DIVE AT “TIGER’S ZOO” EVERY DAY WITH ALMOST 100% GUARANTEED SIGHTINGS F U V A H M U L A H M A L D I V E S 01ST TO 08TH FEBRUARY 2020 Located in its own atoll between GaaFu DHaalu F Atoll and Addu Atoll, the island oF Fuvahmulah is the only one-island atoll in the Maldives. It U Has many disOncOve Features that make Fuvahmulah different From rest oF the islands V in Maldives. Fuvahmulah Has a fisH and a bird nave to this island. THat fisH and bird are not A Found in any other part oF the Maldives. It is also one oF the Few islands that Have FresH H water lakes. PromethicHtys Promatheus, locally called KaelHi, is nave to the waters M around Fuvahmulah. THis rare species is also Found in some other countries, but not in U other parts oF the Maldives. THis rare catcH lives below 200 meters. KaelHi RarudHiya is L the locals’ favourite soup and they say anyone wHo tastes this soup will come back to A Fuvahmulah. Common MoorHen, locally called ValikukulHi, is the nave bird to Fuvahmulah. H It Has black body with some wHite Feathers in the lower back. Its beak sHines red with yellowisH Op, legs are yellowisH with a red smear. Its bodily Features are similar to that oF water-Hen wHicH is commonly Found througHout Maldives. Locals love to keep ValikukulHu as pet bird. Fuvahmulah is among the closest to the equator wHicH runs across the seas between Fuvahmulah and HuvadHoo Atoll. THe mid-point between North pole and South pole is known as equator and runs around the earth. FerOle lands oF Fuvahmulah grow a variety oF Fruits including mango, guava, pine apple, orange and pomegranate. Sweet potato grows naturally in the wet lands without any Human effort. THere are also some types oF berries and unusual Fruits in the wild. D THe unique locaon oF the island makes Fuvahmulah one oF the best diving desOnaon in the world. Fuvahmulah is a rock in the middle oF the ocean, wHicH plays the role oF a Huge cleaning staon and mang place For big pelagic like I Black Oceanic Manta Birostrics, Mola Mola, Pilot wHales. Fuvahmulah Has ulOmate set oF sHarks wHicH can be seen all year round: Tiger SHarks, THresHer SHarks, HammerHeads, Silver Op, WHale sHark, Grey reeF, WHite Op. Big scHools oF V Barracudas; Yellow-Fin Tuna, Bonitos, SailfisHes, Marlins and millions oF reeF fisH surround the local reeF daily. Last El Nino, wHicH badly affected the coral reeFs in the Maldivian islands and around the world, didn’t affect Fuvahmulah, I we sOll can enjoy the beauty oF coral gardens. THe quality oF diving isn't affected by seasonal cHanges, as Happens on N the rest oF the Maldivian atolls. Diving Here is always unique and cHallenging the wHole year througH. THere are more than 20 diving spots around the island, wHicH Have a lot oF potenOal For underwater researcH. G F U V A H M U L One oF the main Feature wHicH makes Fuvahmulah incredibly aracOve For the world diving community are Tiger A SHarks. Tiger SHarks surround the island cleaning the waste daily produced by fisH markets. THese sHarks are not aggressive. Diving with the Oger sHarks is available everyday and doesn't depend on the current, seasons, Ome and H weather condiOons. Experienced dive guides lead these dives Following all necessary saFety rule requirements. THis site is aptly named “TIGERS ZOO”. One oF the best desOnaon For Tiger SHarks. Almost 100% guaranteed everyday. THe real underwater treasure oF Fuvahmulah is THresHer D SHark. Usually, thresHer sHark diving is deep, since I thresHers use cleaning staons that are deeper. However, in Fuvahmulah at the rigHt Ome thresHer V sHarks come up to cleaning staons at 12-15 mtrs. THresHer sHarks are available to see all year througH. I THe HigHest possibility to see them in the sHallow is From N June-December. G WHale SHarks visit Fuvahmulah all year round. THe F probability oF sigHOngs is mucH HigHer From January – May. ScHools oF scalloped HammerHead sHarks are U also common in Fuvahmulah waters. THe probability oF V sigHOngs is HigHer between November to April. SilverOp sHarks are also a regular