' . Pares tt THE'lSRAELlTE PRESS . \ -- ··- ... • IN Ca ,,- FARGO'S FINEST JEWELLERS CAP11'0L-On The Rhiera. mu..'1cal comedf; f~-atut-e a\arta at 11.SO, 1.50. 3_:M. '5.50. 7.50, 9.50. Last complete show at "..,. U.S. Zionists Meet JC&nadlan cur=cy ac:ct!~ed at parl (General). • ... v. For the last three yea.rs, since the establishment of the . - ' State of !Emel. the Zionist Organization of Amerka bas GARRICK To:nahal:, drama; feature starts at i.40, 3.40 5 50 'fbS found itulf at the croJ1.aroad~. It felt that the primary task )J 9.55. Last complete Show at 9.10, (Ge:ieral). • · ' · or Zionism. the founding of "an internationall}·-guaranteed • '1 homeland in Palestine," the objective set by the First Zion- . • • • GR.~'D-On 'n'.e I~e of ~moa. drama; f~iure starts at n~. i11t C-Ongre.s.s in 1897, had been achleved, and therefore it. · l.50. t.15, 6.40, 9,05. Fut1· 0( The Congo, drama; feature staru had now to seek a reason for its continued existence. ·· 'CANADIAN VISITORS TO THE u. S. A., at 12.41, 3.06. 5.31, '1.56, 10.21. Last complete· show at 110$ ' (Adult\. , ' ·• . , Such ideological groups· within Zionism as the Labor Zionists and the !ilizr.1chi were not confronted with .the i &JR. 3~-~- 11 !13l1le issue. The Labor Zionists still have the task of sup­ i. • L'i:~.~'»7 am.sobUng Ho~e., drama: teature starts at .40, l.40. porting the Histadrut and its co-operative enterprises, • Philco and Westinghouse Radios .-..,, 5-~ 0 , 7 • 9.55. Ilast complete show at 9.lS. <Adult>. while the Mizrachi is concerned with supporting the religi­ • Sunbeam Mixmasters. Toastmasters, ou.s ill5titutions of Israel-tasks which the establishment '•; II .ODEO~-Up Front. comedy; tea~re a;.rts .; 1.30, 3.i5, G•.O, '1.50, Coffeemakers · 1 10.00. Last complete show at 9.30. (General!. • · . of the State did not redL•ce. but rather increased. .. •,. 4., ., The General Zionists, however, ne,·er pretended to any • Hamilton Watches ' JDB•. IUBBY SILVEBBEBO BABRY· SILVERBERG Abbott i;eparate ideology · within Zionism. Their aim was solely Be S!)re and see our Royal Engagement :I BEACON-The Sleeping City; and Costello 1n SOciecy. the creation of the ,Jewish State, leaving to the latter itself · OFFICIAL exp1ession of and ·appreciation Special ~'2 carat perfeet blue - white i I . (Adult). _ _ to decide its form and pg.th-religious or secular, socialis­ thanks · was voted this w~k by \Vinnipeg's UJA Committee Ladies' Diamond Ring at ~175.00, and a i"'. COLLEGE--Oh, You Beautiful Doll, color, musical; Great Dan tic or capitalistic. · to Mr. and l\'.lrs, Harry Silverberg for the latter's gen­ matching Five-Diamond \\'edding. Ring 'I Patch, drama. (General). Seeking now specific .functions for itself, the Z.O.A. - ,. .. ,. erosity in assuming all expenses of the successful UJA at only $37.50. · ' • 4 4 • . ... ,. • also made an attempt to become "ideological" in the nar­ workers' _Rally_ and Theatre Party held 'last week in i PAL..\CE-Eagle And The Hawk, color, drama; Dude& Are Pretty l'ower sense of the term-·and, we. understand, the trend Northmam Dnve-In. ?.fr. and l\lrs. Harry ·Silverberg. Serving the North-west i'or 33 Years People, comedy. (Oenerall. · represented and led by Rabbi Hillel Silver and Dr. Em~­ acted as hosts for the affair. · ... 4. ., ,. • • ,. uel 1'eumann was particularly inclined in this direction. 69 Broadway F argo, N •.D RIALT()-KIM Of Death, d.ram!I; feature starts at 12.211, ;,48, 7,03, This would have been the support of private enterprise 10.20. Fury At Furnace Creek, drama; feature starts at 2.13, all a basis for the development of Israel, in opposition to 5.30, 8.47, Last complete &how at 8."7. (Adult), · · the co-operative trend of the Histadrut. ln-10 Years . ,.,,., ... • 4 ... Attempts in this direction were made at one of the most CHOP SUEV ROXY-Montana, color, western; Great Rupert, comedy. (General), ,,,., ,,,. ,.,,., recent. conventions of the Z.O.A., but· we do not know HOUSE • e,e, .. WO.: FAINIJNl(JNC. , . ' whether they sµcceeded to any degree, although a number . TIMES-Come To The Stables, drama; The Plunderers, oolor, of settlements were founded with their support in Israel on BILLION drama, (Oenera!J. ihe blll!is of private initiative (even though the fact of $ R:AiSED ,., ,,,.,.,.,,, ... + ., ,.,,.,. ,, ... ., national support is in itself a denial of the concept of "pri­ TOWE~-Plnky, dralna; Travelling Saleswoman, comedy. (AduUl. ;ate" initiative). MAKE IT A DATE ..... • The Z.O.A. also set itttelf as a new task Jewish cultural BY .WELFARE FUNDS VALOUR-How Green Waa l\ly Valley, drama. (Adult). and educational activity in America itself. Despite the good ' f...., • NEW YORK <Special) - 'More During the lr.tter half of the "OFTEN - resolutions