GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority st Vol. LVIII, No. 65 22nd AUGUST, 1980 Price 25c¢ ° 7 General Notice 727 of 1980, 6643ignehie Hedley Miller, with effect from the Ist May, MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL SERVICES 7314 Reijers, Robert, with effect from the ist May, 1980,. : 82Or Brent Munro, with effect from the ist May, Appointment of Acting Secretary | 110816 Hoggins, Raymond Glyn, with effect from the Ist - May, 1980; ; TT isi hereby notified, for public information, that Mr. H. 8S. Clements will act as Secretary for Labour ‘and Social Services 7690 Barker, Graham Whitfield, with effect from ‘the ist from the 18th August, 1980, to the 30th September, 1980. May, 1980; 7935 Gouws, Daniel, with effect from the Ist May, 1980; M. J. THOMPSON, 8111 van Zyl, Petrus Jacobus, with effect from the (2nd 22-8-80. Secretary for Labour and Social Services. May, 1980; : 0789igroom Matthew, with effect from the 2nd May, General Notice 728 of 1980. | ROADS ACT [CHAPTER 262] 8449Kurz, Neville Gordon, with effect from the 2nd May, 7845 Potgieter, Johannes Petrus, with effect from the 2nd Declaration of Distt Road: Ayrshire Rural CouncilArea « May, 1980; 8242 Bennett, Thomas Alan, with effect from the and May,- - THE Minister of Roads and Road:Sade, Posts and Tele- 1980; - communications, in‘ terms of paragraph(a) of section 5 of the 7860Bresler, Robert Orde, with effect from the. 2nd May, . Roads Act. [Chapter 263], hereby deglares the road_ described hereunder and shown on plan 928, ‘held in the office of the | ) | P. K. ALLUM, Secretary for Roads and Road Traffic, Posts and Telecommuni- 22-8-80. - Commissioner of Police. cations, to be a district road. a ‘ Description of rood -General Notice 730 of 1980. POLICE ACT [CHAPTER 98] Reference . 3/74: Fussell’s Road. -- . Appointment of Officers Commencing | On Willsbridge of Barwick’‘Estate, at its junction with Caesar Road (3/63). : IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (2) of section 4 -of the Police Act [Chapter 98}, that His Excellency the Président Passing through . -has, in terms of subsection (1) of that section, appointed the Willsbridge of Barwick Estate. following persons as officers in the Zimbabwe Republic Police, with the rank of detective-inspector: . Terminating . 9415 McDade, Gerald, with effect. from the Ist May, 1980; On Willsbridge of Barwick Estate, at the eastern boundary of Mining Claim 1776B.M. (Ayrshire Rural Council 8027 Varkevisser, Frederick Gordon Nell, with effect from boundary). _ the Ist May, 1980; 7795 Naismith, Harry Graham Guna, with effect from the MAINWARING, ist May, 1980; Secretary for Roads and Road Traffic, , 8648 Lemmer, David Michael, with effect from the 2nd 22-8-80. Posts and Telecomimunications. May, 1980; ’ General Notice 729 of 1980. 9001Allen, Barry Michael, with effect from the 2nd May, POLICE ACT [CHAPTER 98) 8141 Ashburner, Trevor Burnett, with effect from the 2nd May, 1980; Appointment of Officers 8452,James, David Killeen, witheffect from the 2nd May, 8554 Lubbe, Houston’ Rodney, with effect from the 3rd , IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (2) of section 4 of thePolice Act [Chapter 98], that His Excellency the President. May, 1980; - has, in terms of ‘subsection (1) of that section; appointed the 8118 Tubbs, Robert Charles, with effect from the 14th following personsas officers in the Zimbabwe Republic Police,|. May, 1980; with the rankof inspector: 10246 Russell, Murray, with effect from the Ist June, 1980; 8584Carson, Sean Patrick, with effect from the Ist May, 8602, Garrie, Peter Farbridge, with effect from the Ist June, 7519 Peterson, George Henry, with.effect from the Ist May,’ _ 8606 Freeburn, Thomas Leo, with effect from the Ist June, 1980; 7055brent Alan Charlton, with effect from the Ist May, 8838 jBarsess, Kevin Garnet, with effect from the Ist June, . ° 3 2 774 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 22ND AuuSr, 1980 8301 Howard, Keith Allan, with effect fromthe 2nd June, General Notice 734 of 1980. a > | D TRIES ACT[CHAPTER 139| 8360Cross, Adrian Charles, with effect from the 3rd June, - BEDS REGIS TCHAPTER | ; vey es Notification of Cancellation of Deed of Transfer 369/72: Lot 1 8393van Eck,Gideon Grobbelaar, with effect from the 4th ofFarm 1 of Percyvale Estate, Marandellas District 7753 Mullins, Roy Robin, with effect from the Sth June, . To oo "1980; OY NO . oe stom ae = Fane NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Localeoveme + ht ‘ : ~| ment-and Housing intends to direct the Registrar of Deeds a 7042Minchin»Robert Michael Henry, with elfect from the Salisbury to cancel Deed of Transfer 369/72 in terms of sub- 8539 Bacon. "Henry William, with effect from the 11th on (1) of section 18 of the Deeds Registries Act [Chapter Tune, 1980. , , The° property concerned is. Lot 1 of Farm , 1 of Percyvale 22-8-80, Commissar ATM, Estate, situatefa the district of Marandellas. : Any person objecting to the proposedcancellation is hereby . General Notice 731 of 1980. required to lodge his objection in writing, giving his name and CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT address and the