klWan ,Iowa 8 FL Stili a dime G 1980 Student Publications Inc . Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Friday, August 1. 1980 Cables JOb freeze leads to faculty. raises on Libya ,, ~ -' By ScoH KIINn 7 percent pay increase for faculty and Crllg almoul.. members, but did not approve an ad­ Staff Writers ditional2 percent increase to help keep trip are pace with inflation. UI Hospitals head gets $25,050 raise Several UI faculty members are But because the increases did not receiving more than the average 7 per­ match a 20 percent annual inflation By Scott KIINn finance . med that he bas been offered jobs cent pay hike approved by the Iowa rate, the UI began looking for methods Staff Wr iter VI President Willard Boyd, wbo by other medical service organiza­ released Legislature because UI officials sup­ to supplement faculty salaries, ad­ earns $67 ,150 , said Colloton tions . plemented the 7 percent increase by ministrators said. A $25,050 raise has been given to received the raise because outside "There have been offers from WASHINGTON (UPI ) - The shifting money from vacant budget John Colloton , director of VI interest in bim "had greatly inten­ other compaJlies. But a good many White House Thursday released lines, VI administrators said. THE UI THEN transferred pay in­ Hospitals, bringing his salary to sified while bis salary had fallen people in the university hospital are cables from the U.S. Embassy in Although the additional increases crements to vacant "budget lines" - $96 ,550 f o'r 1980-81. behind" what is paid to those who routinely approached," he said. Libya containing information will adversely affect the Urs ability to money marked for specific positions - The 35 percent salary increase hold similiar positions at other Boyd said Colloton should have that President Carter discussed fill positions in the future, ad­ into salary funds that are now being took effect July I, and makes teaching hospitals. received larger raises in the past with his brother Billy. ministrators said, the increases are used to supplement the average 7 per­ . Colloton "one of the highest paid un· but did not because, "I was too con­ Press secretary Jody Powell needed now to maintain a teaching cent raise. iversity employees," said Randall COLLOTON, who is also Boyd's servative in approaching his salary said the president will hold a staff. Because of a state employee hiring Bezanson, UI vice president for Health Services assistant, confir· See CoIloIon, page 6 news conference Monday and The legislature approved an average See 'al.,I_, page 6 give the Sena te a report on all aspects of the Libya-Billy mat­ ter. Carter will postpone a fund­ raising trip to Cleveland. Anderson: If Carter "We will be prepared and eager to respond to any ques­ tions," Powell said, "and the sooner the better as far as we loses, I'll 'reassess' are concerned." Carter made four public ap­ By United Press International ters that on the debate issue, Carter pearances Thursday and tried to "didn't demure." demonstra te there was no Independent preSidential candidate breach of trust on the cable mat­ John Anderson met with St>n. Edward Carter and his wife Rosalynn spent ter. Kennedy Thursday and said afterward about a half hour at the reception, at· that if President Carter is not tended by several top ranking ad­ ministration officials. Carter also ran ON CAPITOL HILL, a Senate renominated, he might "reassess" his subcommittee led by Sen. Birch own bid for the White House. into former Secretary of State Henry Bayh, D-Ind., formally began an Kissinger and the two men shook After the extraordinary half-hour hands. inquiry into the case of the presi· meeting , Kennedy said he and Ander­ dent's brother registering as a son, a longtime Republican, had a lot in Carter has reversed bis early ltand Libyan agent after accepting common - but no plans to forge a joint not to debate Anderson , sayil'lg he $2~ , 000 from the radical govern· poll tical ticket. would be willing to debate any can· ment. didate witb a chance to win the Bayh said the panel will try to "I'm running for president and so is presidency . However, Carter insists on determine if Billy Carter had an Mr. Anderson," Kennedy said. a one-on-one debate with Republican al ready given FI'/ influence on U.S. policy toward Later, Anderson encountered Carter candidate Ronald Reagan . with Kinnlck Libya , and if his actions hurt the at a Washington reception Thu'rsday in season·ticket United States in any way. night. "I'm looking forwa rd to seeing Anderson told reporters that if Car­ time ever. Panel leaders said the presi­ you in the debate," Anderson told Car­ ter does not win renomination at the two wortouls dent could testify at two public ter, who responded , "I'm looking Democratic National Convention next ~E~ster Opelll Alii. heari~ next week if he wished. forward to meeting you ." month , "It would only be prudent to are on the road At the White House, Powell perhaps reassess what my position 13 and Nebraska revealed that a high government ANDERSON APPEARED elated would be. " orticjal telephoned Billy Carter with Carter's response, telUng repor- See Ander.on, page 6 in 1979 to explain why the govern­ ment was not giving Libya some C·I30 transport planes it wanted . Powell also released seven cables · between the U.S. Em­ f\(1edia polls increase S.fmm" """'" VIII<d I'mI 1",_ bassy in Libya and the State V.5.o.m,..... At l"iDe. ClMf .