N O R T H W E S T e-NewsUpdate 01 November 2019 NW e tsosolosa dikamano le porofense ya Gyeosangbuk-do ya kwa South Korea Bonolo Mohlakoana Tlhabololo ya North West e di tlhagisitseng jaaka dintlhakgolo tsa lenaane la Special onakgolo ya porofense ya North Economic Zone (SEZ). West, Prof Job Mokgoro, a re Tonakgolo Mokgoro a re dikamano Tkopano ya gagwe le kemedi go tswa magareng ga diprofense tseno ka bobedi di profenseng ya Gyeosangbuk-do kwa na le bokgoni jwa go ka tswela baswa ba nageng ya South Korea, e ne e le ka ga profense eno mosola thata, segolo mo Tonakgolo Prof Job Mokgoro o na fano le Vice Governor ya porofense ya Gyeosangbuk-do ya naga ya tsosoloso ya dikamano tsa kgwebisano le ntlheng ya thuto, ikatiso le tiriso ya South Korea, Cheol Woo Lee, morago ga go refosanya dimpho dipeeletso, tse di tlileng go tswela bagwebi mafaratlhatlha a setegeniki. le baagi ba porofense eno mosola mo Mokaedikakaretso wa kantoro e e isagong. malebana le dipeeletso kwa pusong ya Tonakgolo Mokgoro, yo a neng a Gyeosangbuk-do, James Joong Ha Hwang, patilwe ke tlhogo ya lefapha la Tlhabololo a re ba itumeletse thata kamogelo ya bona ya Ikonomi, Tikologo le Bojanala, Lufuno mo porofenseng, mme a re ba na le Tshikovhi, gammogo le batlhankedi kgatlhego e kgolo mo go beeletseng le go bagolwane ba Koporasi Tlhabololo ya gwebisana le porofense ya North West mo North West (NWDC), o ne a tsene kopano dintlheng tsa bojanala, temothuo le meepo, le kemedi go tswa pusong ya profense ya segolo thata ya polatinamo. Gyeosangbuk-do, e e neng e eteletswe pele “Se segolo ke gore dipuisano tsa rona ke Vice Governor ya porofense eo, Cheol ga di a tshwanela go nna puo fela, mme go Woo Lee. Kopano e ne e tshwaretswe kwa tlhokega gore se go dumelanweng ka sona Phokeng gau le Rustenburg, mo se tsenngwe tirisong,” ga rialo Tonakgolo bokhutlhong jwa beke. Mokgoro, yo gape a amogetseng taletso go Mo dipuisanong tsa bona, tse di neng di tswa go Vice Governor Cheol Woo Lee, ikaegile ka tlhabololo ya ikonomi le gore mo nakong e e sa fediseng pelo, a etele mafaratlhatlha, baeteledipele bano ba kwa porofenseng ya Gyeosangbuk-do, go dumelane gore go na le ditshono tse dintsi ya go bona le go netefatsa fa go na le tsa kgwebisano le dipeeletso mo ditshono tsa kgwebisano le dipeeletso tse maphateng a a akaretsang temothuo, di ka tswelang baagi ba North West bojanala le meepo, tse Koporasi mosola. Tonakgolo Prof Job Mokgoro le Governor ya Gyeosangbuk-do ba abelana dimpho DEDECT collaborates with municipalities to improve service delivery cooperative governance between the Mosenogi said the department Tourism, ofcials of the department department and municipalities in the together with municipalities and and municipalities in the North West province, particularly in areas of Developmental Financial Institutions province. In her closing remarks, e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t , (DFIs) needed to develop an integrated Mosenogi indicated that if all environmental compliance and approach for funding of small stakeholders responsible for economic tourism development. businesses to avoid them benetting development could work together, “we The forum also seeks to foster an more than once for the same business. will be in position to redirect limited integrated approach in delivering The development of a centralised resources at our disposal to benet services and to respond to needs of database to be accessed by all funders small businesses across all sectors and Economic Development, Environment, communities at municipal level. As per would assist in tracking small community in general. Conservation and Tourism MEC, Kenetswe the directive of the President, the businesses which have previously “At the end of the nancial year, we Mosenogi department, in partnership with all beneted. will be able to measure performance relevant stakeholders, will roll out the It was resolved that MuniMEC and the impact made in improving the Baabua Thukubi evolving District Model launched Forum would meet on quarterly basis lives of the people of North West,” said recently by the President. while technocrats could meet prior to Mosenogi. “The model calls for action by all that meeting to present progress and Political leadership attended echoed AHIKENG — Economic stakeholders towards improving challenges on initiatives being their gratitude and pledged support Development, Environment, coherence, efciency and effectiveness implemented. towards the implementation of forum's MConservation and Tourism in the implementation of government The meeting was attended by resolutions on fast-tracking service MEC, Kenetswe Mosenogi, recently programmes to alleviate poverty and Members of Mayoral Committees delivery and change the lives of the hosted the MuniMEC Forum in an create employment in North West,” ( M M C ) , L o c a l E c o n o m i c community. effort to promote effective and efcient said MEC Mosenogi. Development (LED), Environment and Together We Move North West Province Forward N O R T H W E S T Page02 e-NewsUpdate Govt will not interfere in matters before courts – Prof Mokgoro Kleintjie Kraai orth West Premier, Prof Job Mokgoro, says government