THE PITTSBURGH •FfPggMii Founded in 18U by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oj Pittsburgh Diocese ssssss Yttf sa PITTSBURGH, DECEMBER 25, 1924 im Vincentians Hold DR. COAKLEY CONCLUDES HIS TRILOGY ON Quartiers Record Breaking ARCHITECTURE IN RELATION TO OUR CHURCHES McKeesport Meet Says Architects Should Know Fabrication and Origin of Material»—Even Suggests Architect Should Be Something of a Theologian. Tells of Sacred Congregation of Rites President Barry Points Out Sun 'Kilties Band of Teck" Gta» Ds- Never Sets on This Great Charity lightful Musical Treat le CfciUr** Organization of the Church The third, and, for the present, problems that constantly arise in leads one's mind back to the days aad Timi Ha« Teniae» Uff» last interview with Father Coakley building construction. He must when the arts were the repositories (Special to Ttm Pittaburvh Cath.-!l<-) in respect to traditional ecclesias- have a thorough knowledge of the of the mysteries of natural faiths, O I» Ito McKEESPORT, Pa., Dec. 20.—The tical architecture continues to sup- properties, uses and the best dispo- and then became the spontaneous port the ground taken in the two sitions of building materials. He expression of man's belief in Christ CRAFTOf 'Thu, Dec. lf^-JTIm largest meeting in the history of the children at iA. Paul's Orphan Atr- McKeesport Particular Council of preceding interviews. It will prob- must know much of the varieties of and in His Church. And the reac- ium were treated to something "dif- the St. Vincent de Paul Society was ably be remembered that in the last the several kinds of materials, their tion was most wholesome, for crafts- ferent" in the line of entertsiin—t held last Sunday afternoon, in the of these he indicated his intention to source or origin, and the best modes manship—understood as sound and Thursday, when the "Kilty Band" auditorium of the Knights of Colum- say something about the training of fabricating, installing and finish- beautiful workmanship—has a civ- from Carnegie Tech School, under bus home in McKeesport, and the that is required to fit an architect ing them. He must know why one ilizing power on moral life. Director Sullivan, gave a delightful large attendance was quite gratify- for the high office of designing sort of stone, wood, brick or iron Art is not a matter of mere ca- concert in the Asylum auditorhus. ing to the officers of the organiza- buildings that are suitable for litur- will sefve well in one place and not price or chance, but a mode of ex- The concert was given under the tion who had gone to considerable gical use. The first question, there- in another. In other words, he must pression that has developed through auspices of Chartiers Council, trouble in making arrangements for fore, was designed to remind him of know the art of building much as a the ages. In the olden days, art was his intention: craftsman knows it. The word arch- Knights of Columbus. the meeting. often man's best and only alms. The Red Masquers, of Duauesne How Can Architects Best Acquire itect really means "master builder," But What of Ecclesiastical Archi- Stephen P. Barry, president of the and, therefore, really supplies us University, will present one of their Particular Council, in his opening the Knowledge That is Requisite , tecture as Such? Christduui plays in the Asylum au- to Fit Them to Design, Erect with its own definition. Of course, Ecclesiastical architecture, as a remarks, compared the St. Vincent the architect must also be enough of ditorium on Friday afternoon of this de Paul Society to the Catholic and Equip Real Catholic separate and distinct field in the week, under the direction of Rev. Churches? a draftsman, enough of a descrip- building arts, not only involves prac- Church, stating that the sun never tive writer and enough of a director John F. Malloy, C.S.Sp. Kf set on the Church and never set on Architecture is commonly divided tically all of the technical skill, into three branches, civil, ecclesias- to communicate the general and de- training and knowledge covered by The concert was the first of two the St. Vincent de Paul Society; for tail requirements of whatsoever he holiday entertainments to be givea wherever the Church was found, tical and marine. The latter branch the term "civil architecture," but it COURT -RISTMAS JOY need not concern us save only in a designs to those who may be charged also embraces and requires a wide by Chartiers Council for the chil- there this wonderful society would with the erection of his work in the dren, and it was immensely popular al so be found, supplementing the symbolic sense. fund of special knowledge, training AGAIN PERVADES SETON field. In other and less specialized and skill in a very exact and par- with the little