Feature in these A waters. And For big scHools the best season is Jan- H MarcH. M U L A H Located within 15 minutes' walk oF DHadimagi KilHi, Veyli Residence Maldives Fuvahmulah apartment S Features a Free car park, a restaurant and a storage room. THe guest House is made up oF 10 rooms. T A Y A T F U V A H M U L A H Featuring a sunny balcony, the room includes Free Wi-Fi, Heang and a private saFe. THe apartment rooms also Feature an adapted bathroom and a sunny pao. THere are Hypo-allergenic pillows, Foam pillows and down pillows available. Bathroom ameniOes comprise a Hairdryer, Free toiletries and towels as well as a bathtub, a walk-in sHower, a bidet and a sink. An electric keWle and a Fridge are also provided For your convenience. Fuvahmulah airport is at a distance oF 5 km From the property. Baandaara KilHi is within a 15 minute walk and the center oF Fuvahmulah is a 10 minute walk away. I 01st February 2020 Arrive at Gan Airport 0830 am and transFer via speed boat to Fuvahmulah CHeck in to our Room – one cHeck out dive iF Feasible. T I 02nd February to 06th February 2020 – 3 dives a day with one dive at “Tigers Zoo” N 07th February 2020 Two morning dives E 08th February 2020 transFer early morning by speedboat to take our fligHt back Home R A R Y Please also note that the island is alcoHol Free P COST PER PERSON INR 1,44,000/- INCL GST A INCLUSIONS: • TRANSFERS GAN-FUVAHMULAH-GAN C • TRANSFERS BETWEEN GUEST HOUSE AND DIVE CENTER EVERY K MORNING AND AT THE END OF DIVE DAYS • 15-18 DIVES A • TANKS WEIGHTS G • 7 NIGHTS A.CON ACCOMMODATION WITH B FAST ON TWIN SHARING E EXCLUSIONS: • EQUIPMENT RENTALS • LUNCH AND DINNER ($30 PER DAY) D • MEDICAL INSURANCE E • TRAVEL INSURANCE • DIVE INSURANCE (MANDATORY) T • TIPS (APPROX USD 25) A • RETURN BLR/MUM TO GAN FLIGHTS* • ADDITIONAL DIVES I • TRANSFERS POST MORNING DIVES FOR LUNCH L • PERSONAL EXPENSES AND ALL NOT MENTIONED UNDER INCLUSIONS S • GREEN TAX (US$21) • GST – (US$240) Diver Insurance: (mandatory) Please cover your diving saFety with DAN/DIVE ASSURE througH our website by clicking on the respecOve logo on the Home page oF hp:// www.scubacentric.com You are required to carry a copy oF the print out with you on the trip. THis is a mandatory requirement For all divers on all our trips •FligHts: We can assist with booking your fligHts based on actual Fares on the day you pay For the same. If you wisH to book the same througH your travel agent, we suggest you do the same immediately to avoid cost escalaons. Srilankan via Colombo arriving in Gan at 0820Hrs is the best opOon. Please also note that the island is alcoHol Free Contact: E Mail : [email protected] ALL PAYMENTS SHOULD BE MADE TO: B Mobile: SCUBACENTRIC LLP +91-9822182402 – Venkat CURRENT ACCOUNT NO: 50200030903550 +91-9820031931 - Diggy HDFC BANK – PATTO BRANCH O Booking Policy: O IFSC CODE: HDFC0001213 To secure your reservaon we request a K deposit oF 50% immediately. Balance A Medical statement Format is available on our 50% will be payable on or beFore 60 website at www.barracudadiving.com on the I days prior to date oF trip. group trip page. Please read the same and iF N Cancellaon Policy: your answer to any quesOon is YES, then please G get a clearance From your doctor and carry the If you decide to cancel your reservaon same with you. 90 days or more beFore your trip date we will reFund your payment less the D deposit and any bank cHarges incurred by us. If you decide to cancel your E reservaon less than 90 days beFore your trip commencement date we T retain the rigHt to keep any payments in compensaon For potenOal lost A bookings. Please note that prices and scHedules are I For indicaon only and subject to final confirmaon at the Ome oF your L payment. S By joining this trip it is deemed that you Have read, understood and expressly agree to all the content, terms and condiOons Herein. WE THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING SCUBACENTRIC AND LOOK FORWARD TO DIVING WITH YOU SOON! .
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