Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 6-1-1938 UA99/6/2 1938 Towers none Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation none, "UA99/6/2 1938 Towers" (1938). WKU Archives Records. Paper 436. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/436 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • rz JiD ClAREnCE lV. PARKER, EDITOR lV, m REEVES, BUSinESS m~R. -", "~ ?- " J, ~ ~ If IHI IE / / PRESENTED BY THE 1938 SENIOR CLASS \ BOWLI NG GREEN CO LLEGE OF COMMERCE , TO DR. JOHN D . DODSON IDE RESPECTFUl..l..lj DEDICATE THE 1938 Professor of pSlJcholoq\j, whose interest in the li terarlj attempts of college students has supplied untold inspiration and encouragement, whose un~ tiring patience has gained the lasting respect dnd admiration of everq st udent. whose opinion we have placed. high in our scale of pa.iues, and whose respect we honestl lj wish to deserve. , DlEUJS OF SCHOOL THE COLL E~E THE CLASSES THE FEATURES ACTUJIT1ES THE FOREUJORD AND CONTENTS In this, the 1938 TOIDers. we present 10 IlOU another book for \lour dust covered shelf. Not an imperishable work of literature, to be sure, for thai was nol our desire. IDe have allempled onlll to record aCCufatelq and effectivellJ the events and delightful experiences of the past \lear. IDe hope qou will li nd reflected in these pages manq happq memories. If. during a lull in the busy lj0drs that are ahead. when sillinq around a cheery fire wi lh loood ones, !jon remove Ihis time~worn volume from its dus t ~encrusled repose, and slowly turning the pages, live again those college dd\jS; if then lJour dim recollections are refreshed, dnd the flickering fireli ght reveals a faint smile upon \jour face. then indeed we shall nol have labored in vain. "(jrandeur, strength, and qrace aIe here." I '"Tis but .. jour ~ea~' fed,! o.>e maq enioq, four qed'S 10 ponder in the~ halloU>ed ltd!!..." "The louelq shopes and ~lln(b intelliCjlble, OJ thai e ternall."nquaqe, which thl! God utters,· I' I "I am d p.o rt of .,11 that 1 haw: met, 1.Ie t "H e"'pericllcc is an "reh whe,clhro' Gleams that untr.u>l"d Il>OfId whose m~rqi1' jddes foreuer and lorewr ..,hen I moue.· r- - --~------------------------------------~ JUST A UJORD I I To th,,"" friend" who from lhi. world h,we del",rted. whom we have known a" teacl",rs • Or 'tuuent" in thi. hclov~'{] eoli('ge, who ha\'e "UII their Cour"" in this li fe, JAMES S. ASHilY WILSON NUZUM GL~;N RlSHOP MILDHED COH' \I-e de,'ote this P'I(;e in the 1:J38 Tower._ '["the m~"y who did "ut h"w th~ pJca~ure of kuowill!;' UUt" i rie,,,I., m"y we say Ihat I they were all inspiration to all with whom the)-' were a'"oc j~ted. They ha'-e jilddibly "larnl,,~1 t heir fine qualitiea 011 tll<!- mind. of mutly who hnve ~een a p"rt or th;" in ~t itu · lioll. We (""I that i t is proper for us to set up thi~ memori" l to them .•0 thnt it may be "co""\,,n! rcmi"dcr of th~ir fine cbaracter., THE COLLEGE rag. tA'r',.5 j. MURRAY HILL V ICE , PRESIDEN T As Vice.Pre.iMnt of the Howli"g Green Bu.ine.. , Unil'"r;;;t)". I.Ir, Hill i. ,Ii,ti". guished a. a man of Icader.hip. intdli!;'cnce. , ~nd "i<io", A~ he trc"d~ Hloll g the bu_inc", ",a.l' of life, he i. admired b), the many wit h whom he i, associated ". a progre,"ive , [",eine" m~ n , intcre.led in the finer thing3 of !hi" L,,"y world of our.. Youthf ul in ag~ ",,,I lholl llht ..\ 1r. Hill posses"". a h en 1m . dcrstanding t hat call "eJI him to \;e I O"~d by thc mllny younK I,.x,plc who a re a lIart Df thi. institution. W . S. ASH BY BUSINESS MANAGER Few .c h,~)I_ are fortutwte ""ou~h to ell­ • jo), th~ 1",,,ler.hip of '0 I!"raoious a lIer""n a" J. L. !lAR~IAN. LL.D. W. S. Ashby. A ~" Southern Gentleman of President the old s<:hool, with a kind wonl and ever helpful " u l!"g~"t i o" to "II who COme to him in moment~ of d i "t r ~." . he ha. endeared him­ Dr. H" r man. Pre~jd"nl of the Bowling Green Bu~ i nc"" Li lli'·cr"ity. .elf. ~1r. Ashby'. brilliant lcadcrohip a .