10 THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, MAY 21. 1*95. MARIMC IXTEI.I.IGF.M F.. AITIO\ WALKS. LEGAL MIES. LEGAL SALES. LE94I. S.(i.i:*. ~ — SAVANNAH. Tuesday, May 21. lv. SHTERfiThr7Lrr>rTGK”TYTATTr'AND (84) eighty-four, Springfield plantation, as CITY^HI^tTFI^S^AKE! COUNTY TAXES, YEARS 185*1- 92-18 W appears by map c f- * i. • * Sheriff's Office, City court of Savannah. System Sun rises 3:03 AND 7*B*4. four. F’a. page (2S7>. Chatham county.■ Savannah. <!a.. May 6. IMS.—Under an<l by tax Georgia, by Plant Sun sets 6:57 I. I). I.nIUH IIM, iui’lfonrer, UNDER and virtue of certain Records of Deeds. Said lot virtue of an ex-.-utipn issuing out of fi fa’s issued by James J. McGowen, lax number (?) three having an eastward the elty court of Savannah In favor of ~ Georgia, TlswCsrd It, IMPS— •hewn High water at Ft. Pulaski, 3:*'6 am: 5:13 pm. Hy virtue of r-W granted by th*- collector ut uhatham count)', front of (24) twenty-four feet on Ogeechee Southern Home Building and Loan As- to kifrrt May Time at s*vanaafc VOtti meridian an and place*! in road, High water at Savannah, 5:43 am: 6 ui pm. Honorable H mn-fort I*. frVrrill, ordinary for state and county taxes by a depth of *B6* eighty feet west- sociation against Edna X. Middleton. I GOING SOUTH-BEAJJ jjffwN. i GOING NORTH—READ UP county, my hands for lollec ’ion by levy and sale, ward on street. day upon following 75th Meridian Time. for Chatham <Ja., 1 will sell btfoiv following Centre have this levied the 19* | 67 j i~| ! at | 79 | ) the court hou*e (loor In the city of Ba- I have levied upon the de- McLean. Virginia Southwestern fourth described property as the propertv of the i Time hail on Cotton Exchange drops. vannah. Ga., during the legal hours of sert bed property of the defendants, said of lot number (22) twenty-two. Bartow defendant, to wit: AJI those certain lots - 12 m., 75th Meridian. sale to the highest an<l bent bidders, for property being returned upon the tax di- ward, and Improvements, city of Savan- of land known as the southern half, or *. j)2u3am H 40aro LvPtllad lphlaAr 10 46am 345 am! gest property of cash, on day June, of said county as the nah. portion of lot Xo. being a TI'KSIiAY. the 4th of defendants, I will 1. subdivision ARKI\ Kl) BELOW VESTKBIIU. lv*‘, 12 shares of the capital *tock of the the said named and JOHN. T. RONAN. of farm lot No. 9. the property of Inhul- Savannah Hotel par offer tlie said property of the persons Sheriff C. Cos.. Georgia. said half portion having a front- Schooner John F. Krart7„ McDonald, Company, of the out- sen. or value of slfi per share. of the hereinafter named for sale at public age Of HO feet on the west side of Mid- Roi kport, Mass., for Key West, for harbor, One share City 4 fupm Lv. Fay' tterilleAr 9 35pm 10 capital stock of the Vernon l'ark Com- cry before the court house door of Chat- CITY MARSHALS SALE. lUr- dleton street and a rectangular depth of 1 12 53am 55am leaking.—Harriss A Cos. ham county, in the city of Savannah, on shal’s Office. Ga., April 3). 7 05am 306pm 11 15pm 5 07am Lv Charleston Ar 494 pm su3amll3ham pany. ir feet on Von Bergen street, being * of the par value of $lw); live <5 *4*n) Savannah. and Lv Augusta..Ar l3 capital the first Tuesday. It being the fourth 1886.—Under and by virtue of executions on the northwest corner streets, I 2 15pm ; 11220pm J ' ARRIVED VESTEHDAV. shares of the stocK of the Mu- day legal of said 82i8m pm Lv. Beaufort ISpm tual Protective Ice Company, of the par of June, 1895, during the hours for the JEFFERSON STREET PAVE- with all improvement thereon. Also lot 330 .Ar 6 1050am tax Terms ment, s 15am 4 30pm 12Otenr 6 uParnLv.. Yemassee Ar pm l 42am 8 . tktZ; Steamship Kansas City, Fisher, New value of sl< per share Four <4 > shares of of sale to satisfy said fi fa's. placed In my hands hy C. S. liar- Xo. 2 of L. J. Collins' subdivision, as 200 10am city sell, required 1010am 63opni 7 35am Ar. Savannah Lv 12 39pm 12'JOn't 6 ... iy Vork—C. G. Anderson. Agent. the capital stock of the Savannah Soap cash. doe, treasurer. I will as shown by maps recorded in Chatham coun- I%|H 10am B•Si' works, of the par value s2.'