VOLUME 15 ^ Ü iIh j EO NUMBER 205 Washington, Saturday, October 21, 1950 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Growers Administrative Committee on CONTENTS October 17; such meeting was held to Chapter IX— Production and' Mar­ consider recommendations for regula­ Agriculture Department Pa£e keting Administration (Marketing tion, after giving due notice of such See Federal Farm Mortgage Cor­ Agreements and Orders), Depart­ meeting, and interested persons were poration; Production and Mar­ afforded an opportunity to submit their keting Administration. ment of Agriculture views at this meeting; the provisions of [Orange Beg. 185] this section, including the effective time Alien Property, Office of Notices : P art 933—Oranges, G rapefruit, and thereof, are identical with the aforesaid recommendation of the committee, and Vesting orders, etc.: T angerines G rown in F lorida information concerning such provisions , Allianz Lebensversicherungs, LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS and effective time has been disseminated A. G—___________________ 7114 Camphausen, Florence M___ 7111 § 933.486 Orange Regulation 185— among handlers of such oranges; it is necessary, in order to effectuate the de­ Damm, Frieda_____________ 7113 (a) Findings. (1) Pursuant to the Fouard, L’Abbe Constant marketing agreement, as amended, and clared policy of the act, to make this section effective during the period here­ Henri, et al_____________ 7116 Order No. 33, as amended (7 CFR Part Friedinger, Mary_______ i___ 7111 933) .regulating the handling of oranges, inafter set forth so as to provide for the continued regulation of the handling of Heyn, John Moritz___ _____ 7111 grap*ruit, and tangerines grown in the Koelle, Erika, and Werner State of Florida, effective under the ap­ oranges; and compliance with this sec­ tion will not require any special prepara­ Veit___ _______ 7112 plicable provisions of the Agricultural Krause, Richard___________ 7115 Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as tion on the part of persons subject thereto which cannot be completed by Kuller, Elsa P______________ 7115 amended, and upon the basis of the rec­ Lohse, Hans and Frieda_____ 7115 ommendations of the committees estab­ the effective tigie hereof. (b) Order. (1) During the period be­ Mueller, Anna, et al________ 7113 lished under the aforesaid amended Pressler, Ludwig, etal_______ 7112 marketing agreement and order, and ginning at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., October 23, 1950, and ending at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., Sterr, Emanuel____________ 7114 upon other available information, it is Strong, Herbert J., and Paul hereby found that the limitation of November 6,1950, no handler shall ship: (1) Any oranges, except Temple Neuburger i ______________ 7115 shipments of oranges, as hereinafter Unverzagt, Charles_________ 7112 provided, will tend to effectuate the de­ oranges, grown in Regulation Area I clared policy of the act. which grade U. S. No. 2 Bright, U. S. No. Commerce Department (2) It is hereby further found that it 2, U. S. No. 2 Russet, U. S. No. 3, or lower See International Trade, Office of. is impracticable and contrary to the pub­ than U. S. No. 3 grade; Federal Farm Mortgage Cor­ lic interest to give preliminary notice, (ii) Any oranges, except Temple poration engage in public rule making procedure, oranges, grown.in Regulation Area II Notices: and postpone the effective date of this which grade U. S. No. 2 Russet, U. S. No. Kisatchie National Forest; section until 30 days after publication 3, or lower than U. S. No. 3 grade; transfer to Forest Service of thereof in the F ederal R egister (60 Stat. (iii) Any oranges, except Temple jurisdiction of surplus forest 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) because the oranges,* grown in Regulation Area II lands____________________ 7057 time intervening between the date when which grade U. S. No. 2 or U. S. No. 2 information upon which this section is Bright unless such oranges (a) are in the Federal Power Commission based became available and the time same container with oranges which grade Notices : when this section must become effective at least U. S. No. 1 Russet and (b) are not Hearings, etc. : in order to effectuate the declared policy in excess of 50 percent, by' count, of the California Electric Power Co_ 7060 of the act is insufficient; a reasonable number of all oranges in such container; Michigan-Wisconsin Pipe Line time is permitted, under the circum­ or Co................. 7062 stances, for preparation for such effec­ (iv) Any oranges, except Temple Mississippi River Fuel Corp (4 tive time; and good cause exists for mak­ oranges, grown in Regulation Area I or documents)_________ 7061, 7062 ing the provisions hereof effective not Regulation Area II which are of a size Tennessee Gas Transmission later than October 23, 1950. Shipments smaller than a size that will pack 252 CO___________ 7061 of oranges, grown in the State of Florida, oranges, packed in accordance with United Fuel Gas Co__:______ 7060 have been subject to regulation by grades the requirements of a standard pack, in Young, L. C_____ __________ 7061 and sizesrpursuant to the amended mar­ a standard nailed box. Federal Trade Commission,.