Tobacco Control 2002;11:9–13 Tob Control: first published as 10.1136/tc.11.1.9-a on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from Newsanalysis................................................................................ BAT: caught out still in a “pilot” stage, insisted that change for two reasons. One was “a cigarettes were sold legally in these need for clarity” and the other reason again establishments and pointed out that was “the evolution of Philip Morris Caught red-handed in January last the “average” age of night clubbers Companies Inc”. year developing its anonymous City was 18, without apparently under- PM’s internal documents, however, Gorilla website promoting the most standing that as some were clearly reveal very different reasons for the “happening, cool nightclubs in town” quite a few years older, a similar company seeking to change its name. (as the youthful target audience might number must therefore be younger A corporate marketing strategy docu- put it), which just happen to be stuffed than 18, the youngest age at which ment written for PM in December with British American Tobacco (BAT) children, according to tobacco indus- 1993 by an “identity consultant”, as cigarette brands (Tobacco Control try rhetoric, may first “choose” part of PM’s “Identity Development 2001;10:92), the British based trans- whether or not to start. Program”, shows that PM was at- national tobacco company has been Interestingly, the magic 18 is a sub- tempting to escape the stigma of found out again. Once more the stantial seven years less than the selling tobacco products by attempting promotional tool it was secretly devel- youngest age for advertising models to “re-position” its image in consum- oping is a website that looks like an that BAT sets for itself in the ill fated ers’ minds. independent guide to bars and night- self regulatory code it has proposed The document concludes that the clubs in European cities. together with Philip Morris and Japan key to escaping the damaging associ- A previously confidential internal Tobacco, in an effort to head off an ation with tobacco is changing the memorandum revealed that www.city- effective WHO Framework Convention name of the company. Among the gobo.com was set up by BAT to on TobaccoControl. But perhaps that is problems caused by PM’s close identifi- encourage people to attend venues to ensure that 18 year olds still have cation with cigarettes were the follow- where it sells and promotes cigarettes. role models significantly older than ing: “As awareness of tobacco issues The Citygobo domain was registered themselves, on the principle that the increase, Philip Morris increasingly last July by CG Ventures, which has coolest fashions to impressionable reacts/defends.” “As ‘tobacco’ image of the same address as BAT’s London young minds are those espoused by Philip Morris increases, market value of headquarters. BAT, which is spending people a few years up the age ladder. Philip Morris decreases.” Australian around US$3.6 million to make the On the same principle, it is fairly research conducted for PM by the site the main source for information obvious that if, like the CityGobo web- Wirthlin Group paints a similar picture, http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/ on fashionable bars and restaurants, site, you make something cool for an with tobacco companies rated lowest on denied that it was a marketing tool for 18 year old, it becomes cool for “truthfulness and credibility”. cigarettes, saying it wanted to create younger children, too. Internal tobacco Interestingly, the first target audi- “the best web-based nightlife guide to industry documents show that tobacco ence listed for this corporate reposi- strengthen our relationships with the companies have long used this tech- tioning is employees, suggesting that nique to attract very young smokers. venues”. (On learning about the PM’s employee morale suffers from the As restrictions progressively reduce scheme, the Action on Smoking and shame of working for PM, a comment opportunities for overtly linking ciga- Health (ASH) team on the other side echoed by an Australian recruitment rettes with things that young people of London immediately set up company executive interviewed by the think are most cool and “happening”, www.citygobo2.com to reveal the Financial Review: “I don’t think there’s rather than with foul breath, skin age- truth about the BAT project to web- any doubt that it’s harder to get ing, miserable disability, and prema- surfing teenagers.) enthusiasm for tobacco companies. on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ture death, we shall see many more Tobacco control advocates believe There is a trend. If you have 10 tricks like this in the future. young people visiting the bars will be qualified candidates and you tell them subjected to heavy marketing for BAT’s it’s a tobacco company, five might say “coolest” brand, Lucky Strike. “It is The wolf changes its they don’t want the job.” interesting that the first cities featured Mr Bible’s press release says the pro- are in Belgium