- V. TDESDAT, DECEMBiBR 1,1942 AYdrag* Dflfly CIrenbtlon The Wcflthtr . iftanrb^Btrr Sapuitis Hrralb For tke Meatk of November, 1848 Foraeaat al U. 8. Waatber Buraan Membera of the Biitish-Ameri- Emerflreney Doctor flaow aqnalla with coatianed can club will meet tomorrow eve­ 7,814 ning at 7:30 at the clubhouse. Chief Warden Now Lieutenant Oub Prepares Manchester Ib ra U i stroag wtads; nraek solder tonight. Nurses’ Aides Momber of the Audit Hiey win proceed to the Watkins Doctor Arthur B. Moran will Bntaau af OIretaattoas Funeral Home in tribute to their respond to emergency calls to­ Given Honors Date Book ManeheMer—^ City of Village Charm _______ __ - a t Om P b m Ctvtc late member, John McMenemy. morrow afternoon. Xmas Program To Graduate _______ win b« t i M thte w Tonight c at Tl drlT*. Follow* The Ladies Aid Society of the Monthly meeting Pines Civic (CIomUM AdvOTtWag oa Fags 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., $VEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1942 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) las Botioa picturea Zion Lutheran church will meet Thomas Weir Tendered Musical Group Secures Association, at 72 Linnmore drive. Fourth Class , Trained k b j Harold Keaoler. tomorrow evening at 7:30 at the Collect 6,500 Testimonial by His Reception for State President, church. Guest Soloists and C. L, of C. at K. of C. haU at 8. Here to Get Diplomas ____ Barlik Oiapter, Daugii- Friends in Defense. 0 t tiM AoMrloaB RwoIuUon, The tVomen's tieague Of the Round Table Singera. Tomorrow Thursday. Evening. RuMum MorUr.Crew Fights Gemuins in Stalingrad Mt llninday afternoon at Second Congregational church Tires in Town Dorcas Society Variety Sale .„tlM TJd.aA . Queatapeak- will hold its Clulstmas meeting Seventy membera of the Con­ Mrs. Marlon MacLagan, the and "Kaffe Stuga” at Emanuel Knox Sets Japan’s Shock Troops Sever Graduation exerclsea for the win be Dr. D.C.T. Moore of the tomorrow afternoon at two trol Center aervicea of the Man­ hospitality chairmaa of the Cham- Lutheran church. \ fourth class *of nurses’ aidpa which ■ Raalth Board and Rev. Oib- o’clock with Mrs. Ralph Rockwell And 200 More Waiting chester Defenae Council tendered a inade Club, opened her home on American L«gion Home, 10 to H, ndio la to be In of 33 Starieweather street. Mrs. 4:30 p. m,, wprk on Red Ciobs sur­ have been trained in Manchester, real aurprioe party to Chief Air Oxford street jrasterday to the o f paatoral dutlea of the A. M. Shearer will give the Christ­ To Be Called for by membera of the executive board of gical dressings. A standing invi­ wlji take place T huf^ay evening, _ Oongrefatlonal pariah dur- mas story. The hostesses will be Raid Warden Thomaa Weir laat tation to all women to assist in Casualties at Five Express Agency. the Chaminade Musical Club. December 3 at 8 o'clock, in the tha SMinth of December. Hie Mrs. Philip Ranney and Mrs. John night at the Hotel Sheridan. Mr. There were nine membera present. this worth-while effort for our Land Link Between taaea will be Mra. F. F. Spen- Hubtwrd. Weir waa preaented with a brief Mrs. Ruth Bowlby presided at the armed forcea. Come at any hour chapel of the South Methodist M n. Jeanette Buckland. and While it has been announced of the day most convenient. case by the control center aervicea buaineas meeting. After much dis­ church, ptev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr„ recent, Mia. W. O. Crawford. Thomas Weir, chief air raid from Washington that an exten­ cussion, It was decided by the Thursday, December 8 pastor Of the church, will be the Times Americans' warden, will be the speaker at sion has been granted to Decem­ by '^oaatmaater George H. Wad­ board members to continue the Chriatmas Bazaar, South Meth­ principal speaker. The diplomas The Mothera CUcIe of S t Anne the meeting of the Luther League ber 12 for the turning in of all ex­ dell after many glowing apeechea meetings of the club on the first odist church. wfll be presented by Dr. Robert Wfll meet tomorrow evening at this evening at eight o'clock at tra tires, no information was re­ had testified to the ability and un­ Annual meeUng pf Past Matrons Tunisia Strongholds Monday afternoon of each month P. Knapp, chairman o f the Volun­ Wight o’clock at the home of Mrs Xknanuel Lutheran church. It will ceived concerning the change at tiring efforts of the chief warden. at two thirty o’clock. of Temple Chapter, OES at Ma­ teer Nurses’ Aide committee and fWSl ^ Drive Begun "Vraaeia Murphy of 437 Center be the innual meeting. Miss Nor­ the local Rationing Board today. "It is