Whal’t THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY AT keeping IUPUI out of the NCAA? The SAGAMORE See Page 22. {INDIANAPOLIS April 24, 1989 Vol. 18, No. 34 THIS WEEK Cavanaugh flunks building survey By JEFFREY IX* HE H i XT Building Conditions Committee, analysed and sum man ted the Cavanaugh Hall got a flunking responses to the survey. grade from respondents to a Work is currently underway recent survey about the condi­ on installing a new heating and tion of the building. cooling system behind the li­ Tke non-scientiftc survey brary for Cavanaugh Hall. shows that the most prevalent Other problems mentioned in problem in the 11 main com the report include ventilation, plaints named by 71 respon­ violation of no smoking regula dents is the breakdown of air tions, accessibility for people conditioning in Cavanaugh. with disabilities, inadequate of­ The inquiry was conducted in fice space, unclean bathrooms, the form of a short letter asking unclean classrooms and le working in Cavanaugh hallways, malfunctioning auto­ to kst their complaints so matic doors, inattentive that the Faculty Council's six maintenance personnel, slow Theee eight participant* In the Metro Garnet ran wh«i place. ROTC was the overall winner of the Games member Ad Hoc Committee on repair and remodeling work, became a rainful m la. Arne Pederson (left) represent- Pi Kappa Phi took second overall and ESAC placed Building Conditions could docu­ elevator breakdowns and emer­ ment the problems. gency lighting. ing the ROTC team during Tuesday's games took first third. Photo by ED WILIFORD Conference preempts protest Leon Bourke, a member of the See S U R V E Y . Paqe 5 By DAVE CLARK laboratory, officials led by would not be possible without Georgs Stookey, department animal testing. To highlight improvements in chairman in the IU School of "Virtually all of our transplant how animal rsssarch is con­ Dentistry, and members of the technology is based upon animal ducted and defuse expected com­ university's Animal Cars Com­ research," Stookey said. Vac­ plaints by local animal rights ac­ mittee said they hoped to dispel cines against polio, smallpox, tivists marking Animal Righta the rising criticism of the use of rubella and diphtheria were also Day this week, university offi­ animals in biomedical research. developed following animal tast­ cials held a press conference and There's been a growing con­ ing, Stookey added. tour of the new animal rsssarch cern about the use of animals in "These advances would not laboratory Wednesday. rsssarch and teaching," Stookey have been possible without Last year, local animal righta said, referring to demonstra­ using animal research," he said. group CHEETA (Coalition of tion! such as those by C H E E T A Despite such beneficial Hoosisrs Encouraging Ethical last year. results, Stookey said that the In preparation for surgery on its fetus, a ewe is anesthetized and con­ Treatment of Animals) picketed Stookey and other members of committee was sensitive to nected to a ventilator at the HJ Animal Research Laboratory outside Long Hospital on the committee Lynn Willis, IU arguments that too many Photo by MARK DOWNING campus to highlight their con­ School of Medicine, Marguerite animals were being used for cerns about the treatment of Hendrie, director of the Lab spurious, unneeded rsssarch. justification that the research propnateneee of the research, animals used in medical re­ Animal Resource Center, Dr. "Before animals are used in any meets five basic criteria before it that there are no good alterna­ search and experimentation. James Lemons, IU School of research, approval from the is approved. tives to the use of animals, that 8paaking at Wedneeda/s Pediatrica/Neonatology, and committee must be obtained," The committee, which must in­ the lowest appropriate animal press conference and later dur­ Richard A Meias, IU Medical said Stookey. clude st least an# member from species is used (using an ant in­ ing a tour of the new multi- Research Facility, listed a num­ Researchers must, Stookey outside the university com­ stead of a monkey, for example), million dollar animal rsssarch High court bermarred at advances which they said said, offer evidence and munity,Mascot must agree to theidea ap- See COMPUTERS,on hold Page 4 Lovell, athletic director; Noel By JEFFREY DellERDT Duerden, from IUPUI Publica­ by politics, says Bork tions Services; Richard Slocum, Caught like a rat in an admin­ associate dean of Student Af­ By KAREN COHEN istrative trap, IUPUTs mascot today is what George Bush is fairs, and Wagoner voiced their search appears to be going going to be able to do with ju di­ concerns about the mascot ideas Robert H. Bork, whoee 1988 nowhere fast. cial appointments," Bork said. Weldy presented during the nomination to the Supreme In s March 22 meeting called “A s a matter of fact, the meeting. Court