• emOOdies all the t raits that arc dc~ i r"ulc for the l>r,,-,ident of a l>rogr'-""­ Busillc~, ~I;"' a gcr has lJ.,c" one of thc prime ~h' e col lege, H~ ex~rci..,s his authorit), in a ta~tful and mO"! lt radou~ eau"e. of t he growth of the Bu~iT ,. l!..' Uni· m"m'er. Hi. ,, " tir ing dfort.. to make t he Bu~ i n~." Cni\'e r"i t ~· the h<!.! ,.,,,"it)". m,d un,ler hi" guiri"ne~ our school of it. kiml ha"e borne fruitful re.ult" ,,"d we ure I"'oud of hig achic\'e­ i. de<t ined to "build more stHlely mansions .. ' ment. Broadmind,,.], modern in thought a mi aetion. always w ill inlt to givc t ime a nd etTort to help HII ,,,,,Icn\'• . he ha~ endeared him"elf to each sludcll t with whom he ha ~ h<!en a"oocialtd in hi. forty-fivc year~ of lead­ er~hip. • • W H '"~O t ,,, • .,_ ~ " ,1.> .......n. , ,.••• 1 ,,,,,,,,,Loo, ........ , .. ".~,;.. "R. ''',_ ...." L ~_ JO(I(IU r_ .. l"~ . U" ., R, WU.<r r,l.k.• C """ , ...,..... .r Ln ••• , .._. "., , ....." ... ,;0" ... , ..., 'n .... " ... ",.. , ",.,.- • , ,. """", .... , "I_B. BA p ..r~_ .. ,~~ ~I"' ~_, y .,·C .... x , 1\ .• " " " .., .._ .t ...." .. ,,, .,,_• ... ,., ... ~" ... ,_ C. IK>I.'-'~" U >r.ILA." e .• ......_ of A_".. • J. " , "'" ..,< A"" .~. " . " r ..'",_ .< ..... __• ..... <-LnJ~ •. e.n, B-"_ .. n. ' ...'_. or __ .......h ..... ... "~'"'' n,R"." nX_A,. "". 1,< ",. 1',.1... .. of """,.1 ........ • •. ". \I"')()I ... ~Y ".R "k •. ....... ~~ -............. , "",-,..... "." >l U".'UT B XIx" II.' ''''' " ..1 ,.. 0< ...... ", ......,. '0' .:., .." ... "'"'- .r ~............_n c. ,no" _ .... _ ,,, ,-, ~, ...... ............ -......... (1)",-............. .... • ", .. " 'W ~ "",""'T ............_ ........... - " .' ,.. 0,'".-,,1. H . 1111."': • .. D. lOA H ...................... __, ~ ... "'''TIt MAY",.'," " •• A, C.". ",A. " , ••• t.. CO L LEG E F AC UL TY THE CLASSES Pogo ...-t .. , • PARODY ON "THE VILLA GE BLACKSMITH" Under" "p"ellding lable lamp , T he R. U. "lu<l~ nt s ils_ Acroils a jumbled balance ~ h e n II;, eye s" glowly Hit". T he dock is alriki ll!!, two o'clock. A nd he i; ready 10 quit. llis hair is me",ed. hi" )~lnL~ ""l""""C_ 1. Hi; fnee i; like" pan; liia orow is cl'ea'eJ. hi" thouKhl. ha\'e cea<eJ ; He fill"ure, if he ca n, A",I I()()~. the l'ruhlcm in t h" rnce \' ,,,,,· P,,. ;'ichl T,... urn And trie; 10 be a man. Pruitl.n' S"'''''''''"l' CLlI"TON GIlEGOIlY KA'fI~~ I ...I"IUS KATlIEI<lNJ-: DF.I\'EY M. Ll"KOUS H.s. .... R. :ltICIl.H:L B.S. " .,... ;',.1, W. \" ;,. ~ ;n i " D~y in. day out, from fan till "pring G"",nvillo, Kon tuo~y iJood,"n. T.n"' .... ....H . You ea" gee him "ilting lher~. W;<kliff" K"ntnoky ·· ~I.n ne ' j. on" of Vun """ hcar him gro:m ft,,11 ,adl)' run "P"p"la';,y i , • TO. ,"8<in1< "o"a,il,' ;. I!i ~ iinger" through hi~ hair. wa,.d of por.,on"li,y." l><; n ~ .ble '" 00 mony ··n. h i ~h." ",'a'.' ' ho ~ """""t ""~;"" . 01 ;nn ••", e e.o. ~ iv" n to Ju,i like a )",mble hou,efty ' hi,,~. 01 a diff eren' of ",u, le ~ " .. f",,,, tn. nature ~ noJ <ioiog ' hem f",l ; n~ . of t he he."' '' rna" Trnp[><'<l i n .orne .pider"" luir. well." An,1 Children going home from «hool Look ;!l a t th" Uj"''' ,Ioor . They lik e to "eo him swelll and r,,"" And hear him snorl lI nd TI),"', SEN l O R OFF I CERS And catch the paper $Crap" Ih"l fnll Like Ic""c" dOlVn tu the ItOOf. With the pa," i n~ of Ihe yellr we, ~ ~ Senior.< . • hall he gradu;tt",1 from our Alma Mate!" into the dashing. fighlinj/ world, wh~("., succt'," or f"il"rc lie g"... 0 11 SUlld"y to the , h"w. will come to U., in the gront i ~'me' of lifE a, we cope 'lO~ly or ig«obly ","ith Am i ,iI, "I> i" Ihe ~he lf ; them. He h"",, date ,, "d gct.c; in l at ~ And lIearly kill.\ him]*.lr. Hc"c " I tlle n ",ine'" Univer,ity, for fo"r yem ' ~, w" ha,'e prepared He ex;',t, by magic JIOwer alone ourselve. for the ell~"gc rn c "t with life, acquired friend. "nd eementen Like a fniry uc a n elf. bond. wilh them iJy ,"critice a"d lo ~' " h)'. He "ceUs must go "nd ~ tll'] r At H. U. we h",'c ,ucceedcd well. L<ot ~ s then carryon "0 t haI, as Am] get prepa...,,] for .",hool time progrc,,""". we rnn)' look back on our achie'·crne"l. he", a" n lJegi ll _ Whe!! ,,]I t he timc hc'd cather nillg, nll,l indul~c in t he hope (1",\ each of us of the Cia"" of 1 9~8 may.
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