CRl ,TIE RION .._o_r_M_e_s,_,_, _....... ___ .fflL....-~---~-- - _..;__,/_c_o_LL_f~Gf VOL XXXIII GRAND JUNCTION, COLO., JUNE 6, 1956 No. 23 So1phomore~s to Attend Commencenr1ent Exercies Friday· Morning at 10:30 Anna C. Petteys, Brush, Colo., Mac Kendrick, AA; · Lula Y. fylc­ Sanford, Dip; Barbara Schwaba­ will deliver the keynote address new, AS; Kal C .. M1.ckelsen, AS; to approximately 105 graduating uer, AA; Walter B. Schwietert, sophomores of Mesa College at, Wiliam -D .. Miller, AA; Marilyn AS; Bernard Shaw, AA; Frank L '. Commencement excercises in the G. Mistler, AA; Jess David Mit­ Shea, AS; Leon G. Shell AS· colleg,e auditorium, June 8. Ex­ chell, AS; Thomas Morrish AA­ Vaughn D. Shell, AS; Pauline A: ercises are scheduled to get un­ Ralph Moyer, AA; Donaid D~ derway at 10:30 Frid,ay morning Shiolas, AA; · Patricia M. Smith, in the Mesa College orchestra, Mundell, AA; Willis N eisus, AS; Dip; Harold E. Smith~ Dip; John under direction of Harry Hammer Delores Neilsen, AA; S. J. orcon­ A. Sullivan, AS; Faith L. Sundal playing the Processional, "Aida n~r, AS; Lola J. Orton, AC; Tra­ AS; Ross L. Talbott, AS; ,J:>hi1i~ ,,, by ,Verdi. , vis L. Park, AC; Leo A. Patricks, D. Tesitor, AS; Robert L. Towers, Mrs. Petteys, who is co-pub­ AS; Donald K Pauly, AA; Tedra "Made it!" Books fly as graduating sophomore Roger Carson lisher with her husband of the I Payne, AA; Gordon C. Place, Dip; Dalton D. Walters, AS; leaps from the main entrance of the Alma Mater, diploma (or Sterling , Journal Advocate, re­ AS; Rol;>ert Price, AA; Eva B. James E. Walton, Dip; ,John Wea­ reasonable facsimile thereof) in hand. Criterion photo by Glenn I ceived her AB Degree froIV, Grin­ Raff, AS; Frederick M. Reynolds, ver AS; Agnes Wilkie, AS; Walter Wise, who's also leaping .. nell College, Iowa, MA Degree AA;· Glenda E. Moeber, AA; Dor­ J. Wiliiams, Dip; Rog~er Wilson, from Colorado State .Teacher's othy Jane Romans( AC; Buddy J?,. Dip; and Glen C. Wise .Jr:, AA. College, and Honorary Doctors :Oegree from Colorado State. Redlands Country Club Site of Active In Organizations , Mrs. Petteys is also chairwoman of the Colorado State Board of Education and is active · in busi­ Annual Sophomore Dinner Dance ness and women's clubs; she is a Heiny To Receive member of the Colorado Federa- Tomorrow evening, June 7, Mesa sophomores and their tion of Women's Clubs and many other organizations. guests will dine and dance at the Redlands Country Club Miss Mary Rait, Mesa Vice-,pre- to the music 0£ Frank Gibbs Orchestra. · ·sident and President Horace Wub- Doctorate Degree Th.is year's f qrmal Sophomore mal dinner will be floral center- ben will make the presentations Dinner-Dance marks the tradi- pieces, Weaver announced Thurs- of the diplomas and scholarships tional end of a two-year whirl of day. aside from making the necessary Lowell Heiny, Registrar, will Having graduated from 'A,pple- f college activities for members of announcements. receive a doctorate d,egree Ju:rie ton High School, he attended i 'he graduating class of 1956 Planning for the event has been 8 ·at Colorado University., Mesa College; when it was known ~ t · · · Dora McDaniel, outstanding F 0111 ow1'ng th e f orma1 dmner,. · iin the hands of various commit-· mmber of Mesa's vocal ensembles, Mr. Heiny will receive his Ed as Grand Junction Junior College, . w· h·ch1 ·beg1·n s ·at 7 : 00 , s o ph' om ore tees of classmen since ithe sopho- will sing a vocal solo,. Malotte's D. degree with a maor in science for two years. Pres].dent· Jack Weaver· w1·11 open .more meeting May 4. At that time "The Lord's· Prayer." Ceremon- education. His thesis consisted of After graduating . he taught the program with . a class wel-. lby vote, admission was set at ies will e:nd with the orchestra a sur\rey of physical science grade school at Campo, Model \coming address. :$3.oo . per · couple. playing the Recessional March, courses for general education in and Clifton, Colora:do. Featured speaker fo the even- Last May 28 at the traditional Mendelssohn's "March- of the unior colleges throughout the Un- Finishing college ·at McPherson, ing will he Abbott Fay, director Presidential reception, Mr. Hor- . Priests'". ited States. of publications as M J C. His race Wubben entertained a num- 1 After sending questionnaires to Kansas, he returned to Grand topic, "There's Something Funny A practice session is scheduled lber of sophomore students and f Th d ft t •, ' junior colleges, authorities in Junction to teach at the Grand Here", will concern the value of or urs ay a ' ernoon a ,., o - science are up to par with science Junction unior high school. humor in successful and hap,py faculty. The reception was held c 1oc k