from there they are reshipped to all parts of the United States. Radio Features "A cargo of 1.5(H) pounds of fish, MORGAN YOUNG 11 oday’s PUBLISH FISH packed in ice, is carried on each trip. T.F. RYAN, 2ND Rnoay. Jan. 1ft The interior of the cabin has been (CciUral Standard 7i».*J redesigned and a specially construct- Who Is Your Friend? 1:00—Orchestra and Cavaliers: Symphonic Feature*—WEAK tv TAM WWJ ed refrigerator, lined with non- KYW WOW KSL» WDAF KVuo WKAA KOA WOC rusting metal and cork insulation, t 7:10—Then and Now; Soncn of the United States Government, has TO! Popular Yesterday and Today—WOR PLANE ARTICLE has been installed. A standard-type MRS. REA WED Although APPOINTED KMOX Kt>11. WKRC WCCO W11AQ j 30 in the «.30— Review: Instrumental and Vocal—WJZ KOKA WI.VV WtR KTW refrigerator door, by 30 inches, requested all banks and Trust Companies KWK WREN K3TH KVUO WKAA KPRC WOAI WHAS WSM WSB permits of loaoding the cargo quick- United States to make loans on Soldier’s Adjusted KOA KSL KGO K 1*0 KKI KGW KOMO KHy WKBC Current Du Pont Ma- ly- • :0—l.iKhf Opera. Operet a KDKA Grandson of Financier Service Certificates, we are the bank this Eacerpts—WJZ WJR WLW KTW "I re?h fish do not long retain only sida/>f i KWK WREN WTM.I KOA WlfAS WSM WMC WSB KVOO WKAA PARLEY Tells of In- their freshness in regions whore Houston and San which has been makffl DEBT WoAl KPO KG-* KOMO Antonio, KPRC KGW KM KHQ KSL KSTP WOC gazine Married Daughter * *•—« •halten*er»—WJZ KOKA KWK KOA WHAS WSB WJR WLW high temperatures prevail, as is the these loans. W.~ : KVOO WOAI KSL KPO KGO KF7 Kill* KOL'O KYW WTMJ Here 1 ease at Brownsville—the southern- t\ l dustry Of J. Moorhead Kellogg Notified Of most town in Texas. Considering — Since January, 1927, we have never refused a valley radio The current issue of the Du Pont this, you can understand why this NEW Jan. 18- 14*'-Thomas YORK. on a War Veteran’s certificate. Does this mean KWW(.— V alley Radio Station Magazine, house organ of the Du “flying refrigerator-’ is needed to j Indeminity Meet Ap- Fortune Ryan. 2nd, grandson of the nrownstrre Pont industries, devotes a top half prevent the spoilage of such perish- I anything to you? We are the only bank in South- late Thomas Fortune finan- En- news with illustrations to the local able Ryan, west pointments By 4:00-5:&fc p ni.—Associated Press dispatches and Valley from page cargoes.” ; Texas, responding to the Government’s appeal, Herald, followed musical industry. — cier. and the former Mr*. Margaret The Brownsville by njnibcrs. fish-by-airplane and aid to our From Britain radio The article is rendering ex-soldiers. voy 5:55-6:00—World Bookman, popular feature. captioned “Flying Moorhead Rea were on a secret [ jj 6:00-7:00- Musical numbers. Fish—1929'’ and the story is built GROWERS, SHIPPERS honeymoon today after a surprise Bring your to the which is will- 1 WASHINGTON. .Ian. 18.—<**—J. 12 m. -Featured midnight Friday program. up around the quotation: jj deposits bank, TO DISCUSS PLANS marriage at the Municipal huiidint. j i mg to you. P. Morgan, head ot the powerful “On the road to Mandalay, help SATURDAY A. M. They appeared at the marriage and W here the flyin’ fishes /* banking hou.*e of J. P. Morgan and studio play license bureau before «t 11:no-11u a. m.- Musical numbers specialties. The article in follows: shortly fot part FAN BENITO. Jan. 18.-Officers tmpany. and Ow<-n lb Yoffng, 11:00-11:30—Popular and *emi-cla»s’cai selections from the closed yesterday accompanied by tw<» “When Rudyard Kipling penned and a number of members of the START AN ACCOUNT HERE TODAY theater organ icrnote control. friends, obtained a license and were mer agent general for reparations Capitol by these famous lines, fish flew- but Rio Grande 1‘ntato Growers Associa- and chairman of the Gen- 11:5S-12:00—Local and general weather forecast and bulletin on married immediately by City Clerk payments not in a hundred-mile-an-hour Stin- tion and potato shippers of the \ al- have been Rio Grande. Michael J. Cruise in his office. 4ro Interest on eral Klertrir company, non-Detroiter monoplane. ley will meet at a dinner at the Savings to attend the conference, on Mr, Ryan, who gave his age as 29 raipied “Tomorrow morning, if you should Stonewall Jackson Hotel Friday night and his as rancher, is a German in Pari*. Thom- to 1939 occupation reparation* sit down to a dainty portion of fresh formulate jdans for the po- Boston member of an old and prominent as Nelson Perkirs, lawyer I fish, there is tho possibility that it tato season. It is understood thst <r the as the and also the Roman Catholic His father, _ of ago question of decid- several in rules family. go in an unofficial lapacity have come to your breakfast changes existing will [ may John inherited ap- l commission, was chosen it ing h«w will be discussed. Barry Ryan, reparation- administration has made it plain ; long Germany pay the table, at least part of the way, by * made an an- one-fifth of the estate I as an alternate. 