DATA LABEL: OFFICIAL Development Management List of Delegated Decisions - 31st August 2018 The following decisions will be issued under delegated powers unless any Member requests that an application is reported to the Development Management Committee for determination. Such requests must be made on the attached form, which should be completed and sent for the attention of the Development Management Manager to [email protected] no later than 12 Noon, 7 days from the date of this list. Ref. No.: 0694/P/17 Recommendation: Refuse Planning Permission in Principle Proposal: Planning permission in principle for the formation of a park and ride car park including access road and pedestrian link Address: Land 250 Metres Southeast Of Chotta Ghar,Station Road, Uphall Station, West Lothian, (Grid Ref: 306087,670697) Applicant: Mr Malcolm Snowie Type: Local Application Uphall Estates Ltd Ward: Broxburn, Uphall & Winchburgh Case Officer: Wendy McCorriston Summary of Representations None Officers report The application is for a park and ride car park on the north side of the railway line and M8 motorway, on land which is in the Countryside Belt in the West Lothian LDP. A footpath link is proposed under the M8 and the railway line to Uphall train station. The application is in principle only but the supporting statement indicates that the car park will be for 250 spaces initially, but could be extended in the future to over 450 if required. The facility would be a commercial car park, so there would be parking charges, but the details of the charging structure have not been submitted. The applicant has submitted an analysis of traffic flows and demand for the car park, together with an assessment of current parking provision and patterns at the station car park and in the surrounding streets. The analysis includes passenger numbers at the station, which it indicates have grown by 41% between 2012/13 and 2016/17. The applicant asserts that demand for parking at the station exceeds the capacity of the existing 282 space car park and results in on-street parking. This, together with the increases in housing in the area, through the allocations in the LDP, in particular at Uphall, Dechmont and Pumperston justify the need for the car park. In the adopted WLLP Policy Tran 19 required a halt for express coach services with associated park and ride at various points off the motorway network. One of these sites was Uphall Station which was to be used as an interchange for bus, rail and car. However, economic and transport circumstances have changed over the years and the LDP does not have a requirement for such a facility at this location. Transportation is satisfied that the parking requirements for the station were met by the car park that was provided at the station itself on the south side of the motorway between it and the railway line. Whilst the parking issues at the car park are acknowledged Transportation recommends that any additional parking should be at the station itself together with the promotion of drop off and pick up facilities. Given that the proposed car park is at a greater distance than the surrounding streets Transportation does not consider that a car park in this location, particularly with charges, would resolve the issue of parking within surrounding streets. Page 1 of 8 There is therefore no locational justification for a car park at this time to be located within the countryside belt, as identified in the LDP. The proposal is therefore contrary to the provisions of both the strategic and local transportation and countryside polices and refusal is recommended. Page 2 of 8 Ref. No.: 0413/FUL/18 Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission Proposal: Erection of 7 houses Address: Land At Breichwater Place,Fauldhouse, West Lothian, , (Grid Ref: 294233,660796) Applicant: Type: Local Application RCK Developments Ltd Ward: Fauldhouse & The Breich Valley Case Officer: Mahlon Fautua Summary of Representations 2 Objections received (Summarised below) - Loss of sunlight - Not in keeping - Higher density would cause more cars, more noise - loss of open space and many trees - road safety/position of driveways - high risk coal mining area - mud on road - disruption during construction - damage to footpaths Officers report The site is within the settlement boundary and within the Briechwater Place residential development. The scale of the proposed residential development would not have a detrimental impact on the character of the area. The proposed houses largely satisfy the planning guidelines in terms of garden ground and separation. Planning permission (LIVE/0689/FUL/15) has been previous grated for four houses. The Coal Authority do not object to the proposals. Taking into account the above, it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and the securing of the relevant developer contributions. Page 3 of 8 Ref. No.: 0466/FUL/18 Recommendation: Refuse Permission