Maybe Haa·d Work Is the Answer t Mason, M1chigan, Fobruary 28, 1952 "Four Sec!1ons, 26 Pages Two Deadlines Parties Start Arrive Friday State Buying Two rieadlliu!H l!nve br.cn an­ Water Tower OK, IHJUncerl f<ir mldni~ht Frltlfly of Machinery for 'l'ltcy COlli'Crll dog OWnCIH and Right Way .tulmnohi!P owncts On dogs [he lfJ52 license Fall Election f~~:; will drn1hlc if not hotlght For New Route City Has New Well, i>Pforc Saturday, Dog licenses • . County Cunwnlious r.tn h~ secured at township Ldtiug ol Cnuta·u.ct ill H) diy lreaHll!'ei :-;' officC'H Al'l' Sclwdull'll lll'l't' tlu ouglt Friday, After thrtl Now 8clwduh•1l iol' 'l.'o l'icl{ I>elrlJ~;atl;~ tiwy must he 'tJOllght al the A(ll'il or E:u·Jy !Utty Rate Boost Sought county lrenourcr's oJfice In Ingham Republicans and Mn:;on. J Right of way buyers fat· the While I he price of license Worry Over Condition of Standpipe Groundless, Democrats al'e gl'c'nsing iheit· state highway depat·tment at·e / machines Iol' the presidential platc•s for nutomrJhlies won't now wol'l<lllg on land for the go up Saturd11y, chivcrs who An Examination by Experts Wednesday Revealed election. US-127 by-pass at Mason. · UJH~r.11C tla•ir c.u·s Dll 1!l51 Ma::;on's water supply was boosted :10 per cent this week DI'IPt-:all'~ cll'eled .JI the fall plates Will be ll.rbie In .11 rest. A new nght of \'MY Is I!Pint-: prlmmies In !!Yin me helng noll· SCCIII'r.rJ fOI' il 81J'Ctl'h of about when a new well came in. The watel' towel' OVPI' whieh eoun­ fled to atlenrl I'OUnly conventiOnS two mile~, 'I'hP hy·pa~s leaves the cilmen have Wot'l'ied is sound, cxpct•ls ,declat·cd Wednesday. to he held In Mnson In March. AI Jlll'~Pnt 127 1'0111!' north of town People now have only one water worry. That's llw !Joosl in Ma•.on tlu• c•onvPniUH1 Will n.lmP :tl a point lmtwecn l'ryni' and mtes which will come before the council for decision Monday rlclcgatC's to stale l'onvcntwns Five Are Injured Dnii romls. It Will strll;c the "As stout us the clay II was night. · prPsent route on the south about erected," W<ts the w.ty wm kmcn There the ~tate delegates will Thel'e will be a public heal'ing on the proposed change 111 choose dclcgalcH to the national h,tlfwny bet ween Klpp m.td and on the stnnclpipe !lcsf'rihed Ma· As Car Shimmies son's water tower Wednesday t•ates .. The hem·tng Is scheduled for Monday night 111 the convcnllons where r•,1mlid.Jics Iot Tomlinson J'rJarl. Th,tl'h alwul a council room. president and vice-president will h.tlf mile soul II of the Vevay The lower h.ls slolll! on tlw pl.1tCflll above the Syc,rmoit' and be nominated. Into Guard Rail town h.tll. Tests run on I he new well on Nol'lh Mason stt·cct indi­ tile r.tilrond trucks foi' ,, half· Mr. and Mrs. Clare Raymond Changl'i'i In Ht·awlng:; cate ptoduclton of 500 gallons per mlllUt(•. That was the IngiMm Republicans will meet Originally tire letting of the r·cnlur.v, .uul w1th proper carP It in the Legion Memorial buil;ling ancl their son, H.1ymond, 15, ,mel mo~y l:~st for another 50 ye,us, WA'rJ•;ii'Piu~s~umi HHOI's !;;Uarantee Lay n c-Nol'thet·n their granddaur.:hters, Pegg-y M.rson by puss aionr: with the made in its contl'act w1th the lat Mason Tucsdny, March 1H, to contract lor the widening of 127 lhct three men ~aid 'l'o mul11• t'I'JIIIII s tlu• wall' I' Ri( hardson, 10 and BPvcrly H.1ch· city. The No 1 l Ptll'k st l'eet) choose their delegates to the slate between Pryor ronrl and Holt w11s Wllll.tm Bat1mcr, Ilnbeii Vargo had to ill' dt•nhll'd fi'nl11 tlw arclson, 8, were hurt In an accl· well giVes 750 ga lions pel' convention which will be held m scheduler! for last :rear. Loss of .mel Hmold McGillon, the three shuultlipl•. 