EDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 14 ' V ^ T E D ^ NUMBER 7 Washington, Tuesday, January 1J, 1949 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE CONTENTS PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE ORDER 10020 THE PRESIDENT Chapter I——Civil Service Commission P rescribing the M anual for Courts- Executive Order Page M artial, U. S. Army, 1949 P art 10—S pecial T ransitional Manual for Courts-Martial, U. S. Correction P rocedures Army, 1949 (Corr.)_________ 119 P art 24t—F ormal E ducational R equire­ EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Executive Order 10020, appearing In ments for Appointment to Certain Part II of the issue for Wednesday, De­ S cientific, T echnical, and P rofes­ Agriculture Department cember 8, 1949, as P. R. Doc, 48-10746, sional P ositions Proposed rule making: is corrected as follows: MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS Corn; acreage allotments and 1. In the eighth line of the third col­ marketing quotas______ .__ 123 1. Section 10-.111 (a) is amended toRules and regulations: umn on page 7549 the word “these” read as follows: Beans; 1948 dry edible bean loan should read “their”. § 10.111 Reemployment "benefits after and purchase agreement____ 121 2. In the Table of Maximum Punish­ transfer, (a) (1) Any person, except Sugar; determination of fair and ments under Article of War 96 the fol­ one who was holding a temporary posi­ reasonable prices for 1949 lowing changes are made: tion, who was transferred by the Com­ Virgin Islands sugarcane___ 122 a. On page 7558, the penalty for as­ mission with reemployment rights under W arehouses; miscellaneous sault and battery upon a female under authority of Executive Order No. 8973 or amendments (Corr.)_______ 121 the age of 16 years, now reading 2 9067 or War Manpower Commission Alien Property, Office of Directive No. X, shall be entitled to the Notices: months, should read 2 years. rights specified in paragraph (b> of this Vesting orders, etc.: b. In the second column on page 7559 section if he gives the agency in which Corner Mott & Hester Streets, the last entry should read: “Wrongfully he has reemployment rights 30 days’ ad­ Inc —-------- 14! taking or wrongfully taking and using vance written notice of his intent to Fujimoto, H________ 140 the property of another, with the intent exercise his reemployment rights, and if Powell, Anna_____________ 139 he is still qualified to perform the duties Schoeneich, Ernst C_______ 139 to deprive the owner temporarily of his of the position. property:”. Suzuki, S., & Co. of New York, (2) The advance written notice must Ltd________ i4i 3. In the third column on page 7566 be given not later than 40 days after the Uxkull, Woldemar________ 140 the next to the last line should read: beginning of a furlough from the agency Von Bardeleben, Elisabeth “or event and to know, or to ascertain”. to which transferred or not later than 40 Naumann______________ i 3g 4. In the third column on page 7617 days after the date of separation from Zeigler, Frank____________ 140 paragraph 189 should read: that agency, if separation is made with­ Army Department out furlough. Once the advance written 189. in t h a t ___________ did, a t ________ _ Notices: notice has been given it may not be with­ U. S. Military Government on or about ------------------ 19____ _ with Intent drawn without forfeiture of the rights to deprive the owner temporarily of his provided in this section. Courts for Germany; creation and organization codes of property, wrongfully (and without the con­ (3) Except as provided in subpara­ procedure_____________ 124 sent of the owner) (and without authority), graphs (4) and (5) of this paragraph, all (take) (take and use) (use) (appropriate) existing reemployment rights acquired Census Bureau a certain (motor vehicle) (motion picture under authority of Executive Order No. Notices : camera) (hunting rifle) (evening gown) 8973 or 9067 or War Manpower Commis­ Statistics of manufactures; (-------- —)» value about $___ , property sion Directive No. X, shall expire on Oc­ annual surveys of manufac­ o f _____ _ tober 22, 1948, unless advance written turers----------------------------- 133 notice of- intent to exercise such rights Civil Service Commission 5. In the first column on page 7627 shall have been given before that date. Rules and regulations: paragraph 10 should read: (4) Persons who on October 22, 1948, Appointment to certain scien­ were serving in a Federal agency which tific, technical, and profes­ 10. In the foregoing case o f __________ on that date was being liquidated or was sional positions; formal edu­ the sentence is approved and will be duly required by statute to be liquidated, may cation requirements______ 119 executed, but the execution of that portion exercise their reemployment rights after Transitional procedures, spe­ thereof adjudging dishonorable (or bad con­ October 22, 1948, if advance written no­ cial--------------------------------- 119 duct) discharge Is (suspended) (suspended tice of intent to exercise such rights is Commerce Department until the soldier’s release from confine­ given not later than 40 days after the See Census Bureau. ment. ----------- iS designated as the place beginning of a furlough or the date of of confinement.) Commodity Credit Corporation (Continued on next page) See Agriculture Department. 