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' ' " ' I...:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . io—i»^|f ' v......I. - • • • booKs . » 1 ¦ ¦ . .. EEOBiT. ^B^.O........_ _. •¦'¦-, . •.....^ . JAN ARY.. AND 1 EJDKX TO BOOKS PUBLISHES * lk QBM^T BRITAIN BETWEEN U 1 15 T 14, 15 Htf JAN T;O ' ¦ ¦ BRITAIN FR031 TJAR Y 16-^18 } .. ¦ BOOKS' -CraBAT 1 15' ¦ ¦¦¦ PUBIiiS^EDr ...... J ¦ ¦> ...;: . ...... • ¦ ' . aooKS . * l^iuGAN T^sry^ . .: .; '. '... .;. ................:.::.......... 18—20 - j WEN BOOKS AND BOOKS LATELY PJfBLJ S .. ,.. ...*...... - 22—27 | r ^ED . : fcDUCA^iONAL Bd^K^ ' 1 .........../.. ..; . 1 28r-63 : ' I ENGLISH XANGtrAGE ;. ¦ 29, 32, 33, 38—42, 49, J>0 6ji, ¦ ! ! ..^. ¦ ¦ •¦ ,. fe f I* ¦ ¦ . - * *- • i . \ * /' > I FREN CH, GERMAN , AND ITALIAN : 36, 37; 42—48, 51, 63 j IH- COPYKi\jr x BOOKSouyivo .............. ..........»••....;...V.. 30ou, 33o», 6ui7' - {,• I ATLASE 3 AND MAP ^. T .-. ... ..i... -.. • ?. 30, 31, 34" j Miscellan eous- .........;...... ! • ^.......:... ..w'7i ~77 % BlftTHp AY OABDS AJ fD ,VALENTINES... ....;... ...'.......;./i^.;... 72i ^ ....^ \ vU8HrBsi ^s; :..>.:; ro , ; ^STA^TS^^;^ A 1J ^B|J | ,.w. 77 | ' m**PAKT * OTXUTkBIX UAX1UXJH ^tfi^.. v .. ...i' , ^...iw^I'•» ;77,r Books FdR s. ^ ' nV..... .' ...:.......,..., 78 ! >-i YH ¦' vw BooksBM lll iiTO wanted^TT A UTrrt > tom'/vf^ pitr'i ^ f w^ gha.se^ mr a >¦*• . ' ' 78r-$8^^ « ' ~a jlI I { J I ' I 3>TX>3a3X: TO ^,X> -V-EDE2 ,T?I SB3I6 S [j " ¦ ¦ ¦cker maa h (A.) i ..../. 72 Hurst & Blackett... 28 Owen & Co. (Oordi fl) *...••¦ -66 &• ¦ ¦rrow radth (J. W.), Bristol . .65 Hodder & Stou ghton 24 Pagea (W. ) ;.... 76^ $ ¦S!L^k-.. "" »w yv -.-.- ,.ty v.V:%*? .-• 61vi irHuttaubn v*-(O**/,X • •»• ?3°*» Paperrupee Makers<tat *KC?v Circularvirvmar ....••••••..../..< .. &Ap|> .^ ftt »totyp*^ e;(The) . Company .......... 76 Iablster (Wm.) : 57 Pa rtri dge & Go. .V.'.V;"7^ {V ¦SM S^ W,) ,..:. 2168 K«mt , & Co; 49, 56 PJ WlUps (JB [. S.) \.^t0.M' ¦jBt er J ^oas . ....; Letts , Son, & Co 68a Ph ilips (& O.) •#. 6)8 A ¦wifeCo. • . Id. T^Almmnd (O0f dA Ar.fin i.. 8«. R7 RnhnntivA: XCe&alalra ,'. H« ^xV i illI f «f«j5o. 74 JUM ?l^ood & Oo.... i.. 36, 87 Robsb ^& KoicBla^o • .w. -. .Vv?^St Wh f f ¦2S 8<)[ta * . ^5' Xongmans , Groen , & Co 31, 50, 62 Roebpok^vM ^>) , .......,^ f. ^v2 ^ff0f^ 111 ¦aj rtoe f Sons * .;..... .* 661 ilkbvejoy (Readln gr) 72 Seccombe\F:> ^..*...; J 'telv&;- •>• .• ¦£if»,& Co. (Colcheoter ) .; Q0, ,havr St Oo... 22, 25, 46, 54, 60, 63, 69, 70 Seel<#^ ^..C*^i i ^av... ...:..w..^i^;W> |. j !| ¦ggr fc Son ..;..; ,; .1.. W Moclaoblan & Stewart (Edinbur gh)..fiO Simpkin & Co.....a ... 50, 56, 61* »5;J7O !: K, «*y»o& & SQna • , Mi ^jn iUau $ ,Qo. ..........;... 27-29 Simipaoii, B^iwliawj Beyfcg ^^ '68 ^j ' n »••• • ^ (J. .:: ^ ^ BSs!S ' i' "' 'Mv<V... 35,»3, 75,^1 Mftxwe71 & J *.) ,.y.r >,............:,. ^'^-gpiiipieiiachelhFf ^Oo*....^..;;-.,^^ ' ,*'*^ U R»tw^ A^..:.v..;:..;.;:IS Me ^es,&^.^iiib ^h) ^x Raidin g &^^ ge '.^;...,.>;.- .;: Vk;¦ r} HSS ^^^ ?8 •*• • • • •... 74 Mi4tod^dq;caliloiM Company •... .70 Sj>ottl«woode & Co. .......... H .;;..: ie^f ! ., r ,, , Vimil $^mE6inHnx ib :f ¦ ¦SlSgffpo. ^.. 