GENERAL EXPLANATIONEXPLANATION OF THETHE TAX REFORMREFORM ACTACT OFOF 19761976 (H.R. 10612,10612, 94TH94TH CONGRESS, PUBLIC LAWLAW 94-455)94^55) PREPAREDBY BY THE STAFF OF THE JOINT COMMITTEECOMMITTEE ONON TAXATIONTAXATION DECEMBER 29,29, 19761976 GENERAL EXPLANATIONEXPLANATION OF THETHE TAX REFORM ACTACT OFOF 19761976 (H.R.(H.K. 10612, 94TH94TH CONGRESS,CONGRESS, PUBLICPUBLIC LAWLAW 94-455)94-455) PREPARED BY TOTETHE STAFFSTAEF OF THE JOINT COMMITTEECOMMITTEE ONON TAXATIONTAXATION DECEMBER 29,29, 19761976 U.S. GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 79-667 O0 WASHINGTON : 19761976 JCS-33-76 For sale by the SuperintendentSuperintendent ofof Documents,Documents, U.S.U.S. GovernmentGovernment PrintingPrinting OfficeOffice Washington, D.C.D.C. 2040220402 Stock No. 052-070-03850-1052-070-03860-1 CONGRESS OFOF THE UNITEDUNITED STATESSTATES (94th Cong.,Cong., 2d sess.)sess.) JOINTJoint COMMITTEECommittee ONon TAXATIONTaxation SENATESenate HOUSEHouse RUSSELL B. LONG, Louisiana,Louisiana, Chairman AL ULLMAN, Oregon, Vice ChairmanChairman HERMAN E. TALMADGE, Georgia JAMES A. BURKE, Massachusetts VANCE HARTKE,HARTKE, Indiana Illinois , DAN ROSTENKOWSKI, Illinois CARL T. CURTIS, Nebraska HERMAN T.T. SCHNEEBELI,SCENEEBELI, Pennsylvania PAUL J. FANNIN, Arizona BARBER B.B. CONABLE,CONABLE, JR.,Jr., New York LAURENCELaurence N. WOODWORTH,Woodworth, Chief of Staff HERBERTHerbert L. CHABOT,Chabot, Assistant ChiefChief of Staff BERNARDBernard M. SHAPIRO,Shapiro, Assistant ChiefChief ofof StaffStaff (ID LETTER OFOF TRANSMITTALTRANSMITTAL CONGRESSCongress of OFthe THE UnitedUNITED STATES,States, JOINTJoint COMMITTEECommittee ONon TAXATION,Taxation, Washington, D.C.,D.C., DecemberDecember 29,29, 1976.1976. Hon. RUSSELLRussell B. LONG,Long, Chairman,Ohmrman, Hon. ALAl ULLMAN,Ullman, Vice Chairman,Chairman, JointJoint CommitteeCommittee on Taxation,Taxation, U.S. Congress,Congress, Washington, D.C. DEARDear MESSRS.Messrs. CHAIRMENChairmen : While committee reports explain the posi-posi- tion of thethe HouseHouse CommitteeCommittee on Ways andand Means,Means, or the positionposition ofof the SenateSenate CommitteeCommittee on Finance, they do not inin allall casescases explainexplain the tax legislationlegislation asas finallyfinally passedpassed by the Congress.Congress. This becamesbecames par- ticularly important inin thethe casecase ofof majormajor legislationlegislation wherewhere there areare many changes between the bill as passed by the House, or as passed by the Senate,Senate, and thethe billbill whichwhich finallyfinally becomesbecomes public law. The Tax Reform ActAct ofof 1976,1976, because of its comprehensivecomprehensive scopescope and becausebecause of the many changes which were made inin thisthis legislation, both by the Sen- ate andand subsequentlysubsequently by the conferees.conferees, isis anan illustration of wherewhere the differences were especially significant..significant. This document represents thethe efforteffort ofof thethe staff ofof the Joint Com-Com- mittee on Taxation to provide an explanation of the Tax ReformReform Act of 19761976 as finally enacted and is comparable toto a number of similarsimilar documents prepared by the staff on other revenuerevenue acts in recent years. For thethe mostmost part,part, wherewhere provisionsprovisions whichwhich werewere unchanged in confer- ence werewere describeddescribedin ineither eithertlie the HouseHouseor or SenateSenate report,report, thatthat explana- tion is carried over in this document. No attempt is made here to carry the explanation further thanthan isis customarycustomary inin thethe casecase ofof committteecommitttee reports and thereforetherefore itit doesdoes notnot dealdeal withwith issuesissues whichwhich areare customar-customar- ily explained in regulations or rulings. The first major part ofof thethe documentdocument contains a summary of and the reasons previouslypreviously givengiven forfor the various provisions.provisions. The second part contains the revenue estimates on the legislation as finally enacted and the third partpart isis aa generalgeneral explanationexplanation ofof thethe provisionsprovisions appearing in the order in whichwhich they appear inin thethe publicpublic law.law. This material hashas beenbeen prepared by the staff of the Joint CommitteeCommittee on Taxation after thethe TaxTax ReformReform ActAct ofof 19761976 was passed. ItIt has not been reviewed byby thethe tax committeescommittees and therefore onlyonly reflectsreflects the staff's view asas to'theto the intentintent of Congress. ItIt is hoped thatthat this documentdocument ••willwill be usefuluseful inin gaininggaining aa betterbetter understandingunderstanding of the Tax Reform Act of 1976.1976. • Sincerely yours,yours, LAURENCELaurence N. WOODWORTH,Woodworth, Chief of Staff.Staff. (in) . : LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OFOF THE ACTACT The TaxTax ReformEeform ActAct ofof 19761976 was the resultresult ofof overover twotwo yearsyears ofof legislative deliberations largelylargely during thethe 94th94th Congress,Congress, althoughalthough some ofof thethe provisions were originallyoriginally considered by the House Ways and Means Committee duringduring the 93rd Congress.