grounds of, objection, with the Minister of . _ [CHAPTER 78] : Local Government and Housing, Private Bag 7706, Causeway, . .on or before the 26th September, 1980. Declaration ofPublications as Undesirable and Prohibited | . | °B. J. M. ZVOBGO; 22-8-80. : Minister of Local Government and Housing. IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (3) ft section 12 . of the Censorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter 78], GeneralNotice 735 of 1980. that the Board of Censors has— ESTATE AGENTS ACT [CHAPTER 220] (a) in terms of subsection (1) of thatsection, declared that the publications specified in the Schedule are, in the opinion of the board, undesirable within the meaning Appointment of Registrar of subsection (2) of section 11 of the Act; and {b) in terms of subsection (2) of that section, declared those IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Justice and '. publications to be prohibited. Constitutional Affairs has, in terms. of section 20 of the Estate , Pp. D. W. R. SHERREN, | Agents Act [Chapter 220], appoitited Mr. H. P. G. Miller as . _ _ Chairman, ° Registrar of Estate Agents for the purposes of the Act. 22-8-80. Board of Censors. M. F. GARNETT, . SCHEDULE 22-8-80. Secretary for Justice and Constitutional Affairs. General Notice 736 of 1980, - oS Publications ELECTORAL ACT, 1979 - Arsan, Exnmmanuelle : The Secrets of Emmanuelle . 9 . Grimley, Gordon(editor) . + My Secret Life by “Walter” . co Registration of Voters: White Roll: Notice of Objection on Nye, Robert wo. « Faust ‘. (1980) a Grounds of Death — General Notice 732 of 1980. .CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT! If is hereby notified, in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection [CHAPTER 76] | (2) of section 32 of the Electoral Act,.1979, that the Registrar- General of Elections has reason to believe that the persons Declaration of Undesirable Publications whose names are listed in the Schedule have died, and that, . because of this objection to the names of those persons remain- IT is hereby notified, ing on the White Roll, he intends to remove their names from in terms of subsection (3) of section 12 the roll in terms of subsection (1) of section _ of the Censorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter 78], . 32 of the Act. ' that the Board~of Censors has, in terms of subsection (1) of Unless notice of appeal is given to the Registrar-General of that section, declared that the publications specified in the Elections, Private Bag 7734, Causeway, within 30 days from Schedule are, in the opinion of the board, undesirable within. the date of publication of this notice in the Gazette, or the the meaning of subsection (2) of section 11 of the Act. Registrar-General of Elections withdraws his. objection, on representations made by any person, the names listed in the . P. D. W. R. SHERREN, Schedule will be so removed from theroll. Chairman, 22-8-80. Board of Censors. : R. B. OLIVER, 22-8-80. Registrar-General of Elections. SCHEDULE Undesirable publications Name | Constituency ' ‘ Bannister,Don . Sam Chard - (1979) Archer, Lindsey Denise Avondale Broat,I.G.. .. The Entrepreneur . « (1978) Carey, Rose Florence Avondale London, Louis S., M.D. | . Sexual Deviations in the Male and Dix, Dudley Granville . Avondale in the Female - (1957) Forrest, Lillian Mary ‘Avondale Leslie, Arthur — » Avondale General Notice 733 of 1980. ; Matheson, Marjorie : Avondale © Mundy,Stella Merle Avondale MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER165] . Simleit, Norah Antoinette Avondale. Thomas, Dorothea Marie ‘Avondale . Trixer, Rachel Cancellation of Certificate of Registration: Gwelo District Elsbach Avondale Aucock, Mary Ramsay ' Borrowdale Blake, Brian _’ Borrowdale IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (5) of section 51 Davies, Edward William Moore’ - Borrowdale of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], that the certifi- Gilbert-Green, Gerald Eric Joseph - Borrowdale cate of registration issued in respect of the under-mentioned Jones, Fred ‘ - block was cancelled on the 9th July, 1980, Borrowdale in terms of para- Went, Rita Cecily Borrowdale - graph (a) of subsection (1) of section 51 of the said Act. Bedforth, Norman : Registered . Bulawayo Central number: 16527. Brown, Kate Elizabeth Bulawayo Central Name: Robconn. * Jercinovic, Danko _ ’ Bulawayo Central ' Registered holders: David James Connick and Kenneth Robin-. Solomon, Mary Hannah Bulawayo Central son, tradifig as Robconn Syndicate. Alexander, ‘Dorothy Maureen Brigid . Bulawayo North Number of claims: Ten.. ‘ . ‘Bundock,. Gwendolen Bulawayo North Charlton, Rebecca - Mineral: Gold reef. - Bulawayo North Haskins, Frances Elizabeth Aletta Bulawayo North © J. L. M. SHELTON, Langmead, Charles Bulawayo North 22-8-80. Mining Commiissioner, Gwelo. Pretorius, Willem Andries Bulawayo North ZIMBABWEAN GoverNMENT GAZETTE, 22ND AucusT, 1980 TTS - Name _ Constituency | General Notice 738 of 1980. Scott, George Lawrence | Bulawayo North , MINES AND MINERALSACT [CHAPT.ER 165} Skelton, Herbert BulawayoNorth - Barkley, Beatrice Maud ° i.
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