73 Ottort wiXX^Ptito$>#&: * 1 . - M^^mmi^^)m . i. J ;:....... 7fr& ; 0 ; ^'.t.,,.: ,.' ¦..' , ::72 W»^ ^>i: |W pfi^ i¦ 7 .- " ..-.*;¦¦ -7^ " • SJSBir.waNBfci.: if. .'•/ ¦: _i v • «7..; M rirrav. f j S^V^O ^it!^ffeir'f^.y- ^.'J - ' ' .:.^*<^>^iatfi*$ ^l^ ^P«ft 'tf£S VTt'.v »P.1 ^^^ i I'-i « T:•s> ' •?'*.: ... ' .. " 'M* ' ¦ - : ;1'I ^K? i ' ^ ¦ ; ¦Ej ^W ^ta ^-v 42?, 43 , Mm *b& *^^^ -. • * - t ¦B ^ iH»%^^ ¦¦^^ 1 ;' , f ¦ ¦;, ¦ •> ^ 'i - '•••• ^W#i»Mlfe|fe r>- ^^ ^ •¦• W -W4Hi ^ral *^^^ .v; :7tf^ $ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ^ ¦ ' f^U^. V.)« -.-. V.ftr.t>;y.*Jf.-i"f f 'J** P .yv* - * ^**.- -jr.' .* y ' 1 f -i f, ¦/] '. »* *Vr -V* 2; s ~1~~ "; ¦ **¦ ' ¦ • r ^"<- 1 ¦ '- '¦ " ¦ •¦¦ !'Ii ;j i* i i.ii ¦ ¦ ''. *' •¦<.'. - <7 .v(? ".y-'/T- . r. ~ --¦. .; ¦' .' ¦ ' ¦ ., . j-yj.' .; »¦- —¦ .-; . •¦;- ,,* •,;¦ r-. •.-. - ,> -r r. r-f fa : ¦¦ * - '•¦ ' • j ¦ * ¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ " >..*« *.. , —>r _ -_ - >.V'. ¦ ~V ¦ - ^*'?>-^-*v T f f.^;.jv^J T^MtMl **¦¦ ' ' *'^' .^•- | yAy^v ; . - ' ¦f>"' i-''' ' . -'S^y »^ • j, . 'TV/.ii-S-frTf < *Tj SM-. .' . .* V ' "? ;tV''». " ' tfi . ,. - ' */' : . ^i- ^^J tJwSjHiSMrKSHB 2 • The Publishers ' Circular jan. l& iM' THE MILES MEMORIAL FUND.—The Subscriptions to this Furi a >« ¦* #»• #•» » J*"» >>"» TT « • - -U -M- amount up to the pre sent time to about £600.^> ^-* It is proposei to keep the fund open till the end of the pr esent month. Intendini subscribers should therefore send in their subscrip tions before thai date, after which it is prop osed to pr int and p ublish the list of subscribers. »^^ - ¦ ^^^^ r ^— -— '^r' '^^ ^^^ ^ —' ^^ — -^^ ^ -^ -^^ r ^ — — ^r ^ m£ ~^^ ~^^ ~^* ¦ ™r ^^ ^^ ^^ • » ^ ^ ^ — ~™~ ^^ — " — — T —g — —"^ ^p — m p ^"" w — ^^ ^ ^^ V V Subscriptions may^ be sent to William Henry Cross, Esq.,^ St. Bartholomew^^ ^^ ^J^J 's* J Hospital ; James Moore, Esq., 34 Finsbury Circus ; E. Marston, Esq., 4 Publishers1 Circular Office ; or J. Whitaker, Esq., Bookseller Office . — — 188 Fleet Street , London , E.O. : Jan. 15, 1885. rTVHE onwar d march of education , despite the gloomy asseverations of the Hon. Lyulph JL Stan ley that Englan d is behind the times in the great work , is noticeable on all sides ; and if Mr. Chamberlain 's programm e is carried out by the next Parliament , Fre e Schools will ultimatel y become the ru le. Even as matters stan d, intellectual training is placed so com- pletely within the reach of all classes of the people at a merel y nominal pr ice, that education is alread yV virtuall yW free , except to the poorest of the poor ;- and the movements to s ^ uppA «F .* ly penny dinners to those children in the Board School s whose parents are unable to pr ovide for their littl e ones is another proof that no effort will be spared by our public men to meet the needs of the people. The connection between physical health and mental growt h is so int imate , an d the capaci ty of the brain to meet the demands of the educator so largel y |s i* ponds upon the vigour of the body, that very much is to be said in {favour of bri nging the ! s :><io lmaster and the medical man