'l'hat's wh~· 1lu• JII'I'S· 1 rlent Sntllrday mght The car Dctl·oJI April 5. At the state con· the Jllans and even the ficlcl notes men empioyNI by the I<ecslcr Co. sm •• is low, lu sonw Sl't•fions minute. No. 2 (Jeffei'son J driven hy Mansi! sldddccl arouncl vention 46 will be chosen to ICP· in the St11LC Office huildlng flrc of l~Icmunl, Ohio, arc steeple­ of' tlu• city \\ h1•rt• JII'I'SSilt'l' yields 500 gallons per mmute. on the highway, strtll'i' guaul resent Michigan Republicans m fmced postponement, state high· Jacks. The) go up anrl down llw t•uns low um·nmlly, vncuums Tlw new well, Iiiii' lltl' otlwr nul posts and hit a tree. the national convention which wny department eng-Ineers saul. standptpl' h!lrlcr nn l!'n run, with hall• t·t•sulll'd. IInusl•holders I two ricwlnp!'d IJ;• L.t;,m• Nrnlh Will open In Chicago July 7. Mrs. Raymond had ,m ankle Within the last few wecl<s other never a shlvct• or ~hal<c. 111'11 lll'ing ltSI<r.d to g-o t•asy nn em, Is a gJawl p,ll'l\ \\I'll sunlt Democrats have scheduled their broiwn and will he In hed or on l'iwngcs In the drawings were till' wnll•r until t'I'Jlllii's to tlu•' Into tlw b.tsc nf t!1e esl<I'I'. The county convention for Tuesday, crL!Ichcs for six weeks. She came marie, it was le:u ned at the stale s1undtliPI' an• (•nmpiPlc•ll. 'rhl'y I hot tom of llll' J:J lnl'h CdSlllg ICS(S lwmc Irom the hospital Tuesday. March 31 It will be held in the highway department Wcdncsdny. should not h<' alurml'll if llw W feet lwlrJ\V IIIC surfrt~·c Tlte1e MI. R.tymoncl toiC ligaments in ;t:: ..... cirnut court room at Mason, Now the letting is scheduled for Milk Producers \\ILIPI shuts ntf I'm· 11 fl'\\ min· Is art 1R·ll11 11 srrectt :!ll [cui lo11g his b.tcl\ and had Ius knee cut, ln tc In AJHil or ca I'ly Ill Ma:, with ui1•H, l'uhlic Wm•l•s ~llfll'IIIIIt•n· lnsirle the msmg. Ora c.m•p\wll LClPill.ttP!l Ins' 1111'~ had J,umed 15 ac·rcs. The Ing-ham Democrats will p1cit 22 delegates to altcnd the state con­ besides sulfering- pamful bruises. the work on the by-pass to be d1•nt .rullus Sdillll'iclwl ~ald. S.unplcs of til!' walCI' 11,JVro bt'<'ll l-'~lh hm1Hli1~ annlleioHI~ llll·~·l\\'he.tltlcld f<11m Is located on the He came home from ti1e hospital completed this summer. Stage Annual dOl). P.1r1 of t!1 e da~ Ill' s]Jh1 l',<'sl !.ide of illeiirhan Iodd at the vention The slate convention is sent In to lhe sl.tl<' IH•ailh dt•parl• scheduled for Grand Rapids Sat· Sunday Manr,IJ lost s1x teeth Steel for the !Jy-pass \las cic· mcnt for JH1nty nnd hardness iomllmg dnd ~.nll·d Jc'~" It llo\11'11 m.1ri Illlcrscction. Mr when ius mouth hit the steermg iiVelccl late last fall. It is stored urday, Ma~· 10. Dinner Meeting tests. RP.por1~ h.tve nol been re­ \\',1sn'l ,, spceJ<d sho11 111g of C.tmpiJell 1101\ hultl~ Iitle to moH• wheel. Ire was also cut and In the Dart pit. Jury Comes Back ccivNl, ltOWt'VCL", strength, fell he 11 Iclcls the ax I lh<~n 231l .tcJes 111 tlw aJC\t. At Grand R<~picls the Demo· bruised Peggy's left shouldci Between Pryor roaci and Holt Loris Cm•lls, Leonard Crowe! almost l'lei) da:- of the ~Pni 1 .\s ,, hrJy he nttcnded the Pol· crats will choo~c 1JO deleg-ates to was fractured She was taken to the plans cati for a four-lane .uul Leo H.ngcr~ wc1e reelected Laync-Nnrlfw1·n took the r•nn• 'I'hl' \Vhc.ttflclcl fni mer grc11 up IJ.,t, .md Swan 1·ountry st•hoois. represent Michig-an m the nation· her home 111 Lansing Irom the hlghw11y, The ab.mdoneci inlet·ur- as directors of 1he Mason Mill< For Last Case on trnel on the nrw 11cll l.tst sprint-: ll'llh an ax Ill hh h.md. lie Tilt• \\'he.ltlleid p1oneci c.tn rc al convention, to be held m Chi­ hospital Monday Still in the hos· ban l'lght of way is available for Produc·crs assllci,tl!on at the an· at *f!,DOO Jm liH• WPII .111rl tlw Ill· lwlpl'cl Ius fc~thcr dc.1r the t.mri memhr 1 llaVInt-: stayeri away cag-o July 21. pita! for plastic surgery is Bev· the Widemng. The hy-pass, too, nual meeting Tuesday Tltey Will stall.1tion of pump anrl moloi. It h,H'!, 111 1K7•l It 11as .llm•>s1 1'i fwm homr• on!) twice since ar· .January Docket 0 K Grettenberg-er o! Okemos crly. Will be four lanes. Both I he bY· serve a three year term will he up to the <'ily lo ilruid " yc•.t!s 10111'1', till' \\'he,ttl!cld man l'li'Ing' Ill 187-1.
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