August 3, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1739 TRIBUTE TO FAYGO BEVERAGES number of children covered by SCHIP to 11 to its most celebrated player—Karch Kiraly. It million. Passing this bill will mean a real in- is with great pleasure that I acknowledge his HON. SANDER M. LEVIN vestment for our children, our seniors, and, in- accomplishments and congratulate him on his OF MICHIGAN deed, our Nation. retirement from professional beach volleyball. I urge ‘‘yes’’ vote on the CHAMP Act. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He will cap his illustrious career with the Asso- f ciation of Volleyball Professionals later this Friday, August 3, 2007 month, with a final appearance at the AVP AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- Mr. LEVIN. Madam Speaker, Faygo Bev- Manhattan Beach Open—a tournament he has MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- erages is part of our Michigan tradition, and I won an impressive eight times. ISTRATION, AND RELATED rise today to recognize their 100 years of op- With 148 domestic and international vic- AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS erations. tories under his belt, Karch Kiraly is the ACT, 2008 Faygo was founded in Detroit on November winningest player in the history of the game. 4, 1907 as Feigenson Brothers Bottling Works SPEECH OF Remarkably, he has not only won more often by Russian immigrants Ben and Perry than anyone else, but he has won tour- Feigenson. The original flavors of Faygo, Fruit HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON naments in each of the last four decades—a Punch, Strawberry and Grape, were based on OF MISSISSIPPI feat many consider to be unrepeatable. Clear- cake frosting recipes used by the Feigensons IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ly, this three-time Olympic gold medalist and in Russia. That is why these, and the flavors Thursday, August 2, 2007 six-time AVP MVP richly deserved induction to they developed later, were and still are so The House in Committee of the Whole the Volleyball Hall of Fame in 2001, six years unique. House on the State of the Union had under before his retirement. Throughout the 20th century, Faygo steadily consideration the bill (H.R. 3161) making ap- The AVP Manhattan Beach Open is one of increased its production line. They coined the propriations for Agriculture, Rural Develop- the most exciting annual events to occur in the word ‘‘pop,’’ because of the sound made when ment, Food and Drug Administration, and 36th congressional district. Each August, thou- Related Agencies programs for the fiscal opening the bottle and are credited with the sands of people flock to the beach, just steps year ending September 30, 2008, and for other from the Manhattan Beach pier, to see the spreading of the word ‘‘pop’’ instead of ‘‘soda’’ purposes: to mean ‘‘soft drink’’ in the Midwest. best players in the world compete. A victory in Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Chair- Manhattan Beach is one of the sport’s most The brothers bought their first delivery truck, man, I rise today in support of the Kingston a 1922 Ford. They produced the soda one prestigious honors, and for the last 29 years amendment. Karch Kiraly has been there vying for the day, closed the factory the next day, loaded I understand the arguments in favor of im- championship trophy. the product on a horse drawn wagon, and sold portation, but I don’t believe that the remedy it for three cents or two for a nickel. The brand From his days as a UCLA Bruin, where he to solve these problems is to open up our Na- led his team to three NCAA championships, to name changed to ‘‘Faygo’’ in the 30s, and tion’s pharmaceutical supply and distribution after that, in 1935, the company moved to the his professional career as the symbol of beach system to potentially counterfeit drugs. volleyball, Karch Kiraly has performed with un- corrent Detroit location. Now is simply not the time to open U.S. bor- common graciousness and poise. In addition To say that we are proud of Faygo is an un- ders to counterfeit prescription medicines. A to the AVP Sportsmanship Awards he re- derstatement. For those of us in Michigan, we new report by the Center for Medicines in the ceived in 1995, 1997, and 1998, Kiraly is re- grew up with it. In the 40s, ‘‘The Faygo Kid’’ Public Interest scheduled to be released Sep- garded by friends and fans alike as focused, appeared on television, with the famous De- tember 30, 2007, projects counterfeit drug troit line, ‘‘Which way did he go? Which way sales to reach $75 billion in 2010, a shocking personable, and refreshingly humble. While Karch Kiraly is retiring as an active did he go? He went for Faaaaaaygo!’’. In the 92 percent increase from 2005. 60s, Strawberry Soda changed to ‘‘Redpop.’’ According to Peter Pitts, senior fellow for player, he has no intention of leaving beach In the 70s, Faygo became pioneers of one health care studies at the Pacific Research In- volleyball. We will miss his trademark pink hat, way bottles, twist-off caps and warehouse dis- stitute and Director of the Center for Medi- but as a professional beach volleyball com- tribution. Then there’s the ‘‘Faygo Boat Song,’’ cines in the Public Interest, ‘‘The business of mentator and founder and director of the a memory for another generation. That 1970s selling fake prescription drugs to unsuspecting Karch Kiraly Academy, he will continue to play commercial featured everyday people on a consumers is burgeoning, and is a global in- an active role in influencing the sport he took Boblo Island boat singing ‘‘Remember when dustry. This underground industry represents a to new heights. you were a kid? Well, part of you still is. And major public health risk for citizens of the I am delighted to commend Karch Kiraly for that’s why we make Faygo.’’ world.’’ his successful and inspirational career. Fans Madam Speaker, as one who grew up as a The new report estimates counterfeit drug everywhere will miss seeing him playing—and kid with thousands of others on Faygo pop, I sales will grow 13 percent annually through winning—down on the sand in Manhattan ask my colleagues to join me in remembering 2010, compared to just 7.5 percent estimated Beach, CA. and congratulating this Michigan icon, Faygo annual growth for global pharmaceutical com- f Beverages, as it celebrates 100 years with merce. SUPPORTING TITLE V ABSTI- employees and their families at the Detroit This amendment is a first step towards NENCE EDUCATION PROGRAM Zoo on Sunday, August 5, 2007. opening wide the doors at our borders to drug f imports—and thus to counterfeit and adulter- ated medicines that will jeopardize Americans’ HON. ROBIN HAYES CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND health and safety. OF NORTH CAROLINA MEDICARE PROTECTION ACT We should not compromise the public’s faith IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the quality and safety of our Nation’s phar- Friday, August 3, 2007 SPEECH OF maceuticals by opening our borders, dramati- Mr. HAYES. Madam Speaker, I rise today in HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY cally increasing the availability of counterfeit support of the Title V Abstinence Education medicines. OF CALIFORNIA program. This program provides the absti- Mr. Chairman, I urge strong support for this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nence message to teens, as directed by State motion. law. Wednesday, August 1, 2007 f State law requires that North Carolina Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in KARCH KIRALY: THE GREATEST schools include in their health education pro- strong support of H.R. 3162, the Children’s PLAYER IN THE HISTORY OF gram a message aimed toward prevention of Health and Medicare Protection Act. This bill AMERICAN MEN’S VOLLEYBALL sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/ invests $50 billion in our children and our sen- AIDS, and ‘‘abstinence until marriage edu- iors. The minority has had no objections to cation.’’ Schools must stress the importance of spending half a trillion dollars in Iraq but ob- HON. JANE HARMAN parental involvement and abstinence from sex OF CALIFORNIA jects to $50 billion over 5 years for our chil- until marriage in disease prevention, as well IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dren and seniors. Where are their priorities? as teach students refusal skills and strategies Passing this bill will mean that 5 million Friday, August 3, 2007 to handle peer pressure. Curricula must teach more children who are already eligible for Ms. HARMAN. Madam Speaker, this year, that a mutually faithful monogamous hetero- SCHIP will be enrolled. That will bring the total the sport of beach volleyball will say goodbye sexual relationship in the context of marriage VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:56 Aug 04, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03AU8.036 E03AUPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E1740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 3, 2007 is the best lifelong means of avoiding diseases be eligible, schools must have at least one North Carolina Department of Public Instruc- transmitted by sexual contact. class of 7th through 12th graders, and schools tion visit school sites on an as-needed basis In fiscal year 2006, North Carolina received must comply with the Federal A–H criteria for for general monitoring. $1,248,963 in Federal title V funding. North abstinence education. Funding is distributed Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction re- The people of North Carolina have made based on the number of grades and students ceives the title V funds and uses teachers’ sal- the choice to provide an abstinence message aries as in-kind contributions to meet the re- each school has; schools receive $333 per to their teens, and title V funds help them quired Federal match.
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