435 E- ER0A3 ST. WESTFIELD. HJ Westfield Sale Days - Today - Tomorrow - Saturday Beginning Aug. 5 Stores, Banks Open THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thursday Night* THC UAMNO AMD MOST WKMU CttCUUTM WIEKIY NEWSPAFft IN UNION COUNTY EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 51 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1971 3« Ceats Townwide Youth Shot Events Feature PBA Releases Dead at Party Of Playfields Highlighting next week's events on "Misleading," the playgrounds will be "ShowOff A 20-year-old Westfield boy is hospital and notified police, Day" and "Round-Up Night." On dead and his friend held without Parents of the i*nia boy were Tuesday at 1 p.m. all children will bail at the Westfield police station not at home it the time of the te- meet at Roosevelt Jr. high 6chool as the result of a midnight shoot- ciient but polio* Mid the gun, « to participate in the (Recreation ing yesterday at the home of Albert .32 automatic, belonged to the fam- Says Mayor Commission's annual "Show Off Laitza, IS Virginia St. ily. Only one: shot had been lired Day." Events will include a hula John Herr of 758 Central Ave. died from the weapon. Acting Police hoop contest at 1, a twirling recital In a telegram to Governor William T. Cahill, Donn A. Soyder, mayor at 3:23 a.m. yesterday at Rahway hief Al Vardalis sail that (here was at 2 and an arts and craft exhibit at of Westfield, today requested immediate action on a code of ethics lot Hospital of abdomen wounds, no indication at this time that the. 3. All grounds will close at 12 public employee negotiations. Mayor Snyder advised Governor Cahill that Glen Lanza, also 20, was charged shooting was intentional, noon . Westfield's current experience with the local PBA lawyer dearly demon- with manslaughter and was being Lt Robert Bell, Detective Robert IMn "Round-Up Night" which includes etrated die need for more adequate guidelines for lawyer* held yesterday to await arraign- Ksnny and Randy Pisane of the ment. Union County Prosecutor'* Office tongs and skits from each play- P«Mc employees. "TMk» ground, wrll be held on Thursday, circumvent the procedure*, purpose A handful of girls and boys 18 to are investigating the incident. Aug. 5 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Library Borrowers and intent of the PBRC Wwlatioti 20 years old, witnesses to the fatal The youth, son of Mr and fXtt... 0 are not in the best interett of (be shooting, claimed that the event Thomas Herr Sr., graduated from ^wiif^Srof ™: M**t Update Card,employee, employer or (lie public," was the result of "horseplay." One Westfield High School in 1988. ies' tor the everirng'is activities.- Westfield Memorial Library asks he said. of them called the Rescue Squad He was employed by Elm Radio After the playground entertainment, the coopc-ration of its borrowers in The mayor's action in making tha when tha Herr boy was injured, and & Television, 20 Elm'St. awards will be presented to the bringing its records. up to date. •recommendation to Governor Cahiil the squad took the youth to the (Continued on page 4> outstanding citizens from each Members are reminded that cands was precipitated by a serial <di new* school are reirewed every four years. All releases laat week by the PBA Ruth V. Hill, Director of Hecrea- cards with expiration dates before 'lawyer/negotiator, Thoma* J. Saw* tioh, Invites everyone to attend both jujy 1971 should be brought to the age. Snyder noted that the relaaiai of these events along with the play- library for renewal. were "flagrantly middling" inthair Bargains Galore grounder? and the Recreation Com- conten Students entering tenth grade in *' mission staff members. the fall arc asked to have their As a result of a two year partaga cards transferred from the chil- negotiated with the PBA for 199i W. H0IXI8 PLINTON, laird from right, receive! plaudits at teiHmfUt Snmn beM Suafejr la •(• kanar. dren's to the adult department be- and 1971, Uie PBA members haw* In Sales Event Starting, left to right, are Lorenzo B. McCutcheoa, preiMent at the New Jewey State Ainwiatton, IBPO fore school opens in September. already received a money increase ' Elki of the World; Velma C. Lee, Daughter Ruler of Centennial Temple Ut: Elmer Wllliami, pail exalted Holy Trinity in 1971 averaging $456. The otter "The Summer Sales 'Days has traditionally been one of the shopping ruler of Centennial Lodge 400; Mr. Pltaton; Louisa C. HNfhei. preiMMt at ihe.New Jemey Stale Auxiliary; highlights of tlie year in Westfield, and Ihe Retail Division of the West- cited in the PBA release of $1S» ana Charles Taylor Sr., exalted ruler af Centenolal Lodge. Seated to gaeat apcaker, Howell IUUTII, flnaacUl $175 is an adjustment