Opiniões de Acadêmicos Brasileiros Sobre a China Brazilian Scholars’ Views on China Reitor Rui Vicente Oppermann Vice-Reitora e Pró-Reitora de Coordenação Acadêmica Jane Fraga Tutikian EDITORA DA UFRGS Diretor Alex Niche Teixeira Conselho Editorial Álvaro R. C. Merlo Augusto Jaeger Junior Enio Passiani José Rivair Macedo Lia Levy Márcia Ivana de Lima e Silva Naira Maria Balzaretti Paulo César Ribeiro Gomes Rafael Brunhara Tania D. M. Salgado Alex Niche Teixeira, presidente Opiniões de Acadêmicos Brasileiros sobre a China Brazilian Scholars’ Views on China Tiejun Gu Organizador © de Tiejun Gu e Antonio Domingos Padula 1ª edição: 2019 Direitos reservados desta edição: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Capa: Carla M. Luzzatto Revisão: Carlos Batanoli Hallberg Editoração eletrônica: Carlos Batanoli Hallberg O618 Opiniões de acadêmicos brasileiros sobre a China = Brazilian scholars’ views on China / organizador Tiejun Gu. – Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS/Instituto Confúcio UFRGS, 2019. 328 p. il. ; 16x23cm Textos em português e inglês. Inclui guras, mapas e quadros. Inclui referências e apêndices. 1. Relações Internacionais. 2. Política externa. 3. Relações bilaterais – Brasil – China. 4. Relações econômicas – China – América Latina. 5. Economia – China. 6. Investimentos China – Brasil. 7. Desenvolvimento econômico – China. 8. Língua chinesa. I. Gu, Tiejun. CDU 327(81:510) CIP-Brasil. Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação. (Jaqueline Trombin – Bibliotecária responsável CRB10/979) ISBN 978-85-386-0499-0 Sumário Preface ..................................................................................................9 Tiejun Gu Preface ................................................................................................15 Antonio Domingos Padula Notas sobre as relações bilaterais Brasil – China (1974 a 2010) ..........21 Anna Carletti e Nathan Bueno As relações econômicas entre América Latina e China: uma perspectiva sistêmica ..................................................................51 Helton Ricardo Ouriques Chinese beef market: present figure and future prospects for the Sino-Brazilian beef trade .........................................................95 Susanne Knoll, Antônio Domingos Padula, Guilherme Pumi, Shudong Zhou, Funing Zhong e Júlio Otávio Jardim Barcellos A agricultura na China: transformações setoriais e as relações comerciais com o Brasil .......................................................131 Paulo D. Waquil O Brasil e a China: convergências e potencialidades .........................155 Cristina Soreanu Pecequilo A “Longa Marcha” que precedeu o desenvolvimento chinês .............197 Paulo Fagundes Visentini Estudar a China no Brasil .................................................................215 Severino Cabral A Nova Rota da Seda e o corredor econômico China-Paquistão ........231 Diego Pautasso O sistema nacional de inovação da China em transição: a dinâmica de atuação do estado na indução das inovações nativas – Zizhu Chuangxin ...............................................261 Ricardo Muniz Muccillo da Silva e André Moreira Cunha Investimentos chineses no Brasil no setor de energia: potencial cooperativo e implicações estratégicas ................................305 Bruno Kern Duarte e Marco Cepik Exploring the Chinese Language Teaching in the Confucius Institute at UFRGS .........................................................317 Tiejun Gu Preface Tiejun Gu It has been six years since the founding of the Confucius Institute at UFRGS in 2012, and many achievements have been made by joint effor- ts of the Chinese and Brazilian Staff. We are very proud that we have had more than two thousand registered students who have studied Chinese with us in the institute, and among them, 25 students have passed HSK and HSKK tests on certain levels and won the scholarships to study in China for a period of half a year, one year or even four years. Besides the regular Chinese language teaching, we also organized many cultural acti- vities, such as the Brazil-China Week, the Summer Camp in China, the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for College Students and Photo Exhibitions in the Theme of Chinese Color Red. Academic events have always been an important part of our cultural activities. We organized some lectures about China and China-Brazil relations, mostly in cooperation with ILEA – Institute of Latin-American Advanced Stu- dies of UFRGS. Encouraged by the research achievements of the scholars here we planned to publish some collections of their research papers. Both as countries of BRICS and economically complementary to each other, China and Brazil have become very important partners in trade. With the rapid increasing of the economic cooperation between the two countries, more and more researchers, teachers and students turn their academic research interest to issues of China and China-Brazil rela- tions. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (abbreviated as UFRGS), the Brazilian sponsor of the Confucius Institute at UFRGS, is a very huge and comprehensive university with specialties of almost all subjects. To Tiejun Gu is professor doctor, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at UFRGS. cover a wide range of subjects, we called for papers from all UFRGS tea- chers and post-graduate students. We also accepted some papers from the authors of other universities. But as the titles of the papers in this book show, almost all the papers are on international politics, international relations and international trade of China and Brazil. This reflects the ge- neral situation of China studies in Brazil to some extent. We hope in the future more papers of other subjects will be written by Brazilian scholars. We owe the completion of this this book firstly to the paper contri- butors. Due to the requirement that the contents of the papers must be related to China or China-Brazil relations, and because of the limitation of the size of the book, some contributed papers cannot be included in the book, but we bear the same gratitude to these contributors. During the period of paper collection, Mr. Felipe Camargo Gaiotto donated much of his time to the communication with the writers. His pioneering work paved the way for the following editing work. Prof. Carlos Pinent, a very close friend of mine, reviewed all the papers and made a lot of editing notes for the writers. His careful proof-reading ensured the smoo- thness of all the texts in the book. Prof. Antonio Domingos Padula, the Brazilian Director of Confucius Institute at UFRGS, went over all the papers, too. His ideas and suggestions helped greatly to shape the book’s final formation. 12 Preface Antonio Domingos Padula China is the second largest economy and the main Brazilian trade partner. In the foreseeable future China will continue to be the most dynamic economy worldwide. This dynamic can be a source of opportu- nities for Chinese and Brazilian enterprises. The Sino-Brazilian diplomacy was resumed in 1974 and in 2012 was considered a “Global Strategic Partnership” by the two countries. China is today the biggest foreigner investor in Brazil, mainly in the sec- tors of energy, agribusiness, mining, telecommunications, banking, and automobiles. There are important Brazilian investments in the aeronauti- cal, mining, food, motors, paper, and banking in China. In 2015 the Brazilian and Chinese governments created the Si- no-Brazilian Fund to support and expand their production capacities, mainly to finance projects and investments on logistics, energy, agricul- ture and mining. In that year the two governments signed 35 commercial agreements that can reach US$53.0 billion. With a population of 1.4 billion people in China and 210 million in Brazil, and the accelerated growth of the medium class in the two countries, new opportunities will emerge in the agribusiness (agriculture, agro-industry, logistics, infrastructure, machinery), the energy (renewa- ble, gas and oil), informatics and communications, and tourism sectors, for example. In 2011 The Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), The Confucius Institutes Headquarters (HANBAN) and The Commu- nication University of China (CUC) signed a Cooperation Agreement to Antonio Domingos Padula is professor doctor, Brazilian Director of the Confucius Ins- titute at UFRGS. create the Confucius Institute at UFRGS. In his cultural and academics activities the Confucius Institute at UFRGS has promoted the Chinese culture and language in the Rio Grande do Sul State. In recent years the number of students has been between 500 and 600 annually. UFRGS is also an important center for research on Sino-Brazilian issues. The UFRGS’s research and academic production has grown expo- nentially in recent years: • From 1990 to 1996 it was produced and published 7 reports/ documents; • From 1997 to 2003 it was produced and published 24 reports/ documents; • From 2004 to 2010 it was produced and published 140 reports/ documents; • From 2011 to 2017 it was produced and published 263 reports/ documents. Considering the strategic relevance that the Sino-Brazilian relations are becoming, and considering that UFRGS is an important center of re- search on Chinese geopolitics, trade, agronomics and technology, in 2017 The Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Sul (UFRGS) established new challenges and objectives to the Confucius Institute at UFRGS. Beyond the Chinese language and culture teaching, the Confucius Institute at UFRGS will expand its activities to include cooperation
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