B28 September 28,1979 Island Reporter The Finest VOL. 6 NO. 4$ SERVING SANIBEL-CAPTIVA AND THE ISLANDS FROM ESTERO BAY TO THE CASPARIUAS ®Suncoast Publication, 1979 25c Interval Ownership Resort New laboratory tests quell encephalitis fear By Bradley Fray everything came back zero," said Wayne nigripalus mosquito - the species believed Miller, director of the Lee County Mos- to be the carrier of St. Louis encephalitis - on Sanibel Island No traces of encephalitis virus were quito Control District. "Sentinel hens had after the suspect traces were found. Tests Legal issues found in blood samples taken last week been used for testing and their egg-laying to detect the virus take five days and the from caged animals on Sanibel and in process can give a false reading in blood department issued the precaution advisory Lehigh. Initial tests on those animals three samples. The lab told us to get new birds in case re-testing had proven that the virus weeks ago had indicated suspect traces of and that has been done." was present, according to a department cloud city's Welcomes the virus, but a Tampa laboratory now says The Lee County Health Department last spokesman. those readings were false. week had advised that precautions be To avoid panic, the department did not "They re-bled the animals and taken against getting bitten by the Cttlex release the specific locales of the suspect tests, saying only that more tests were be- housing role ing run on animals in two of the county's Your Inspection nine test areas. The Sanibel site is in the By Susie Holly Wulfert area. The department regularly takes blood samples from caged sentinel, An ongoing question in the ongoing chickens in the test areas, "and we have debate over moderate cost housing on had false alarms before," said Dennis Sanibel involves the city's legal obligation Jackson, environmental health officer with to see to it that such housing is available to the department. those who need it. In almost any public Popularly known as "sleeping sicknes¥," discussions of the matter, which occur with encephalitis is a viral disease found in wild increasing frequency these days, someone birds and other wild animals. The culex is bound to say the city's own land use plan FURNISHED MODELS mosquito, which seems to prefer attacking mandates the city to provide moderate cost these animals rather than humans, is housing. Someone else is likely to counter OPEN 9 AM - 6 PM EVERY DAY believed to be the disease carrier. After that the plan merely requires the city to biting an infected bird, the culex remains provide the opportunity for the develop- the vector for the rest of its three-week ment of moderate cost housing. Another lifespan. Precautions to humans include probably will point out that neither the wearing^ mosquito repellent and coverup plan nor any other law puts a legal obliga- clothing when going outdoors at night, tion on the city to involve itself in any way when the culex is most active, and keeping with moderate cost housing. potential breeding areas around homes free of standing water. The extent to which the City of Sanibel . Rain has prompted higher counts of both is legally obliged to become involved in the culex and salt marsh mosquitos on Sanibel housing issue is a question which remains and Captiva in the last few days, Miller unanswered. None of the three interpreta- said, but the counts still are much lower tions offered above appears to be the cor- than several other areas in. the county. rect one, if indeed there is a correct inter- "Tuesday:'<;nfgflt'S'''cti)eit'''rotm:ts'^tw'o^eat pretation. SANIBEI areas of Captiva totalled .46, while counts in Clearly, the land use plan does address Captiva two areas of Sanibel totalled 75. The salt the housing question, stating that "The Ci- marsh counts are about the same as a week ty of Sanibel must, in addition to permit- Causeway Road ago, but culex counts are four to six times ting a wide range of housing types, provide higher at three of the islands' test areas. adequate opportunities for subsidized low and moderate income housing." The plan Mosquito control has finished its second goes on to^say that the city should en- complete larvacide of the islands, Miller courage the development of such housing said, but continuing rains necessitate by other public, non-profit or private "agen- another complete cyde county-wide. "We'll cies." be doing some work on the islands every What the plan says cannot be disputed. day for the next several weeks," Miller It is there in black and white. But what it said. The larvacide Abate is being sprayed means in terms of actions the city is legally from mosquito control helicopters. (An arti- obligated