Illinois General Assembly

Illinois General Assembly

Home Legislation & Laws Senate House My Legislation Site Map Members Illinois State Senators 97th General Assembly Committees Leadership Officers Schedules Senator Bills Committees District Party Pamela J. Althoff Bills Committees 32 R Journals Tim Bivins Bills Committees 45 R Transcripts Larry K. Bomke Bills Committees 50 R Rules Bill Brady Bills Committees 44 R Live Audio/Video J. Bradley Burzynski* Bills Committees 35 R James F. Clayborne, Jr. Bills Committees 57 D Annazette R. Collins Bills Committees 5D Jacqueline Y. Collins Bills Committees 16 D M. Maggie Crotty Bills Committees 19 D John J. Cullerton Bills Committees 6D Shane Cultra Bills Committees 53 R William Delgado Bills Committees 2D Kirk W. Dillard Bills Committees 24 R Dan Duffy Bills Committees 26 R Gary Forby Bills Committees 59 D Michael W. Frerichs Bills Committees 52 D Susan Garrett Bills Committees 29 D William R. Haine Bills Committees 56 D Don Harmon Bills Committees 39 D Rickey R. Hendon* Bills Committees 5D Linda Holmes Bills Committees 42 D Mattie Hunter Bills Committees 3D Toi W. Hutchinson Bills Committees 40 D Mike Jacobs Bills Committees 36 D Christine J. Johnson Bills Committees 35 R Thomas Johnson Bills Committees 48 R Emil Jones, III Bills Committees 14 D John O. Jones Bills Committees 54 R David Koehler Bills Committees 46 D Dan Kotowski Bills Committees 33 D Darin M. LaHood Bills Committees 37 R Steven M Landek Bills Committees 11 D Chris Lauzen Bills Committees 25 R Kimberly A. Lightford Bills Committees 4D Terry Link Bills Committees 30 D David S. Luechtefeld Bills Committees 58 R Edward D. Maloney Bills Committees 18 D Iris Y. Martinez Bills Committees 20 D Wm. Sam McCann Bills Committees 49 R Kyle McCarter Bills Committees 51 R James T. Meeks Bills Committees 15 D John J. Millner Bills Committees 28 R John G. Mulroe Bills Committees 10 D Antonio Muñoz Bills Committees 1D Matt Murphy Bills Committees 27 R Michael Noland Bills Committees 22 D Carole Pankau Bills Committees 23 R Christine Radogno Bills Committees 41 R Kwame Raoul Bills Committees 13 D Sue Rezin Bills Committees 38 R Dale A. Righter Bills Committees 55 R Dale E. Risinger* Bills Committees 37 R Ronald Sandack Bills Committees 21 R Martin A. Sandoval Bills Committees 12 D Suzi Schmidt Bills Committees 31 R Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Bills Committees 9D Ira I. Silverstein Bills Committees 8D Heather A. Steans Bills Committees 7D John M. Sullivan Bills Committees 47 D Dave Syverson Bills Committees 34 R Donne E. Trotter Bills Committees 17 D Louis S. Viverito* Bills Committees 11 D A. J. Wilhelmi Bills Committees 43 D * indicates the member is currently inactive. Democrats: 35 Republicans: 24 To view a report listing contact information for all active members, click here. Home | Legislation & Laws | House | Senate | My Legislation | Disclaimers | Email This site is maintained for the Illinois General Assembly by the Legislative Information System, 705 Stratton Building, Springfield, Illinois 62706 217-782-3944 217-782-2050 (TTY) zGtGGGGpGnGh G G G wGqUGhG TG kGZYG G G tXWZjGjGiG vGuG}GzG G G zSGpsG]Y^W]G G j GsSGpsG]WWX[G G G G OYX^PG^_YT_WWWG O_X\PG[\\T]ZZWG G G OYX^PG^_YT`\_]GOmhPG O_X\PG[\\T_Y_[GOmhPG GG GG {GiGTGkG[\G G G tXWZhGjGiG ]Y`GuUGnG G G zSGpsG]Y^W]G G kSGpsG]XWYXG G G G OYX^PG^_YTWX_WG O_X\PGY_[TWW[\G G G OYX^PG^_YT`\_]GOmhPG O_X\PGY_[TWYW^GOmhPG GG GG s GrUGiGTGkG\WG G G ZW^GjGiG ZW^GjGiG G G zSGpsG]Y^W]G G zSGpsG]Y^W]G G G G OYX^PG^_YTWYY_G OYX^PG^_YTWYY_G G G OYX^PG^_YT\[W]GOmhPG OYX^PG^_YT\[W]GOmhPG GG G G iGi G TG kG[[G G G XW\hGjGiG YYWZGlGkG GG GG zGZG G G zSGpsG]Y^W]G G iSGpsG]X^W[G G G G OYX^PG^_YT]YX]G OZW`PG]][T[[[WG G G OYX^PG^_YTWXX]GOmhPG OZW`PG]][T_\[[GOmhPG GG G G qGmUGj SGqUG TG kG\^G rGoGyGvG G G ZY`GjGiG iG G G G G 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