was rejected by the by Timothy Langston, dean of parties in Washington are more The Student Government Senate after an acrimonious and Student Affairs, Kent Weldy, polarised than ever. The mood is organised a contest in January grimly-waged public debate, told head of the Student Government somewhat poisonous," Bork Robert H . Bork to suggest a school mascot, a standing-room-only crowd at Mascot Committee, met with said. using the idle threat of dubbing the law school Monday that the five administrators to talk about "I take some credit for that,” secretary of defense, and his a rat as mascot to drum up in­ judicial nomination process has mascot names. he said, to appreciative laughter own losing battle for a seat on terest in the contest. The Stu­ become increasingly politicised. "We looked at the list (of mas­ from the crowd. the high court. dent Government constructed a The former U.S. Circuit Court cots suggested by students) and Bork told the audience he saw * This is an extraordinary stuffed, three-foot tall rat to judge spoke for about 10 made general comments about a pattern of decreasing presi­ movement into presidential con­ guard a suggestion box placed minutes before fielding ques­ the suggested names," said Mike dential power characterised by stitutional turf, and we will eee on the first floor of Cavanaugh tions from an audience com­ Wagoner, director of Student Ac­ the recent compromise between the same kind of thing in the ju ­ Hall. posed mostly of law students. tivities. the Bush administration and diciary,” Bork said. "Congress is T h e y really shot the (mascot) "1 suppose the most interest­ Congress on aid to the Contras, Hugh Wolf, Athletics Advisory ing thing for young lawyers the rejection of John Tower as See F A IL E D , Page 9 Committee chairman; Bob See M A S C O T, Page 28 Page 2 The SAGAMORE April 24,1988 NOTICES deadline is Thursday at noon. ---------------' TODAY Convocation honors students, faculty, staff Persons interested in the offices of secretary and treasurer of the Black Student Union during the 1989-90 academic year should Over 40 student* and faculty from IUPUTs 17 the Glenn W. Irwin Research Scholar Award. schools and divisions were honored during the The five IU PU I Outstanding Freshman contact William Walker at 923-8265 or 274-2279 today. first annual Chancellor's Honors Convocation Scholars wars Grover C. Browning, Beth A Friday at the Conference Center auditorium. Connor and Juhe S. Goldmann from the School David W. Crabb, associate professor of medi­ of Science and Brennan M. Greer and Randall TUESDAY cine at the IU School of Medicine, received the L. Wolf from the School of Engineering and The Department of English will sponsor its annual book party to Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Technology. recognize department members who have published books or soft­ for full-time faculty. Thomas E. Clark, part- The IUPUI Outstanding Upperclass Scholars ware packages within the past year. The party, from 2 to 4 pro. in time lecturer at the Purdue School of Science, and their schools or divisions were Melodie M. Cavanaugh 507, will feature publications by professors Elizabeth received the same award for part-time faculty. Ad sell, business; Gerald N. Bates, Herron; Del­ Arthur, Kan Davis, Kathy Klain, Helen Schwartz and Bill Touponce. The Glenn W. Irwin Jr., M.D., Experience Ex­ phi* E. Croft, business; Piroui Daeihagh, Refreshment# will be served. Call Ken Davis at 274-0084 for more science; Pamela A Grohe, business; Jo A cellence Recognition Awards were awarded toe information. Konstance K. Arnold, nurse coordinator, Groves, nursing; Janice H. Hutchings, liberal s e e Transplant Unit, University Hospital; Shirley arts; Juliet E. Kistner, allied health adenose; M. Boardman, Office of Scholarships and Finan­ Charles J. St. Chari*#, science; Linda K. Stone, Carol Van Wye will speak on "Re-examination of the Second Sex’ cial Aid; Kim M. Graves, manager of the 38th business and Constance Marxouk, education. from 11:30 aro . to 1 p.m. in Cavanaugh 001D as peat af th* Women's Street Campus Bookstore; Helen A. Henard, The recipients of the Chancellor's Scholar Studiss forum. Call Linda Haas at 274-7384 for more information, counselor at the School of Liberal Arts; Karl C. Awards and their e e e Big, Learning Technologies; Pamela May, de­ Lynn J. Albrecht, dentistry; Tamara H. Berry, All returning older students are welcome to bring their lunch to partment secretary of electrical engineering; education; Patrida P. Browne, soda] work; Cavanaugh 001E for conversation and lunch from 11:30 aro. to 12:46 > Ruth A. Potter, Department of Pathology; Brian S. Fennerty, law; Catherine Greene, p.m. Call Gen* McCormick at 885-1059 for more information. Charolambos Aliprantis, professor of mathe­ nursing; Brenda S.
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