* per share Purchasers paving for titles. by the city ordinance, l*efore the court ty Hecords Book folio of levy, etc., in ti EsT 251, said lot CLEARED YESTERDAY. Twelve (12) shares of the capital stock of Defendants notified of house. In the city of Savannah, county Xo. 2 having a frontage of Ida feet on the Company writing. JOHN T. RON AN. of Chatham, of Georgia, between a (Hr), the Summerville Hotel of Sum- state south side of Collins street, and rec- Steamship City of Truro Fulcher. merville 8. of $25 per Sheriff C. Cos.. Ga. the law-ful hours of sale, on the FIRST tagular depth of Morgan Ling & C.. of the par value 42u feet on Rotterdam.—J. M. Cos. share, (2> shares erf capital TUESDAY IN 1895. the following street, being Smith, and two the seven JUNE. and on the southeast corner 55pm Ar * 7 Steamship Naooorheo. New York Conuany Anderson. Oforge W.—(lDO) hun- property (lot improvements thereon), i 9 j 6 20am II 2iam .Dupont Lv 31am; 26pm 4 25am 431pm stork of the Savannah Plumbing district, and of Collins and Morgan streets, with all —C. G. Anderson. Agent. of the par of per share, upon which dred acres of land. Ogeechee to wit: Each piece of property ilot anil Improvements thereon. the de- Thomson, Garllclt, Phil- Georgia. All above Steamship Elihu $7 per Chatham county, improvements levied on as the scribed property Tying being * G. Anderson, Agent. last mentioned sto-k share has —Half of number (13) thereon* and in the ' j 5 06pm At Ocala L 12 42pm ; adelphia.—C. returned and credited on the scrip. Above Baket, Mary H. lot property of the per*et or persons whose town of Pooler, I Chatham county, Geor- ~| Bipm.Ar .Tampa .. Lv payments of thirteen, Gue ward, and Improvements, name Immediately precede the gia. 1 soopm 8 15am i MEMORANDA. is sold for distribution and or names And I will proceed to offer same for T P. RAVENKL, city of Savannah. description; all of the said property (lot sale at on debts. Augustus—Eastern half of lot publlcoutcry the FIRST TIES 63opm Ar.Port iampiLv 7 ' Charleston, S. C., May 21.—Arrived, tor- Administrator Estate of Thomas Gadsden. Baric, and improvements thereon) situate, lying DAY in June. 1895, (same being (3) Troupe ward, and Im- the 4th pedo boat Cushing, Fletcher, Washington, Deceased. number three. and being in the city of Savannah: days of the month!, during the legal proceeded provements, rlty of Savannah A. hours of sale, 111 front to Savannah. Beinkainpcn. Anna—(l one-third of of the court door y 35pm ArPalrn Beach. Lv 5 00am Rich- x> Mrs. S. L. Allen, north part of south in Chatham county, j '* Sailed steamer Czarina. ward, to satisfy said exe- j i 55pm 1 40pm I schooners Georgetta Lawrence, lot number <4i four, Cuthbert and half lot 9, Gue ward. cution. 1 12 Ar.Galnesvllle.Lv mond, Va.: SALE. city of Savannah. 143pm Ar.. .Ocala Lv 12 Rollent. New York; William Linthlcur.t, EXECUTOR'S Improvements, F. Asendorf, south half lot 1, Berrien Property described In execution. 1 j 42pm Brannoek, Georgetown. Ronaud. A., Est.—Lot of land at Isle of ward. notified of levy. HOpm Ar.. Sanford...Lv 126am i 00pm Auctioneer, Improvements, county, Defendant pm Ar Tampa „Lvj 8 Georgetown, May I. D. InROCHE, Hope and Chatham B. Terms cash. purchaser for 1 600 15am. I S. C., 2b.—Sailed.' Georgia. paving T B. Hotel Lv | schooners Wacoamaw. Squires, New order grant- W. E. Behnken, lot 77, Gue ward. titles. WILLIAM F. BLOIS, i Ar York: Vnder and by virtue of an Bourqiilne, Gttgle.—(3d) fifty acres of land E. Stevens. Vanaman. Boston. hy Hampton Sheriff C. C.. S. \ Anne ed the Hon. L. Ferrill. or- at Harden's swamp, Chatham county, „ - lODpm . 12 I9pm Ar aldosta Lv 335am 3 4Upm Sailed 19th. schooner Samuel W. Hall, dinary for Chatham county, Georgia, I Mrs. J. A. Collins, trustee, lot 14. Ber- G. B. I\ hatley. Plaintiff's attorney. Mumforl, New York in Georgia. rien ward. will sell before the court house door Bourqiilne, (lulilemaln—(3dd) during three hun- W. Cooper, [ art lot 1, Berrien New York, May IS.—Arrived schooner the city of Savannah. Ga., the le- as H. south CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. Fearing, Clifford, Savannah. gal dred acres of land, known the Carit- ward. Office, city Daniel B. hours of sale on TUESDAY, the 4th plate, Chat- Sheriff's Court of Savannah Cleared schooner D. I). Haskell, Haskell, day of June, IS%: tnathan and improvements, James Collins, lo* 6. Currytown warJ. Savannah, Ga., May 6. 1895.—Under and by Jacksonville. tract White ham county, Georgia W. O. lot 34. Berrien ward. virtue of All that of land, east of the Hrannen, (40) Charlton, an execution Issuing out of the Sailed, schooner Arthur McArdle, Bruns- Bluff road, city Eliza M.—lsOt number W.
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