OUTRIGGER CANOE CLUB AUGUST FORECAST 19 5 0 A few shots of Duke Kahanamoku whose birthday will be celebrated on August 26th by the Outrigger Canoe Club. (See stories and more pics inside.) THE BRONZE DUKE OF WAIKIKI By Edwin North McClellan (Copyright by Edwin North McClellan, 1950) Duke Paoa Kahanamoku is a full-blood Polynesian of Hawaii. In his powerful symmetrical body flows the blood of ancestors of Caucasoid stock who many cen- turies ago started from the southeast mainland of Asia. These ancient men and women became masters of the sea whether in their outrigger-canoes, on their surf- boards, by swimming and by fishing. It may be that the name Kahanamoku means "working on ship"—or something similar; but, according to excellent authority, the name was given to the Kahana- moku (Kanaiaupuni) Clan by Kamehameha or one of his aliis, early in the nine- teenth century, to commemorate the "Putting together of the Islands of Hawaii to form the Kingdom." More about this later. During the early period of the reign of Kamehameha I, the ancestors—both pa- DUKE KAHANAMOKU DAY, ternal and maternal—of Duke Paoa Ka- AUGUST 26, 1950 hanamoku were among those who served the King. Today, Duke is the most noted It is but fitting that on the oc- full-blood Hawaiian alive. Certainly casion of his sixtieth birthday, Ha- there is not one who has greater claim i waii should unite with the Out- \ to being a modern alii of Hawaii or rigger Canoe Club in honoring \ more worthy of being a full-descendant \ Hawaii's greatest athlete, Duke of Kamehameha-the-Great. Indeed, tra- ' Paoa Kahanamoku. The Club has ditions in the Kahanamoku, Piikoi and \ therefore declared August 26th, Paoa families—passed down from lip to \ Duke Kahanamoku Day and will 1 lip—voiced by reliable Hawaiians—estab- celebrate the occasion with Surf lish that Duke's paternal grandfather or i Board Races, Canoe Races, Swim- grandmother—or both—were related to ming Races, Volleyball games and Bernice Pauahi Paki Bishop—the "Last a Dinner Dance (Holoku - Aloha of the Kamehamehas"—and through her Shirt Dress) in the evening. De- to the Great Kamehameha. tails will appear on the bulletin board, by mailed notices and in the Elizabeth Lahilahi Rogers Webb—for- 1 daily press. mer Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Liliuoka- lani—told me more than once that the Let us all unite in showing Duke Kahanamokus was an old family; that we love and respect him and are Grandmother Ka-ho-eha and Grand- proud to number him amongst our father Kahanamoku of Duke Paoa Kaha- great members. namoku were kahus — retainers—of Ber- On following pages Edwin North nice Pauahi Paki Bishop. McClellan has researched and as- "Aunty Webb"---as Duke calls Mrs. sembled much history of Duke and Webb—told me that to be a kahu or re- , his family which has never before tainer, of an alii, was to be a close inti- appeared in print. We are happy mate friend of the Chiefess and, usually, 1 to publish it for the first time—and a blood-relative or a kahu-alii. "As perhaps Duke and his family may Queen Liliuokalani explained to me," learn some things they never were related Lahilahi Webb, "when royalty is quite sure of before. Aloha nui born those who work for them—kahus— loa to you, Duke, and to all Kaha- are born, too." namokus. ] Mrs. Webb pointed out to me that the L. reason so little is known about this rela- [33 ] tionship is because Hawaiian children Paoa is the middle name of Duke Paoa were taught "not to talk" and, "under Kahanamoku. Cousin Maria Kanehai- no circumstances could you get the inti- kana Piikoi explained to me that the mate kahus or retainers to discuss their name Paoa (not Ploolae) appears in the relationship to their Chiefess." Further, Great Mahele (Division) of 1848 for continued La:hilahi Webb, if children lands in Kalia of Waikiki. I looked it did know something about this relation- up and found that Duke's Paoa ancestors ship you would find that they had been were thus recognized as holding 3.22 directed by their parents "not to talk," acres in that part of Waikiki. and so, "they would not talk." Mrs. Cousin Maria also asserted that Webb told me that her aunt, Mrs. Julia through the Paoa family, Duke is a de- Colburn, corroborated these views. scendant of Kinau (Premier, kuhina nui Certainly, there never was a full-blood or regent) of the Kamehameha Line. Hawaiian more kingly in physical form Also that Ka-ho-eha (Duke's mother) or hospitable deportment, than Duke was the granddaughter of Makue and Paoa Kahanamoku. Duke has symbolized Halapu (the middle name of Duke's the