Historic St. James at Sag Bridge Church 10600 S. Archer Avenue | Lemont, Illinois 60439-9344 | (Ph) 630.257.7000 | (Fx) 630.257.7912 Email: [email protected] | Website: www.historicstjames.org Facebook: https://Facebook.com/Saint James At Sag Bridge January 28, 2018 Mass Schedule Fourth Ordinary Sunday WEEKENDS: Saturdays: 5:00pm Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30am HOLY DAYS: 8:15am & 7:00pm WEEKDAYS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:15am & Fridays 6:00pm WEDNESDAY: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 5:00-7:00pm, w/Confessions at 6:30pm & Mass at 7:00pm. CONFESSION SCHEDULE: Wednesdays 6:00-7:00pm & Saturdays 9:30-10:15am Otherwise by appointment BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS & FUNERALS: Contact the rectory office at (630.257.7000) SICK & HOMEBOUND PASTORAL CARE: Please notify rectory. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri: 9:30am to 1:00pm. CLERGY: Fr. Tom Koys, Pastor Fr. Edward Gleeson, Pastor Emeritus Fr. Robert Coleman, Resident Deacon John Wilkinson, C.K.M. Deacon Doug Szarzynski St. James’ Join Us for Our 16th Annual Family SuperBowl Party SUNDAY, FEB 4, 2018 Watch the game on 4 Big Screens Buffet Style Dinner by Falco’s Pizza Raffles & Prizes throughout the night. Donations are $20.00ea. or $50.00 Family Plan, REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE 2018 (2 adults + 2 kids) Signup Sheet will be in back ************************************* of church. Doors open at 4pm at Saginaw Hall. SATURDAYS — 5:00 PM DONATIONS NEED FOR RAFFLE (GIFT CARDS ETC.) SUNDAYS — 8:00AM, 9:30AM & 11:30AM Page Two January 28, 2018 FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR, FR. THOMAS KOYS, M.A.,S.T.L. In a most amazing discovery, archeologists have discov- lively panel discussion and was billed as “An Imperial ered some well preserved ancient documents from the sec- Conversation” that included two days of workshops and ond century. Apparently, a number of highly educated discussions among Roman leaders. leaders of the early church were conducting surveys and Although some parts of the ancient manuscripts are diffi- recording data in an attempt to discover the reasons why cult to read clearly, it is commonly agreed that one of many of the young adult members of the Roman Empire Rome’s top philosophers, Bigus Egotisticus is quoted as were not joining the new movement called Christianity. A advising the Pontiff to adapt his new religion to better suit number of the presbyters and their team of assistants gave a the classic Roman citizen’s lifestyle. He said, “I don’t think report to one of Pope Linus’ committees on outreach to the that you will grow this new religion around an institutional disaffiliated citizens of the empire. After careful transla- framework that calls for worship on a particular day, place tion, here are some of the findings that might be of benefit and time. Between the market place, the forum, the bath to our contemporary efforts in evangelization. houses and plays at the amphitheater, the life of the typical The report indicated that many young Roman citizens did Roman young person is in constant flux. Instead of insist- not want to identify with the new Christian sect. In listen- ing that Sunday is the “Lord’s Day” you Christians should ing sessions across the empire, many of these young citi- be more flexible and stop with the often repeated phrase zens expressed uneasy feelings because they have known a “the one true God”. No one is jumping on that chariot wag- number of their friends who did join the new Christians, on.” The Pope thanked the panel and said that he would but mysteriously they never saw their friends again. Ru- sleep on it. mors, they contend abound, that many of these new Chris- (anonymous source) tians were brought to the Roman Coliseum and used in the wild frenzied sporting events as food for bears and lions. FIRST COMMUNION REMINDERS The report indicates that 36 % of these young Roman citi- zens want nothing to do with such a crazy religion that Mon, 1/29/18 Practice for 1st Penance & seems to require great self-sacrifice, even to the point of 6:30pm 1st Confirmation parents’ meeting. what some of these Christians call “martyrdom”. However, Sat, 2/3/18 Liturgy of 1st Penance (aka 1st Confes- 24 % said that they would gladly join the Christians if they 11:00am sion; aka 1st Reconciliation could continue to frequent the Roman Forum on Imperial holidays, especially when the fertility gods were wor- Mon, 2/5/18 1st Communion parents’ meeting shipped. Others said they remembered some of the Chris- 6:30pm tian habits and rituals when they were children but that the Christian belief that they were eating the flesh of their Great talk by Damon Owens on the Theology of the Body, “savior-god” made them sick to their stomachs. at St. Gerald’s (9320 S 55th Ct, Oak Lawn) on Tuesday, This ancient document listed a number of findings which Feb 6, 7pm. brought the Pope significant bad news. 1) Approximately 13% of these young Roman citizens 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal between 18 and 25 stated they had some experience with “Come, Follow Me” attending Christian communities but felt it wasn’t serving Please spend some time this week reflecting on the Annual their needs as future Senators, tutors to the nobility or glad- iators. Catholic Appeal brochure that you received with your bulletin. