15838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 12 June 23, 2009 SENATE—Tuesday, June 23, 2009 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was period for the transaction of morning no intervening action or debate, and called to order by the Honorable RO- business. Senators will be allowed to that any statements relating to the LAND W. BURRIS, a Senator from the speak for up to 10 minutes each. Repub- bill be printed in the RECORD. State of Illinois. licans will control the first 30 minutes The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and the majority will control the next pore. Without objection, it is so or- PRAYER 30 minutes. The Senate will be in re- dered. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- cess from 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. today The amendment (No. 1364) was agreed fered the following prayer: to allow for weekly caucus luncheons. to. Let us pray. We will continue to work on an agree- (The amendment is printed in today’s Gracious God, Ruler of all nature, ment to consider the legislative appro- RECORD under ‘‘Amendments Sub- protect our Senators from the seduc- priations bill today. Senators could ex- mitted.’’) tive influences of power and prestige. pect votes in relation to that bill dur- The amendment was ordered to be Today, deliver them from the delusion ing today’s session. engrossed and the bill to be read a of self-importance which their position third time. and status subtly nurture. Remind f The bill (H.R. 1777), as amended, was them of the example of the greatest MAKING TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS read the third time and passed. man who ever lived. He said: ‘‘Those TO THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACT f who would be greatest must be serv- OF 1965 CONDOLENCES TO WASHINGTON ants of all.’’ In disagreement and con- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- frontation, help them to respect and METRO CRASH VICTIMS imous consent that the HELP Com- esteem each other as they struggle to- Mr. REID. Mr. President, before we mittee be discharged from further con- gether for the resolution of complex turn to legislative matters, I wish to sideration of H.R. 1777. issues. Lord, give them the humility to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without express my personal condolences and know that no one has a monopoly on objection, it is so ordered. The clerk those of the Senate to the people af- Your truth and that all need each other will report the bill by title. fected by yesterday’s tragedy, and that to discover Your guidance together. The legislative clerk read as follows: was a lot of people. That tragedy took We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. place on the Washington Metro system. A bill (H.R. 1777) to make technical correc- f tions to the Higher Education Act of 1965, Nine people were killed and scores PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and for other purposes. more injured yesterday evening as they simply made their way home during There being no objection, the Senate The Honorable ROLAND W. BURRIS led rush hour. The accident has shaken proceeded to consider the bill. the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: this city and this body. Like so many Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I rise to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the other commuters, many who work on United States of America, and to the Repub- speak in support of this bill and our Capitol Hill rely on the Metro system lic for which it stands, one nation under God, need to make important technical cor- every day. It has been reliable, and it indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. rections to the Higher Education Op- has been safe. My heart goes out to the f portunity Act. I thank Senator KEN- families who lost loved ones and those NEDY for his willingness to approach APPOINTMENT OF ACTING who were injured. As we learn more this bill in a bipartisan manner, I al- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE about what caused this terrible acci- ways believe that working together we The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dent, we will work to ensure it never produce a better policy. clerk will please read a communication Any time this body considers a bill happens again. to the Senate from the President pro that has over 1,000 pages, there is f tempore (Mr. BYRD). bound to be a need to do some ‘‘clean The legislative clerk read the fol- HEALTH CARE lowing letter: up’’ and to correct unintended con- Mr. REID. Mr. President, this new sequences. Fortunately, we were also year began with so much hope. When U.S. SENATE, provided an opportunity to broaden PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, we began the 111th Congress, I had Washington, DC, June 23, 2009. benefits to the children who have lost a hoped Republicans would leave their To the Senate: parent in either Iraq or Afghanistan Republican games in the 110th Con- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, since 2001. It is important that we do gress. I had hoped they would have lis- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby all we can to support these individuals tened when the American people re- appoint the Honorable ROLAND W. BURRIS, a whose families have made the ultimate viewed their record and said no to the Senator from the State of Illinois, to per- sacrifice for our country. I am appre- form the duties of the Chair. party of no. ciative of Senators BURR and ALEX- ROBERT C. BYRD, I wrote the following at the time, President pro tempore. ANDER for their leadership in getting this past January: Mr. BURRIS thereupon assumed the this bill done. We have no choice but to govern dif- A college education is not a luxury in chair as Acting President pro tempore. ferently. The times demand it. If we do not the 21st century economy. It is a neces- govern differently, we will have taken no f sity. This bill will improve the ability good lessons from the bad experience of the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY of our student assistance programs to Bush years. LEADER function and meet the needs of institu- That goes for Republicans and Demo- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tions of higher education, students and crats alike. pore. The majority leader is recog- their families. In my first address to this Chamber nized. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- this year, I reminded both Republicans imous consent that the substitute and Democrats that when we retreat to f amendment, which is at the desk, be partisanship, when we fail to reach for SCHEDULE agreed to, the bill, as amended, be read common ground, we rob ourselves of Mr. REID. Mr. President, following a third time and passed, the motion to the ability to create the change the leader remarks, the Senate will be in a reconsider be laid upon the table, with American people demanded. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:56 Oct 20, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S23JN9.000 S23JN9 wreier-aviles on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 23, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 12 15839 As the health care debate approached licans and Democrats, dealing with pro- The party of no is showing no inter- in April, I reached out to our Repub- motion of tourism and creating jobs and pro- est in sitting down with us at the nego- lican colleagues and wrote this: moting this country’s economic interests by tiating table. The party of no has asking international tourists to come to Rather than just saying no, you must be shown no interest in legislating. And I America and see what America is all about— willing to offer concrete and constructive if we can’t agree on that, how on Earth will am most concerned that the party of proposals. We cannot afford more of the ob- we get agreements on energy, health care, no has shown no interest in helping the structionist tactics that have denied or de- climate change, and so on? It is so dis- millions of people who have no insur- layed Congress’ efforts to address so many of appointing. the critical challenges facing this nation. ance and the 20 million who are under- insured and the millions more who are Last week, I reminded the other side I don’t know if anyone could put it paying too much for health care they that our hands remain outstretched any better than Senator DORGAN did. I could lose with one pink slip, one acci- across the aisle. I assured them we still couldn’t. Reforming health care and pursuing dent, or one illness. Millions of people save them a seat at the negotiating energy independence are daunting are afraid they are going to lose their table. And just yesterday, I encouraged insurance. That is what this debate is our Republican friends to join with us tasks. No one claims it is simple, but about. It is not just about people who to pass an important bill that would nearly everyone knows it is essential. promote foreign travel to the United No one claims the answer is obvious, have no insurance, it is about people States—creating jobs, reducing our def- but everyone knows we must work to- who have insurance, to keep it. In the icit, and strengthening our economy in ward one. Yet, if Republicans refuse to last 8 years, the number of uninsured the process.
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