Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 80, pp. 5007-5011, August 1983 Genetics Genetic analysis of the 15;17 chromosome translocation associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia (somatic cell hybrids/c-fes/localization of breakpoints/gene mapping) DENISE SHEER*, LYNNE R. HIORNS*, KARINA F. STANLEY*, PETER N. GOODFELLOW*, DALLAS M. SWALLOWt, SUSAN POVEYt, NORA HEISTERKAMPt, JOHN GROFFENt, JOHN R. STEPHENSONt, AND ELLEN SOLOMON* *Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX, United Kingdom; tMedical Research Council Human Biochemical Genetics Unit, The Galton Laboratory, University College, London WC2, United Kingdom; and tLaboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland 21701 Communicated by Walter F. Bodmer, April 20, 1983 ABSTRACT Somatic cell hybrids have been constructed be- quences that map at the position of the translocation break- tween a thymidine kinase-deficient mouse cell line and blood leu- points (9, 18, 19). kocytes from a patient with acute promyelocytic leukemia showing The human cellular homologues of the feline sarcoma virus the 15q+;17q- chromosome translocation frequently associated v-fes gene and of v-fps, a transforming gene shared by several with this disease. One hybrid contains the 15q+ translocation independent isolates of avian sarcoma viruses, correspond to a chromosome and very little other human material. We have shown common cellular locus, c-fes (20, 21), mapping on human chro- that the c-fes oncogene, which has been mapped to chromosome mosome 15 (13, 22). Functionally, v-fes and v-fps are also re- 15, is not present in this hybrid and, therefore, probably is trans- lated in that both encode transforming proteins with tyrosine- located to the 17q- chromosome. Analysis of the genetic markers specific protein kinase activity (23-27). The present was present in this hybrid has enabled a more precise localization of study the translocation breakpoints on chromosomes 15 and 17. Our ex- undertaken to ascertain whether c-fes is involved in the periments also have enabled an ordering and more precise map- 15q+;17q- chromosome translocation frequently associated ping of several genetic markers on chromosomes 15 and 17. with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) (28-31). This trans- location occurs as a reciprocal exchange of the distal segments Several oncogenes, each of which was initially detected by use of the q arms of chromosomes 15 and 17. We also have been of transforming retrovirus-derived molecular probes, have been able to map more precisely the translocation breakpoints rel- identified within the human genome (1). Many of these human ative to known genetic markers on these chromosomes. sequences have been molecularly cloned, and studies have been initiated to determine their possible relationship to oncogenici- MATERIALS AND METHODS ty in man. At least two sequences, c-rasKi and c-rasHa, trans- Cells. Frozen blood leukocytes from a 26-yr-old male patient form NIH 3T3 mouse cells in culture upon direct isolation from (J.D.) with the typical "M3" form of APL (32) were cultured for specific tumor cell lines (2-4). In other studies, human c-rasH, 48 hr in RPMI 1640 medium containing 20% fetal calf serum sequences have been isolated that lack such activity but do before karyotyping. The growth medium was supplemented with transform cells when linked to retrovirus promoter sequences filtered supernatant from a 7-day culture of phytohemagglu- (5). Similar results have been obtained with c-mos, the mouse tinin-stimulated normal blood lymphocytes to give a final con- cellular homologue of the Moloney murine sarcoma virus on- centration of 10%. A subelone of the 3T3 mouse cell line (33), cogene (6), whereas activation of the mouse c-mos gene by a which is deficient for thymidine kinase (TK), was used for prep- transposition event resulting in its positioning adjacent to an aration of somatic cell hybrids. insertion sequence (IS)-like element has been described more Somatic Cell Hybridization. Frozen blood leukocytes from recently (7). patient J.D. were fused with 3T3 (TK-) cells by using poly- By somatic cell hybridization, many of the known oncogenes ethylene glycol (34). TK+ hybrids were selected in HAT me- have been assigned to specific human chromosomes (8-15). Al- dium [RPMI 1640 medium containing 20% fetal calf serum and though the distribution of such sequences appears somewhat HAT (100 ,uaM hypoxanthine/10 ,uM methotrexate/16 ,uM thy- random, many of the chromosomes to which these genes have midine)] (35, 36). The unfused 3T3 cells die in HAT medium been localized are involved in translocations associated with as they lack TK activity, whereas normal leukocytes are unable specific human neoplasms. For instance, c-abl has been local- to grow in culture without mitogenic stimulation. Back-selec- ized in a small terminal fragment of the long arm, q, of chro- tion of TK- variants was carried out by growing hybrids in me- mosome 9, which is translocated