and Poland,” said Luk sheepskin posal to change the company’s identity Joossens, senior consultant to the Last November, Philip Morris (PM) “ . .comes two years after a successful European Union on anti-cancer initia- announced that it was going to ask its effort to improve the image of the tives. “These are countries where an shareholders’ approval to change the Philip Morris family of companies. advertising ban is in place, but oppor- company’s name to the Altria Group, Research indicates that the companies tunities for point of sale promotions Inc. PM is the world’s 48th largest eco- are viewed as changing for the better still exist. Trendy bars are the only nomic entity with a market capitalisa- and becoming a more responsible place where you can target this audi- tion value of $105 billion, placing it ence.” BAT, which said the website was ahead of the value of all stock com- bined in nations such as Greece, Ireland, and Chile. The company pro- All articles written by David Simpson unless duces Miller beer, Kraft, and other well otherwise attributed. Ideas and items for known food products in addition to its News Analysis should be sent to David Simp- cigarettes mainstay. Chairman and son at the address given on the inside front cover. chief executive officer, Australian born Geoffrey C Bible, said he proposed the The logo for the new name of Philip Morris. www.tobaccocontrol.com 10 News analysis widely associated with lung cancer smoking, and timid about trying it, Tob Control: first published as 10.1136/tc.11.1.9-a on 1 March 2002. Downloaded from than lung cancer itself was too entic- and at some level almost all smokers ing to pass up ...Foratime, patients are deeply afraid of the consequences will have to get used to hearing ‘We of their habit, and about continuing to suspect you have Philip Morris’ in- ignore the overwhelming medical, eco- stead of ‘We suspect you have lung nomic, and social pressures to quit. cancer’. But in terms of comprehen- One obvious way for tobacco compa- sion, I think they will instantly under- nies to address such fears is to link stand what they’re being told.” An smoking with bravery, a concept that ersatz poster has the following cap- must have been discussed between the tion: “I don’t worry about getting tobacco industry and government Philip Morris. I’m too young, right?” health officials in several countries, as it has been specifically proscribed in SIMON CHAPMAN, with contributions some of the discredited “voluntary from ANNE LANDMAN, agreements” signed by numerous fool- STAN SHATENSTEIN, BERT HIRSCHORN, ish or naive governments in the past. and STEVE HAMMAN In the UK, for example, the agree- ment regulating print and billboard India: BAT’s bravery tobacco advertising in the 1980s stated that advertisements should not sug- award gest that smoking was “a manifesta- As we know, one of the basic principles tion of courage or daring”. Of course, An ersatz poster spoofing the name change of Philip Morris. of tobacco promotion is to address the the whole point about these schemes subconscious fears of the target audi- is that the tobacco companies only ence: smokers, and potential “start- agree to what they know they can eas- corporate citizen, among other indica- ers”, as tobacco companies so cynically ily circumvent by other means; thus tors of favourable public opinion.” refer to our children. Some of these Mr Aleardo Buzzi, the PM executive My public health colleagues are fears are rather banal—for example, responsible for Marlboro’s Formula 1 intrigued with the new name, some that our breath, hair and clothes will motor racing operations, told an adver- suggesting it is an anagram of “A smell bad if we smoke—and can be tising journal in 1983: “What we Trial”. What we have here is a nomen addressed by the association of ciga- wanted was to promote a particular nudum, a name without a proper rettes with concepts diametrically op- image of adventure, of courage, of description. Altria is a faux Latin word posite on any scale of values, such as virility.” that echoes “altus”, meaning height. fresh mountain air and fragrant, beau- In South Africa, Rembrandt, now The New Shorter Oxford English Dic- tiful models. Other fears, of course, are subsumed into BAT, used a surf rescue http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/ tionary offers a closer sound match: about the much more serious health helicopter with a huge assortment of altricial, from Latin and French, mean- problems caused by smoking, hence ground backup vehicles, all plastered ing to nourish, refers to a class of birds the value to tobacco manufacturers of with its John Rolfe cigarette brand helpless at birth, and too young to for- associating smoking with sports and identifiers, to capture the attention of age for themselves—quite apposite other tough, physical activities at child-rich crowds at seaside holiday when the company’s internal docu- which only fit and healthy people can resorts, until it was grounded by the ments about its potential customers as excel.
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