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Vessel Just 300 Feet Off Grosse Pointe Club; , School Board President .ault and assault with Intent Robert F. Weber stated Body Recovered to kill, Wednesday, after ter. that ad~tailed survey of rorWng a reluctant girl friend. One person was drowned. and five others were the entire Grosse Pointe Tbe lo-year veteran of the rescued when their outboard motor boat was swamped Public School System's'im. Traffic Bureau is married and has onp child. The girl friend. about 300 feet off the dock 0.£ the Grosse Pointe Club on mediate and future needs Patricia Kingsbury. 22, said Saturday, August 1. ., for. additional physical fa~ that she tried to break off her Dead is Dewey Phelps, 62, of W-.oods G:ven cHities has been in progress relationship with Bush after 3452 Hart, DetroIt, who was " since mid winter. Members she .learned he was married. 'considered a good swImmer, of the Board of Education, BUlh is accused of fIrIng four and who gave life jackets to W t R t interested c it i zen s, and .hots at her when she tried to the others in the boat with him. a er a e Rescued were: the boat own. school administrators are drive away from him after a continuing this important predawn argument, Sunday. er, Raymond L. McLanahan, 42, H ;ke Not;ce of 3462 Lycaste, Detroit; his" " undertaking through the • • • daughters, Doona, B, and :Mar. Friday, Jul,. 31 sununer in preparation for line, 10; Louis Phelps, 12, son th(;l openmg of school in SENATE DEMOCRATS have of the drowned man; and Claude Detroit Advises Increase blCK:ltedthe linal Senate action September. Whitman, 42, of 3453 Hart, De- Will Probably Become A major concern of school oC the use (sales) tax program, troit. ending hopes for a weekend Effective November I officials is to insure that all McLanahan and the children children in the district con~ .ettlement of the six month were rescued by Charles Jack- tax battle, Thursday. The House The City Co u n c Ii of tinue to have an equitable op-. son of 7754 Heyden, Detroit; port unity to receive a first class has adjourned untIl Tuesday, and Joseph Miller of 221 S. Wi[. Grosse Pointe Woods an- education. In some inst:mces August 4 and the Senate Is still _ liamsbury, Birmingham; and nounced at -its August 3 there arc serious,prohlems con- debating. Whitman was saved by Wayne meeting that a letter had fronting the commllnity imme. "We'U pass the package Waleryck of 867 Washington been, received fro m the Monday night and then it'll go diately while otners are still ~n road: John Harty; 18, of 552 City of Detroit concerning to conference committee," said the developmental stage but University; and Robert Jose, 19, an increase in suburban Senate Majority leader Frank of 19191 E. Outer drive, Detroit. whose arrival can safely be pre- water rates. dicted. D. Beadle (R. St. Clair). Thurs- Swamped by Wake day, it was indicated by House Though the increase Is not Pilpils Transferred While the Pointe and surrounding areas bask and all equipment pertalning to dr01ight and h~at and The boat owner said his craft, Democrats that a compromlse definite, the suburbs have been "We found it necessary' last under the hot lun of summer, the picture above fore-- a 14-aluminum boat powered by might be possible without the concentrate on the non.gardening, non-lawn-mowing notified that formal action on spring to plan to shift two the other extreme-cold winter. Just looking at a 25-horsepower motor, was corporate profits tax that tbe tells season that lies ahead. the adjustment is impending. rooms of elementary school swamped by the wake or larger this scene is almost enough to make one put away fans It would become effective on all children out oC their district to House included and that the < 1 • boat off the Grosse Pointe Club bills rendered on and after Nov_ other buildings next fall," Mr. senate Republicans threw out. dCK:kas they were enroute to thepicn!e area of the ,Farms ember,l, 1959. Weber said. "Both groups would normally be at Poupard School. sawrd:J:A~l Pier-Park. Aboard the boat were