between j the expanding physical Uni­ versity and its growing. in­ terested human community of EGYPTIAN students." . 5 .. Enclosed with the letter were the names of six stu­ dents which the council ap­ Southern Illinois University proved to serve on the com­ mittee. C.......... IIIi_i. w..... " June 3D, 1965 Nu .... 172 Morris earlier had asked (Conti_ .. OIl P.,. 8) JOHN PAUL DAVIS No Classes Monday After Holiday ** Library and Beach Probationers Will Remain Open, Meetings Set Offices to Close All students who have en­ Students and staff members tered SIU for the first time will get a holiday Mondai and are on academiC proba­ because Independence Day [ion must attend one of two falls on a Sunday th:::: ~'ear. meetings scheduled for today, Classes will not meet. and according to Mrs. Dorothy most offices and facHities will Ramp. probation supervisor. be closed. Those that remain The meetings are set for open will be on modified sche­ 10 a.m. and I p.m. in Morris dules. Library Auditorium. Their purpose is to explain to pro­ Morris Library will be open bation students the require­ from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m •• ments they must meetinorder its regular summer hours. but only the circulation desk to stay in school for fall term. The main requirement is WIll be staffed. Entry and that the studenr maintain a exit will be through the south 3.0 (C) average in at least doors only. nine academic hours during The Lake-on-the-Campus the summer term. recreation facilities will re­ main open. Senate Committee The University Center will be open but on a modified Recommends Hitt schedule. All facilities nor­ By the Associated Press mally closed on Sundays and holidays will be closed. This The Illinois Senate Execu­ includes the cafeteria. the tive Committee voted unani­ A FRlENt'LY FELTS FELLOW PHONES A WINSOME WOODY lOSS bookstore and the directors mously Tuesday to recom­ office. No attendants Will mend confirmation ofGov.Ot­ Felts-Woody 'Hot Line· be on duty at the checkroom to Kerner's appointment of or the parking lot. F. Guy Hitt: of Benton to tbe Southern O1inois University The Oasis and Olympic board of trustees. Maratlwn SIUPhone Cau Seeks To Break Room will open at 11 a.m. Sen. John Gilbert. R-Car­ and close at 10:30 p.m. The bondale, who last week pro­ bowling alley will be open tested Hitt's appointment, Previous Record oj 2~ Weeks oj Yakking from noon to 10:3n The in­ withdrew his objections. formation desk will be staffed Hin vras named to replace It was about 12:30 a.m. in the reception room of Area sity of Illinois. he thinks. from U a.m. to U p.m. John Page Wham of Centralia. Tuesday when the phone in A in Woody Hall. A clutch of Dale emphasized that this The Health Service has not long-time board member and Beverly Curtiss' room in girls was waiting to answer isn't just another one of those announced its hours for the the present chairman. Woody Hall rang. Steven J. Thus began an effort by a kooky college students' pro­ holiday. "I do not want to give Dale from Felts Hall, first handful of SIU students to jects. There's a real purpose the idea I was questioning the floor. was on the line. establish a new college rec­ behind It-besides just setting honor and integrity of Mr. The conversation that fol­ ord-the world's longest. un­ a record, that is. Gus Bode Hitt," Gilbert told the con.­ lowed was reasonably short. interrupted telephone call. He explained it this way: minee. a few sleepy yeses, a chuckle No one is exactly cenain "You see, some of us were "He is familiar with the or two and they both hung up. of the record. but Dale, a baving trouble meeting girls university, and although he has A few minutes later a phone freshman from Champaign. and we decided we ought to a residence in Missouri. he call was placed from phone thinks the record is some­ do something about it. So af­ also is an officer of two banks number 453-2595 on the first thing like 21/2 weeks. It was ter a floor meeting Monday in Illinois." floor in Felts Hall to 453-2677 established at the Univer- night~ we decided we'd try tbe telephone bit. "Now we can introduce our­ selves over the phone to the Student's Tethered Hawk Missing girl on the other end. tell about Orn. a 12-week-old red- possible:' Lane said. "It legs. It is not fully feathered ourselves. find out what she's tailed hawk. has flown could only flop around for yet. like and if it sounds interest­ the coop. about five feet by itself." A state permit is required ing. make a date to meet in The hawk. \ 'ich can't even The bird was to be taken to keep a hawk like Orn. Any­ person." fly yet. mos! ,.kely had some to the Glen Oak Zoo in Peoria one who keeps one illegally Dale said the boys on the help in leaving. Dennis O. Friday. "Right now the hawk is subject to a $100 fine. first floor in his hall take Lane, an SIU student who is is invaluable because no Cases involving these missing 30-minute turns trainer of the bird. said it was others are available:' said birds are investigated by fed­ "We have a blackboard in taken sometime between I and Lane. erat and state authorities. the classroom in the hall and 7 a.m. Tuesday from its home Although the bird is rea- Lane said. we've set up a calling sched­ at the corner of South Wash­ sonably tame. I.ane said it ". ule:' Dale explained. "The ington Avenue and East Free­ wouldn't be a very good idea· Lane saId If the bIrd IS. re­ guys just go in and sign up man Street. to fool With it very much. tu.rned promptly. no questlons for the time they want to Lane said when he went out Orn, which Lane said means WIll be asked and no charges talk." to get the bird on Tuesday. son of the eagle. stands I 1/2 brought. He said he wasn't certain he found its steel tether stake feet high and has 1 wing span Anyone who knows the how the girls in Woody were Gus says he sri!! resents [he on the ground. The bird and of 3 fect. The bird has a whereabouts of the bird may handling their end of it but Saluki Patrolman puItin~ a its cord tether were missin~. brown back and bmwn and gold contact Lane in Apartment 2 there always seems to be ticket on his skateboard just "For the bird to have gotten spe..:klc'rj bn::;.l;;t fading into of Carruthers Dorm or call someone on'the female end of because he parki'"!d it out~iJ,: away by itself is almost im- whitt", and brown speckleo 540 -420.'5, the line. the classroom door. Po,_2 DAILY EGYPTIAN Ju.. 30. 1965 Police Photo Trainees Cramming ll-Hour Class Into Day's Work Traffic analysis. restaging a member of the Illinois Di­ of accidents, documentation of vision of Narcotics Control, intoxicated individuals. scene are taking a cram course in searches after such crimes photography as a tool in police as robbery. arson. homicide work. or suicide-these are only a The Police Photography few of the uses of photography Workshop gives trainees an in police work. II-hour daily dose of classes, Seven membE!rs of police demonstration sessions and laboratory assignments in units from around the state. 1 including three members' of still and mot ion picture the Illinois State poiice and techniques. James Aaron, safety cen­ i-j ter coordinator.
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