Ahtna Place Names Lists 0. Extraterritorial and Regional 1 Dghelaay, Dghelaay Tah the Alaska Range, the 'mountains', or ( archaically) Wrangell Mts., in the 'plural objects that are mountains suspended' [1] Tarkhonov 1797; Moffit 1904 "telo country" 1.1 Dghelaay Ce'e, Deghilaay Mount McKinley, Denali 'big mountain' Ce'e, Ggalaay Ce'e 62.5, -149.7 [1] Wrangell 1839 "Tenada" from Western Alaska Athabascan 3 'Atna' Nene' Copper River Valley 'Ω river land' 61.9517, -145.7966 [1] 4 'Atna' (L, C), K'etna' (U) Copper River 'Ω river' 61.827, -145.0794 [1] Analysis of 'At-, K'et- is uncertain. Wrangell 1839 map "Atna"; Dall 1875 "Atna"; deLaguna 1970:1, Geohagen 1903; also used in ethnonym 'Atnahwt'aene 'Ahtna people' 4.1 ['Atna' Bene'] Glacial A> Lake Ahtna 'Ω river lake' [0] 5 Ts'itu' Copper River 'major river'; 'straight water' 61.273, -144.8426 [1] deLaguna 1970:1 6 Xentna' lower copper river below 'bend river' Tonsina 61.3389, -144.7698 [2-JMc] deLaguna 1970:2 7 I'na' Daa'a, C'ena' Daa'a lower Copper River area 'the stream downriver' [1] Possible source for Kanata Ck, (see entry 61) formerly for the north fork of the Teikel River, Rohn 1899 8 Bes Nezdlaayi bluff on E bank of CR 'river bank that extends in a line (rope-like)' 62.282, -145.2417 [2-FJ] Refers to east bank of Copper River curving around Mt. Drum. 9 Hwtsaay Nene' Upper Gulkana R & Upper 'small timber land' Susitna R plateau 62.8785, -146.5058 [1] deLaguna 1970:37 10 Datggadi Nene' K'et westerly Ahtna uplands 'upper country' [1] 11 Tatl'ah Nene' upper Copper River above 'headwaters land' Slana 62.7054, -143.8512 [1] Also refers to Slana River area. 12 Henggey Tah Central Alaska Range 'in the uplands' 63.3377, -146.2556 [1] 12.1 Gaan' Tene trail along S slope of Alaska 'horse trail, trade goods trail' Range 63.0248, -147.1611 [1] gaan' a Russian loan word 13 Dzeł Cene UT> Nutzotin Mountains & 'base of the mountains' upper Tanana River uplands area 62.2944, -142.7825 [1] Allen 1887:137; Nutzotin from UT ethnonym Niits'ą' Hwt'iin 'people form upstream' 37 Ahtna Place Names Lists 14 Ba'aaxe, Ba'aadi Nene' Tanana Valley 'outside (the Alaska Range)'; K'et 'on outside lands' 63.5354, -143.4145 [1] 15 Ba'aaxe Tuu' Koy>Tanana River 'outside water' 63.3959, -142.9205 [1] 15.1 Niculaghaay Tanana village, "Fort Yukon" '?along big island' (JMc) [2-JMc] 15.2 Tuu Tl'aat LT> Toklat village site 'head of the water' [2-JT] Wrangell 1839 (in Dena'ina) 15.3 Kantiis Na' LT> Kantishna River '? river' [2-JT] 15.4 Łenmaec Fairbanks 'loan' [2-MP] 16 C'ezes Daztaande Dawson, Moosehide 'where skin is suspended' [2-FJ] 17 Nikah Tuu', Nukah Tuu' Yukon River 'Ω water' [2-FJ] Allen 1887:68 "Niga To" 18 Danse, Danse' Cook Inlet area 'in the forward direction' 61.5437, -149.7357 [1] 19 Natu' Pacific Ocean 'saltwater' 60.2046, -145.9804 [1] Refers to any body of saltwater 19.1 Natu' Baaghe coast of Pacific, ocean shore 'ocean shore' [1] 20 ’Usghu Daa’a Tah out in the Pacific Ocean 'out in front and downstream' [2-FS] 21 Yakutaat Yakutat 'loan' 60.0681, -142.4232 [2-JMc] from Eyak Diiya'guda't 22 Dzełkaat Bering River 'from Eyak Jiłqaht' 60.2908, -144.159 [2-JMc] 22.1 [Daxtaeł] Ey> Duktoth River 'elevated flat' 60.2006, -142.5818 [0] derived here from rhe Eyak name, which in turn is possibly from Ahtna or other Athbascan name 1. Copper River, mouth to Chitina 23.1 'Iyaak T'aa Eyak village 'Eyak place' 60.5242, -145.5963 [2-JMc,AB] 'Iyaak is from Alutiiq Igyaaqlit "outlet of lake". 