Proposal: Erection of a 2403sqm class 1 retail food store (Lidl) with associated works Address: Land At Whitburn Road,Bathgate, West Lothian, , (Grid Ref: 296520,666999) Applicant: Type: Local Application Lidl UK GmbH Ward: Bathgate Case Officer: Tony Irving Summary of Representations No representations were received. Officers report The proposal is for a new Lidl store on the site of the former open air market. The store would be set at the rear of the site with extensive parking between the store and Whitburn Road. The redevelopment of the site for a retail store is acceptable in principle. The site is an important town centre site and it is essential that the layout and design achieves a high quality development with a sense of place. The position of the store to the rear of site doesn't present an active frontage to Whitburn Road and does not address the identified weakness of this street frontage as set out in the SPG Bathgate Town Centre Urban Design Framework. The applicant has been invited to reposition the store close to Whitburn Road but has advised it would not achieve a layout suitable to the company. The layout as submitted would not achieve a high quality development with active frontage to Whitburn Road. Approval of the layout as submitted would be a lost opportunity to achieve a more appropriate urban design for this town centre site. It is thus recommended that planning permission be refused on grounds of unacceptable design. This is supported by local and national planning policy. Page 4 of 8 Ref. No.: 0647/FUL/18 Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission Proposal: Change of use from shop (class 1) to assembly and leisure (class 11) (escape room) Address: 18 High Street,Linlithgow, West Lothian, EH49 7AE, (Grid Ref: 300448,677154) Applicant: Mrs Eleanor Hair Type: Local Application EEEK! Escape Rooms Ward: Linlithgow Case Officer: Matthew Watson Summary of Representations Five representations were received all of which objected to the proposed development. A representation in support of the application was received out of time. A summary of the five objections is below. - Noise generated from the proposal - Impact on privacy Officers report The application seeks a change of use from a Class 1 shop to a Class 11 assembly and leisure use as an 'escape room'. The form of the escape room is focused on getting out of a room by solving puzzles. The applicant has stated that they wish to bring a heritage focus to the escape rooms by having traditional board games, puzzles, cyphers and clues that are related to Scottish history. The escape rooms are proposed to hold a maximum of six people at a time with bookings for groups of between two and six people. Operating hours are proposed to be 10am to 10pm Wednesday to Sunday. In terms of principle of use, Policy TC 12 of the West Lothian Local Plan (WLLP) and Policy TCR 1 of the West Lothian Local Development Plan - Proposed Plan (Proposed LDP) both state that leisure uses are appropriate within town centres. As such, the principle of the use is acceptable, subject to meeting other development plan policies. With regards to the impact on amenity, issues of noise and privacy have been raised in representations. Privacy in terms of overlooking or loss of light is not an issue in this case. Turning to the issue of noise, environmental health has recommended that this can be addressed via condition. An initial temporary period of operating hours between 6pm and 10pm for six months is proposed by environmental health to monitor the impact on nearby residential flats. If noise problems did occur then there would be a reversion to operating hours up to 6pm. With this condition attached, the proposal complies with Policy HOU 9 of the WLLP and Policy DES 1 of the Proposed LDP in respect of the impact on amenity. Indicative floor plans have been submitted with the proposal. The unit is within a C listed building and any internal alterations will need to be assessed through a separate application for listed building consent. The applicant will be reminded of this through an advisory note on the decision notice. In summary, the principle of a leisure use in this location is acceptable and potential noise impacts are to be adressed by attaching a planning condition to any permission. With such a condition in place, the proposal is compliant with the provisions of the development plan and it is therefore recommended that planning permission is granted. Page 5 of 8 Page 6 of 8 Ref. No.: 0654/H/18 Recommendation: Grant Planning Permission Proposal: Extension to house Address: 93 Tippet Knowes Park,Winchburgh, West Lothian, EH52 6UR, (Grid Ref: 308383,675071) Applicant: Ms Lynne Miller Type: Local Application Ward: Broxburn, Uphall & Winchburgh Case Officer: Thomas Cochrane Summary of Representations Three representations have been received for this application.
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