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much 2) 65% if those survey said that they stopped identifying different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge with the Christians between the ages of 13 to 20 when they discovered what the real meaning of “chastity” meant. campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments. 3) 33% said that they completely gave up on the Chris- The ACA theme for 2018 is “Come, Follow Me.” Each tians, meaning they are done, finished, rejecting just about pledge makes a difference because all parishes participate in any religious affiliation, unless they could find a religion the campaign and the gifts of many enable our Archdiocese to that gave them their own individual authority to make rules deliver needed ministries and services to answer Jesus’ call and beliefs. to “Come, Follow Me.” After our parish goal of $ 14,468 is 4) More than half of those sharing their feelings at the reached in cash, 100% of any additional funds come back to Imperial listening sessions stated they are looking for other our parish to help to fund our needs. faith expressions or practices that better align with their If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete sense of spirituality. Most young people need to find good paying jobs, and they know that if they were accused of it and mail it back or bring it to Mass next weekend. For those disobedience to Emperor Septimus Serverus’ edict against of you that did not receive a mailing or have not had time to Christians, it would look very bad on their resume. respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all The report was presented to Pope Linus before an audience Masses next weekend. Thank you for your prayerful consider- of several hundred invited guests. The session included a ation and generous response. Our Weekly Offertory collection from the weekend of January 21st was $2,364.00. The number of envelopes collected was 93. OUR MANY THANKS TO OUR REGISTERED FAMILIES USING ENVELOPES & THE CASH-AND-CARRY FOLKS. Our CHURCH CLEANERS FOR FRIDAY –2/02/18 Are Diane, Sandy, Chris, Bronislawa & volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the rectory office at 630.257.7000. VOTIVE OFFERINGS FORTHE WEEK OF 1/28/18 St. James Altar & Rosary Society Get Well Karyn Cimaroli In Loving Memory of Joe Aiello In Memory of Lillian Simanavicius Our beautiful bouquets of flowers surrounding our altar were made available by the PARISHIONERS OF ST. JAMES Fourth Ordinary Sunday Page Three they include many nuns—who are either soft on abortion or reso- Mens’ Lenten Day of Reflection lutely in the pro-abortion camp. Saturday, February 17th It is important to note this reality because there are some social St. James at Sag Bridge, Saginaw Hall justice activists who would like to hijack the pro-life cause by push- Reception at 9:00AM ~ Lunch provided ing their own ideological ambitions. The poor, the environment, ra- $20.00 Donation cial discrimination, world peace—these are all worthy concerns—but The Catholic communities of Lemont cordially invite you to a they are best addressed by organizations dedicated to such mat- Lenten Day of Recollection for men. Recollection means “re- ters. They should not be an appendage to a movement whose pri- collecting” our thoughts, concerns, priorities from the demands mary interest is to protect the life of the unborn. of the world and placing them in God's hands. It is a time of re- No one has been more vocal in his determination to convince the ordering our commitments and reminding ourselves to put God pro-life community that it must embrace the social justice agenda first above all else. Our day will include the Sacrament of Rec- than John Gehring. He is a left-wing activist who works for Faith in onciliation, Eucharistic Adoration, Benediction, time for personal Public Life, an outfit funded by the atheist and pro-abortion billion- reflection and Mass. aire, George Soros. Featured Speakers On the eve of the March for Life, we can always count on Gehring to ▪ Deacon Neil Rogers, St. Cyril & Methodius make his pitch.
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