24 'Iyaak Bene' Ey> Eyak Lake 'Eyak lake' 60.5503, -145.6727 [2-JMc,AB] 25 Nudzak Al> Nuchek 'from Alutiiq Nuuciq' 60.3316, -146.6582 [2-JMc] 26 Bey'nelaayi Mummy Island 'objects lean toward it' 60.4645, -146.0121 [3-JMc,JB] 27 Tatitl'aa Valdez Arm 'back water' 60.9894, -146.7869 [1] 38 Ahtna Place Names Lists 27.1 Bayliisde Valdez 'place he/she cust. puts objects by him' 61.1347, -146.3563 [2-MP] a re-shaped loan word, very interesting! 28 Tatitl'aa Na' Lowe River 'back water river' 61.0562, -146.0336 [2-JMc] 29 Tatitl'aa Tates Thompson Pass 'back water pass' 61.1337, -145.7451 [2-BM] trail on Allen 1887 map; Rohn 1899 30 Tacae'e Copper River Delta, Cordova 'water mouth' 60.3928, -144.954 [1] 31 Tsetggax Alaganik village '?above the rock' 60.4428, -145.2139 [3-JMc] from Eyak p.n. list; Wrangell 1839 perhaps "summer home of the Ugalentz (Eyak) 32 Tacae'e Nuu' Long Island 'water mouth island' 60.4698, -144.9572 [3-JMc] 33 Tacae'e Nani'aayi railroad bridge at Copper River 'object that extends across Delta the delta' 60.5148, -144.904 [3-JMc] 33.1 "Anee" "west channel of CR" '' 60.4947, -145.0292 [0] Allen 1887:20 cites Serrebrennikov; probably directional -nii upstream 34 "Tauganye" n.k. on lower CR '' [0] Wrangell map 34.1 'Utggu Daa' upper end of CR delta 'above the downstream' 60.5871, -144.8633 [3-JMc] elicited with Jim McKinley from Eyak place names list 35 Tay'laxden at mouth of Sheep Creek 'where fish spawn' 60.5182, -144.7942 [3-JMc] 36 Tay'laxi Na' 39 Mile Creek or Clear Creek 'spawning stream' 60.5353, -144.795 [3-JMc] 37 Sbaay Ggalaaye' A> Goat Mountain 'mountain goat mountain' 60.617, -144.6608 [3-JMc] Orth:Named in 1910 by survey crew working on the Copper River and Northwestern RR. 37.1 Sbaay Ggalaaye' Luu' McPherson Glacier 'mountain goat mountain glacier' 60.5516, -144.5877 [3-JMc] 38 Hwdaandi Łuu Childs Glacier 'downriver glacier' 60.6923, -144.9249 [3-JMc] 39 Nuu Ghaay island near childs glacier 'along island' 60.6179, -144.8482 [3-JMc] deLaguna 1970:1 40 Łuu Ghatgge area between Childs and Miles 'between the glaciers' Glaciers 60.7025, -144.6875 [1] 41 Łuu Ghatgge Bene' Miles Lake 'between the glaciers lake' 60.6688, -144.6752 [1] 42 Hwniindi Łuu Miles Glacier 'upriver glacier' 60.642, -144.3704 [2-JMc] 43 Ni'aani Mount O'Neil, Mt. Williams 'that which protrudes' 60.7198, -144.8296 [3-JMc] 39 Ahtna Place Names Lists 43.1 Ni'aani Luu' Allen Glacier 'that which protrudes glacier' 60.7978, -144.7845 [3-JMc] 44 Ni'aani T'aa camp at base of Mount O'Neel 'beneath that which protrudes' 60.6913, -144.7423 [3-JMc] 45 Tsaani Tu'ułtaanden Mile 52 on railroad 'where grizzly bear trail goes past' 60.7119, -144.7032 [3-JMc] 46 Ts'akae Nanalyaesden rapids at upper Miles Lake 'where the women are carried across' 60.7216, -144.5763 [2-JMc] 47 Nataghił'aaden Baird Canyon 'current