^Congress.' Consideration of the Act in thethe 94th94th CongressCongress proceeded on the following schedule:schedule June 2323 through JuneJune 25,25, 1975:1975 : PanelPanel DiscussionsDiscussions beforebefore the House Committee on Ways and Means. July 88 throughthrough JulyJuly 31,31, 1975:1975 : HearingsHearings beforebefore thethe HouseHouse Commit-Commit- tee on Ways and Means. November 12,12, 19751975:: BillBill (H.R.(H.R. 10612)10612) reportedreported byby thethe HouseHouse Com-Com- mittee on Ways and MeansMeans (House Report 94-658)94-658). December 3 and 4, 1975 : : BillBill considered and passed by the House of Representatives. March 17 through April 13,13, 1976; JulyJuly 20 through 22, 1976: Hear- ings before the Senate Committee on Finance.Finance. June 10,10, 1976:1976 : BillBill reportedreported byby thethe SenateSenate CommitteeCommittee onon Finance (Senate ReportReport 94-938)94-938) : SupplementalSupplemental reportreport filedfiled byby SenateSenate Com-Com- mittee on Finance on July 20,20, 19761976 (Senate Report 94-938, PartPart 2). June 16-18,16-18, 21-25, 28-30, JulyJuly 1-2,1-2, 20-23,20-23, 26-30.26-30, andand August 3-6, 1976:1976: Bill considered andand passed by the Senate. September 13, 1976: Committee on Conference submitted Confer-Confer- ence ReportReport (House Report 94-1515;94-1515; Senate Report 94-1236).94-1236). September 16, 1976: ConferenceConference reportreport (and(and HouseHouse ConcurrentConcurrent Resolution 751) approved by the House and Senate. October 4,4, 1976: Tax ReformReform ActAct ofof 19761976 (Public(Public LawLaw 94-455)94-455) signed by the President. 1 The Ways and Means CommitteeCommitteedid didnot notreport report aa taxtax reform bill in thethe 93rd93rd CongressCongress but diddid holdhold extensiveextensive discussionsdiscussions (February(February 5-28,5-28, 1973) and hearingshearings (March(March 5 through May 1, 1973)1973) onon thethe subject.subject. TheThe WaysWays andand MeansMeans CommitteeCommittee alsoalso heldheld legisla-legisla- tive markup sessions on on taxtax reformreform latelate inin thethe 2nd2nd sessionsession (1974),(1974), butbut hadhad onlyonly mademade tentative decisionsdecisions priorprior toto the endend ofof thethe 93rd93rd Congress.Congress. InIn addition,addition, H.R.H.R. 17488,17488, TheThe Energy Tax and IndividualIndividual ReliefRelief ActAct ofof 1974,1974, reportedreported byby thatthat committeecommittee onon NovemberNovember 26, 19741974 (House(House ReportReport 93-1502),93-1502), includedIncluded provisions relating relating toto real estateestate invest-invest- ment trusts andand thethe taxationtaxation ofof foreignforeign income,Income, muchmuch ofof whichwhich waswas laterlater includedIncluded in the Tax ReformReform ActAct ofof 1976.1976. (V) . CONTENTS Page Transmittal Letter illiii Legislative HistoryHistory of the ActAct v I. SummarySummary andand ReasonsReasons forfor the ActAct 1 A. Tax RevisionRevision 2 B. Tax SimplificationSimplification 7 C. Extension of Tax Reductions 8 D. Capital Formation 1010 E. Administrative ProvisionsProvisions 11 F. Estate and GiftGift TaxTax ProvisionsProvisions 12 II. RevenueRevenue EffectsEffects ofof the ActAct 15 III. GeneralGeneral ExplanationExplanation of the ActAct 25 A. Tax shelter provisionsprovisions 25 1. RealReal EstateEstate 25 a. Capitalization andand Amortization ofof Real PropertyProperty Construction PeriodPeriod InterestIntei est andand TaxesTaxes (Sec.(Sec. 201)201) _ 25 b. Recapture of DepreciationDepreciation on Real PropertyProperty (Sec.(Sec. 202)____.202) 29 c. Five-YearFive- Year AmortizationAmortization for Low-IncomeLow-Income RentalRental Housing (Sec.(Sec. 203) 32 2. Limitation ofof Loss to Amount At-RiskAt- Risk (Sec.(Sec. 204)204) 33 3. FarmFarm OperationsOperations 40 a. Farming SyndicatesSyndicates (Sec.(Sec. 207)207) 40 b. Limitation ofof Loss WithWith RespectRespect toto Farms to the Amount for Which thethe Taxpayer Is At RiskRisk (Sec.(Sec. 204) 50 c. Method of AccountingAccounting for Corporations Engaged in Farming (Sec.(Sec. 207(c)) 51 d. Termination of AdditionsAdditions toto ExcessExcess DeductionsDeduction? Accounts Under Sec.Sec. 125]1251 (Sec.(Sec. 206)206) 57 e. Scope ofof WaiverWaiver ofof StatuteStatute of Limitations in CaseCase ofof Activities Not EngagedEngaged inin forfor ProfitProfit (Sec.(Sec. 214)214) 59 4. OilOilandGas
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