The only way to fi nd out what’s going on! Serving the Hunter for over 20 years with a readership of over 4,000 weekly! Thursday 24th August, 2017 Missed an issue? www.huntervalleyprinting.com.au/Pages/Entertainer.php See inside Driving the Hunter for 60 years! TV Guide Festival connects Author, Lynn Jenkins (left) and illustrator Kirrili Lonegran (right) will feature along with author with young readers Jess Black at the kids program to coincide with Book Week. Image supplied. To mark national Book Week Scone’s fl ourishing writer’s festival has released details of their program dedicated to our young readers and budding writers. 3HRSOH·VFKRLFHDZDUGZLOOEHGHFLGHGRQ2SHQLQJ1LJKW In this fast-paced digital age the Scone Literary Festival committee is passionate 4+L'26 #6M'26 about encouraging their younger audience to ‘maintain the page’ so will once again be 2'0+0) '&#42'6 hosting a pre-school program at Scone Library +)*6 9#4&5+)*6 on November 10. In addition to the sessions at 1(('' the Library UNLOAD will once again be running +LJKEURRN3DUN 7ZR5LYHUV:LQHV sessions for K-6 on the same day, and for 0XVZHOOEURRN16: 'HQPDQ16: 1(64+0-5 High School aged students there is a writing competition to enter and win a prize pool of 6WDUWVSP 6WDUWVSP 16 11& $1000. 6FUHHQLQJRIDOOILOP $ZDUGV&HUHPRQ\ 12%140 VXEPLVVLRQV DQGVFUHHQLQJV The competition is currently underway and entries close on 1 September. Stories need to be based around the festival theme of ‘Making Connections’ and need only be 500 words so ŚŝůĚƌĞŶƵŶĚĞƌƚŚĞĂŐĞŽĨϭϱLJĞĂƌƐŵƵƐƚďĞĂĐĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞĚďLJĂŶĂĚƵůƚĂƚĂůůƟŵĞƐĂƐƐŽŵĞ ŽĨƚŚĞĮůŵƐƵďŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐĂƌĞƌĂƚĞĚW';WĂƌĞŶƚĂů'ƵŝĚĂŶĐĞZĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚĞĚͿĂŶĚD hop onto www.sconewritersfestival.com.au/ ;ZĞĐŽŵŵĞŶĚĞĚĨŽƌDĂƚƵƌĞƵĚŝĞŶĐĞƐͿĂůů';'ĞŶĞƌĂůͿƌĂƚĞĚĮůŵƐƵďŵŝƐƐŝŽŶƐǁŝůůďĞ ƐĐƌĞĞŶĞĚĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞĮƐƚŚĂůĨŽĨƚŚĞůƵĞ,ĞĞůĞƌ&ŝůŵ&ĞƐƟǀĂůKƉĞŶŝŶŐEŝŐŚƚ͘ write-up and Write Up! SESSION TIMES: THURSDAY 24 AUGUST - WEDNESDAY 30 AUGUST Cinema is CLOSED Mondays outside of school and public holidays AMERICAN MADE THE DARK TOWER LOGAN LUCKY (MA15+) 115mins (M) 95mins (M) 118mins Thu, Fri & Tues Thu, Fri & Tues Thu, Fri & Tues 11.40am, 5.00pm & 9.00pm 9.00am, 3.10pm & 7.10pm 10.50am, 4.15pm & 9.10pm Sat, Sun & Wed Sat, Sun & Wed Sat, Sun & Wed 11.15am, 4.00pm & 6.30pm 11.40am, 4.30pm & 9.00pm 9.15am, 1.30pm & 6.20pm VALERIAN AND THE CITY ANNABELLE: COMING SOON OF A THOUSAND PLANETS CREATION Girls Trip (M) 137mins (M) 140mins The Hitmans Bodyguard It Thu, Fri & Tues Thu, Fri & Tues The Emoji Movie 2D: 9.00am 1.05pm, 2.00pm & 6.30pm Captain Underpants 12-15 Sydney Street Kingsman - Golden Circle Sat, Sun & Wed Sat, Sun & Wed Blade Runner Muswellbrook 3D: 1.40pm 9.00am & 8.50pm Phone: (02) 4044 0600 Live in Muswellbrook? Don’t forget the Courtesy Bus is available to get you to the cinema. Ph: 6543 2011 www.muswellbrookcinema.com.au Join Erin & Mark broadcasting across the Upper Hunter every Saturday on 2NM SUMMER SATURDAY With Erin Molan & Mark Levy Saturday from 12pm – 6pm what’s on OPEN EVERY DAY from 4AM until 9PM ï)UHVKEUHDGDQGSLHVGHOLYHUHGGDLO\ ï)UHVKVDODGVDQGZLFKHVUROOVDQG VDODGVPDGHGDLO\ï+RW&+,&.