ones. The next event work of the Church and adding to An ecclesiastical architeect must, times, architects often actually will be held during the week after its glory. firrft of all, be a competent and ex- ticular field that lies quite outside Christmas. With Deputy Grand KATHERINE HILL COLLEGE perienced civil architect. He must played the part now reserved to the the ordinary bounds or scope of The chief speaker at the gathering builder. civil architecture. Intelligent arch- Knight Dan McGarry in chana of a was Rev. James M. Delaney, of be familiar with sound principles of fleet of autos, the Kilties, after the lice Section Presents Christmas engineering and must know how best To paraphrase what another has itectural work in the ecclesiastical Gtvee Her,; OnHaHi Pittsburgh, who held the large audi- (Continued on Page 8) concert, adjourned to the Council Ckafc far e a ' 'ibleaux at County Home—Sis- ence spellbound with his splendid to apply them in the solution of said—the spirit of craftsmanship House at Crafton and were jpiests of Mi Tender College Girls Christ« description of the shrine of the the Council and Doctor Arthur F. m Dinner Blessed Mother at Lourdes, his sub- Walsh at the annual venison dinner, Court DaqoMMi No. NI «i ject being especially appropriate to North Side Men's NOTICE Knights of Columbus which follows the annual visit of Dr. iMitl to TW Mttrtnh Catholic) the day, it being within the octave Walsh to the DuBois district deer S0ENSBURG, Pa., Dec. 23.— country. A 150-pound buck was Ssrvice Section of the Seton of the Feast of the Immaculate Con- Club Now Has a In order that the programs for To Be Santa Clans it MMenafal year urn ception. served the band and members, with te guidance et Miss College Unit of the Catholic Christmas Masses and other advance suitable "trimmings." dots' Mission Crusade, presented The McKeesport Particular Cou- Membership of 400 news of the Christmas season may For Disabled Veto _'ord, Grand mL_ Christmas Tableaux at the West- ncil is making extensive plans for be in the hands of readers of The Herman Hennessy has nocepted was tendared Mi« ¡SIS by S» 1 the holdiay season and, while its ef- the appointment as chairman of members ef the Coart on her M !^and County Home on the Catholic early, this edition of The Under Direction of Local Welfare noon of December the thir- forts in relieving the sufferings of Father Maher and Father Sullivan Catholic had to be published and Athletics of Chartiers Council and •ten to the chair for a the poor are kept up throughout the Give Support to the Acorn That is Secretary, Louis Cook, Will Visit the basketball season is in full Tim following éttptt eth, as one of their weekly en- given to the mails many hours ear- All Pittsbargh Hospitals khnients at this institution. year, it always makes special provis- Now a Sturdy Oak lier than usual. If news mailed to swing. A "Ladies' Night" card them atente* teen than ions for the needy families in its party and entertainment and an in- term, will aS Mies Ferd i Nly of the girls took part in us late is not this week included this The Knights of Columbus, under (iUving pictures of the beautiful charge at Christmas time. Christ- The North Side Men's Club, start- notice will serve to explain the formal dance are scheduled for next of the Court for the yea«. ! mas baskets will be distributed and ing like the proverbial acorn with a the direction of the local welfare month. Clara KaffP» vite »casal; | of the birth of Our Lord in the reason. secretary, Louis Cook, are playing i of Bothlehem. a Christmas treat for the children few faithful members, under the lian Hannagan, Monitor; of families in poor circumstances able leadership of Father P. E. Santa Claus all of this week, visiting Redder, prophetess; Misa After the tableaux, a Christmas will be given on Christmas morning. Maher and Father J. J. Sullivan, has CHRISTMAS MUSIC every hospital and distributing to Two Sides of the leher, historian; Inte iy wag given for the twenty lit- climbed upwards until it now has each disabled veteran of the World Carrig, treasurer; Miss chfldrcn who stay at the County become a sturdy oak, with an en- War, regardless of color or creed, a Emerald Isle Are Krfö». financial seamier** me. The Mission Unit provided Christmas Tableaux rollment of 400. The charter roll PROGRAM FOR THE Christmas package. Marion Friday, sentinel; Miaa , stoddng filled with candy and pop- stands open until December 31, and There are close to two hundred Told By Tourists Murray, organist, and lbs* trn arid a toy for each child, dis- At Saint Anselm it is hoped to make the membership EPIPHANY CHURCH boys in these hospitals whose con- Donahoe, IK Sarah McMahen, puted by Santa Claus.
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