to take is not so clear cut and cle in Island Reporter last week incorrectly * may remain unclear unless the matter said Baytex was being used. That-conn, '"winds up in the courts. troversial chemical is used as an adulticide "My jury is still out on the legal and has not been used on the islands since question," City Attorney Neal Bowen said. Casa Ybel Beach & Pet stone Captiva was fogged on July 3.] Though many people assume that the plan Sam Hay prefers to be known as Cap n Sam, the builder, owner and occu- Mosquito control trucks also have been puts a legal obligation on the city as far as Racquet Club pant of the Floating Stone, a 4(hfoot4ong concrete-boat docked at Sanibel spraying the islands in recent days, using housing is concerned, Tm not all that sure Marina. His story on 5-B. an experimental combination of malathion, it does," Bowen said. "I see it more as a a chemcial less toxic than Baytex, and • continued on 19-A # continued on 5-A Island attorney aids Harlem Heights residents By Nancy'DelFavero made a little more livable. He steps into a $40 a month shack, no bigger than your liv- Bob Dormer sat behind his office desk ingroom, that houses a family of six. The and tossed a baseball from palm to palm as floor is no more than rotted wooden planks he waited for the latest set of questions to and there are no windows to speak of. In be thrown his way concerning the recent fact, the whole place looks as if.it would hit rent strike he instigated as an attempt to the dirt if given a swift kick. Says Dormer, SHJ4 aid the residents of Harlem Heights. the Heights situation "could use all the He says in all seriousness he's had "all publicity it could get." . ' BEACH C& RACQUET CLUB the publicity" he could "use for years." He Dormer joined Florida Rual Legal Ser- was seen on a front page of a local vices in June of this year two months after newspaper as a smiling blond man standing their Fort Myers office was opened. When behind a few of the Heights minority he listened to community workers decrying residents. In addition to the regular televi- the condition of Harlem Heights, an area sion news coverage bis efforts received, he that straddles Gladiolus Drive between is seen semi-regularly in a 30 second TV Miners Corner and U.S. 41, he decided to CASA YBEL ROAD AT WEST GULF DRIVE spot in which he informs viewers he is the use the power of the law to make the area a managing attorney of the Fort Myers office (813) 472-1531 of Florida Rural Legal Services, a "non- • continued on 4-A profit law firm, that provides legal assistance to low income people." P.O. BOX 353, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 When Dormer visits the Heights he'll Florida Rural Legal Services at- knock on a' few doors and ask if the torney Bob Dormer visits the home of landlord's been by or if any repairs have Harlem Heights resident Lucille fa been made. He also asks those who are paid Dukes. up on their rent if they would withhold IN their next payment until their homes are A2 Octobers, 1979 Island Reporter Island Reporter October5,1979 A3 Don Whitehead has announced his resignation as editor of the Island Reporter. The resignation is effec- tive with this issue. Whitehead resigns Following a brief vacation Whitehead will continue Work begins to upgrade a deteriorating Donax Street an association with the paper to report on Sanibel City Hall activities as well as other assignments. Managing By Mark Twombly and a six-foot wide bike path will be built Price said the construction work is editor position Editor Mark Twombly will assume editorial respon- along the west side of the road, Price said. scheduled to be completed by January 1, IN BRIEF sibility for the Island Reporter. The first step in a major reconstruction Fire hydrants also will be installed when 1980. "We hope the paving work will be of busy Donax Street on Sanibel will be Whitehead'has been editor of the Island Reporter the water lines are moved, he said. finished before Thanksgiving to avoid the completed this week when workmen finish The road also will be straightened slight- tourists," he said. since it began publication in November, 1973 and was installing new, larger culverts to allow the one of five founders of the paper. - ly at the south end where it intersects with Sanibel River to flow beneath the road. Tulipa Way to eliminate a blind spot, Price Refuge buys Fisherman Key "After having served as editor of Island Reporter The sagging, deteriorating road, which for the past six years, Fve decided that I would like said, and the left turn lane onto Periwinkle connects East Gulf Drive condominiums will be redesigned.
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