CANADIAN ADVENTIST Heart to Heart A Time of Evangelical Preparation By Claude Richli President, Quebec Conference vangelism in our country ration—sometimes in spite of us, and directory. They want to know where E in spite of our reluctance or inability they can go to church, and even how seems to be at times an unre- warding proposition. To build to proclaim the good news. Isaiah long it takes to be baDtized into the and hold an audience requires prophesies that God's people will call church! Sometimes, bey have studied great investments of time, energy and nations that it doesn't know, and scriptures, and have an appreciation money. To gain decisions for baptism nations that didn't know his people for the truth and want to find the requires the patience and persever- "will run to you" (Isaiah 55:5). He also church that will best help them pre- ance of the saints. Skills, training and says that "His word that goes forth pare for the Lord's soon coming! prayers are all very needed. from His mouth will not return to A few weeks ago, my wife and son By contrast, the first account of an Him empty". (Is. 55:11). Matthew decided to walk to our near- evangelistic campaign comes from the We live at a time of tremendous by Seventh-day Adventist Church, a book of Jonah and gives us a surpris- evangelical preparation, where the few blocks from our home. That ing report. It tells us of a reluctant Gospel and the soon coming of the morning, my wife spent some time prophet who would rather have been Lord are being preached by many persuading Matthew that as good people of various denominational per- Seventh-day Adventists, they were anywhere else but in Nineveh. His suasions. Adventists are in fact a going to carry their Bible under their approach to evangelism was blunt: minority in this evangelical chorus. In arm, as a witness to the neighbour- "Forty days, and Nineveh shall be Quebec, where Catholicism has domi- hood. He reluctantly gave in to his overthrown!" Not much love in the nated for so long, Pentecostals are mother's request. As they were walk- way those words were uttered. Jonah over 30,000, Baptists over 15,000. The ing along the sidewalk, they heard a had not spent much time in various proclamation of the end of the world woman call out to them: "Next time schools of evangelism, had not stud- is being carried by 30,000 Jehovah's you go to church, invite me too!". ied and prepared for his message, and Witnesses. Adventists are only 4,000. Startled, they stopped to look at a had spent no time at all interceding In addition, various events impact on woman and a young man whom they before God for these people. In the psyche of the population to con- had never seen before. She proceeded human terms, he had set himself up vince them that things are not as they to tell them that since it was Saturday, for failure. In fact, he expected failure, should be, and to lead many into a and since she noticed Matthew carry- and was consequently surprised, even spiritual quest. Many are seeking, and ing a Bible, she thought they were dismayed when he saw the Ninevites some are not waiting until they be Seventh-day Adventists, and that she repent with sackcloth and ashes. found through our own efforts. believes the end is near too, and that God used Jonah, and the Ninevites Lately, we have started to receive she ought to get ready by starting to found salvation in spite of him. The telephone calls at the conference attend church. When my wife invited Holy Spirit did the work of convic- office, from people who simply want her, she said she was already commit- tion. to know more about what we believe ted for that day, but that she would The time will come when God will after seeing our church on a street cor- come another time. use His people-with or without prepa- ner, or looking us up in the telephone The Lord is using all kinds of agen- 2 Messenger/November 1995 Cover Photo: "Inside Out" in Kiev, Ukraine by Jim Weir. des to prepare a people to respond to December 1 that final warning. Top-level athletes are giving testimonies to their faith, World AIDS Day viewed by millions, as when Jonathan Edwards, new world cham- What is World AIDS Day All pion in the triple jump at the About? June Polishuk / Copy Editor Goteborg World Championships Allan Colleran / Art Director acknowledged being a devout Working together to fight Robin Carby / Associate Art Director Baptist who would not compete on discrimination; CONFERENCE EDITORS the Sunday, because it is the day of Organizing effective activities within Don King / Alberta the Lord. Ron Watts / British Columbia your community; Lester Carney / Manitoba-Saskatchewan We live in a time of evangelical Responding to needs of those infected Robert Lehmann / Maritime preparation when the Lord is prepar- with HIV/AIDS; David Crook / Newfoundland ing to "gather yet others to him, Jim Jeffery / Ontario Listening to each other's thoughts Claude Richli / Quebec besides those already gathered" (Is. and feelings about HIV/AIDS issues; 56:8). Whether we fulfill our man- Delivering messages of compassion date faithfully, or as the reluctant and hope to those affected by HIV/AIDS; prophet Jonah, His purpose will not suffer any delay. The stakes are much Aggressively promoting HIV/AIDS Y too important for that. awareness and education; Heart to Heart Implementing HIV/AIDS prevention Claude Richli 2 programs in our communities; Youth With A Vision Directing parents and educators to Jim Weir 4 World-Wide Search promote abstinence and safer sex in their Ends With Home- prevention efforts; ADRA 7 Strengthening the worldwide effort to Bangladesh Makes Appeal Grown President stop the spread of HIV/AIDS; Canadians Give Generously Following a world-wide search to to Hurricane Relief replace outgoing Robert O.A. Samms as Disseminating helpful information; President of the Quebec Conference, the Actively protecting the human rights Pioneering Religious Executive Committee asked Pastor of those infected with HIV/AIDS; Liberty-A Tribute to Alf Lennox 6 Claude Richli to serve as President. He Yes-Sharing rights and sharing was the conference Executive Secretary responsibilities! Canadian Union College 8 since the last constituency meeting of March 1994, and served as Acting To request a Resource Manual that will Kingsway Hosts Acrofest 9 President since August 1. help you plan a special emphasis pro- It was initially hoped that someone gram write: American Association for Voice of Prophecy- from outside would come to address the World Health, 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 65th Anniversary 12 challenges of the Conference. Seven 400 Washington, DC 20036-3403; or call names were chosen and calls were issued (202) 466-5883. to people in the Caribbean, South PLUS America, the United States, the Middle Conference News 13-18 East, and France. However, personal cir- Healthwise: cumstances, and awkward timing pre- Anxiety—Prologue to Death 9 vented anyone from responding. In one Retirees Convocation Bulletin Board — instance, the call from Quebec arrived Births, Anniversaries, two days after the candidate had accept- Over 1300 retirees registered for the Weddings. Obituaries 20-21 ed another call to go and serve in another Sept. 6-11 meetings at Walla Walla, Classifieds 21-23 field. Washington. Mark Finley was the keynote It is WrittenNoice Says Pastor Richli, "The circumstances speaker. At the annual banquet nearly of Prophecy Schedule 23 that led the committee to ask me to serve $70,000 was given for evangelism. establish beyond a doubt that the Lord Next year's Retirees meeting will be The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official had an active hand in the process. We held at Southern College, June 19-24, organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. serve a God who is Master of time and Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada 1996. For further information contact $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press circumstances." Elder Richli is married to James E. Chase. Coordinator of Retirees Limited. Second class mail registration number 0912. Silvia, a full-time graduate student in Affairs, 720 Dorchester Ave., Modesto, Address all inquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa. Ontario L1 H 1H8. Social Work at McGill University in CA 95355-4413 or telephone (209) 522- Montreal. They have one son, Matthew 2527 or Compuserve: 74532.157. ISSN 0702-5084 who is thirteen. Messenger / November 1995 3 nvolve me, don't entertain me! This found themselves half way around the you feed him for a lifetime." From this was the basis on world, teaching Russian and Ukrainian motto grew a program that would do just which 11 youth and young people how to get out on the streets that—teach youth how to fish for souls. Ifour adults put God to the test and found Go to others and inspire them, train them and witness to other youth. They were out He really means what He says. And showing them how to gather large crowds and then involve them. what did He say? and introduce them to a God Who puts The program was based on the group "There is no limit to the usefulness of meaning, hope and purpose back into name "Inside-Out." The concept is to one who, by putting self aside, makes lives that were full of despair, depression work from within the church where youth room for the working of the Holy Spirit and gives a desire for something better.
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