In· th e sc h oo1 , ,au d·tI onum · t o :in the backyard· of Mr. Wubben's · t th h "th courses in the universities. · In 1940 he joined the weather living· . acquam e sop omores w1 Mr. Heiny has been going to bureau at Stapleton field, in Den­ Music will be provided during home, the tables being dee, orated th eir· h espect• 1ve p 1aces. It rn· re- the dinner and for the formal with garden flowers. For refresh- quested that as many sophomores summer school for the past five ver, transferring to ·washington, years, and has been working on D.C., for six months. dance immediately afterwards by merits there were punch, coffee, as poss1'bl e a tten d th e praeLICe.,._. Frank Gibbs and his orchestra. sandwiches, and cookies. Vern Alver Arbaney, AS; Shirley his thesis since 1954. Mr. Heiny began teaching ·at He · received his A.B. at Mc- Mesa in 1942. He began instruct­ Miss Marie Killheffer will give , May 24, Miss Mary Rait follow,- Ann Ayer, AA; Wyne Charles Pherson College and his masters ing chemistry, meteorology; and . a short reading duri11g the dance ed another annual tradition when Bailey, AS; Sue Gwendolyn Ba­ at Colorado State College of Edu- navigation in preflight training intermission. Also scheduled at she invited some 50 sophomore con, AC; Donna June l3ailey, Dip; this time is a humorous skit by women· and faculty to tea. The Hugh S. Beaudoin, AS; Jan Ann cation ,at Greeley. ,for Navy pilots. Laver.n Robinson. reception was held at Miss Rait's Beck, AA; Fred R. Beyeler,, AS Table decorations for the for- home. , Wayne Leon Bolman, AC; M·ari­ lyn Bricker, AC; LaRue Brinker, . I AA; Jack Logan Brookshire, AS; Stanley James Brown, Dip; Don­ na Mae Burger, AS; Richard P. Caravan Banquet Highlights The Burgin, AC; Norma- Dale Camp­ bell, AA; Percy Z. Campbell, AA; Roger H. Garson, AA;,Jonnie Mac Chamberlain, Dip; Wayne Ed­ Finell Student Council Meeting ward Che'edle, AS; Merial Coop­ er, Dip; Ronald Covalt, AS; Allen Retiring ASB president Wayne About the only item that raised r Davis Jr., AA; Leonard L. Dav- . any discussion was the question Is, AA; James H. Decker, AS; . chee dl e ca11 e d ·th e 1as t meet mg of which student council confer- ·Bryan J. Dewell, AS; Eugene L . of the 1955-56 Mesa College stu- ence to send delegates to next Duncanso'!l, AS; Alex Bernard dent council to order May 24 fol- fall. It was finally concluded that, Duran, Dip; Wayne G. Felt, AC; lowing_a dinner at the Cafe Cara- if at. all possible, Mesa should at- Melvin D. Flowers., AC; John JI. van. On hand were most of the tend both conferences and then Fuller, AS; Mary P. Fuller, .Dip; ficerscouncil for members next ye and,ar, besidesstudent theof- let the delegates the,mselves sel- B e tty G e tte 1, AA ; R u th E . c.x1. ·1 es, ect which one they feel is more AC; Edger S. Gorrell, AS; JR1ch- · three faculty sponsors and Presi- advantageous. The regular An- ard D. Grover, AA; Jo Ann Gun'" dent Wubben. nual Goodwill Conference will be derson, AA; Gary L. Hainey,, AC; , The agenda was light, most of held Oct. 4, 5, .6 at Snow College. Marlent K. Hansen, AC; Glen Het­ the business being 'recommenda- The new conference is -slated. to zel, AS; .Wilma M. Hight, AQ.; Ed­ tions for next year or polite con- begin Oct. 18 at Casper College. ward G. Hill, Dip; Jack M. Hills, gratulations all around. The con- Final business of the year came AAS; Jane K. Hilton, AA; Mack . stitutional revision committee re- when sophomore president J ,ack M. Hoover, AA; Robert J. Inge­ port~d complete , breakdown of Weaver renewed an .earlier re- britson, Dip; · R1;mald · H. Jarvis, agreement. It~ members andasked quest that an effort be made' to , AS; Leon El Jaynes·, AS; Melvin for incoming president Orval remove the high school's team , W. Jaynes,. AA; Harold C. ~Tohn­ Johnson to appoint more mem- name from the front steps of the son, AS; Norman D. Jones 'AS; bers and plan on working over college. El Toro ,president Grant Ra,ymond P. Keein'an, Dip; Cheryl t.he summer to get a new. docu- .Hill· again promised to hav~ it D. Kirby, AA;. John , R. Lacko, DR .. LOWELL . HEINY rne'nt in shape .for voters nex~ fall . taken· ca:re o{. DiDp;, Eva .J :, ,Leslie,, AA.; Dan. PAGE 2 MESA COLLEGE CRITERION JUNE 6, 1956 Editorials \ CRITERION FRESHMEN ARE THE G·REATEST In looking over the past' Just to cite, a few of the GOODBY PER HAN:SA, SAYS POGO , ~OF_M_ESA_Esta..-....blish.-...ed -l~_OLL_£G,----;o:f year of activity at Mesa Col­ high points of the year's acti­ lege, a · sophomore re.adily vity we might include home­ "Daa-Da-De-Da-Dtta-Dafta/' are the sickening strains Published by the students of coming, all the formal dan- ·.
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