:> -7 ,.i'• \,- o' ~< THREEJ.AM~PACK,E_DPAGES OFARTS! THEENTERTAINJ\{1ENT• 0 -DYSSEY·BEGINS ON P. 17 _ The New Hampshire · · amr Rate u~s. Postage Pali1 Vol, 80, No. 15 - ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1989 ( 603 ) 862 - 1490 Dmbaro -NB PeonU #3Q ,Woman raped Victim is not press,ing charges \, :Qy Mary Tamer and Ellen Hartis. , A 19 year old woman was', cies then, Sciola said, the Uni- · .. raped early Sunday.morning, versityinayor may not decide making this· the fourth inci- , to make sanctions against dent of sexual assault since that house. · the · semester began seven Sciola said the sanction weeks ago. · would depend on the incl- According to D-urbam Po,.. - dent, with the. maximum lice Captain Michael GoJding~ penaltybeingasuspensionof the incident ·occurred in the recognition by the University, wooded area near Strafford and which was the sanction giv~n Ganison avenues around I to Tau Kappa Epsilqn (TKE) · a.m. last Sunday. last sprrng. _ . · Thevict-imwastreatedand "As far as T know the · released from Wentworth University is not taking ac­ Douglass Hospital and referred · tion against; the. fraternity," to the Women's Resource Cen- . Goodman said, "'though<Dur:.. ter in Portsmouth, police said. ~am Police may." . More money will be·needed to suppor~ health insurance benefits. (Mike Parnham .photo) The alleged perpetrator,\ Goldingsaidreleasingthe< . ' . ' ' ; ' . ' . identified by police as a white} mime of the fraternity ".wotdd - male, is not a UNH student, compromise the . i~vestiga­ Faculty and staff disturbed by according to Eve Goodman,, · tlon" ·and would not comment director of Sexual Harassment - on any sanctions against -the· ···in . and Rape Prevention. Progi-a,irl house at thi~ time, as the sex- ~<increase• # ' -: ,,medical ... , • • insurance• r . (SHARPP). Goodman would not" ual assault is the primary is- By Glenn Sabalewski con m or deny if the vic,tim is sue. r, Faculty and employees of :- to $l 2~. 50 a year for employee charging the increase in cost to a UNH sJudent. · ~When that's over, we'll UNH will be forced to pay an ·covel:'age,a:nd $487.50Jor fam- . the employee~. · Goodman classi:fitd the · look at thtngsofalesserma:g- lncrease of eight percent to- ily_coverage, each of thQs4t·. According to Stephen Fan~ attackasanacquaintancerape nitude," he said. · wards their medical insurance numbers being the annual cost. chair of the Economic· Welfare ,. and said that the 'victim-would ·.. _GQOdman said tti~t yic- ,.- ,. ·contribution. ThelettersentbytheMUP Co~tee f9r the UNtt AAU:{), , not be ptesstng charges. ,_ \ . \imsofacquaintance·,rapeare ' in their'meeting"o~ ·Satm-.:"' tothetrusteesdtictunerltrid that the· faculty on (he MUP hay:e : . _ A.cforgfng_, t9,· .police, the often 'reluctant fo press ' ,. ✓ day, the trustee~ of ~e Untvet- UNH already Ji.ad the worst not decided on cl11Y action yet ' victim.'haci spent time.with the - . clfarge's "mostly beca&se they sity System ofNiwHampshire tnedical program among state · ·ttoViever~ ·· Fan said MUP will' alleged.perpetrator ~t ·a ·: rr1:tei-- _. don't want.to be identlfled by approved the increase from.the c611eges in New England. A.c- . ·take·action. 1 nity pai:tY tJ:iat -night. ' · the tn:vestigatlve ·process." · RI"e$ent day fu,ree percent to cording to.,Barkey/ Rhode Is- "We · certainly. won·t Just · ·Goodman ;said that · the "The eriminaljustlcesys- tne futu~ 1°1 perc~nt: , land has recently improved its accept this." said Fan. "I don't victlm:and lhe pell)Ct~tqr had . tern .is not well equipped to Accorqing to a letter that · program which is now .free for _ think you ~,hould accept things left the party together, although defil with acquatrttance rape," , was ~nt to the trustees by the . both employee and family cov- . that are outrageously out of the., ~leged attacker ls not a she said. ~UNH Chapterof the Aµiertean . erage-'. · ~ _·:· line." · · member of that fraternity. · G~man~said that her 1 · Association~of.Univetsity. Pro- . Gary Mannontello said he Dave Maker, Chairman of . · GreekSystemAclvisorMike "', Job isto inform victims of-the fessors (.MUP), employee cov,.. and "'combination of people." the Math Department at UNH Sciola would not say which . option.s and rights <.,pen to .