(16 FRRNHGGDLO\ï'HQLVHèVIUR]HQ PHDOVï0LONï)UHVKSDVWDV ï*URFHULHVDQGDKXJHGHOLUDQJH ï/RWVRI'5,1.VSHFLDOV Image: Local kids celebrating the 35th year of the Mare and Foal statue at the August ‘Horses’ Birthday’ markets are Hunter and Helayna Palmer, Ava Whitton, Zara Stein, and Denver, Shyanne and Shelby Millington. Don’t miss Seniors Day on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10am – 4pm for Seniors Discount (No discounts on cigarettes, phone credit or Lotto products) – minimum Celebrating 35 years spend on one order is $10 – must show Seniors Card for the ‘Mare and Foal’ 29 Ogilvie Street :HDOVRVWRFNLQNSRZHU This year marks the 35th year since Elizabeth Park’s Denman FDUWULGJHVDQGDODUJHUDQJHRI iconic Mare and Foal statue was unveiled and the FDUGVPDJD]LQHVJLIWVDQGJLIW occasion was fittingly celebrated at the August Scone 6547 2472 Country Markets with the theme the ‘Horses’ Birthday’. FDUGVSKRQHUHFKDUJHDQG The statue was unveiled on 3 March, 1982 by the Hon Eric Bedford SUHSDLGVHUYLFHV and cost about $75,000, commissioned by local horse breeders to ‘promote Scone as the leading horse breeding centre in Australia’ as a ‘wonderful tourist attraction to give pleasure to the many people who see it’. The sculpture was created by Dutch-born artist Gabriël Sterk in Celebrate eSmart Week his foundry in Adelaide. at the library The Alannah & Madeline Foundation’s National eSmart Week will be held from 4 - 8 September 2017. Denman and Muswellbrook branches of the Upper Hunter Library Network, along with thousands of communities across NSW are demonstrating their commitment to cyber safety, wellbeing and digital inclusion. The Muswellbrook library will be hosting a guest speaker from Legal Aid NSW to present a talk on ‘Cyber Safety for Older People’ which will outline common on-line scams, how to identify them and provides ideas about how to avoid being scammed. It also covers how to report scams to authorities. !"!###$ !"!%" ! ! "#$%&' ! " R R The Entertainer in conjunction with Majestic Cinemas are giving away two double passes each week to two lucky readers. ! " # Look for the handwritten word “WINNER” along with the $ editor’s signature on this page above HVP logo. #% (()$* Present the winning Entertainer edition to the Muswellbrook office of Hunter Valley Printing, 6 Wilkins Street Muswellbrook and collect your passes. (must be claimed within one week of publication date) 2 - Up Country Entertainer - Thursday 24th August, 2017 www.facebook.com/EntertainerPublication what’s on Enter now for Muswellbrook Local Art Awards Calling all artists of the Muswellbrook, Singleton and Upper Hunter Shires, entries for the 2017 Muswellbrook Local Art Awards are now opened. A total prize money of $6,000 is available across six sections including the Viola Bromley Painting Prize, Garry Philp Works on Paper, Local 3D Prize, Local Photography Prize, Local Aboriginal Art Prize and the Esther Bellis Youth Prize. Entries close 6 October 2017. Find out more online at www.muswellbrookartscentre.com.au Image: Naomi Norris – “Jazzy” – Garry Philp Works on Paper Prize – First Prize. Image is courtesy of MRAC. Experimental charcoal Join exhibiting artist, Dorothy Wishney at a free workshop at Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre on Saturday 2 September from 10.30am – 4.00pm in exploring applications of charcoal which encompass techniques common to both drawing and painting. Scone Arts & Crafts Inc Using the landscape as subject matter there will be an emphasis 2017 Scone Art Prize on creating texture and tone. Participants will produce several