flows down place' 60.7477, -144.5379 [3-JMc] 47.1 Hwc'abeni lake southeast of The 'lake that is opposite' Peninsula 61.0082, -144.6822 [3-JMc] 47.2 Xax T'ox Tayene' river bar N of Bremner River 'goose nest straight stretch' 60.9956, -144.7033 [3-JMc] 48 Saghani Ggaay Detl'uule' mt N of Wernicke River mouth 'where raven forgot his rope' Nanelna'den 60.8521, -144.4877 [2-JMc] 48.1 Saghani Ggaay Detl'uule' Wernicke River 'where raven forgot his rope Nanelna' Na' stream' 60.8403, -144.3821 [2-JMc] 48.2 Saghani Ggaay Detl'uule' Wernicke Glacier 'where raven forgot his rope Nanelna' Luu' glacier' 60.7823, -144.1392 [3-JMc] 49 Dadaa'i Na' Bremner River 'downriver river' 61.0178, -144.5567 [2-JMc] Allen 1887:44, map; Geohagen 1903, deLaguna 1970:1 50 n.k. village on Porcupine Creek off '' Little Bremner River 61.0467, -144.4302 [0] deLaguna 1970:1 51 "Golconda" XX A> Golconda Creek into N '' Fork Bremner River 60.9901, -143.5308 [0] Orth:Local name published by F. H. Moffit (1920, pl. 5), USGS. 52 T'aghes Nuu Na' A> Tasnuna River 'cottonwood island river' 61.0471, -145.1472 [2-JMc] Allen 1887:44, map; Baker 1928 52.1 T'aghes Nuu island below Tasnuna River 'cottonwood island' 60.9969, -144.7928 [2] Allen 1887:44 52.2 T'aghes Nuu Na' Tates Marshall Pass 'cottonwood island river pass' 61.1008, -145.4606 [2-BM] Allen 1887:map, trail to Valdez Arm 52.3 T'aghes Nuu Na' Luu' Woodward Glacier or Tasnuna 'cottonwood island river Glacier glacier' 61.047, -145.465 [2-BM] Orth:Named in 1963 by A. S. Post, Univ. of Washington, "for the Tasnuna River." 53 Uti'sneldziits'i The Peninsula 'the one we danced out to' 61.0307, -144.7451 [2-JMc, FS] deLaguna 1970:1, "Mi. 114 on rr"; Kari & Tuttle 2005; "The Peninsula" is on Abercrombie 1898 map 40 Ahtna Place Names Lists 54 Uti'sneldziits'i Bene' lake east of The Peninsula 'the one we danced out to lake' 61.0392, -144.7354 [3-JMc] 56 Tsaani Zelghaenden second stream N of The 'where a grizzly was killed' Peninsula @mi. 64 61.098, -144.7603 [3-JMc] 57 Sbaay Ts'ezdaenden point on east bank above '?where mountain goat Cleave Creek, mi 64 warms up' 61.153, -144.8961 [3-JMc] 58 "Konsina" Cleave Creek '' 61.1214, -144.9686 [0] Allen 1887:46, perhaps mislocated, no other recorded Ahtna name 58.1 "Nikneh" n.k., near Billy Mitchell, peak '' 15 mi. above Cottonwood is. 61.199, -145.2713 [0] Allen 1887:46 58.2 Hwdikalke'tden slide on CR below Teikel 'where area has slid out' 61.1869, -144.923 [3-JMc] 58.3 [Tsaa K'ae] opposite Teikel R mouth 'cache place' 61.2196, -144.8293 [0] Geohagen 1903 59 Łts'aay Na' lower A> Tiekel River and '? windy river (via Baker A>Tsina R, formerly Chena R 1928)' (South Fork of Tiekel) 61.2585, -145.2539 [2] Allen 1887:46 and map; Geohagen 1903, Abercrombie 1898, "Tsaina"; deLaguna 1970:1; Baker 1928: "The old native name is Ltsina, moaning wind whirls round, so called because of many little whirlwinds...;" plausibly from łts'ii 'windy' with irregular vowel 59.1 Łts'aay Na' Luu' A> Tsina Glacier 'Ω river glacier' 61.2716, -145.8919 [2-BM] Tsina reshaped from name Łts'aay Na'; Orth: Ahtena Indian name ..
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