NORTH PETHERWIN PARISH COUNCIL DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm Members Present: Councillors: C. Rowland (Chair), I. Bellamy, D. Colwill, V. Cooper, D. Greathead, B, Gunby and N. Holding Cornwall Councillor: Adam Paynter In attendance: Parish Clerk and RFO: Susan Willis Members of the public present: One – Mrs P Orridge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17/109 Apologies – Cllr N. Hawke (Vice-Chair) and Cllr A. Greene 17/110 Consideration of request of Dispensation – None 17/111 Declarations a. Of Interest in Items on the Agenda Cllr D Colwill declared an interest in Item No. 17/115 – Planning Application PA18/01104 and Cllr N Holding declared an interest in Item No. 17/114 (i) Finance – Payment of invoice b. Of Gifts over £25 – None 17/112 Adoption and signing of the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on 31 January 2018 (previously circulated) Agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman Chair adjourned the meeting 17/113 Public Participation Mrs Pat Orridge attended the meeting at the Chairman’s request to provide an update on Item No. 17/116 – Location of Defibrillator 2 and Future of Maxworthy Adopted Phonebox Chair reconvened the meeting 17/114 Finance (i) To approve payments of this month’s cheques Proposed Cllr Rowland/Seconded Cllr Cooper M.Tucker Chq 878 Final Clerks Salary: February £91.50 2018 S.Willis Chq 879 Travel/Stationery Exps £10.69 Chq 882 Clerks Salary: February 2018 £181.08 Additional Invoices received before start of meeting: Rural Services NP Graveyard works and £2,302.00 + £460.40 VAT Chq 880 bench by Beaumont Court = £2,762.40 Mrs P Orridge Silicone for replacement £5.18 Chq 881 signs at telephone kiosk It was agreed that the new Clerk would receive payment for 20 hours initially for work undertaken in February 2018. The additional 5 hours worked during this month would be carried forward and paid in March 2018. Proposed Cllr Rowland/Seconded Cllr Gunby Cllr Rowland and Cllr Cooper signed a letter to NatWest Bank Launceston asking for the Parish Council bank statements to be redirected to the new Clerk’s home address. Mrs Willis signed the Parish Clerk and Finance Officer contract of employment along with Chairman Cllr Rowland. Break in procedures for signatories to sign cheques for payment (ii) Receipts – Cornwall Council Automated Credit for LMP funding £1,195.20 (iii) Bank Balances as at 5 February 2018 Current a/c £19,955.89 Business Reserve a/c £ 2,775.18 Total funds £ 22,731.07 Bank statements signed by Chair 17/115 Planning (i) Applications for consideration received to date PA18/01104 Barn C Nescott Farm North Petherwin Launceston, Cornwall PL15 8NX Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwelling-house. Applicant: T Colwill Agreed not to comment on this application Proposed IB/Seconded VC PA17/12153 Winsdon Farm Access To Winsdon Farm North Petherwin Launceston Cornwall PL15 8NX Application for the repair and conversion of existing barns into 2 dwellings including demolition of dilapidated structures. Applicant: Mrs Katie Wilcox Agreed to support this application Proposed NH/Seconded DG (ii) Notice of Cornwall Council Decisions PA17/09001 REFUSED Applicant: Mr W Paynter Location: 2 dwellings Land East of Avallon Lodges North Petherwin Launceston Cornwall PL15 8NX Proposal: Application for construction of managers dwelling and 2 storage buildings on the site of Avallon Lodge. PA17/06119 REFUSED Applicant: Mr Nathan Dinnis Location: Land North of Lower Clubworthy Clubworthy North Petherwin Launceston Cornwall Proposal: Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved for the construction of one new self-build family dwelling. PA17/09864 APPROVED Applicant: Mr T Faull And Mrs J Fitzgerald Location: Lower Chipmans Church Hill North Petherwin Launceston Cornwall Proposal: Alterations together with construction of a single storey extension. PA18/00234 APPROVED Applicant: Mr M Hoe Location: Hougoumont Maxworthy Launceston Cornwall PL15 8LZ Proposal: Proposed extension. (iii) Any other planning applications received by the start of the meeting PA17/12108 REFUSED Applicant: Mr & Mrs Stonehouse Location: Shiloh North Petherwin Launceston Cornwall PL15 8NL Proposal: Construction of detached bungalow. Parish: North Petherwin PA18/00138 APPROVED Applicant: Mr Rowe Location: Land South Of Maxworthy Farm Maxworthy Road Maxworthy Launceston Cornwall Proposal: Proposed