The Park and Shores have Pointe Gets, W.ood" s-Shores ..Tiger.s Take Comp~ints However, crowded conditions HOUSE REPUBLICANS, in ' ' "-' - 1 In- ,-, Ci Littl" Lea fOod and refreshments, a Farms also been notified. The Farms police report revealed. has its own water pumping stat- there leave 'us noalternntlve but to put.one.,class in Mason ::;~:~:;.r:~tl~'::/~PortiOn of, 'ter- ,.ty -. ',.,e.,." ... gue Jboul Dogs ,..The wake .01 the other boat lon and the Cltyof G r 0 5 5 e sent water over the transom of Pointe buys its water from the School and another at Parcells. McLanahan;s boat. He speeded Farms. We hope both shifts will be ~r:,~:~:~~n:f~e~c:S~ie--Fund Title. Winning Two Games temporary." Kennedy. Kennedy appeared On Increase up, but the increase in speed The Woods Council Js looking , "Ferry School is another recently on Jack Paar'a Tonight -- Be t F I d' d P k Wh't So ' Pia ff - - - lowered the stern and water into the proposed increase in show and made a plea urging. Five Local Municipalities,' a lIrm$ : n h,,-,S,lIn ,ar, I e x In yo s; Nine Rtported in Week in poured in, sending the boat rates in an effort to determine buildlng ~xperlencing growth problems," .Weber added. "Next the prssage of a strong labor' To Spnt $59,140 for Hit Batte~ w:ith Bases. Ful~Forces in City: Ponee say, It Is to the bottom. how much the' City of Grosse All five were in the water fall the instrumental mush: bill. Republicans feel that, after Streets IInd Upkeep Winning Tally In Final Probably Coincidence Po J n t e Woods will have to the mail response received by about 10 -mInutes before res- charge its residents to keep room will be used as a r'~gular classroom and the music pro- Congress as a result of the TV The Tigers of the Woods-Shores Little League . -- • cuers reached them. it was said. pace with the increase. grllm must be carried un in the appearance, the passage o( an The. State Highway proved their right to the Grosse Poip.te Inter-City The an. m- Coast Guard Called De- ~lty reported gymnasium on the small stage even stronger bill will be en- partment has begun tlle championship by getting up off the floor to win two crease m dog compIamts Fanns Det. Sgt. George Van we have there. The library is dangered. The deluge of mail distribution of Motor Vehi- games in the playoffs. ----------- over thE: last week. For the Tiem said that the Coast Guard Algae Blamed similarly displaced. A tempo- was notified immediately and received by Congress after de Fund collections for the They first beat the Farms r with the bases full as Johnson week. of July 27 thro~gh rary arrangement for shelving dragging operations were com- Kennedy's urge to "write your second quarter of 1959 to Indians by coming from be- was hit by a pitched ball, forcing August. 3, there were nme For Water Taste the books has been made at Congressman," is the greatest the counties, and incor- hInd paced by "Mike" John- in the winning tally. complamts, and the aver- menced by 7:20 p. m., but with- out success. the end of a second floor hall- since President Truman flrecl porated cities and villages son'; three run homer, on July In the semi-final, the Farms age has been five per way. Other buildings, ,such a!I In the meantime, the five res- CItizens or' the Farms, CIty Gen. MacA~hu~. • of Michigan, according to 28. In the finals against the team jumped off to ... four run week.. ' cued persons were taken to Bon and High[and Park are in. Richard and Maire, have \ long Sunela,., AUlllSt Z information released by the Park White Sox on July 30, lead when they combined. four Four. dog bites three stray Secours Hospital where they formed that the unpalatable been deprived of their libraries BOTH MANAGEMENT AND Department. they took adva.ntage .of eight walks with a double by Chris dogs and two dogs running at were treated for shock nnd ex. taste in their drinking water and ev'~n have used space lor LABOR have been accused by The five. Pointes are due for wal1ts and a pall' of SIngles to Lee and a single by Ken De.
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