Peregrine Falcon Scientific Name: Falco peregrinus Federal Status and State Status: the American Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) is endangered and the Arctic Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus tundrius) is threatened. Both of these subspecies occur in Texas. Description are white to shades of buff, with fine of fat to continue their flight. They The use of falcons for hunting was black barring. The ends of the tail take advantage of the abundant prey developed around 2,000 B.C. in cen- feathers are tipped in light yellow along the open coastline and tidal tral Asia. By the twelfth century brown. The beak is slate blue, the flats. Some individuals have stayed A.D., falconry was widely practiced legs and feet are yellow, and the for as long as a month during either throughout Europe. Once reserved talons are blue-black. spring or fall. only for nobility, the falcon’s intelli- Immature birds have a dark The Peregrine Falcon nests on gence, strength, and amazing aerial brown head and neck with sandy coasts, mountains, and canyons of performance made it a highly prized streaking. The upper parts are dark most climatic zones, wherever it hunting bird. brown with light amber-brown locates a suitable high cliff ledge for A spectacular bird of prey, feather edging. They are white to its eyrie (nest site). Peregrines do Peregrine Falcons are 16 to 19 inches sandy underneath and heavily avoid some extremes for nesting, long, have a wingspan of 39 to marked with dark brown vertical however, such as very arid desert 42 inches, yet weigh only about streaks. The legs and feet are bluish- regions. 2 pounds. Females are slightly larger gray to greenish-yellow. American Peregrines in the The Arctic Peregrine tends to be Rocky Mountain and Southwest region smaller than the American Peregrine and is lighter in color. Immature Arc- Arctic Peregrine Falcon tic Peregrines have a lighter colored Wintering Range forehead and a thinner wedge on (migratory elsewhere in state) each side of the face. Peregrine Falcons can be distin- guished from similar Prairie Falcons by the black “helmet” and, when in flight, by the lack of contrasting dark and light feathers on the underside or “armpit” of the wing. Distribution American Peregrine Falcon and Habitat Present Nesting Range The Peregrine Falcon is (migratory elsewhere noted for having a wide in state) and diverse distribution. The American Peregrine currently nests in the western United nest on mountain cliffs and river States, Canada, and Mexico. These gorges. Occupied eyries often exist on birds spend the nonbreeding season dominant cliffs which generally near their breeding areas or move only exceed 200 feet in height. Nests are moderately southward. In Texas, they situated on open ledges or potholes. are found primarily in the Trans-Pecos South facing cliffs are preferred in the region, including Big Bend National more northerly latitudes. In Alaska, Park, and the Chisos, Davis, and arctic Canada, and Greenland, Arctic Guadalupe mountain ranges. Peregrines nest on cliffs in mountain- The Arctic Peregrine nests in the ous regions, and along rivers and arctic islands and the tundra regions coastlines. Peregrine Falcon of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. In the western United States, © USFWS They are highly migratory, flying Peregrines nest from near sea level to than males. Their wings are long and over the United States to winter over 9,000 feet. Prey abundance and pointed. Adult Peregrines are slate mostly in South America. The Texas diversity is thought to be a major fac- gray to bluish-gray above. With a coastline plays an important role in tor in eyrie selection. Nest sites are black crown and nape and a black the survival of migrating peregrines. often adjacent to water courses and wedge extending below the eye, the During each migration, falcons assem- impoundments because of the abun- birds appear to be wearing a black ble on the Texas coast, especially on helmet. The throat and underparts Padre Island, and accumulate stores Peregrine Falcon 1 dance of avian prey attracted to birds. Falcons usually strike their these areas. prey from above at great speed. The Before 1950, a healthy but small prey is either struck to the ground or population of American Peregrines killed instantly by the blow from the nested in the eastern United States falcon’s talons. Prey species try to and Canada. The population centers evade the falcon’s attack by quick aer- were generally located in the moun- obatic maneuvers or by diving to tainous regions of the East Coast and cover. If the prey manages to stay along major waterways such as the above the falcon or reaches cover, it Mississippi, Hudson, Susquehanna, and will usually escape. Peregrines are Connecticut Rivers. Nest sites were excellent flyers, and rely on