far coat of field Area Chamber of Commence has been the catalyst around which •ecretary of (he New Jertey State Ataoclatlan. ' , Renovation this type of community promotion has revoked for many years," says Resident Has Role living above that anticipated and Saul Drittel of Milady's Shop, Retaa Ohabman. would result in a total increase te In Auollo 15 Flight 1971 averaging over 4600, With U» This year they will be held for an 400 Honor Hollis Plinton at Dinner additional adjustment for cort of unprecedented four days, comment- ' A interior renovation pro- Wavy Potty Officer 3/C Riojxsrt J. ing yesterday, and running through IT»* „# f\££2^.2j~1 (Native WeStfielder W.'HolKs Plin- financial secretary of the N.J. State under way at Holy Trin- Me was awarded a plaque by Hy R.C. Church. Saturday. Coupled with the additional t iwSl UJJlClUl ton of 411-West Broad St. was hon- IBPO -Elks of the World. according to the mayor. day, participating Retail Division « _ his!Elmer Williams, past .exalted';ruler The church has been closed since participating in launch and recovery more than 400 "Negotiating in the great is •' members wili 'be opened until 9 p.m. and current financial secretary; of work began June 2B. Rev. Msgr. operations for Apollo 16 with Hell- ciPcumvenUoa of PEMC tonight, thereby allowing approxi- Squadron mately 10 additional shopping hours the majBT. iaat At • »e«oUaUng< to this mid-year sale. Parking meters World. The affair held at the Spring St. were torn down ere not in effect after 6 p.m., and Westwood Lounge. room for Holy Trinity High Tt» Mnctuary te being renovated, He is a member ot the aircraft Mtfrv Mdnpby «t»ted, "to bring it maintenance crew" aboard tha customers may .utilize.. convenient •»•••'-' -'•• He afetrhM heM vw*ww feafenhip bo held on July It, and that t Opening Set lota, harmony with the most recent Okinawa. free-parking this evening for over •Hit. Plinton's long record of service roles in the WetUield Community would be advised of the nnib. Ta , 6,000oars. A survey of Westfield merchants to toe fraternal order, as well as his Center and has been a member of liturgical requirements." This work wis squadron iviU remain on sta- date there has been no official noti- Exceptional values will be offered by the (Retail Division of the West- civic and community endeavors, the Westfield Recreation Commi»sion includes moving the marble altar tion un[il tlle spacecraft is success- fication of the present position of to the public by participating mem- field Area Chamber of Commerce were praised by, the. speakers, who for 17 years, forward and the installation- of a fuliy on course t0 t|le moon ^d re. the PBA "All we have seen to date," new altar for repository of the Bles- i splash-down. bersi of the He-tail Division of the concerning choice of a new open included' Mayor Donn A. Snyder, Mr p]m(ml> owner of the Plihion covor<!< at said Mayor Snyder, "are news re* sed Sacrament, Westfield Area Chamber of Com- shopping night resulted in an over- Mists Velma C. Lee, Daughter-Ruler Funeral Home and a well-known (Helicopter-Combat Support Squad' leases which imply that tiie town the men*: they may be identified by whelming indication of Thursday of the Temple, and Howell Harris of ^vlc leader, is a longtime member ron One ls home-based at the Naval has taken a paltry financial position." the large blue and gold banners evening. Over 70% of the mereshants New Shrewsbury, past exalted ruler ^ ^ Lodge, having served as ex- Air Station, Imperial' Beach, Calif.' 'Wt such time as we Colonial Renaissance style of archi- (Continued on page 4) .(.Continued on page 4) of Bates Lodge. Rod Bank, and iHe is a 1969 graduate of Westfield at the negotiating table of the alted ruler, trustee, currently as a tecture. ' life member of ihe trustee board, High School. cities by the PSA, it will be taken The extensive renovation program chairman of the housing committee, (Continued on page 4) ' Penny Pitching also calls for the baptismal font to end charter member of Past Exalted bo moved from the back to the Yields $100 for Fund Rulers Council 121 among other front of the church. Board of Education / It takes a heap of penny pitching Other work will include repaint- Will Meet Tuesday Sundae Night : to add up to a hundred dollars. ing, improvement in the lighting, 1 But that kind of play paid off for Kerry Brown plumbing and sound and communi- The Board of Education will meet tyestfield YMCA Day Camp Mino- cations systems and installation of Monday Evening Jowskin World Service Carnival a new heating system. at 0 p.m. Tuesday in the Roosevelt planners last week, as hey took in Wins Scholarship and new pews and confessionals.
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