« keting agreement and order, since Sep­ (2) As used in this section, the terms Notices : tember 11, 1950, and will so continue “handler,” “ship,” “Regulation Area I,” Hearings, etc.: until October 23,1950; the recommenda­ “Regulation Area II,” and “Growers Ad­ Bee Jay Products, Inc., et al_7109 tion and supporting information for ministrative Committee” shall each have Gramet, Walter W_________ 7109 continued regulation subsequent to Oc­ the same meaning as when used in said Rules and regulations: tober 22 -was promptly submitted to the amended marketing agreement and or- Atlas Putty Co. ; cease and desist Department after an open meeting of the (Continued on next page) order_____________________ 7049 7045 7046 "RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued * CODIFICATION GUIDE International Trade, Office of Paee A numerical list of the parts of the Code FEDERALÄREGISTER Rules and regulations: of Federal Regulations affected by documents \ 1934 ^ published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Export regulations: opposed to final actions, are identified as Licensing policies and related such. special provisions; alumi­ num ores and concentrates; Title 7 Page Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, lead and manufactures___ 7043 Chapter IX: and days following official Federal holidays, Positive list of commodities Part 939 (proposed)__________ 7050 by the Division of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ and related matters______ >^048 Part 933 (3 documents)___ 7045-7047 eral Services Administration, pursuant to the Interstate Commerce Commis­ Part 953____________________ 7047 authority contained in the Federal Register sion Title 15 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Notices : Chapter III: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Part 373____________________ 7048 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Applications for relief: Part 399-------------------- 7C48 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Grain and grain products the President. Distribution is made only by from Kansas and Okla­ Title 16 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Chapter I: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. homa ________ 7109 The regulatory material appearing herein Meal, oil cake, to Florida____ 7109 Part 3------------- -------------------- 7049 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Peanuts from Texas to the Title 29 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant West,.__________________ 7H0 Chapter V: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Sugar: Part 522___ ■*._„____________ 7050 amended June 19, 1937. l Louisiana and Texas to The F ederal R egister will be furnished by * Krebs, Okla___ ________ 7110 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 der; and the terms “U. S. No. 1 Russet,” per month or $15.00 per year, payable in North Atlantic ports to offi­ advance. The charge for individual copies cial territory and Wiscon­ “U. S. No. 2 Bright,” ‘‘U. S. No. 2,” ‘‘U. S. (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the sin ---------- 7109 No. 2 Russet,” “U. S. No. 3,” ‘‘standard size of the issue. Remit check or money Proposed rule making: pack,” “container,” and “standard nailed order, made payable to the Superintendent Parcel-post rates, increased, box” shall each have the same meaning of Documents, directly to the Government 1950--------------------------------- 7056 as when used in the revised United States Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Standards for Oranges (7 CFR 51.192; There are no restrictions on the republica­ Justice Department 14 F. R. 6831). , tion of material appearing in the F ederal R egister. See Alien Property, Office of. (Sec. 5; 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 ü. S. C. and Sup. 608c) Labor Department See Wage and Hour Division. Done at Washington, D. C., this 19th day of October 1950. § Post Office Department Now Available [seal] - s. R. Smith, Parcel-post rates, increased, 1950 Director, Fruit and Vegetable (see Interstate Commerce Com­ Branch, Production and Mar­ UNITED STATES mission). GOVERNMENT keting Administration. Production and Marketing Ad­ [F. R. Doc. 50-9343; Filed, Oct, 20, 1950; ORGANIZATION ministration 8:56 a. m.] MANUAL Proposed rule making: 1950-51 Edition Milk handling in Muskogee, Okla., area________________ 7050 [Grapefruit Reg. 129] (Revised through July 1) Rules and regulations: Part —Oranges, Grapefruit, and Published by the Federal Register Division, Limitation of shipments:
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