UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL LInrr~D A/C.5/34/L.27 ASSEMBLY 28 ITovember 1979 OR1GHJAL: EnGLISH Thirty-,fourth sessio~ FIF'rll COr.Jl~I~'I'Li:. A~enda item 107 (~) fIlTAiJCIlW OF THr UFri'ED !\~ATIOHS PEACE-KEEPING FCRrES r' TII~ I!IDDLn. EAST mUTED iJATICilJS I]'.~)?RGEHCY FORCE AFD U!'!ITED FJI':'IOTlJS DISEr1GAGEI,mnT ODS::IRV:SR FOPCE Argentina ~ Australia ~ Austria ~ _Canada ~ Colcmbia ~ Denmark ~ Genlany, federal Re.Dublic of ~ Ghana '. Ireland, EOr\vay ~'p'-d Sweden,; draft resvlution The General Asse~bly, ?avin~ co~~idered the report of the Secretary-Ge~eral on the financin~ of the United li~tions EDereency Fo~ce and of the United Nations Disengaeemen Observer Force J 1/ as well as the related report of thel'dvisory Committee on ;'.wlinistrative and BUdGetary Questions, 2/ Dearin,', i~ mind Security Council resolutions 340 (1973) of 25 October 1973 ~ 34G (1974~f 6 April 1974; 362 (1974) of 23 October 1974) 368 (1975) of 17 April 1975~ 371 (1975) of 24 July 1975, 373 (1975) of 23 October 1975, 396 (1976) of 22 October 1976, 416 (1977) of 21 October 1977 and 438 (1973) of 23 October 1978, Recallinr~ its resolutions 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973) 3211 B (XXIX) of 29 cIovember 1974) 3374 13 (XXX) of 28 iJoverlber 1975, 31/5 C of 22 Decenber 1976, 32/1! B of 2 Decer'ber 1977 and 33/13 C of 8 December 1978, Jeaffirmin~ its previous decisions regardinr the fact thRt in order to meet the expenditures caused by such operatio~s, a different procedure is reauired froD that applied to ~eet e::penditures of the reeulnr bud0et of the United ~ations, 1/ A/34/582 8."'d Carr.l. ?:-/ A/34/ _ 79--]2823 / ... ~ p. A./C.5/34/L.27 L:nglish PaGe 2 'I'akinr; into account tl1e fact tho.t the economically more developed countries are in a position to F,ake relatively larger contributions and that the econoI!lically less developed countries have ~ relatively limited capacity to contribute towards peace-keeping operations involving heavy expenditures, Bearin~ in mind the special responsibilities of the States permanent members of the ~ecurity Council in the financing of such operations, as indicated in General Assently resolution 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963 and other resolutions of the Assembly. I 1. :ecides to appropriate to the Special Account referred to in section 11, para~'>'ap:1 1 J of General Assenbly resolution 3211 B (XXIX) the amount of ",10 )202 ,000 fo.,' the operation of liquidatinr; the United Nations Imere;ency Force as from 25 JUly 1979, 2. Decides further, as an ad hO£. arrangement, ,,,ithout prejudice to the positions of principle that may be taken by Hem.ber States in any consideration '.:Jy the General Assembly of arrangements for the financing of peace-keeping operations) tc apportion the aJJ.10unt of ,+,10,590)255> among CIember States in the proportions deternined by the scale of assessnents for 1978-1979 and the amount of :)7 )611 ,745 " ong :lenber States in the proportions determined by the scale of assessment;r 1980-1982. and: (c,) J:'c apportion an amount of Co,lO ,924 ,941 for the ab0ve-mentioned nine-n:.onth period ar::Ollg the : :er~~ber States referred to in paragraph 2 (a) of General Assembly resc 8n 3101 (XXVIII), ef which S6,486,532 ~hall be apportioned in the prof-- _ons deter!'1.ined by the scale of assessments for 1978-.1979 and t4 )438,409 in the proportions determined by the scale of assessments for 1980-1982; (b) To ap':p0rtion an ameunt of ~6 )865 )926 for the above-mentioned nine..·r;.ontll period :"~:'C:-_~ the :Iember States referred to in parae;raph 2 (b) ef resolution 3101 (XXVIII) and section 11) paragraph 2 (b), of resolution 3374 ~ (XXX) of which ~3)07GJ033 shall be apportioD~d in the proportions determined by the scale of assess~ents for 1978-1979 an~ ~2,939,S93 in the ~roportions determined by the scale of assessnents for 1900-1982: (c) '1'0 appo~tion an amount of ~403)091 for the acove-mentioned 12-~ont!1 period a~cng ~he ::eEber States referred to in paragraph 2 (c) of resolution 3101 (X)~II~) sEctioL 11) paragraph 2 (c), of resolution 3374 B (XXX) and section IV; rarac;raph 1, of resolution 33/13 C) of which <;223,454 shall be apportioned in the proportions d~t~rmined by the scale of assess~ents for 1978-1919 and y17J,G37 in the propor~jons determined by the scale of assessments for 19bO-19G2, (d) 10 apportion an amount of SS ,042 for the above-r.J.entioned 12,·month period amen[ the l:euber States referred t'J in paragraph 2 (d) of resolution 3101 (~2!III)} section IV, paragraph 1, of resolution 3374 B (XXX), section Ill, ~aracrapll 1) of resolution 