Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-12-1985 The BG News February 12, 1985 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 12, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4353. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4353 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Yugoslavian artist Shoup leads BG in "impressioned" weekend win '■<:■. by University page 3 page 9 Tuesday, February 12,1985THE J3CL NEWS Vol. 67 Issue 78 1985 Miss BGSU begins her reign by Ellen Zlmmerll 75th anniversary. attention and state their opin- staff reporter ion. FOR HER TALENT compe- She said the pageant is "an Excitement and anticipation tition, Andrews stirred the au- excellent chance for girls to were the emotions for the final dience with her ability to reach get scholarship money. round of competition in the high notes as she sang "Love Andrews will receive a $500 Miss BGSU Scholarship Pag- Is Where You Find It.1* scholarship and $250 for a eant Saturday night. Andrews said she performed wardrobe fee for the Miss Ohio But the night proved to be the same song in the Miss Pageant in June. one of surprise for Belinda Sandusky Valley pageant in Andrews. She was named Miss Fremont where she won the THE FINAL NIGHT of com- BGSU 1965. preliminary talent competi- petition featured the 29 contes- Andrews said she didn't en- tants; Miss BGSU 1964 - Peggy ter the pageant with the inten- The talent portion of the Uni- Moog; past queens; Bob Kel- tion of winning. She said she versity's pageant accounted logg - a former BGSU student thought it would be a good for 50 percent in the judging. who performed in many Uni- opportunity to get stage expe- Interviews and the swimsuit versity productions; Carolynn rience since she plans to have and evening gown competi- Clark - the reigning Miss a career in professional sing- tions made up the remainder Greater Cleveland and the ing. of the points. Miss BGSU Dancers and Or- Andrews will go on to rep- Andrews said she did not chestra. resent Bowling Green in the agree with the protest of the Miss Ohio pageant in June. In pageant by women for The finals were emceed by the meantime, she said she Women. She said that the orga- Jerry Anderson, a news will probably be performing in nization was not attacking the anchor for channel 13 News, events for Bowling Green's pageant, but using it to get WTVG, Toledo. BGSU pageant protested by Ellen Zimmerli explained the reason. researchers, and ask, "Can staff reporter The sign said, "We are wear- you picture a woman bonding ing media images to represent molecules for her talent seg- As contestants for the Miss the 'mask of beauty' which ment?" BGSU Pageant were getting women are pressured to put on They also consider the pag- ready inside of Kobacker Hall, every day. We hope to show the eant to be racist. If blacks are the University chapter of connection between the pag- finalists or winners. Women Women for Women were pro- eant 'look' and the ideal for Women maintain "their testing outside. woman which the media de- beauty lies in their being 'as The protest was a "con- mands we become." close to white' as possible." sciousness raising" activity, Women for Women protested The statement also contends Melissa Landon, a steering the pageant because they said that American women are buy- committee member of Women it propagates an ideal of ing into a system through cos- for Women, said. She said the "beauty" which is unattaina- metics which masks their organization really did not ex- ble for most women. natural beauty and constantly pect to change anything. They said the focus of the challenges them to achieve a About 15 women carried pageant was beautiful women nonexistent goal. They said signs, passed out press competing for scholarship such an ideal image is directly statements and wore grocery money. Their statement main- related to media images of bags over their heads to dis- tained that although 50 percent women as less than human. play their disapproval of the of the points awarded are for Thus as an organization con- pageant. talent, the talent is perfor- cerned about women's roles in Photo/Vlnce Walter The grocery bags were not mance alone. society. Women for Women ordinary bags - there were WOMEN FOR WOMEN decided to protest the pageant. Newly crowned images of media people on have said many women are Landon said many people Belinda Andrews, Miss BGSU 1985, gets help with her crown from former Miss BGSU, Peggy Moog. Ready 0 with her sash is Melissa Bradley, Miss Ohio 1985. them. An accompanying sign talented biologists writers and w" • See Protest, page 5. Glenn to oppose Postal rates to increase Feb. 17 service submits a proposed "We originally submitted a 22 cent stamp," Hill said. At that Meese nomination by Zora Johnson amount to the Commission proposal for a 23 cent stamp. time, the postal service had the staff reporter which then has 10 months to act The commission went through choice of accepting the commis- on the request. our proposals and decided on a sion's decision or making an- WASHINGTON (AP) -While adviser by a 12-6 vote. The full The cost of mailing a first other request. The 22 cent conceding that the Senate will Senate is expected to take up the class letter will increase from 20 amount was agreed upon. likely confirm Edwin Meese HI matter Feb. 20. cents to 22 cents on Sunday, Feb. Postal Rate Increases 22* THE RATE INCREASE has as attorney general, Sen. John Glenn said he is not sure how 17. Post card rates will also caused mixed reaction among Glenn announced yesterday he many senators will oppose the increase from 13 cents to 14 1*71-1905 20* University students and the rest will oppose the nomination be- nomination. cents. of the community. To date, few cause Meese fails to meet the "I think if we had to be realis- The price increase is nec- complaints have been received standards of the office. tic about it, the Mr. Meese ap- essary, according to Bob Hill, ^f^A 18* at the campus post office in "After examining the evi- pointment is likely to go postmaster at the Bowling University Hall, according to an dence, I believe that Mr. through." he said. "So I may be Green Post Office. "Like any 1 employee who requested to re- Meese's behavior while serving on the losing side of this. The other business, costs go up. 15* main anonymous. ''But just wait as a public official reveals ex- track record is very clear that When this happens we have to until it goes in effect," she said. tremely poor Judgment at best the president usually gets his increase the price of stamps," "Everytime we have an in- and an ethical blind spot at way in these matters." he said. "But we try to keep ^^ 13* crease there is an adverse ef- worst," the Ohio Democrat said rates stable for four or five fect," said Hill. "It's somewhat at a news conference. HOWEVER, GLENN SAID years." 1 less now because we've been "In either case," he added, the appointment recently ap- This is the first rate increase since 1961, when the cost of a 10* 1 able to maintain the same rate "Mr. Meese does not measure pears to have generated a for four or five years." up to the standards that I believe growing mood of questioning." first class stamp rose from 18 But some students are still are necessary for the office he is From the start, a core of Dem- cents to 20 cents. Rate increase decisions are upset with the increase in stamp seeking." ocrats on the Judiciary Commit- prices. Last week, the Senate Judi- tee opposed Meese's nomination made by the Postal Rate Com- mission, which is an indepen- .mil "I think it's very poor. All they ciary Committee approved the because of his conservative • See Stamps, page 5. nomination of the white House stands on legal issues. dent organization. The postal Eli IB BI la1 13 la1 Olscamp, Mason lobby Ohio Congress for University issues that affect higher education in "IT IS MOVING in the right direc- "This is a responsible increase - it is Trustees couldn't give classified em- by Michael Mclntyre the state, Mason said. tion, but what people aren't saying is absolutely needed," Mason said. "It is ployees a raise even if it were appro- staff reporter "We are discussing the biennial bud- that in 1962 the proportion was 11.7 an increase over inflation that is going priate - and that needs to change" percent," Mason saia. to enable us, as well as all higher Mason said. "The only way they may If you seem to have trouble finding Mason said the increase will help education in the state, to develop receive a pay raise now is through University President Paul Olscamp or higher education and in turn, help the blocks of excellence." legislative action or by bargaining his executive assistant Phillip Mason, which states that 20 percent of the total University.
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