at the latest conventions, however, we have not than one b!lllon dollars was raised past decade, . the welfare funds 257 KJNG ST,, WINNIPEG DELUXE-Goodbye Mr. Chips, drama; North of the Great Divide, Phone 25538 Jieard of anything sub:itantial having oeen done in this by organized Jewillh · welfare allocated ·about St90 mllllon-61 drama. ( General) • ' the :, ____Ill! field, or even tbat any serious efforts were made. tunda of Unlt,ed. States and Ci!.llada. per cent ot the $800 million they · THE z.o.A., H()\VEVER, .FOUND ANOTHER IM­ during the past 10 years to meet raised In those years-to the portan~ reason for its continued existence. Israel will still urgent Jewish needs In· Israel, United Jewish Appeal t«> carry out need for many years political and economic aid from out­ Europe and at home, It Is reported Its global . program of rescue re• by Julian Freeman, Indianapolis, habllltation, care and l!nmlgr;tlon side, particularly from America. And who better can be president of Council of Jewish Mr. Freeman statetL For the full entrusted with mobilizing this assistance than the Zionist Federations and Welfare FUnds. IO-year period, the UJA received Organization which carried on this very work with such Citing an analysis ot 10 years of approximately $590 million of the loyalty and devotion, and with such success, until now? central Jewish tund raising pre­ one bllllon· dollars raised: It is true that now, with the founding of the State of pared by the Council, Mr, Free­ In addition, other overseas Israel, the latter has become the common cause of all Jew­ man pointed out that approxi­ caUBes during the past decade ry. Yesterday's non-Zionists and even most of the anti­ mately $225 million was contrl• w~re granted $24 mllllOll by Jew- Zionists today have become close friends of the Jewish buted during the period of 1941- ish Welfare Funds, Including $8;. -45, ad $800 mllllo trom 1946-50, 000,000 for agencies. operat!ng 11' , State, supporting it politically and materially. all parts of the V170r\i;l, e:ireluding · But these "new-found friends," the Zionists argued, are Drives Top 1950 At the same time, Mr. Freeman IBrl,lel; and $16,000,ood'for organi­ unreliable. The same loyalty and devotion cannot be ex­ disclosed that commun1tles report zations whose programs were de­ voted exclUBively -to :Israel. pected from them as froin those who worked for the State 1951 campaign results still run­ Jong before when it appe~ed to be a far-distant dream. The ning ahead ot last year'a pace, On the national scene, the Jew­ General Zionists thus would and should continue to play the when a total of $140 million waa ish communities allocated $4'! million over the ten year period --- leading role and be the driving force of aid to Israel. ralsed. tor such activities as community • David Ben-Gurion, prime minister of Israel, however, Spring campaigns are now 70 to relations, health' and welfare, minimized this role during his visit to America. During 90 per cent complete, he added. Jewish education, Jewish religion his tour across the country he never mentioned even once The two principal reasons for and culture, community center the Zionist movement in his many addresses, and when, at the more than 250 per cent-or programs, aid to servicemen\ and a farewell gatherimr of two hundred of the most promin­ almost three-fold Increase-In con­ women In the U.S. Armed Forces. ent Zionist leaders. prior to his departure, . he 'Was asked tributions · during . the 1946-50 Similarly, the Welfare · FUnds', about. tlij.s' omission, he frankJt admitted ·that he did it :.~od, · Mr. ·neeman eXlpla!ned, , utll!zed-a ~Wllltanitatpart ofthelr, ,-·'· intentionally. .· , .. .. , · · .· .:·were: : t Income to' meet. urgent needs In ·, He made .it clear that he ·considers· the non-Zionists (and Undertook Aid Jobs their : own locaL communities. he noted the American Jewish Committee by name) as a • American Jewry, primarily' During the past decade they more important factor in aid to I~rael,;and set only smaller tllrough Welfare Funds assumed provided local agencies with $216 major responsibility for the rescue m!lllon to deal with- health prob­ tasks for the· Zionists-such as encouragtng the study of and rehabilitation ot hundreds of lemii, family_ service, care of the Hebrew, supporting the Chalutz movement, sending ex­ thow;ands or European Jews who aged, child welfare, Jewish educa­ change students to the Hebrew University, sending techni­ manageci to survive World War tion, community relations, voca­ cal experts to Israel and promoting tourist travel to the II, ·and tor: their resettlement, tional ·and o_ther services, and tor Jewish State.
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