cannot Ninterfere in matters and processes that are before courts and called on residents of Bloemhof to let the law take its course. Bloemhof resident have been involved in protests which led to a total shut-down demanding that those arrested during earlier violent protests be released. In a statement released following the Provincial Executice Council (Exco), Mokgoro said the Executive Council had noted the violent protests that continued to take place unabated in Bloemhof, and that the courts should be allowed to pronounce on the guilt and/or innocence of those who have been charged. Exco had previously resolved to invoke Section 139 (1)(c) at the Mamusa Local Municipality; which had already been under administration following the Section 139 North West Premier, Prof Job Mokgoro, addressing a media conference following Exco meeting in Mahikeng (1)(b) intervention there, as things were not getting any better and instead the situation of the municipality was worsening. introduced them to the JB Marks Local quarter of this nancial year, while we have Labour Relations Council (ELRC) “We, therefore, through the Cooperative Municipality and the community for land managed to crated 1 383 EPWP work Collective Agreement No. 4 of 2018. Governance, Human Settlements and surveying and nalization of engineering opportunities for women, 1 166 for youth and This is the second batch of temporary Traditional Affairs MEC, recommended that designs for 800 sites in Tshing Extension 9, 18 EPWP work opportunities for people with educators to be converted into permanent the National Council of Provinces grant us Ventersdorp. disabilities in municipalities across the employees. the authority to invoke Section 139 (1)(c) – “In addition, a service provider has just province. The next batch of temporary educators which the NCOP agreed with and we further been appointed for a further 2 547 sites in “Furthermore, we have received a report who are less than a thousand in number, will received concurrence from the Cooperative Tshing Extension 10 in Ventersdorp for land that the Department of Public Works and be absorbed as permanent in the next Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, surveying and nalization of engineering Roads, a custodian of all the government nancial year but that will not affect the that we should dissolve the council of the designs. department's ofce accommodation, has departmental budget allocation. Mamusa Local Municipality. “We therefore, remain committed to our ensured that the provincial government does Regarding the Fundza Lushaka Bursary “Therefore, legally from today, the human settlement infrastructure programme not owe any municipality rates and taxes - we Scheme, the only 100% bursary by this council of the Mamusa Local Municipality to improve the lives of the previously are up to date with our payments and we shall government to learners wishing to take up has ceased to exist and we will be disadvantaged by ensuring that they have a continue to do that. qualications in teaching, recruitment has announcing the appointment of an roof over their heads,” he said. “ O n t h e A g r i c u l t u r e a n d R u r a l been completed but Exco has decided that the Administrator to take care of that About infrastructure, Mokgoro said the Development front, we have since acquired Department of Education will have to put in municipality until a new council is elected,” North West government was hard at work to the Skeerpoort farm near Hartebeespoort in place a tracking mechanism to ensure that he said. improve provincial roads infrastructure Madibeng for the Khutso Naketsi Communal upon completion of their degrees, the bursary Mokgoro also spoke about the violent network so as to ensure that there were Property Association for R462 million, and holders are mobilized back to the classrooms protests that took place throughout the world-class roads that could be a will be funded with another R87 million for of the North West to teach. province and said measures were being taken contributing factor to the growth of the post settlement for them to own 70% on the According to the Premier, it has since to address issues been raised by communities province's economy. business operation, and the remaining 30% been realized that most of them do not come in these areas. “Of the 31 Provincial Roads Maintenance will be allocated their partner. out of the tertiary education system to teach “We have in the recent past witnessed projects worth R270 million, 26 of those “The farm is one of the largest vegetable after completing their studies but rather violent public protests by communities were completed in the rst quarter of this farms in the country and currently employs proceed with post-graduate studies in other across the province, especially in the areas of nancial year and the remaining ve of those, 622 people as a result of the transaction but in elds of study and not fulll their obligation Ventersdorp and villages in the Moses 31 are in the process of being completed in addition, it will continue to play a key in our to their undergraduate bursary.
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