experimental pieces leading to a Opening Night finished work. Participants will require the following materials: Dust mask for anyone sensitive to charcoal dust, Charcoal powder, Charcoal blocks, Willow Friday 8th September 2017 charcoal sticks, Charcoal pencil – soft or 6B, Black oil pastel, Oil paint tick – colourless blender, Oil paint stick - white, 2 sheets Stone henge @ 6.30pm paper 250gms (white) or similar paper 250-300gms – smooth surface and Plastic card – old store card. $15 entry fee for adults Bookings are essential. To reserve your place please contact the Includes canapés and complimentary drink on arrival Arts Centre 02 6549 3800. Children under 16 free Raffle tickets available @ $2 each Scone Motor Inn Exhibition open daily from Saturday 9th Conference Centre until 16th September (10am – 4pm) & Sunday 17th September (10am – 1pm) Affordable 4 star ,,,, Accommodation Admission: Gold coin donation King Suites, Spa Suites and Two-Bedroom Apartments Enjoy the Upper Hunter’s Corporate Rates and FREE Wi-Fi Internet flourishing arts and culture scene Conference and Meeting Facilities Licenced Bar and meals Monday to Fridays For all enquiries contact Pam on 0418 441 128 or [email protected] Breakfasts 7 days including Room Service Cnr New England Hwy & Mount St 02 6545 3079 Scone Arts & Crafts Centre 63 Kingdon Street, Scone www.sconemotorinn.com.au 6.1G1 1QJ: V ] %C7R %$% ]VJ1J$ ] ]I`1R:75 %C7 Q`JV` Q` #`1R$V 1CC1:I , `VV 5 %1VCCG`QQ@ (, C10V Q QJ5 JC7 Q: V .V V :` 8HVJ `VI%1VCCG`QQ@8J18$Q08:% 1 I%1VCCG`QQ@:` HVJ `V8HQI8:% :`I .5 .V!1$. 5 .V1JR5 1C0V` $VC: 1J ]`1J 8 %V R:7 Q`1R:7:I R ]I VV@VJR :I R ]I QJR:7 G7 :]]Q1J IVJ QJC7 CQVR ]%GC1H .QC1R:7 www.huntervalleyprinting.com.au/Pages/Entertainer.php Thursday 24th August 2017 - Up Country Entertainer - 3 out & about Stallion open Image: Cr Ron Campbell, James Constable, Sean Deasy, Lenore Taylor, Richard Magna, Peta Luke, Brendan Walters and Sally Hagley at the cheque presentation held on Sunday house 13 August 2017. Some of the Upper Hunter’s best horse studs are throwing open their Funds donated in true doors. Newgate, Arrowfield and Vinery have all arranged open house style events aimed at Merriwa spirit both breeders and the community. The events Merriwa’s 27th annual June long-weekend festival has raised a fleece- are spread out over several days between load of funds for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service and the town’s August 24 and 27. homegrown Volunteer Rescue Association (VRA). Get in touch with your preferred stud if you would like to go along. On Sunday 13 August the Festival of the Fleeces committee presented a $4000 cheque to each of the rescue services in front of about 35 people at the VRA shed in Merriwa. Scarecrow Day at Murrurundi Murrurundi Public School is holding a Scarecrow Day 2017. Teachers and students have been busy making entries, with one from every class. The community is also welcome to participate and it’s thought a record 100 entries could be reached this year. School Principal Leeanne Batho says she’s more excited than her students about Scarecrow Day which will be held at 11am on Friday 1st September. ‘We have many pledges of support from local business houses and clubs.This year we are adding to an already successful formula with additional stalls including a lemonade, plant and cake stalls and a barbecue.
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