to chromosome 22 in chronic dium with 60 ,ug of BrdUrd per ml (37, 38). myelogenous leukemia (CML) (16), whereas c-sis maps within Genetic Markers. Genetic markers previously mapped to the region of chromosome 22 (q1l to qter), which translocates chromosome 15 were analyzed by published immunologic and to chromosome 9 in CML (17). In other studies, c-myc has been electrophoretic procedures (39-42). These were genes for 2- identified within a fragment of human chromosome 8, which microglobulin (B2M) (39), hexosaminidase a (HEXA) (41), man- is translocated to chromosomes 2, 14, or 22 in Burkitt lym- nosephosphate isomerase (MPI) (42), pyruvate kinase-3 (PKM2) phoma (8, 9). Of potential significance, each of the chromo- (42), and a cell surface antigen of apparent Mr 95,000 encoded by somes to which c-abl or c-myc are translocated in CML and Burkitt lymphoma, respectively, contain immunoglobulin se- Abbreviations: APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia; CML, chronic myelogenous leukemia; TK, thymidine kinase; HAT, hypoxanthine/ The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge methotrexate/thymidine; B2M, /2 microglobulin; HEXA, hexosamin- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertise- idase a; MPI, mannosephosphate isomerase; PKM2, pyruvate kinase- ment" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 3; GALK, galactokinase; GAA, acid a-glucosidase; kb, kilobase(s). 5007 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 5008ran Genetics: Sheer et aL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80 (1983) the gene MIC7 (40). As an independent means of identifying tained the 15q+ translocation chromosome in 37 of 40 cells ex- B2M, DNA Southern blot hybridization analysis was performed amined, chromosome 21 in 9 of 40 cells, and a marker chro- with a molecularly cloned cDNA probe provided by B. Wallace mosome that did not appear to be related to either chromosomes (43). Human c-fes sequences were identified by DNA Southern 15 or 17 in 5 of 40 cells. The presence ofTK in the hybrid PJT2/ blot hybridization with a 0.5-kilobase (kb) Kpn c-fes probe (des- A1 localizes the 15q+;17q- translocation breakpoint proximal ignated c-fes KO.5) as described (44). Of the genetic markers to or within band 17q210-220. This localization is supported by mapped to chromosome 17, galactokinase (GALK) and acid a- our finding that this hybrid also expresses GALK, which maps glucosidase (GAA) were assayed by starch gel electrophoresis (45); to 17q210-220 (50). the presence of the gene MIC6 coding for a cell surface antigen Genetic Markers Translocated from Chromosome 17 to of apparent M, 125,000 (46) was measured by radioimmunoas- 15q+. Fig. 2 shows the regional localization of previously de- say. The presence of the collagen al(I) gene COLIAI was mea- scribed genetic markers on chromosome 17 (46, 50, 53-56). As sured by DNA Southern blot hybridization with a human 15-kb predicted on the basis of its mapped position (54), GAA is ex- genomic DNA probe designated pgalH-1. This probe was iso- pressed in PJT2/A1 hybrid cells. Additionally, the PJT2/A1 hy- lated and provided by D. Rowe (University of Connecticut). brid contains the MIC6 gene (Fig. 3), thus establishing its Chromosome Analyses. Chromosomes were prepared by localization within the segment of chromosome 17 that is standard procedures. Leukocytes from the patient J. D. were translocated to the 15q+ chromosome in APL. Another locus, karyotyped by using G-banding (47) and Q-banding (48). Hu- COLlAI, coding for the a(I) chain of type I collagen, has been man chromosomes were identified in the hybrids by using G- mapped directly on chromosome 17 by molecular hybridization 11 (49), Q-banding, and G-banding techniques. analysis (56). By using a 15-kb genomic probe for this gene, this assignment was confirmed with hybrids containing chromo- some 17 as their only human material (unpublished data). We RESULTS used this probe to show that the gene is present in PJT2/A1 Karyotypic Analysis of Cultured Leukocytes from the APL hybrid cells (Table 1). This latter observation is consistent with Patient. A karyotype of 46,XY,t(15q+;17q-) (t designates results mapping a type I collagen gene to 17q21-q22 (55). translocation) was found in 18 of 20 cells examined, with no evi- Regional Localization of c-fes and Other Loci on Chro- dence for additional chromosome rearrangements. A repre- mosome 15. The availability of PJT2/A1 hybrid cells also en- sentative partial karyotype is shown in Fig. 1 Left. By G-band- abled a more precise localization of several genetic markers ing and Q-banding techniques, the translocation is characteristic previously mapped on chromosome 15, including c-fes (13, 22) of that previously described in APL (28-31). and B2M (51). As shown in Fig. 4 Left, the human cellular ho- Breakpoint in Chromosome 17 Relative to the TK and GALK mologue of v-fes (lane B), seen as Sst I restriction fragments of Genes.
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