119 ■/, 120 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Federal Power Commission' Pa£* Title 5— Administrative Person- Page FEDERAL^REGISTER Notices: nel— Continued \ 1934 Hearings, etc.: Chapter I—Civil Service Com- Michigan Gas Storage Co— 135 mission-r-Continued Niagara Palls Power Co____ 135 Part 24—Formal education re­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Northern Natural Gas Co----- 134 quirements for appointment and days following official Federal holidays, Wachusett Electric Co_____ 134 to certain scientific, technical, by the Division of the Federal Register, the Wisconsin Michigan Power and professional positions— 119 National Archives, pursuant to the authority Co__________ ____ '_____ 135 Chapter III—Foreign and Terri­ contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Wisconsin Public Service proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as torial Compensation: amended; 44 U. S. C„ ch. 8B ), under regula­ Corp_______________ _— 135 Part 325—Additional compensa­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Home Loan Bank Board tion in foreign areas----------- 121 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Rules and regulations: tion is made only by the Superintendent of Title 6— Agricultural Credit Documents, Government Printing Office, Operation; amendment and re­ Chapter IV—Production and Washington 25, D. C. designation (Corr.)----------- 123 M arketing Administration The regulatory material appearing herein is Home Owners’ Loan Corpora­ and Commodity Credit Cor­ keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, tion poration, Department of Agri­ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations: culture: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Part 603—Beans, dry edible---- - 121 amended June 19, 1947. Revision and redesignation The F ederal R egister will be furnished by (Corr.)__________________ 123 Title 7— Agriculture mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Housing and Home Finance .Chapter I—Production and per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ M arketing Administration vance. The charge for individual copies Agency (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Sep Home Loan Bank Board; (Standards, Inspections, size of the issue. Remit check or money Home Owners’ Loan Corpora­ Marketing Practices), De- order, made payable to the Superintendent tion. partment of Agriculture: of Documents, directly to the Government Part 106—Dry bean warehouses. 121 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interstate Commerce Commis­ Chapter VII—Production and There are no restrictions on the republica- sion M arketing Administration tion of material appearing in the F ederal Notices : (Agricultural Adjustment), R egister. Southern Freight Assn, et al.; Department of Agriculture: application for approval of Part 721—Corn (proposed)----- 123 agreement---------^---- 1------- 138 Chapter VHI—Production and CONTENTS— Continued Justice Department M arketing Administration See Alien Property, Office of. (Sugar Branch), Department Customs Bureau Page # of Agriculture: Notices: Labor Department Part 802—Sugar determina­ Customs districts and ports; or­ See Wage and Hour Division. tions— -------------------------- 122 ganization, rights, privileges, National Military Establishment powers, and duties of Com­ Title 19— Customs Duties missioner, and duties of per­ See Army Department. Chapter I—Bureau of Customs, sonnel--------- 123 Securities and Exchange Com­ Department of the Treasury: Pines, penalties, and liquidated mission Part 1—Customs districts and damages; designation of Dep­ Notices : ports___________________ - ' 122 uty Commissioner to make de­ Central Maine Power Co.; hear­ Title 24— Housing and Housing cisions respecting remission ing------------------------------- 138 Credit or mitigation------------------- 124 State Department Chapter I—Home Loan Bank Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations: Board, Housing and Home Customs districts and ports; dis­ Additional compensation in for­ Finance Agency: continuance of codification— 122 eign areas; designation of dif­ Part 122—Organization of the Defense Transportation, Office ferential posts------------------ 121 banks--------- 123 of Part 124—Operations of the Treasury Department banks_____ :-------------- k-— 123 Rules and regulations: See Customs Bureau. Rail
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