Great Kamehameha in pageants and father and brother Louis is Halapu) who processions and one can well believe that are descended from the ancient Alapai- he is descended from Kaoleioku, the first nui family. This Alapai strain is ob- acknowledged son of Kamehameha I served today in the middle name of who was the ancestor of Bernice Pauahi Duke's brother, Samuel Alapai Kahana- Paki Bishop. moku. The ancestors of Duke Paoa Ka- hanamoku—through both his father and GRANDPARENTS BORN ON "BIG ISLAND" mother—were warriors of Kamehameha Being of the Kamehameha Clan, the the Great and no doubt fought to bring ancestors of Duke Kahanamoku were of Oahu into the Kingdom reportedly re- the "Big Island" of Hawaii where his pa- ceiving the name Kahanamoku in recog- ternal grandparents—Ka-ho-eha and Ka- nition of the final creation of Kameha- hanamoku — were born. Duke's first meha's Kingdom. cousin — Maria Kanehaikana Piikoi — a living history of the Kahanamoku, Paoa FIRST DUKE IS BORN and Piikoi families and an acknowledged A babe was born to Ka-ho-eha and her genealogical authority—told me that the husband Kahanamoku on July 21, 1869 grandfather of Duke Paoa Kahanamoku at Haleakala (home of Bernice Pauahi probably was the first to bear the name Paki Bishop) in Honolulu just about Kahanamoku (or Kanaiaupuni) —that where the Bank of Hawaii is now situ- name having been given to him by a Ka- ated. Kamehameha V was King. At this mehameha or a powerful alii to com- time another royal event was occurring memorate the "putting together of the in Honolulu. The Duke of Edinburgh- Islands of Hawaii to form the Kingdom." Alfred Ernest Albert, second son of Cousin Maria told me this on several Queen Victoria—arrived at Honolulu in occasions and I also recall the late Emma command of HMS Galatea, on July 21, Ahuena Taylor saying the same thing. 1869. Duke Alfred Ernest Albert called Duke's ancestors. through his mother- on King Kamehameha V the following Julia Paakonia Lonokahikini Paoa—also day. Parties, balls, luaus and hukilaus, added much to Duke's alii stature. kept the foreign Duke busy during his One of Duke's great-grandfathers happy sojourn on Oahu. Part of this (through his mother's line) was Paoa time was spent at Waikiki so beloved by Hoolae. He was from the Big Island of our Hawaiian Duke. The Duke of Edin- Hawaii. His wife was Hiikaalani. Their burgh lived at Haleakala—the estate on son Paoa—Duke's grandfather—took the which Duke's father—the first Duke—was family name of Paoa (instead of Hoo- born. lae) . Paoa's wife (Duke's grandmother) It was during this historic visit of was named Mele (Mary) Uilama. To- Queen Victoria's son, that the babe born day, we have the Paoa family in Oahu to Ka-ho-eha and Kahanamoku, was with many proud to bear that name. And christened. He was carried to Bernice [33 ] Pauahi Paki Bishop. She was asked to Duke remembers the American Flag name the child. Taking her scarf from going up over Hawaii on July 7, 1898 her shoulders and placing it tenderly and he became an American citizen on around the baby, Bernice softly said: April 30, 1900 under the provisions of "Call him Duke in honor of the first the Organic Act. time that the Duke of Edinburgh came During his early years Duke Paoa Ka- to Honolulu." (Lahilahi Webb told me hanamoku received his education at the this and said that she had secured the Old Waikiki School, later at Kaahu- information from others, including her raanu School and still later at Kameha- aunt, Julia Colburn.) The baby chris- meha School and McKinley High School. tened by Bernice Bishop was the First The youth Duke spent every hour pos- Duke of Hawaii—Duke Halapu Kahana- sible on the beach at Waikiki — swim- moku. ming, surfboarding, body-surfing and "DUKE" IS BORN outrigger canoeing. Starting with a And about this time, another baby was child's surfboard, Duke gradually gradu- born in Honolulu. She was a girl—Julia ated to larger boards as he grew in stat- Paakonia Lonokahikini Paoa. Her father ure. He also learned the art of paddling was Paoa and her mother was Mele Ui- and steering outrigger canoes in the lama. Arriving at maturity these two- grand surf at Waikiki Duke Halapu Kahanamoku and Julia Duke was just short of eighteen years Paakonia Lonokahikini — wed. Their when the Outrigger Canoe Club was or- first-born was Duke Paoa Kahanamoku ganized in 1908 by a grand group of who early in life was known as Duke haoles. However, Duke did not join the Paoa. Duke's birthday is August 24, 1890 Club until about nine years later.
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