3608 culverts, sluices, pipes, conduits, pits, cesspools, Mitcham, at or near to the bridge over the Wandle, and other works connected therewith, for conduct- on the turnpike-road from Tooting to -Sutton. ing and collecting sewerage water and sewage, and 12. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to a other matters; that is to say, a main sewer^ or point on the road from Mitcham to Merton, nearly drain commencing in the parish and town -iof opposite to a .cottage and garden in the occupation Croydon, and county of Surrey, at or upon or near of Mrs. Eliza Ness, with the four following branch to a certain piece of ground belonging to Charles drains therefrom respectively, terminating as fol- Chatfield, Esquire, and in the occupation of Robert lows :—1. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to Fuller, Esquire, by a junction with an old open Phipp's-bridge. 2. In the parish of Morden, at drain or sewer, adjoining to, or near to a liquid or near to the cottages situate about 150 yards to manure tank, and situate at the back of High- the north-east of the Morden Snuff-mills, or Rut- street, Croydon, on the North thereof, and passing ter's Snuff-mills. 3. In the same parish of Mor- in or nearly in the ^direction or line following ; den, at" or near to the said last-mentioned snuff- that is to say: to, or near to, or by, or upon the old mills. 4. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to or disused tramway, formerly known as the Surrey Ravensbury Manor House. 13. In the parish of Iron Railway, and Croydon and Merstham Railway, Merton, at or near to the Merton Abbey Mills. or tramway, or one of them, and through or near 14. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to the to Beddington Park, and by or upon the road from bridge over the Wandle, on the turnpike-road Garshalton to Mitch am, to or near to Mitcham, and from London to Epsom. 15. In the same by or upon the course or line of the disused tram- parish of Mitcham, upon or near to the turnpike- way formerly known as the Surrey Iron Railway, road from London to Epsom, about 460 yards to the turopike-road from London to Epsom, near east of the " ^Single G-ate." 16. In the parish to the "Single Gate" at Merton, and by or of Merton, at or near to Merton Abbey, with upon such last-mentioned road to the road a branch therefrom to t^e 'flour-mill, in the from Merton to Wandsworth, and by or upon parish of Wimbledon, situate on the Wandle, such last-mentioned road to Wandsworth, and about 400 yards below Merton-bridge, and another to terminate there by a junction with the river branch therefrom to the Print Works, in Merton Thames, at or near to a certain wharf on the aforesaid, near to the works or buildings called or 8aid river Thames, now in the occupation of known as the " Copper Mills." 17. In the parish William Randal Wood, situate about one hundred of Wimbledon, at or near to the copper mills, in yards to the East of the confluence of the said the occupation of Edmund Pontifex and others. river Wandle with the Thames ; together with 18. In the parish of Wimbledon, at or near to the branch sewers or drains following from the the printing works on the Wandle, about 500 said last described main sewer, or drain, or com- yards below the last-mentioned copper mills. municating therewith; that is to say: the branch 19. In the parish of Mitcham, at or near to the sewers or drains in the same county respectively, turnpike-gate called " Pig's Marsh Gate," or terminating as follows:—1. In the parish and " Fig's Marsh Gate," with a branch therefrom, town of Croydon, at or near to the " Old Palace," terminating in the same parish of Mitcham, at or at Croydon, now in the occupation of Messrs. upon the turnpike-road from London to Epsom, Starey and Oswald. 2. In the same parish and about 700 yards west of where Garret-lane joins town of Croydon, at or near to the west end of the said road, and with another branch therefrom, the lane known as " Pump Pail," in the old town terminating also at or upon the said road, about of Croydon. 3. In the hamlet of Waddon, parish 250 yards east of the said point of junction of of Croydon, on or near to the road from Thornton Garret-lane with the said road. 20. In the parish Heath to Waddon, opposite or nearly opposite to of Wandsworth, otherwise All Saints. Wands- Waddon Court farm buildings. 4. In the parish worth, at or near to the Garret Oil Mills, on the of Beddington, at or near to Beddington, with a Wandle. 21. In the same parish of Wansworth, branch therefrom terminating at or near to Bed- at or near to the parchment works upon the dington Snuff Mill, in the same parish of Bedding- Wandle, about 600 yards below the last-described ton. 5. In the parish of Carshalton, on or near oil mills. 22. In the parish of Wandsworth, other- to the road from Carshalton to Mitcham, opposite wise All Saints, Wandsworth, at or upon a certain Carshalton House, with a branch therefrom termi- yard or place for horse slaughtering in the occupa- nating at Wallington Mill, in the hamlet of Wal- tion of — Wallis, upon or near to the said river lington, parish 5bf Beddington. 6. In the parish Wandle. 23. In the parish of Wandsworth, of Carshalton, on or near to the said last-mentioned otherwise All Saints, Wandsworth, at or near to road at or neareto Carshalton House, with four Wandsworth Paper Mills. 24. In the last-men- branches therefrom, one terminating at or near to tioned parish, at or near to the cottages or build- Hack-bridge Green, *fanother at or near to Hack- ings situate about 200 yards to the west of Wands- bridge Mills, both in the hamlet of Wallington, worth Upper Mill. 25. In the said last-mentioned parish of Beddington; another at or near to Hack- parish, at or near to the east side of the bridge bridge, on the west bank of the River Wandle, in over the Wandle, in High-street, Wandsworth. the parish of Carshalton, and a fourth in the said Also a main sewer or drain commencing in the parish of Carshalton, upon or near to the road last-mentioned parish, at or near to the west side fromijWallington to Carshalton Snuff Mill, about of the last described bridge, and terminating at or 250 yards to the south of the last-mentioned mill. near to the back of the garden or yard attached to 7. In the said parish of Carshalton, at or near to the premises, numbered 11, Haydon's-buildings, the Flour-mills and other buildings on the Wandle Wandsworth, in the said last-mentioned parish, immediately -below Hack-bridge. 8. In the with a branch therefrom to or near to the draw- hamlet of Wallington, parish of Beddington, at or dock, at Wandsworth, in the same parish; all near to the buildings on or near to the Wandle, which several main sewers or drains, and branch immediately below the last-described Flour-mills. sewers or drains hereinbefore described, and the 9. In the parish of Carshalton, at or near to the said several works in connection therewith, are mills and other works on the Wandle, at or near intended to be made and maintained, or will pass to Beddington Corner. 10. In the parish of from, in, through, or into the parishes and extra- Mitcham, at or near to the Drug Mills and other parochial and other places following, or some of works near the Wandle, about 300 yards below them, in the said county of Surrey; that is to say : Be'ddington Corner. 11. In the same parish of Cfoydon, otherwise Saint John the Baptist, Croy-.
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