clubhouse and store, North Petherwin Air Rifle Club Parish: North Petherwin Town & Parish Council’s Weekly Enforcement Case Update (16th- 22nd February 2018): North Petherwin Case Ref EN18/00297 Case Officer Adrian White Nature of Complaint: Alleged felling of large Oak tree subJect to a TPO. Site Address: 3 Venton Close Petherwin Gate Launceston Cornwall PL15 8RJ 17/116 Location of Defibrillator 2 and Future of Maxworthy Adopted Phonebox Defibrillator 2 – Councillors discussed possible locations for the second village defibrillator as Maxworthy was deemed no longer a viable option following obJections raised by parishioners who did not want it placed in the phonebox and the considerable cost involved in relocating the phonebox itself. The defibrillator would require weekly/monthly checks carried out by local residents, it would therefore need to be sited not only in easy reach for use but so that the necessary checks could be undertaken as well. The Countryman Inn were continuing to fundraise for their own defibrillator. Councillors agreed that the second defibrillator should be located in Clubworthy and agreed that the Parish Council would make up the shortfall in funds to ensure it’s installation. Action: Cllr Greathead to approach owner of Clubworthy House about the possible installation of the second defibrillator. Cllr Greathead to liaise with Pat Orridge and Toni Martin about the installation and obtain new quotes. Maxworthy Adopted Phonebox The Parish Council had now adopted the phonebox in Maxworthy and can now only transfer it’s ownership via adoption and not resell it. Only BT could authorise a company based in Essex to physically move the phonebox at a cost. Given that the phonebox would no longer be required to house the second village defibrillator, Councillors discussed whether the parishioners in Maxworthy who reside next to the phonebox, would in fact now like to adopt it and cover the costs incurred in doing so (their letter dated 23rd August 2017 to the Parish Council offered to help with costs). Action: Clerk to provide confirmation around whether the adoption of the phonebox can be transferred to a parishioner and if so, would the Maxworthy parishioners be prepared to cover all costs relating to this adoption. 17/117 Production of a new Parish Plan The Clerk handed out copies of the North Petherwin Parish Plan (as revised in 2009). Councillors agreed that it would fund the production of a new ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ for the village but would await the presentation by Situ8 at the next meeting in March before formulating a working group and holding consultation events within the parish. Action: Clerk to put ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ on the March meeting agenda 17/118 To receive Reports from the Chairman, Cornwall Councillor A Paynter, Parish Councillors to include Highways reports Cornwall Councillor Adam Paynter reported that it was now much quicker and easier to report potholes to Cornwall Council via their website. The new system allowed users to input the address and upload photos of the problem areas and that Cornwall Council would aim to get holes filled with 72 hours. He stressed the importance of having a Neighbourhood Plan as opposed to a Parish Plan and how it could be used to decide where future development within the village could go. 17/119 Correspondence / emails received by the Clerk The Clerk drew Councillors attention to the extensive list of correspondence received as detailed on the meeting agenda. It was agreed that the Clerk would continue to distribute such correspondence via email to all Councillors and that only items they deemed important and/or appropriate would make it onto future agendas. 17/120 Questions and Statements from Councillors, notice of Parish events, items for inclusion on future agenda and exchanges of information relevant to the Parish. Cllr Colwill had been asked if a salt bin could be provided at North Petherwin Primary School. Cllr Greathead reported that the school already had a salt bin and confirmed it’s location. To be included in next meeting: Production of new Neighbourhood Plan Defibrillator 2 location and future of Maxworthy adopted phonebox Cornwall Council – Local Maintenance Partnership 2018-19. 17/121 Agreed date of the next meeting - Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 7.30pm .
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