31/5 C,section Ill, paragraph 1) of resolution 32/4 B and. sectieD IY) paragranh l} of resolution 33/13 C} of '''hich $4,236 shall be / ... A/C.5/34/L.27 Enr;lish Page 3 apportioned in the proportions determined by the scale of assessments for 1978-1979 and ~3~G06 in the proportions determined by the scale of assessments for 1980-1982 3. pecide~ that there shall be set off arainst the apportionment among I1ember States) as provided in paraGraph 2 above, their respective share in the estimated income of ~~)OOO,OOO other than staff assessment i~cc~e a~~roved for the period from 25 July 1~79 to 24 April 1980 inclusive 4. Decides that, in accordance witll the provisions of its resolution 973 (x) of 15 December 1955) there shall be set off against the appo:=-tionment among ~,lember States, as provided for in paragraph 2 above) their respective share in the Tax Lqualization Fund of the estimated staff assess~ent income of ~)34)000 approved for the period from 25 July 1979 to 24 April 1980 inclusive 11 1. Decides that Solomon Islands and Dominica shall be included in the group of llerlber States mentioned in paragraph 2 (d) of General Assembly resolution 3101 (XXVIII) and that their contributions for the United I!ations Emergency Force shall be calculated in accordance vlith the provisions of paraEraph 6 of Assembly resolution 34/6 A of 25 October 1979: 2. Decides further that, in accordance vrith regulations 5.2 (c) of the Financial ReGulations of the uDlted Pations, the contributions to the United Nations EmerGency Force until 24 July 1979 of the ;lember States listed in paragraph 1 of the present section shall be treated as uiscellaneous income to be set off ~~ainst the ap~ropriations apportioned in s~ction I above, B The General Assembly, HavinG cons idered the report of the Secretar:r·-General on the finRncinr of the United ='ations a:"crr;ency Force and of the Unitecl'!ations Disengagenent Observer Force, 1/ as vlell as the related report of the Advisory Committee on AfuJinistrative and Budc;etary C:uestions, !:../ Bearinf': in nind Security Council resolutions 350 (1974) of 31 I:ay 1974~ 363 (1974) of 29 l;ovenoer 1974, 369 (1975) of 23 I1ay 1975, 381 (1975) of 30 iTovember 1975) 3. 10 (197G) of 28 :1ay 1976, 398 (1976) of 30 fJovel'ber 1976, 408 (1977) of 2C; : lay 1977, 420 (1977) of 30 TTover:her 1977, 429 (1978) of 31 [jay 197d,) 441 (1978) of 30 rJovember 1978, 449 (1979) of 30 nay 1979 and (1979) of ~ove~ber 1979, Hecal1ing its resolutions 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973) 3211 B (XXIX) of 21) ~rovember 1974, 3374 c (XXX) of 2 December 1975. 31/5 D of 22 Dece!1ber 1976,; 32/4 C er 2 December 1077 and 33/13 D of 8 Dece~ber 1978, 1/ A/34/582 and Carr.l. !:../ A/34/__ / ... A/C.5/34/L.27 English PaGe 4 TIeaffirming its previous decisions recardinr, the fact that, in order to meet the expenditures caused by such operations, a different procedure is reouired froTIi that applied to meet expenditures of the regular budget of the United IIations) Takin~ in~o account the fact that the economically more developed countries are in a position to make relatively larger contributions and that the economically less developed countries have a relatively linited capacity to contribute tO~Tards peace-keeping operations involvinG heavy expenditures j Bearin~ in mind the special responsibilities of the States permanent me~bers of the Security Council in the financing of such operations) as indicated in General Assembly resolution 1874 (S-·IV) of 27 June 1963 and other resolutions of the Assembly; I 1. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account referred to in section 11, paragraph 1, of General Assembly resolution 3211 B (XXIX) the aY10unt of ::;8,034.,170 gross (;~7 ;953 )805 net) authorized and apportioned by section III of _'_s3d~~~)ly resolution 33/13 D for the operation of the United lTations Disenc;arseI"lent Observer Force for the period from 1 June to 24 October 1979 inclusive 2. Decides further to appropriate to the Special Account referred to in section 11, paragraph 1 ~ of General Assembly resolution 3211 B (xxrn the a!TIount of ~2,062)827 gross (~2.042~193 net) authorized and apportioned by Assembly resolution 34/7 A of 25 October 1979 for United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 25 October to 30 november 1~79 inclusive 11 1. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account an amount of ~:)12) 578, 000 for the operation of the United IIations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 1 December 1979 to 31 T lay 1930 inclusive: •2.
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