1 The dinner has been proximately First • annuities, sine® no limit was fixed air a flying fish in a flying re- j National the problem Bank The selection”, expected for -ev- considers reparation* nual affair in order to thresh out all left by Thomas Fortune Ryan, esti- hy the I>awes frigerator. For Harry Stewart, a were th* 01 c. plan. differences of which i mated from fioo.opo.noo to *520,000,- rrgi day*, made by repara- huropean citizen of Brownsville. opinion may at the fortbcom- = progressive 00<t. tions commission, arid Sir hsme Anions problems arise relative to rules and regula- Brownsville, Texas i Ll'CM LETTER FOR Texas, ha* formed a unique aerial j called conference i* the one centering ; BIGAMIST tion* and to formulate definite plan i The bride is the daughter of the jj Howard. Rriti.-h ambassador, ins whose chief that Herman.' transportation company serson. late and mem- at the -late department to around the proposal for the shipping John Moorhead. Jr., yesterday — hail from the fishing “THE FRIENDLY instead : MANCHESTER. Eng. Leonard passengers ber a BANK” advise Kellogg pay a fixed amount annually of family that has figured in officially Secretary grounds of Soto la Marina in the Both Mr. Mor- ,,f the $600,000,1*00, plus a prosper-] Kirkaldy nine years ago received a HEI.PS BIG STATION the steel industry. Her marriage to of the appointments. Gulf of Mexico. by the letter from an BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. Jan. 18.—f/PN O. Rea. son of the former gan and Mr. Young are expected to ity settlement prescribed uncle telling him Mr*. Henry There is also the “The planes—there are three of —WKBC, a 10 watt station, is known president of the rail- accept Mr. Young has been prom- Hawes plan. ques-j Kirkaldy had died. He married again Pennsylvania ns tion of the disposal of 14,000,000,000 them in *11—are Wright-motored as Alabama's “emergency broadcast- road. was a social event in Pitts- inently metttioned probablv, month was a ago and arrested for the Ans- chairman of the conference which is in Herman reparations bonds under Stinson-Detroiters. They rush ing station.-’ Operated hy H. I.. burgh in 1922. She obtained a di- last meet- bigamy, his wife not having died. fish from the banks an it on the air vorce Rea expected to meet in Pari* in Febru- the plan drawn up by the fre*hly caught ley. amateur, goes from in Pittsburgh last the international committee Luckily he had saved the letter and to Brownsville, more than l.>0 miles only when its big brother here, year. In her license she gave her ary. ing of j was in an The I'mted State- delegations wlH of reparations experts four years the prosecution dropped. distant, hour and a half, and WBRC, is incapacitated. age as 29. THE GUMPS— ? —Sidney Smith I r—---^ ■ -—* i J. S. FORD & SONS • I REAL ESTATE INSURANCE RENTALS LOANS j | Brownsville, Texas ..... Dependable Prompt BROWNSVILLE TITLE COMPANY Brownsville Complete abstracts of title to lands in Cameron County, Texas f GEORGE B. SIMPSON COMPANY^! Certified Publ ic Accountants Brownsville San Antonio Washington }]i (Successors to: Simpson, Chenault, Carneiro & Company) ETTA KETT — Another Can Opener Cook! —Paul Robinson 1^11 Phone 902 1928 .. -, I nnninnw-1... _________ _______ | ( Cora -At ! SKELTON ABSTRACT CO., Inc. t-'K— ] PROMiStO )—u-- j \ j Ctfe.dA TVA ? HtM HOME EAVS <~ TJimPLY I Capital $25,000 t Oc *i k\om I A mo i cmt* W Brownsville, Texas Abstractors of Land Titles \ tCLN V*ATEto-J Yu\*n Ut AK:-1 | ~mn<; sov&a.—'v<cu ,-• IJ'MKTF kho* (—0 Gm *so PERRY L. KING & CO. 'TiK^.ocr AUDITING—GENERAL ACCOUNTING INCOME Beswvofc* TAX KEBV IC*S Systems. Organisation and Statistical Report* Business Control HOME Aw toco- Travis Nixon — Building COOKING ** Building San Antonio. Trias. Corpus Christi. Teias. ^ our,'. La Joya Gravel Co. I INCORPORATED 1 MISSION, TEXAS BOX 554 I ■ _L J_L GCOFEY MOVIE —Neher I A CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the ] publie to visit our plant and the careful IT MOUJ OO VOJ EXPECT TO GET A JOS \ inspect / and thorough testing methods in use which assure only of the C IN) THE ClQCUS IP VOU CAnJT OO A j pipe [ ) highest quality being delivered to the purchaier.
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