• Jilt . Department that dealt with a Meo controversial trip Billy Carter r.... " ~ - I. J. _ as convention nears e.MI .• 23.07 ; 1 """. made to Tripoli in the fall of 1978. Caur . 23.U: 1 !kCII Angeles Times, are sending question­ I. CrIaI<'. flri By Rod Bothlrt 5. G. ~ Firi ALTHOUGH classified as City Editor naires. Others are simply making secret, the released portions phone calls trying to establish trends contained nothing startling. Most Dan Rather: According to our CBS or get the inside track on how said the trip was helpful and poll, 34 percent of the delegates here delegates plan to vote once the conven­ noted Billy made no political at the Democratic National Conven· tion's opening gavel falls, said delegate statements. tion say they will support independent Fredine Branson of Iowa City. Powell said the president vice presidential hopeful Walter Donald Johnson, UI political science specifically recalled mentioning Cronkite on the 14th ballot If this can· professor and a Carter delegate, said to Billy Carter information from ventlon Is Indeed opened . most of the questions focus on the con­ a Sept. 29, 1978, cable saying Cronkite: Those figures speak for vention's top procedural question - Billy "has scrupulously avoided themselves, Dan. whether the convention should approve political comments of any kind in Rule 11-H to release delegates commit­ front of the Libyans," and that Many media organizations are busy ted to specific candidates on the first "excitement (is ) running high on polling delegates to the Democratic ballot - as weU as platform issues, Dews of Billy Carter' s National Convention that starts in New demographic information and conven· presence . " York City Aug. 11 . tion strategy. Congressmen raised questions The three national convention "Mostly they're trying to determine about the cables Wednesday af­ delegates from Iowa's 1st con­ whether delegates will support the rule ler FBI papers quoted Billy Car­ gressional district polled by The Dally change," Johnson said. "They're also ter as saying he had copies and IOWD Thursday said they have begun trying to establish a rapport with "Jimmy gave them to me." receiving an increased number of delegates before the convention." phone calls from television networks, THURSDA Y, after the presi­ private polling organizations, broad­ PAT McCABE, a delegate from Mt. dent said he did not recall show­ Iowa City relaxes cast organizations, newspapers, wire Pleasant, said he has received periodic ing or giving his brother any services and news magazines in the caUs since bellig named a national cabfes, Bi1\y told reporters in Tooll fHling charlCterlzl the end of an 10WI City work on the ~town piau whlre Andr... Mane of SIut"art, past wee.k. delegate April 19 at the 1st District Georgia he did not have any such clay. Bummartlma laI.ure In lowl City Includel featlv, aermany. and fellow .tudeAt. join the Quad cm .. High county convention in Iowa City, but documents. And he used a bar­ outdoor Ivent. like the Art. Councll-aponaorad concert School Band a. part of a 2Ood., Illchange progrlm. SOME organizations, such as the Los , See Convention, page 8 nyard expression against the Justice Department official who interviewed him on the matter in January. Joel Lisker, chief of the rBottle bill rated overall success Justice Department's foreign taken into account by the DOT infor­ passed by the Iowa General Assembly, ducted any cost stUdies since the law agents registration unit, said By Rod Boehart Union reallocation City Editor mal survey, Welch said, "the real Welch said. went into effect, but Fitzgerald said, Wednesday Billy Carter lied to reduction (in litter) was actually a lit­ "It's obvious our costs have in­ . The reaUocatlon of Union office space him during a January interview John Alberhasky, owner of John's has left student groups with new bead­ It was one year ago today that Iowa's tle better" than 38 percent. Of the 38 Grocery in Iowa City, said the creased." by saying he had not received bottle bill took full effect, and informal percent, Welch said 75 percent of the quarters, but several organizations any substantial money from legislature should pass one more Alberhasky said the one-cent slate­ without telephones ................
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