more frequentl— -y into conf erence , and it is to be hoped- j i . rtjiat , while the oppo rtunities of education are increased , this view of the subject will receive due consideration. In any case , the determination to incr ease rather than diminish the expen diture on school s and all that is connected with them is evidentl y common to all parties ; and thus , whatever may be the result of the politic al movement s now in progres s, nothing is likely to retard the work which Mr. Mundella and his colleagues have in hand. Turn ing to the share in that work which is allotted to the publishers , booksellers , and stationers , we find activity and enterprise ruling on all sides. The issue, by Messrs. Smith , Elder , & Co. , of the first volume of the ' Dictionary of National Biograp hy ' is, in effect, a significant proo f of intellectu al progress ; for the entry on a scheme of such magnitude pre- supposes a demand for the work which could only exist in an age of educational prog ress. In the sam e field , the publication of the admirable ' Stormonth Dictionary, ' by Messrs. BIiAckwood , and the ' Dictionary of English History / by Messrs . Cassell <fc Co., are ' signs of the times,' prov ing that the wants of public educati onists are bein g liberall y met . Mr. Murra y still distances all competitors by his series of Dr. William Smith 's Dictionari es, ranging from the great er works for the stu dy of the scholar and divine , down to the handy , the schoolboy 's desk ;r while his - ~ — — ^ — ~ — - -, — - ^— j a3 volumes for ^^ ' Student' s Manu als ' also hold their ground care f ully compiled summaries , dealing briefl y but fully with their various subjects. Messrs. Macmii xan & Co., in their ' Classical Series ,' hav e a well-edited set of texts ; and , for the modern side of the school , their ' Science Primers ' and ' History and Literature Pr imers completely cover the groun d. Messrs . Seeley & Co. have adopted in their * Chea p School Books ' a conven ient arrangement , by which each volume gives sufficient material for one term's wor k , with notes by compe tent editors . The books for youn g pup ils, by Dr. Abbott, thethe Heahead-mas d-mast ter er ofor thetne successfulsuccessrui Citvuity ofor Londonjuonaon eclioolSchool,, are issued hvby thetlm samename nrfirmzn.. Thei»P Cjlarek don Pj ress, of which Mr. Henry Frow de is th e manage r in ' the Row,' combines in its w^T~rw~r •— ^~— »-— --- —- — ' — — — ^~~ ~™» m — ~ •—¦ * * M^ ^^ ^^ T ** ^ a^ ^^ *••» 1 ii> jmiWf'm ^• •m ^ r ^^ w Addisoiv issues a large selection of the Eng1 lish Classics—Shak speare , Milton , Chaucer , Spenser , Bacon , and Dryden—with a strong infusion of good edition s of the Lat in and Greek authorauthors s. Messrs.lYLessrs. Wjwjixiamixiam Blackwoodjcslackwood <sc& Sons»ons , inin additionaddit ion to their editionsaclitinna of the StormStor znw^onth Dictiona ries alread y mention ed, hav e some valua ble Manu als of Physical Geograp hy »"<* ¦—* ¦¦ ¦ ¦ w^v mmm» m* ¦* ¦ ' ¦ ' r~> -~- _» -— — — — ¦ •• ¦¦ J | j> w*^ ¦— school <• m • ' Mkkah l— ^ 0»^ ^ «^ ^* w "^ qj Dr.
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