with extreme pleasure Mra. Belledna Mansur, the new sonic Temple. Brightest Now m Three ^ ma Johnson Is chairman of the Mra. Ann Spencer, Red Cross in­ AJl nembera are urged to The board Is closed to the pub­ that I have been offered the op­ membership chairman, was wel­ Graduation exercises at Nurses’ committee in charge. structor, will present the caps. Dr. Capture Part of High­ lic today. Much work has to be portunity of presenting this gift comed to the board meetings. It Aides, at South church at 8. , H. Cooper Smith, superintendent Years; Says Navy Is In Congress done and even with the closing of to you, Tom” said Mr. Waddell. Michael Habeiera Red Cross surgical dressings waa announced that the next meet­ Friday, Drcember 4 and Miss Fern Locke, superinten­ Larger and More Pow­ way Linking Tunis and’ *1110 Salvation Army Woman's the office it will net be sufficient "We who have served with you for Duce Certain Italy will be made as usual tomorrow ing is-ould be at Mrs. Elsie Gustaf­ Board of Control meeting. dent of nurses, dt Manchester Me­ ima League will omit its meeting to allow the workers to get caught the past year have felt that you Michael Haberem. o f 73 Hem­ son’s home on Maple street, De­ Chamber of Commeice, Y. M. C. morial hospital wfll speak briefly erful Than Day Be­ For Lottery Bi2ierte; Morocco Ra­ the citadel tomorrow afternoon. ail day from 10 a. m. to 4:30 at are the right man in the right lock street, has graduated from cember 28 at two o'clock. the American Legion hall on Leon­ up. A., 6:30 p. m. to the class. Those who have more than five place. This slight token o f our es­ the Victorville Army Flying School Christinas Meeting fore Pearl Harhor. dio Report Not Verified ard street, and to keep the work Pageant of the Brides, Second The exercises are open to the Will Remain in War The meeting of First Aiders of tires, regardless of their condition, teem carries with It the thought as a bombardier, and has been Mrs. MacLagan announced tea Congregational church. public and any person interested r‘piecinct 3 scheduled for this eve- up to schedule, an afternoon ses­ War Bonds as Prises From Allied Force must notify the local office of the that when victory comes— and it commissioned as a second lieuten­ would be served at the next meet­ Monday, December 7 la welcome to attend. New York, Dec. 2.— (A*)— :w*«g will be cancelled. The next sion .will be held the following day Railway Ebepress Agency which will come—a more proper and fit­ ant In the Army Air Forces Re- ing of the club on Monday after­ from one o’clock to 4:30. Women’s Auxiliary of the C. of Viewing the war outlook as Plan Draws Backing; Civilians Being Movedy Heailquarters; Would liBaeting will take place two weeks will ship them to the proper depots ting testimonial is due you.’’ .ferve. He attended Manchester noon at the Center church and C. tea. from today, December 16. Yankees Wipe to be valued and later on the per­ Complete Surprise High and graduated in 1937. He members were reminded to "Bring Tuesday, December 8 the brightest in three years, Fogel System Would Air Raid Shelters Has­ Leave Sea as Only Way The regular monthly meeting of also attended the University of Your Own Teabag” so they could ‘‘Y’’ to Organize ' Oars driven by BYank D'Amico son turning In the tires, will be The party caught Mr. Weir by Award Army and Navv E.. Pio­ Secretary of Navy Knox dis­ For Axis to Escape* Hose Company No. 3 of the South paid. complete sufprlse. The fact that Connecticut. He entered the Army join in the festivities of the after­ neer Parachute Co., at s'tate The­ closed today that Japanese Guarantee All Return, tened and German De­ IwC W Oak street and Ralph E. Met- Manchester Fire Department will Air Forces April 8, 1942. noon. This will be the Christmas ater a t 3:30. Out Jap Unit; ■iaalf of 76 Ashford street side- Yesterday 700 tires‘ were turn­ he did not 1 now and under the im- W om en’s Class casualties are believed five be held In the firehouse at eight ed In to the express office, which meeting and is open to guests fense Aid Assured. London, Dec. 2.—</P>— wiped on East Center street yea- o’clock tonight. presMon that it was an urgent Wedneaday, December 9 times greater than America’s Washington. Dec. new brought the ’ total turned in by meeting relating to defenae prob- without the customary fee. Chriatmas sale and cafeteria lieut. Gen. Kenneth A. N- harday afternoon causing damage The program will be in charge congressional drivs for a Federal Seize Cannon Manchester residents to 6,600.
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