· erage has-been.free and family . came up with and presented felt this h~e will "'imperile the fraternities were registet:ed for them as a r~sult of their at- co'7erage has been $156 ayear. · this plan to the administrative whole education .system." parties S_attirday night.' hut is ~ck. encouraging them to talk These numbers cQme from the ·board before U was_passed. He -It's going to make it that '. cooperating with Durham Po- to 'po],ice ev~n if it does not - Campus Journal; ~ccording to · eehoed Van Ummerson·s rea.. · -much more ,difficult to recruit lice inthe on-going investiga~ lead t-0 prosecution. Dale Barkey, Treasurer for the ... soning. · . , , good faculty ·members, our tidn. -: "My own personal bias ls · . ·AAUP at UNH. · _ ,. · Bqrkey said. he beli~ved - salaries are among.the lowest If the police investigation that rape' is a crime and- .The trustees approved a . that the university ~as sipiply in New England too." discovers thatthefraternitywas should be prosecuted," plan to increase the premiums · not abiding by Uniyersity poli- ,Goodman said. r :ii!iiii'. iii i!iii\i\!ii; ii iii ii i\ iii i: . ' ··:·, More than wi~h~•~ •tew: was brewing ln.P.a,rsons HaU .this p,st }J:allow~en. (Ed Sawyer photo) PAGE2 THE NEW HAMPSHIRE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1989 / . Quizzical questions for inquiring minds ., - By Sarah Merrigan "best represent the student . Everyone, at one time or body." He felt that the Senate another, has asked a question· attempts to "find out what the about something here on cam­ real stude:p.t issues are and pus which no one can answer. represent them." . Here are a number ofthese Who chooses the ~songs questions for· which we have. · which are played in noontime ~ tried to find the answers. Some ·· 1n the bell towet? It turned were easily solved,: and rela­ out the a retired. Durham . ttvely obvious. Others, how­ resident, Frank.Heald, d~ci~es ever, still remain unanswered. which songs are to be played. Why is there a fireplace in He c,,hooses a ~edley, which Stillings? According to one of begins with the New Hamp­ · the managers at Stillings,· the shire Hymn,. This is .followed · fireplace was originally built to - by-a mtxture qf classical pieces ~ functional. It was intended and show turies. .The medley .to create a cozy dining atmos­ :-is fmished with the UNI-:LAlma 'phere on cold winter evenings. Mater. Mr. Heaid said that he Unfortunately, when the fire- - chooses a nmcture of· music place was first used, it was which he hopes wtU appeal to discovered that the fireplace _everyone; _- . _ ,. was built incorrectly. lns~ead What is Videote~and how ofblowing smoke out the chim­ does it work? Here and there ney, i~ pulled in c6ld air and ·students are beginning to be­ filled the kitchen with ~moke. come famy.iar with Videotex. So much fora cozy atmosphere. · . However, ·the general opinion __ Does anyone use the kitch- still seem_s to be best express¢ , _ ens in the dormitorie_s? Ac­ The songs that are heard-~!eryday around ;~~; ~~Jll;·fr~nith1s''htstoricalbuilding: T-liall. ih the words of student Dar­ coi:ding to some students, these (B~n F'.'razier photo) · ren Meyer, "It's that computer kitchens are used frequently and locked door, is a room used the next best thing - direc­ . Sports Information Office, the thing. I don·t really know for late night cooking or when specifically for quiet medita­ tions to the computer cluster dog lives on Mast Road· in a what it ~oes." , '" ft's -inconvenient to go . to the tion. lt is dedicated to the N.H. around the comer. brick house. However, no one According to the Student · dining halls. However, there veterans who haye died in past Do microwaves lower is q1:1ite sure-who the owner is. Handbook, Videotexisa"com­ seemed to be quite a few which wars. The key is available at _ sperm count? Tills is one of . When is Gotclon Haaland's puter system which gives us­ were filled with extra furniture, the MUB information desk. those questions which re­ birthday? The President's Of­ ers qilick and easy access to bicycles, and a clogged sink. When will the Commuter mains unanswered. No o'ne fice said that Mr. Haaland's mformation about the Uni.., Does anyone listen to Transfer Service get electric in · the Physics Department . birthday is on April 19. Now versity - daily events, clubs, WUNH? Acc·o:rding to WUNH, typewriters? Currently,· the seemed to be familiar with the that we know, we can celebrate activities, University policies, _they:t;-each 400,000 listeners in "' Center had older, rather clunky effects of microwaves on the this auspicious occasion ap­ ' important phone numbers, a 35 mile area. ' ' ones. The center said-that they · human body. We'Ujust have propriately. etc." Individual terminals are Wbatis the Memorial Room probably, would not have elec­ to wait and see. · What exactly does the Stu-­ located arc:mnd campus. _Us­ bi. the MUB and why is it kept tric typewriter$ for.quite ~me , Who owns the~dog that · dent S,emite do? -According to tng'Jtist a' few keys~· students locked~ ,: The Memorial Room, . time becau~ of recent budget ''.k~eps ~nnipg onto the_foot- Stud~ht Body President Mike . can fmd, infonnation: they·are with-its ~tained glass wi~dow cuts. They felt that they have .baH field? -According to the Desmarai~. the Senate tries to looking for. ·, NATIONAL N -E-WS BRIE PS -Plane crashes on ·People wallt streets of Abortion·activists - .
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