maneu- generally located on the ledge of a verability and surprise as well as rock cliff or escarpment that provided speed to capture prey. Young Peregrine Falcons a clear view of the surrounding area. American Peregrines nesting at © USFWS Despite sharp population declines dur- lower latitudes are usually present on years of age. Peregrines do not ing the 1950’s and 1960’s, efforts over nesting cliffs by March, while Arctic normally breed until at least 2 years the past 15 years to reintroduce Pere- Peregrines arrive at their nesting loca- of age. grines into former eastern nesting tions by late April or May. The male habitats are now paying off. Pere- or female may arrive at a suitable cliff Threats and Reasons grines are once again occupying cliffs site. While waiting for a member of for Decline in the eastern mountains and along the opposite sex to appear, the birds Although habitat loss, human distur- the coast where they have been absent drive away all other falcons of the bance, indiscriminant shooting, and for 30 years or more. same sex. Quiet perching of the pair illegal collection have been identified Western and eastern populations in close proximity to each other is an as contributing to local declines in of the American Peregrine are consid- early indication of successful pairing. Peregrine Falcon populations, world- ered relatively nonmigratory, moving The falcons soon begin to hunt wide declines have been attributed to short distances as compared to the together, with one bird flushing prey reproductive failure caused by the Arctic Peregrine. Some western fal- for the other to capture. widespread use of the pesticide DDT. cons can be seen in the vicinity of The courtship flights of Pere- The decline of the Peregrine their eyries throughout the year. grines are spectacular aerial displays Falcon began in the late 1940’s, coin- Others move short distances to winter of rapid climbing, spirals, and steep ciding with the introduction of DDT near large rivers or marshes where precision dives where the birds some- in 1947. The decline was first prey is abundant. There is also evi- times touch in mid-air. On the cliff, noticed in the northeastern United dence that some birds move farther courtship behavior includes touching States, with Peregrine Falcon produc- south to winter in Mexico. beaks, nibbling at the beak or feet of tivity dropping sharply between 1947 As in the west, movements of the mate, and mutual preening. Dur- and 1955. Along the Hudson River, eastern populations are probably ing courtship, the male offers food to which formerly supported one of the determined by the availability of the female, both at the cliff and when healthiest Peregrine populations prey. Movements of eastern falcons the pair is in flight. When the known, productivity essentially ceased are frequently east or west, from the female is receptive, she will accept by 1950, and most nest sites were mountains to the coast. the prey and mating soon follows. abandoned by the mid-1950’s. Sur- In Texas, American Peregrines In the United States and much of veys in the early 1960’s showed that once nested in suitable habitat Canada, a clutch of three or four eggs Peregrine productivity in the north- throughout the Trans-Pecos region and is laid in April. In Arctic latitudes, eastern United States was near zero. part of the Edwards Plateau. Although Peregrines lay eggs from late May By the 1950’s, it was apparent they no longer nest on the Edwards through late June. The female does that declines were also underway in Plateau, there are reports in the litera- most of the incubating and all of the many other parts of North America. ture (1941 and 1950) of Peregrine brooding, while the male does most Biologists reported widespread repro- Falcons preying on bats emerging from of the hunting. Incubation lasts ductive failure and eventual disap- a cave in south-central Texas. about 33 days. The young remain in pearance of breeding pairs. The the nest for five to six weeks, being decline appeared first in the southern Life History fed and cared for by the adults. After parts of the range and moved north. With a flight speed in excess of they leave the nest, the adults con- In the more remote Peregrine popula- 60 mph, Peregrines can hunt large tinue to feed and defend their young tions of Alaska and arctic Canada, a areas with little effort. Preferred for several weeks. more gradual decline took place. hunting habitats such as meadows, Scientists estimate that about Although the loss of breeding pairs in riverbottoms, croplands, marshes, and 20-25% of adult Peregrines and 55- these regions probably began in the lakes attract abundant bird life. Pere- 60% of juveniles die each year of nat- 1950’s, a dramatic collapse did not grines capture a wide variety of ural causes.
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